Copyright (c) 1990 Microsoft Corporation Copyright (c) 1993, 1994 Digital Equipment Corporation
Module Name:
This module implements the code necessary to dispatch exceptions to the proper mode and invoke the exception dispatcher.
David N. Cutler (davec) 3-Apr-1990
Kernel mode only.
Revision History:
Thomas Van Baak (tvb) 12-May-1992
Adapted for Alpha AXP.
Forrest Foltz (forrestf) 30-Dec-1999
Broke out increasingly complex and common alignment fault handling into this file.
#include "ki.h"
// EXINFO_EFFECTIVE_ADDRESS: slot number [0...4] for faulting address.
#if defined(_IA64_)
#else // !_IA64_
#endif // !_IA64_
// Data misalignment exception (auto alignment fixup) control.
// If KiEnableAlignmentFaultExceptions is 0, then no alignment
// exceptions are raised and all misaligned user and kernel mode data
// references are emulated. This is consistent with NT/Alpha version
// 3.1 behavior.
// If KiEnableAlignmentFaultExceptions is 1, then the
// current thread automatic alignment fixup enable determines whether
// emulation is attempted in user mode. This is consistent with NT/Mips
// behavior.
// If KiEnableAlignmentFaultExceptions is 2, then the behavior depends
// on the execution mode at the time of the fault. Kernel-mode code gets
// type 1 behaivor above (no fixup), user-mode code gets type 0 above
// (fixup).
// This last mode is temporary until we flush out the remaining user-mode
// alignment faults, at which point the option will be removed and the
// default value will be set to 1.
// N.B. This default value may be reset from the Registry during init.
ULONG KiEnableAlignmentFaultExceptions = 1;
#define IsWow64Process() (PsGetCurrentProcess()->Wow64Process != NULL)
#if DBG
// Globals to track the number of alignment exception fixups in both user and
// kernel.
ULONG KiKernelFixupCount = 0; ULONG KiUserFixupCount = 0;
// Set KiBreakOnAlignmentFault to the desired combination of
// the following flags.
Routine description:
Given that an alignment fault has been encountered, determines whether a debug break should occur based on the execution mode of the fault and flags in KiBreakOnAlignmentFault.
PreviousMode - The execution mode at the time of the fault.
Return Value:
TRUE if a debug break should occur, FALSE otherwise.
{ if ((KiBreakOnAlignmentFault & KE_ALIGNMENT_BREAK_USER) != 0 && PreviousMode == UserMode) {
return TRUE; }
if ((KiBreakOnAlignmentFault & KE_ALIGNMENT_BREAK_KERNEL) != 0 && PreviousMode == KernelMode) {
return TRUE; }
return FALSE; }
// Structures to track alignment fault locations on a global basis. These
// are used in the checked kernel only, as an aid in finding and fixing
// alignment faults in the system.
typedef struct _ALIGNMENT_FAULT_IMAGE {
// Head of singly-linked list of fault locations associated with this image
// Total number of alignment faults associated with this image.
ULONG Count;
// Number of unique alignment fault locations found in this image
ULONG Instances;
// Name of the image
BOOLEAN KiNewGlobalAlignmentFault( IN PVOID ProgramCounter, IN KPROCESSOR_MODE PreviousMode, OUT PALIGNMENT_FAULT_IMAGE *AlignmentFaultImage );
NTSTATUS KipRecordAlignmentException( IN PVOID ProgramCounter, OUT PALIGNMENT_EXCEPTION_RECORD *ExceptionRecord );
PALIGNMENT_EXCEPTION_RECORD KipFindAlignmentException( IN PVOID ProgramCounter );
PALIGNMENT_EXCEPTION_RECORD KipAllocateAlignmentExceptionRecord( VOID );
BOOLEAN KiHandleAlignmentFault( IN PEXCEPTION_RECORD ExceptionRecord, IN PKEXCEPTION_FRAME ExceptionFrame, IN PKTRAP_FRAME TrapFrame, IN KPROCESSOR_MODE PreviousMode, IN BOOLEAN FirstChance, OUT BOOLEAN *ExceptionForwarded )
Routine description:
This routine deals with alignment exceptions as appropriate. See comments at the beginning of this module.
