; SCCSID = @(#)emsincos.asm 13.5 90/03/27 page ,132 subttl emsincos - fsin, fcos and fsincos ;*** ;emulator.asm - 80387 emulator ; ; IBM/Microsoft Confidential ; ; Copyright (c) IBM Corporation 1987, 1989 ; Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation 1987, 1989 ; ; All Rights Reserved ; ;Purpose: ; Code for fsin, fcos and fsincos ; ;Revision History: ; See emulator.hst ; ;*******************************************************************************
lab eFsincosStackOver or SEL[CURerr], StackFlag or Invalid test SEL[CWmask], Invalid JSZ eFsincosStackOverRet
mov SEL[rsi.lMan0], 0 ; st(0) = Ind mov SEL[rsi.lMan1], 0c0000000h mov SEL[rsi.wExp], 7fffh - IexpBias mov SEL[rsi.bTag], bTAG_NAN mov SEL[rsi.bFlags], bSign
mov SEL[rdi.lMan0], 0 ; st(-1) = Ind mov SEL[rdi.lMan1], 0c0000000h mov SEL[rdi.wExp], 7fffh - IexpBias mov SEL[rdi.bTag], bTAG_NAN mov SEL[rdi.bFlags], bSign
mov SEL[CURstk], rdi ; push stack lab eFsincosStackOverRet ret
lab eFSINCOS mov esi, SEL[CURStk] ; esi = st(0) mov edi, esi PrevStackElem edi ; edi = st(-1)
cmp SEL[edi.bTag], bTAG_EMPTY JSNE eFsincosStackOver
cmp SEL[esi.bTag], bTAG_NAN JSNE eFsincosNotSNaN
test SEL[esi.bMan7], 40h JSNZ eFsincosNotSNaN
test SEL[CWmask], Invalid JSNZ eFsincosNotSNaN
or SEL[CURerr], Invalid ret
lab eFsincosNotSNaN ifdef NT386 push eax mov eax, dword ptr SEL[rsi] mov dword ptr SEL[rdi], eax mov eax, dword ptr SEL[rsi+4] mov dword ptr SEL[rdi+4], eax mov eax, dword ptr SEL[rsi+8] mov dword ptr SEL[rdi+8], eax add rsi, Reg87Len add rdi, Reg87Len pop eax else push ds ; Copy current stack into st(-1) pop es movsd movsd movsd endif
call eFSIN PUSHST call eFCOS
lab eFcosSpecial mov esp, ebp pop ebp
mov SEL[RESULT], esi
mov al, SEL[esi.bTag] cmp al, bTAG_ZERO JSNE eFcosInf
lab eFcosRetOne mov SEL[esi.lMan0], 0 mov SEL[esi.lMan1], 080000000h mov SEL[esi.wExp], 3fffh - IexpBias mov SEL[esi.bFlags], 0 mov SEL[esi.bTag], bTAG_VALID ret
lab eFcosInf cmp al, bTAG_INF JE RetIndInv
lab eFcosNaN jmp OneArgOpNaNRet
localT temp localB SignFlag
cBegin mov esi, SEL[CURstk]
cmp SEL[esi.bTag], bTAG_VALID jne eFcosSpecial
or SEL[CURerr], Precision
and SEL[esi].bFlags, not bSign ; st(0) = fabs( st(0) );
call SinCosReduce ; Set ah to condition code.
add SEL[esi].wExp, IExpBias
push SEL[esi].wExp push SEL[esi].lMan1 push SEL[esi].lMan0 lea ecx, [temp] push ecx
mov bl, ah ; if octant 2, 3, 4, or 5 then final and bl, bOCT2 or bOCT4 ; result must be negative mov [SignFlag], bl
test ah, bOCT1 or bOCT2 ; if octant is 1, 2, 5, 6 then must jpo CosCallSin ; do sin()
call __FASTLDCOS jmp short CosCopyRes
CosCallSin: call __FASTLDSIN
CosCopyRes: mov eax, dword ptr [temp] mov SEL[esi].lMan0, eax mov eax, dword ptr [temp+4] mov SEL[esi].lMan1, eax
mov ax, word ptr [temp+8] sub ax, IExpBias mov SEL[esi].wExp, ax
cmp [SignFlag], 0 jpe CosDone
or SEL[esi].bFlags, bSign ; Make result negative. CosDone:
lab eFsinSpecial mov esp, ebp pop ebp
mov al, SEL[esi.bTag] cmp al, bTAG_ZERO JSNE eFsinInf
lab eFsinZero ret
lab eFsinInf cmp al, bTAG_INF JE RetIndInv
lab eFsinNaN jmp OneArgOpNaNRet
localT temp localB SignFlag
cBegin mov esi, SEL[CURstk]
cmp SEL[esi.bTag], bTAG_VALID jne eFsinSpecial
or SEL[CURerr], Precision
mov al, SEL[esi].bFlags and SEL[esi].bFlags, not bSign
shl al, 1 ; shift sign into carry. sbb cl, cl ; set cl to -1 if argument is negative.
