Copyright (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module implements AMD64 specific interprocessor interrupt routines.
David N. Cutler (davec) 24-Aug-2000
Kernel mode only.
#include "ki.h"
VOID KiRestoreProcessorState ( IN PKTRAP_FRAME TrapFrame, IN PKEXCEPTION_FRAME ExceptionFrame )
Routine Description:
This function restores the processor state to the specified exception and trap frames, and restores the processor control state.
TrapFrame - Supplies a pointer to a trap frame.
ExceptionFrame - Supplies a pointer to an exception frame.
Return Value:
// Get the address of the current processor block, move the specified
// register state from the processor context structure to the specified
// trap and exception frames, and restore the processor control state.
#if !defined(NT_UP)
Prcb = KeGetCurrentPrcb(); KeContextToKframes(TrapFrame, ExceptionFrame, &Prcb->ProcessorState.ContextFrame, CONTEXT_FULL, KernelMode);
return; }
VOID KiSaveProcessorState ( IN PKTRAP_FRAME TrapFrame, IN PKEXCEPTION_FRAME ExceptionFrame )
Routine Description:
This function saves the processor state from the specified exception and trap frames, and saves the processor control state.
TrapFrame - Supplies a pointer to a trap frame.
ExceptionFrame - Supplies a pointer to an exception frame.
Return Value:
// Get the address of the current processor block, move the specified
// register state from specified trap and exception frames to the current
// processor context structure, and save the processor control state.
#if !defined(NT_UP)
Prcb = KeGetCurrentPrcb(); Prcb->ProcessorState.ContextFrame.ContextFlags = CONTEXT_FULL; KeContextFromKframes(TrapFrame, ExceptionFrame, &Prcb->ProcessorState.ContextFrame);
return; }
BOOLEAN KiIpiServiceRoutine ( IN PKTRAP_FRAME TrapFrame, IN PKEXCEPTION_FRAME ExceptionFrame )
Routine Description:
This function is called at IPI_LEVEL to process outstanding interprocess requests for the current processor.
TrapFrame - Supplies a pointer to a trap frame.
ExceptionFrame - Supplies a pointer to an exception frame
Return Value:
A value of TRUE is returned, if one of more requests were service. Otherwise, FALSE is returned.
ULONG RequestMask;
// Process any outstanding interprocessor requests.
#if !defined(NT_UP)
RequestMask = KiIpiProcessRequests();
// If freeze is requested, then freeze target execution.
if ((RequestMask & IPI_FREEZE) != 0) { KiFreezeTargetExecution(TrapFrame, ExceptionFrame); }
// Return whether any requests were processed.
return (RequestMask & ~IPI_FREEZE) != 0;
return TRUE;
ULONG KiIpiProcessRequests ( VOID )
Routine Description:
This routine processes interprocessor requests and returns a summary of the requests that were processed.
N.B. This routine does not process freeze execution requests. It is the responsibilty of the caller to determine that a freeze execution request is outstanding and process it accordingly.
Return Value:
The request summary is returned as the function value.
PKPRCB CurrentPrcb; ULONG RequestMask; PVOID RequestPacket; ULONG64 RequestSummary; PKPRCB RequestSource;
#if !defined(NT_UP)
// Get the current request summary value.
CurrentPrcb = KeGetCurrentPrcb(); RequestSummary = InterlockedExchange64(&CurrentPrcb->RequestSummary, 0); RequestMask = (ULONG)(RequestSummary & ((1 << IPI_PACKET_SHIFT) - 1)); RequestPacket = (PVOID)(RequestSummary >> IPI_PACKET_SHIFT);
// If a packet request is ready, then process the packet request.
if (RequestPacket != NULL) { RequestSource = (PKPRCB)((ULONG64)RequestPacket & ~1); (RequestSource->WorkerRoutine)((PKIPI_CONTEXT)RequestPacket, RequestSource->CurrentPacket[0], RequestSource->CurrentPacket[1], RequestSource->CurrentPacket[2]); }
// If an APC interrupt is requested, then request a software interrupt
// at APC level on the current processor.
if ((RequestMask & IPI_APC) != 0) { KiRequestSoftwareInterrupt(APC_LEVEL); }
// If a DPC interrupt is requested, then request a software interrupt
// at DPC level on the current processor.
if ((RequestMask & IPI_DPC) != 0) { KiRequestSoftwareInterrupt(DISPATCH_LEVEL); }
return RequestMask;
return 0;
Routine Description:
This function requests the specified operation on the targt set of processors.