ExceptionRecord - Supplies a pointer to an exception record.
ExceptionFrame - Supplies a pointer to an exception frame.
TrapFrame - Supplies a pointer to a trap frame.
PreviousMode - Supplies the previous processor mode.
FirstChance - Supplies a boolean variable that specifies whether this is the first (TRUE) or second (FALSE) time that this exception has been processed.
ExceptionForwarded - On return, indicates whether the exception had already been forwarded to a user-mode debugger.
Return Value:
TRUE if the alignment exception was handled, FALSE otherwise.
{ BOOLEAN AlignmentFaultHandled; BOOLEAN NewAlignmentFault; BOOLEAN EmulateAlignmentFault; BOOLEAN ExceptionWasForwarded; BOOLEAN AutoAlignment; NTSTATUS Status; PVOID ProgramCounter; PVOID EffectiveAddress; #if DBG
// Assume the fault was not handled and that the exception had not
// been forwarded to a user-mode debugger.
AlignmentFaultHandled = FALSE; ExceptionWasForwarded = FALSE;
if (FirstChance != FALSE) {
// This is the first chance for handling an exception... we haven't yet
// searched for an exception handler.
EmulateAlignmentFault = FALSE; AutoAlignment = FALSE; ProgramCounter = (PVOID)ExceptionRecord->ExceptionAddress;
// Determine whether autoalignment is enabled for thread. If a DPC or
// an interrupt is being executed, then we are in an arbitrary thread
// context. Per-process and per-thread settings are ignored in this
// case.
if (IsWow64Process() != FALSE) {
// For now, autoalignment is on (both user and kernel) for Wow64
// processes.
AutoAlignment = TRUE; }
if (PreviousMode == UserMode && (KeGetCurrentThread()->AutoAlignment != FALSE || KeGetCurrentThread()->ApcState.Process->AutoAlignment != FALSE)) {
// The fault occured in user mode, and the thread and/or process
// has autoalignment turned on.
#if defined(_IA64_)
// On IA64 platform, reset psr.ac bit to disable alignment check
TrapFrame->StIPSR &= ~(ULONGLONG)(1ULL << PSR_AC);
#endif // defined(_IA64_)
AutoAlignment = TRUE; }
if (PreviousMode == UserMode && PsGetCurrentProcess()->DebugPort != NULL && AutoAlignment == FALSE) {
BOOLEAN DebuggerHandledException; PALIGNMENT_EXCEPTION_RECORD AlignmentExceptionRecord;
// The alignment exception is in user mode, there is a debugger
// attached, and autoalignment is not enabled for this thread.
// Determine whether this exception has already been observed
// and, if so, whether we should break into the debugger.
Status = KipRecordAlignmentException( ProgramCounter, &AlignmentExceptionRecord ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { AlignmentExceptionRecord = NULL; }
if (AlignmentExceptionRecord != NULL && AlignmentExceptionRecord->AutoFixup != FALSE) {
// The alignment exception record for this location
// indicates that an automatic fixup should be applied
// without notifying the debugger. This is because
// the user entered 'gh' at the debug prompt the last
// time we reported this fault.
EmulateAlignmentFault = TRUE;
} else {
// Forward the exception to the debugger.
ExceptionWasForwarded = TRUE; DebuggerHandledException = DbgkForwardException( ExceptionRecord, TRUE, FALSE );
if (DebuggerHandledException != FALSE) {
// The user continued with "gh", so fix up this and all
// subsequent alignment exceptions at this address.
EmulateAlignmentFault = TRUE; if (AlignmentExceptionRecord != NULL) { AlignmentExceptionRecord->AutoFixup = TRUE; } } }
} else if ((KiEnableAlignmentFaultExceptions == 0) ||
(AutoAlignment != FALSE) ||
(PreviousMode == UserMode && KiEnableAlignmentFaultExceptions == 2)) {
// Emulate the alignment if:
// KiEnableAlignmentFaultExceptions is 0, OR
// this thread has enabled alignment fixups, OR
// the current process is a WOW64 process, OR
// KiEnableAlignmentFaultExceptions is 2 and the fault occured
// in usermode
EmulateAlignmentFault = TRUE;
} else {
// We are not fixing up the alignment fault.