push ecx call SinCosReduce ; Set ah to condition code. pop ecx
cmp SEL[esi].bTag, bTAG_ZERO je SinDone
add SEL[esi].wExp, IExpBias
push SEL[esi].wExp push SEL[esi].lMan1 push SEL[esi].lMan0 lea ebx, [temp] push ebx
mov bl, ah ; if octant 4, 5, 6 or 7 then final and bl, bOCT4 ; result must be negative
neg cl ; set cl to odd parity if arg was < 0.0 xor bl, cl ; set bl to odd parity if result must be negative
mov [SignFlag], bl
test ah, bOCT1 or bOCT2 ; if octant is 1, 2, 5, 6 then must jpo SinCallCos ; do cos()
call __FASTLDSIN jmp short SinCopyResult
SinCallCos: call __FASTLDCOS
SinCopyResult: mov eax, dword ptr [temp] mov SEL[esi].lMan0, eax mov eax, dword ptr [temp+4] mov SEL[esi].lMan1, eax
mov ax, word ptr [temp+8] sub ax, IExpBias mov SEL[esi].wExp, ax
cmp [SignFlag], 0 jpe SinDone
or SEL[esi].bFlags, bSign ; Make result negative. SinDone:
lab SinCosReduce mov SEL[TEMP1.bFlags], 0 ; TEMP1 = pi/4 mov SEL[TEMP1.bTag], bTAG_VALID mov SEL[TEMP1.wExp], 3ffeh-IExpBias mov SEL[TEMP1.wMan3], 0c90fh mov SEL[TEMP1.wMan2], 0daa2h mov SEL[TEMP1.wMan1], 2168h mov SEL[TEMP1.wMan0], 0c235h
ifdef NT386 mov edi, TEMP1 else mov edi, edataOFFSET TEMP1 endif
push esi call InternFPREM ; rsi = st(0), rdi = st(0) pop esi
mov ah, SEL[SWcc]
test ah, bOCT1 ; check for even octant jz EvenOct ; yes
add SEL[esi.wExp], IExpBias ; convert to true long double
push ds push esi push cs push ecodeOFFSET PIBY4 push ds push esi push -1 call __FASTLDADD ; st(0) = pi/4 - st(0) mov ah, SEL[SWcc]
sub SEL[esi.wExp], IExpBias ; convert to squirly emulator long double
EvenOct: retn
labelW PIBY4 dw 0c235h, 02168h, 0daa2h, 0c90fh, 3ffeh
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; NOTE tedm: NT masm can't handle floating-point constants ; ; because strtod and _strtold C-runtimes aren't ; ; there. So the constants below must be pre- ; ; assembled and defined as a byte stream. ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ifdef NOTDEF
staticT FourByPI, +0.1273239544735162686151e+01
staticT SinP0, +0.7853981633974483096141845e+00 staticT SinP1, -0.8074551218828078152025820e-01 staticT SinP2, +0.2490394570192716275251900e-02 staticT SinP3, -0.3657620418214640005290000e-04 staticT SinP4, +0.3133616889173253480000000e-06 staticT SinP5, -0.1757247417617080600000000e-08 staticT SinP6, +0.6948152035052200000000000e-11 staticT SinP7, -0.2022531292930000000000000e-13
staticT CosP0, +0.99999999999999999996415e+00 staticT CosP1, -0.30842513753404245242414e+00 staticT CosP2, +0.15854344243815410897540e-01 staticT CosP3, -0.32599188692668755044000e-03 staticT CosP4, +0.35908604458858195300000e-05 staticT CosP5, -0.24611363826370050000000e-07 staticT CosP6, +0.11500497024263000000000e-09 staticT CosP7, -0.38577620372000000000000e-12
staticB FourByPI, <02Ah,015h,044h,04Eh,06Eh,083h,0F9h,0A2h,0FFh,03Fh>