N.B. This function MUST be called from a non-context switchable state.
TargetSet - Supplies the target set of processors on which the specified operation is to be executed.
Request - Supplies the request operation flags.
Return Value:
PKPRCB *NextPrcb; KAFFINITY SummarySet;
// Loop through the target set of processors and merge the request into
// the request summary of the target processors.
#if !defined(NT_UP)
SummarySet = TargetSet; NextPrcb = &KiProcessorBlock[0]; do { if ((SummarySet & 1) != 0) { InterlockedOr64(&(*NextPrcb)->RequestSummary, Request); }
NextPrcb += 1; } while ((SummarySet >>= 1) != 0);
// Request interprocessor interrupts on the target set of processors.
return; }
VOID KiIpiSendPacket ( IN KAFFINITY TargetSet, IN PKIPI_WORKER WorkerFunction, IN PVOID Parameter1, IN PVOID Parameter2, IN PVOID Parameter3 )
Routine Description:
This routine executes the specified worker function on the specified set of processors.
N.B. This function MUST be called from a non-context switchable state.
TargetProcessors - Supplies the set of processors on which the specfied operation is to be executed.
WorkerFunction - Supplies the address of the worker function.
Parameter1 - Parameter3 - Supplies worker function specific paramters.
Return Value:
PKPRCB CurrentPrcb; PKPRCB *NextPrcb; LONG64 RequestSummary; KAFFINITY SummarySet; PKPRCB TargetPrcb;
// Initialize the worker packet information.
#if !defined(NT_UP)
CurrentPrcb = KeGetCurrentPrcb(); CurrentPrcb->CurrentPacket[0] = Parameter1; CurrentPrcb->CurrentPacket[1] = Parameter2; CurrentPrcb->CurrentPacket[2] = Parameter3; CurrentPrcb->TargetSet = TargetSet; CurrentPrcb->WorkerRoutine = WorkerFunction;
// If the target set contains one and only one processor, then use the
// target set for signal done synchronization. Otherwise, use packet
// barrier for signal done synchronization.
if ((TargetSet & (TargetSet - 1)) == 0) { CurrentPrcb = (PKPRCB)((ULONG64)CurrentPrcb | 1);
} else { CurrentPrcb->PacketBarrier = 1; }
// Loop through the target set of processors and merge the request into
// the request summary of the target processors.
SummarySet = TargetSet; NextPrcb = &KiProcessorBlock[0]; do { if ((SummarySet & 1) != 0) { TargetPrcb = *NextPrcb; do { do { RequestSummary = TargetPrcb->RequestSummary; } while ((RequestSummary >> IPI_PACKET_SHIFT) != 0);
} while (InterlockedCompareExchange64(&TargetPrcb->RequestSummary, RequestSummary | ((ULONG64)CurrentPrcb << IPI_PACKET_SHIFT), RequestSummary) != RequestSummary); }
NextPrcb += 1; } while ((SummarySet >>= 1) != 0);
// Request interprocessor interrupts on the target set of processors.
return; }
VOID KiIpiSignalPacketDone ( IN PKIPI_CONTEXT SignalDone )
Routine Description:
This routine signals that a processor has completed a packet by clearing the calling processor's set member of the requesting processor's packet.
SignalDone - Supplies a pointer to the processor block of the sending processor.
Return Value:
PKPRCB TargetPrcb; KAFFINITY TargetSet;
// If the low bit of signal is set, then use target set to notify the
// sender that the operation is complete on the current processor.
// Otherwise, use packet barrier to notify the sender that the operation
// is complete on the current processor.
#if !defined(NT_UP)
if (((ULONG64)SignalDone & 1) == 0) { TargetPrcb = (PKPRCB)SignalDone; TargetSet = InterlockedXor64((PLONG64)&TargetPrcb->TargetSet, TargetPrcb->SetMember);
// If no more bits are set in the target set, then clear packet
// barrier.
if ((TargetPrcb->TargetSet ^ TargetSet) == 0) { TargetPrcb->PacketBarrier = 0; }
} else { TargetPrcb = (PKPRCB)((ULONG64)SignalDone - 1); TargetPrcb->TargetSet = 0; }
return; }