#if defined(_IA64_)
// On IA64 platform, set psr.ac bit to enable h/w alignment check
TrapFrame->StIPSR |= (1ULL << PSR_AC);
#endif // defined(_IA64_)
#if DBG
// Count alignment faults by mode.
if (PreviousMode == KernelMode) { KiKernelFixupCount += 1; } else { KiUserFixupCount += 1; }
EffectiveAddress = (PVOID)ExceptionRecord->ExceptionInformation[EXINFO_EFFECTIVE_ADDRESS];
NewAlignmentFault = KiNewGlobalAlignmentFault( ProgramCounter, PreviousMode, &FaultImage ); if (NewAlignmentFault != FALSE) {
// Attempt to determine and display the name of the offending
// image.
DbgPrint("KE: %s Fixup: %.16s [%.16s], Pc=%.16p, Addr=%.16p ... Total=%ld %s\n", (PreviousMode == KernelMode) ? "Kernel" : "User", &PsGetCurrentProcess()->ImageFileName[0], FaultImage->Name, ProgramCounter, EffectiveAddress, (PreviousMode == KernelMode) ? KiKernelFixupCount : KiUserFixupCount, IsWow64Process() ? "(Wow64)" : "");
if (AutoAlignment == FALSE && KI_BREAK_ON_ALIGNMENT_FAULT( PreviousMode ) != FALSE && ExceptionWasForwarded == FALSE) {
if (EmulateAlignmentFault == FALSE) { DbgPrint("KE: Misaligned access WILL NOT be emulated\n"); }
// This alignment fault would not normally have been fixed up,
// and KiBreakOnAlignmentFault flags indicate that we should
// break into the kernel debugger.
// Also, we know that we have not broken into a user-mode
// debugger as a result of this fault.
if (PreviousMode != KernelMode) { RtlMakeStackTraceDataPresent(); }
DbgBreakPoint(); } }
// Emulate the reference according to the decisions made above.
if (EmulateAlignmentFault != FALSE) { if (KiEmulateReference(ExceptionRecord, ExceptionFrame, TrapFrame) != FALSE) { KeGetCurrentPrcb()->KeAlignmentFixupCount += 1; AlignmentFaultHandled = TRUE; } } }
*ExceptionForwarded = ExceptionWasForwarded; return AlignmentFaultHandled; }
NTSTATUS KipRecordAlignmentException( IN PVOID ProgramCounter, OUT PALIGNMENT_EXCEPTION_RECORD *ExceptionRecord ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine searches for an existing ALIGNMENT_EXCEPTION_RECORD on the per-process list of alignment exceptions. If a match is not found, then a new record is created.
ProgramCounter - Supplies the address of the faulting instruction.
ExceptionRecord - Supplies a pointer into which is placed the address of the matching alignment exception record.
Return Value:
STATUS_SUCCESS if the operation was successful, or an appropriate error code otherwise.
--*/ { PALIGNMENT_EXCEPTION_RECORD exceptionRecord; NTSTATUS status;
// Lock the alignment exception database
KeEnterCriticalRegion(); ExAcquireResourceExclusive( &PsLoadedModuleResource, TRUE );
exceptionRecord = KipFindAlignmentException( ProgramCounter ); if (exceptionRecord == NULL) {
// New exception. Allocate a new record.
exceptionRecord = KipAllocateAlignmentExceptionRecord(); if (exceptionRecord == NULL) {
status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; goto exitUnlock; }
exceptionRecord->ProgramCounter = ProgramCounter; }
exceptionRecord->Count += 1; *ExceptionRecord = exceptionRecord;
ExReleaseResourceLite( &PsLoadedModuleResource ); KeLeaveCriticalRegion();
return status; }
PALIGNMENT_EXCEPTION_RECORD KipAllocateAlignmentExceptionRecord( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
This is a support routine for KipRecordAlignmentException(). Its purpose is to locate an available alignment exception record in the per-process alignment exception list. If none is found, a new alignment exception table will be allocated and linked into the per-process list.