staticB SinP0 , <035h,0C2h,068h,021h,0A2h,0DAh,00Fh,0C9h,0FEh,03Fh> staticB SinP1 , <0DAh,095h,0F2h,02Dh,031h,0E7h,05Dh,0A5h,0FBh,0BFh> staticB SinP2 , <0E9h,0C6h,056h,0ADh,03Bh,0E3h,035h,0A3h,0F6h,03Fh> staticB SinP3 , <0D5h,0E7h,05Dh,015h,073h,066h,069h,099h,0F0h,0BFh> staticB SinP4 , <0BCh,032h,069h,0E1h,042h,01Ah,03Ch,0A8h,0E9h,03Fh> staticB SinP5 , <021h,077h,004h,05Fh,0A1h,0A5h,083h,0F1h,0E1h,0BFh> staticB SinP6 , <0FCh,01Ah,0D1h,006h,0CCh,063h,077h,0F4h,0D9h,03Fh> staticB SinP7 , <04Ah,003h,086h,040h,07Ch,065h,02Ch,0B6h,0D1h,0BFh>
staticB CosP0 , <0FFh,0FFh,0FFh,0FFh,0FFh,0FFh,0FFh,0FFh,0FEh,03Fh> staticB CosP1 , <02Fh,0F2h,02Eh,0F2h,04Dh,0E6h,0E9h,09Dh,0FDh,0BFh> staticB CosP2 , <02Fh,04Eh,0D5h,0DAh,040h,0F8h,0E0h,081h,0F9h,03Fh> staticB CosP3 , <09Dh,0DEh,06Ah,0E4h,0F1h,0E3h,0E9h,0AAh,0F3h,0BFh> staticB CosP4 , <031h,01Eh,0F9h,081h,041h,083h,0FAh,0F0h,0ECh,03Fh> staticB CosP5 , <076h,0B1h,000h,0A4h,01Eh,0F6h,068h,0D3h,0E5h,0BFh> staticB CosP6 , <0D8h,005h,06Fh,08Ah,0EAh,00Ah,0E6h,0FCh,0DDh,03Fh> staticB CosP7 , <003h,0D5h,00Ah,0ACh,0CCh,035h,02Ch,0D9h,0D5h,0BFh>
cProc __FASTLDSIN,<PLM,PUBLIC>,<isi,idi>
parmT x parmI RetOff
localT x2 localT poly localI count
lea isi, [x] ; x = x * (4/PI) push ss push isi
push ss push isi
mov iax, codeOFFSET FourByPI push cs push iax
lea idi, [x2] ; x2 = x * x push ss push idi
push ss push isi
push ss push isi
if 0 push ss pop es lea idi, [poly] mov isi, codeOFFSET SinP7 movsw movsw movsw movsw movsw endif mov eax, dword ptr [SinP7] ; poly = SinP7 mov dword ptr [poly], eax mov eax, dword ptr [SinP7+4] mov dword ptr [poly+4], eax mov ax, word ptr [SinP7+8] mov word ptr [poly+8], ax
lea isi, [poly] mov idi, codeOFFSET SinP6
mov [count], 7
SinPolyLoop: push ss push isi ; poly = poly * x2
push ss push isi
lea iax, [x2] push ss push iax
push ss push isi ; poly = poly + SinP[n]
push ss push isi
push cs push idi
xor iax, iax push iax call __FASTLDADD
sub idi, 10
dec [count] jnz SinPolyLoop
push ss push [RetOff] ; return x * poly
lea iax, [x] push ss push iax
push ss push isi
mov iax, [RetOff] mov idx, ss cEnd
cProc __FASTLDCOS,<PLM,PUBLIC>,<isi,idi>
parmT x parmI RetOff
localT x2 localI count
lea isi, [x] ; x = x * (4/PI) push ss push isi
push ss push isi
mov iax, codeOFFSET FourByPI push cs push iax
lea idi, [x2] ; x2 = x * x push ss push idi
push ss push isi
push ss push isi
if 0 push ss ; (return) = CosP7 pop es mov idi, [RetOff] mov isi, codeOFFSET CosP7 movsw movsw movsw movsw movsw endif mov isi, [RetOff] mov eax, dword ptr [CosP7] mov dword ptr ss:[isi], eax mov eax, dword ptr [CosP7+4] mov dword ptr ss:[isi+4], eax mov ax, word ptr [CosP7+8] mov word ptr ss:[isi+8], ax
mov idi, codeOFFSET CosP6
mov [count], 7
CosPolyLoop: push ss push isi ; (return) = (return) * x2
push ss push isi
lea iax, [x2] push ss push iax
push ss push isi ; (return) = (return) + SinP[n]
push ss push isi
push cs push idi
xor iax, iax push iax
sub idi, 10
dec [count] jnz CosPolyLoop
mov iax, isi mov idx, ss cEnd