Return Value:
A pointer to the new alignment exception record if successful, or NULL otherwise.
--*/ { PKTHREAD thread; PKPROCESS process; PALIGNMENT_EXCEPTION_RECORD exceptionRecord; PALIGNMENT_EXCEPTION_TABLE exceptionTable; ULONG exceptionTableCount;
// Free exception records have a NULL program counter.
exceptionRecord = KipFindAlignmentException( NULL ); if (exceptionRecord == NULL) {
thread = KeGetCurrentThread(); process = thread->ApcState.Process;
// Ensure that we haven't exceeded the maximum number of alignment
// exception tables for this process. We could keep a count but we
// do not care about performance here... this code only executes when
// the process is running under a debugger and we're likely about
// to break in.
exceptionTableCount = 0; exceptionTable = process->AlignmentExceptionTable; while (exceptionTable != NULL) { exceptionTableCount += 1; exceptionTable = exceptionTable->Next; }
if (exceptionTableCount == MAXIMUM_ALIGNMENT_TABLES) { return NULL; }
// Allocate a new exception table and insert it at the
// head of the per-process list.
exceptionTable = ExAllocatePoolWithTag( PagedPool, sizeof(ALIGNMENT_EXCEPTION_TABLE), 'tpcX' ); if (exceptionTable == NULL) { return NULL; }
RtlZeroMemory( exceptionTable, sizeof(ALIGNMENT_EXCEPTION_TABLE) ); exceptionTable->Next = process->AlignmentExceptionTable; process->AlignmentExceptionTable = exceptionTable;
// Allocate the first record in the array
exceptionRecord = &exceptionTable->RecordArray[0]; }
return exceptionRecord; }
PALIGNMENT_EXCEPTION_RECORD KipFindAlignmentException( IN PVOID ProgramCounter ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine searches the alignment exception tables associated with the current process for an alignment exception record that matches the supplied program counter.
ProgramCounter - Supplies the address of the faulting instruction.
Return Value:
A pointer to the matching alignment exception record, or NULL if none was found.
thread = KeGetCurrentThread(); process = thread->ApcState.Process;
// Walk the singly-linked list of exception tables dangling
// off of the process.
exceptionTable = process->AlignmentExceptionTable; while (exceptionTable != NULL) {
// Scan this table looking for a match.
exceptionRecord = exceptionTable->RecordArray; lastExceptionRecord = &exceptionTable->RecordArray[ ALIGNMENT_RECORDS_PER_TABLE ];
while (exceptionRecord < lastExceptionRecord) { if (exceptionRecord->ProgramCounter == ProgramCounter) {
// Found it.
return exceptionRecord; } exceptionRecord++; }
if (ProgramCounter == NULL) {
// Caller was looking for a free exception record. If one exists
// it will be in the first table, which was just examined.
break; }
// Go look in the next exception table.
exceptionTable = exceptionTable->Next; } return NULL; }
#if DBG
// The following routines are used to maintain a global database of alignment
// faults that were found in the system. Alignment faults are stored according
// to the name of the image and the offset within that image. In this way an
// existing alignment fault record will be found if it occurs in the same image
// loaded at a different base address in a new process.
// Pointer to fault image associated with this location
// Linkage for singly-linked list of fault locations associated with the
// same image.
// Offset of the PC address within the image.
ULONG_PTR OffsetFromBase;
// Number of alignment faults taken at this location.
ULONG Count;
// The maximum number of individual alignment fault locations that will be
// tracked.
#define MAX_FAULT_IMAGES 128
ALIGNMENT_FAULT_LOCATION KiAlignmentFaultLocations[ MAX_FAULT_LOCATIONS ]; ULONG KiAlignmentFaultLocationCount = 0;
ALIGNMENT_FAULT_IMAGE KiAlignmentFaultImages[ MAX_FAULT_IMAGES ]; ULONG KiAlignmentFaultImageCount = 0;
KSPIN_LOCK KipGlobalAlignmentDatabaseLock;
VOID KiCopyLastPathElement( IN PUNICODE_STRING Source, IN OUT PULONG StringBufferLen, OUT PCHAR StringBuffer );
PALIGNMENT_FAULT_IMAGE KiFindAlignmentFaultImage( IN PUCHAR ImageName );
PLDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY KiFindLoaderDataTableEntry( IN PLIST_ENTRY ListHead, IN PVOID ProgramCounter, IN KPROCESSOR_MODE PreviousMode );
BOOLEAN KiIncrementLocationAlignmentFault( IN PALIGNMENT_FAULT_IMAGE FaultImage, IN ULONG_PTR OffsetFromBase );
BOOLEAN KiGetLdrDataTableInformation( IN PVOID ProgramCounter, IN KPROCESSOR_MODE PreviousMode, IN OUT PULONG ImageNameBufferLength, OUT PCHAR ImageNameBuffer, OUT PVOID *ImageBase ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine returns the name of the image that contains the supplied address.
ProgramCounter - Supplies the address for which we would like the name of the containing image.
PreviousMode - Indicates whether the module is a user or kernel image.
ImageNameBufferLength - Supplies a pointer to a buffer length value. On entry, this value represents the maximum length of StringBuffer. On exit, the value is set to the actual number of characters stored.
ImageNameBuffer - Supplies a pointer to the output ANSI string into which the module name will be placed. This string will not be null terminated.
ImageBase - Supplies a pointer to a location into which the base address of the located image is placed.
Return Value:
Returns TRUE if a module was located and its name copied to ImageNameBuffer, or FALSE otherwise.
--*/ { PLIST_ENTRY head; PPEB peb; PLDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY tableEntry; BOOLEAN status;
// Since we may be poking around in user space, be sure to recover
// gracefully from any exceptions thrown.
try {
// Choose the appropriate module list based on whether the fault
// occured in user- or kernel-space.
if (PreviousMode == KernelMode) { head = &PsLoadedModuleList; } else { peb = PsGetCurrentProcess()->Peb; head = &peb->Ldr->InLoadOrderModuleList; }
tableEntry = KiFindLoaderDataTableEntry( head, ProgramCounter, PreviousMode ); if (tableEntry != NULL) {
// The module of interest was located. Copy its name and
// base address to the output paramters.
KiCopyLastPathElement( &tableEntry->BaseDllName, ImageNameBufferLength, ImageNameBuffer );
*ImageBase = tableEntry->DllBase; status = TRUE;
} else {
// A module containing the supplied program counter could not be
// found.
status = FALSE; }
} except(ExSystemExceptionFilter()) {
status = FALSE; }
return status; }
PLDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY KiFindLoaderDataTableEntry( IN PLIST_ENTRY ListHead, IN PVOID ProgramCounter, IN KPROCESSOR_MODE PreviousMode ) /*++
Routine Description:
This is a support routine for KiGetLdrDataTableInformation. Its purpose is to search a LDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY list, looking for a module that contains the supplied program counter.
ListHead - Supplies a pointer to the LIST_ENTRY that represents the head of the LDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY list to search.
ProgramCounter - Supplies the code location of the faulting instruction.
Return Value:
Returns a pointer to the matching LDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY structure, or NULL if no match is found.
--*/ { ULONG nodeNumber; PLIST_ENTRY next; PLDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY ldrDataTableEntry; ULONG_PTR imageStart; ULONG_PTR imageEnd;
// Walk the user- or kernel-mode module list. It is up to the caller
// to capture any exceptions as a result of the lists being corrupt.
nodeNumber = 0; next = ListHead;
if (PreviousMode != KernelMode) { ProbeForReadSmallStructure( next, sizeof(LIST_ENTRY), PROBE_ALIGNMENT(LIST_ENTRY) ); }
while (TRUE) {
nodeNumber += 1; next = next->Flink; if (next == ListHead || nodeNumber > 10000) {
// The end of the module list has been reached, or the
// list has been corrupted with a cycle. Indicate that
// no matching module could be located.
ldrDataTableEntry = NULL; break; }
ldrDataTableEntry = CONTAINING_RECORD( next, LDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY, InLoadOrderLinks ); if (PreviousMode != KernelMode) { ProbeForReadSmallStructure( ldrDataTableEntry, sizeof(LDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY), PROBE_ALIGNMENT(LDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY) ); }
imageStart = (ULONG_PTR)ldrDataTableEntry->DllBase; if (imageStart > (ULONG_PTR)ProgramCounter) {
// The start of this module is past the program counter,
// keep looking.
continue; }
imageEnd = imageStart + ldrDataTableEntry->SizeOfImage; if (imageEnd > (ULONG_PTR)ProgramCounter) {
// Found a match.
break; } } return ldrDataTableEntry; }
VOID KiCopyLastPathElement( IN PUNICODE_STRING Source, IN OUT PULONG StringBufferLen, OUT PCHAR StringBuffer ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine locates the last path element of the path name represented by Source and copies it to StringBuffer.
Source - Supplies a pointer to the source UNICODE_STRING path.
StringBufferLen - Supplies a pointer to a buffer length value. On entry, this value represents the maximum length of StringBuffer. On exit, the value is set to the actual number of characters stored.
StringBuffer - Supplies a pointer to the output string buffer that is to contain the last path element. This string is not null terminated.
Return Value:
--*/ { PWCHAR src; PCHAR dst; USHORT charCount;
// The name of the module containing the specified address is at
// ldrDataTableEntry->BaseDllName. It might contain just the name,
// or it might contain the whole path.
// Start at the end of the module path and work back until one
// of the following is encountered:
// - ModuleName->MaximumLength characters
// - the beginning of the module path string
// - a path seperator
charCount = Source->Length / sizeof(WCHAR); src = &Source->Buffer[ charCount ];
charCount = 0; while (TRUE) {
if (charCount >= *StringBufferLen) { break; }
if (src == Source->Buffer) { break; }
if (*(src-1) == L'\\') { break; }
src--; charCount++; }
// Now copy the characters into the output string. We do our own
// ansi-to-unicode conversion because the NLS routines cannot be
// called at raised IRQL.
dst = StringBuffer; *StringBufferLen = charCount; while (charCount > 0) { *dst++ = (CHAR)(*src++); charCount--; } }
BOOLEAN KiNewGlobalAlignmentFault( IN PVOID ProgramCounter, IN KPROCESSOR_MODE PreviousMode, OUT PALIGNMENT_FAULT_IMAGE *AlignmentFaultImage ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine looks for an existing alignment fault in the global fault database. A new record is created if a match could not be found. The count is incremented, and a pointer to the associated image record is returned.
ProgramCounter - Supplies the code location of the faulting instruction.
PreviousMode - Supplies the execution mode at the time of the fault.
AlignmentFaultImage - Supplies a location into which the pointer to the associated ALIGNMENT_FAULT_IMAGE structure is placed.
Return Value:
TRUE if an existing alignment fault match was not found, FALSE otherwise.
--*/ { ULONG_PTR imageOffset; CHAR imageNameBuffer[ MAX_IMAGE_NAME_CHARS + 1 ]; ULONG imageNameBufferLength; PCHAR imageName; PALIGNMENT_FAULT_IMAGE alignmentFaultImage; BOOLEAN newFault; BOOLEAN foundLdrDataInfo; PVOID imageBase; KIRQL oldIrql;
imageNameBufferLength = MAX_IMAGE_NAME_CHARS; foundLdrDataInfo = KiGetLdrDataTableInformation( ProgramCounter, PreviousMode, &imageNameBufferLength, imageNameBuffer, &imageBase ); if (foundLdrDataInfo == FALSE) {
// Couldn't find an image for this program counter.
imageBase = NULL; imageName = "Unavailable";
} else {
imageNameBuffer[ imageNameBufferLength ] = '\0'; imageName = imageNameBuffer; }
// Acquire the spinlock at synch level so that we can handle exceptions
// from ISRs
imageOffset = (ULONG_PTR)ProgramCounter - (ULONG_PTR)imageBase; oldIrql = KeAcquireSpinLockRaiseToSynch( &KipGlobalAlignmentDatabaseLock ); alignmentFaultImage = KiFindAlignmentFaultImage( imageName ); if (alignmentFaultImage == NULL) {
// Image table must be full
newFault = FALSE;
} else {
newFault = KiIncrementLocationAlignmentFault( alignmentFaultImage, imageOffset ); } KeReleaseSpinLock( &KipGlobalAlignmentDatabaseLock, oldIrql );
*AlignmentFaultImage = alignmentFaultImage; return newFault; }
BOOLEAN KiIncrementLocationAlignmentFault( IN PALIGNMENT_FAULT_IMAGE FaultImage, IN ULONG_PTR OffsetFromBase ) /*++
Routine Description:
This is a support routine for KiNewGlobalAligmentFault. Its purpose is to find or create an alignment fault record once the appropriate alignment fault image has been found or created.
FaultImage - Supplies a pointer to the ALIGNMENT_FAULT_IMAGE associated with this alignment fault.
OffsetFromBase - Supplies the image offset within the image of the faulting instruction.
Return Value:
TRUE if an existing alignment fault match was not found, FALSE otherwise.
// Walk the location table, looking for a match.
faultLocation = FaultImage->LocationHead; while (faultLocation != NULL) {
if (faultLocation->OffsetFromBase == OffsetFromBase) { faultLocation->Count++; return FALSE; }
faultLocation = faultLocation->Next; }
// Could not find a match. Build a new alignment fault record.
if (KiAlignmentFaultLocationCount >= MAX_FAULT_LOCATIONS) {
// Table is full. Indicate that this is not a new alignment fault.
return FALSE; }
faultLocation = &KiAlignmentFaultLocations[ KiAlignmentFaultLocationCount ]; faultLocation->Image = FaultImage; faultLocation->Next = FaultImage->LocationHead; faultLocation->OffsetFromBase = OffsetFromBase; faultLocation->Count = 1;
FaultImage->LocationHead = faultLocation; FaultImage->Instances += 1;
KiAlignmentFaultLocationCount++; return TRUE; }
PALIGNMENT_FAULT_IMAGE KiFindAlignmentFaultImage( IN PUCHAR ImageName ) /*++
Routine Description:
This is a support routine for KiNewGlobalAlignmentFault. Its purpose is to walk the global ALIGNMENT_FAULT_IMAGE list looking for an image name that matches ImageName. If none is found, a new image record is created and inserted into the list.
ImageName - Supplies a pointer to the ANSI image name.
Return Value:
Returns a pointer to the matching ALIGNMENT_FAULT_IMAGE structure.
if (ImageName == NULL || *ImageName == '\0') {
// No image name was supplied.
return NULL; }
// Walk the image table, looking for a match.
faultImage = &KiAlignmentFaultImages[ 0 ]; lastImage = &KiAlignmentFaultImages[ KiAlignmentFaultImageCount ];
while (faultImage < lastImage) {
if (strcmp(ImageName, faultImage->Name) == 0) {
// Found it.
faultImage->Count += 1; return faultImage; }
faultImage += 1; }
// Create a new fault image if there's room
if (KiAlignmentFaultImageCount >= MAX_FAULT_IMAGES) {
// Table is full up.
return NULL; } KiAlignmentFaultImageCount += 1;
// Zero the image record. The records start out zero-initialized, this
// is in case KiAlignmentFaultImageCount was manually reset to zero via
// the debugger.
RtlZeroMemory( faultImage, sizeof(ALIGNMENT_FAULT_IMAGE) ); faultImage->Count = 1; strcpy( faultImage->Name, ImageName );
return faultImage; }
#endif // DBG