Copyright (c) 1996 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Implements macros and declares functions for basic allocation functions. Consolidated into this file from debug.c and main.c
Marc R. Whitten (marcw) 09-Sep-1999
Revision History:
#include "pch.h"
// Includes
#include "utilsp.h"
// Constants
#ifdef DEBUG
#define TRAIL_SIG 0x708aa210
#define TRACK_SIGNATURE 0x30405060
// Macros
#define REUSE_SIZE_PTR(ptr) ((PDWORD) ((PBYTE) ptr - sizeof (DWORD)))
#define REUSE_TAG_PTR(ptr) ((PDWORD) ((PBYTE) ptr + (*REUSE_SIZE_PTR(ptr))))
// Types
#ifdef DEBUG
typedef struct _tagTRACKSTRUCT {
DWORD Signature; PCSTR File; DWORD Line; SIZE_T Size; PSTR Comment; PCSTR CallerFile; DWORD CallerLine; struct _tagTRACKSTRUCT *PrevAlloc; struct _tagTRACKSTRUCT *NextAlloc;
// Globals
#ifdef DEBUG
// Heap debug statistics
static SIZE_T g_TotalBytesAllocated = 0; static SIZE_T g_MaxBytesInUse = 0; static SIZE_T g_HeapAllocs = 0; static SIZE_T g_HeapReAllocs = 0; static SIZE_T g_HeapFrees = 0; static SIZE_T g_HeapAllocFails = 0; static SIZE_T g_HeapReAllocFails = 0; static SIZE_T g_HeapFreeFails = 0;
// Out of memory string -- loaded at initialization
PCSTR g_OutOfMemoryString = NULL; PCSTR g_OutOfMemoryRetry = NULL; HWND g_OutOfMemoryParentWnd;
// Macro expansion list
// None
// Private function prototypes
#ifdef DEBUG
SIZE_T pDebugHeapValidatePtrUnlocked ( HANDLE hHeap, PCVOID CallerPtr, PCSTR File, DWORD Line );
VOID pTrackInsert ( PCSTR File, DWORD Line, SIZE_T Size, PTRACKSTRUCT p );
VOID pTrackDelete ( PTRACKSTRUCT p );
VOID pWriteTrackLog ( VOID );
// Macro expansion definition
// None
// Code
void HeapCallFailed ( PCSTR Msg, PCSTR File, DWORD Line ) { CHAR Msg2[2048];
wsprintfA (Msg2, "Error in %s line %u\n\n", File, Line); strcat (Msg2, Msg); strcat (Msg2, "\n\nBreak execution now?");
if (IDYES == MessageBoxA (GetFocus(), Msg2, "Heap Call Failed", MB_YESNO|MB_APPLMODAL)) { DebugBreak (); } }
#ifdef DEBUG
SIZE_T DebugHeapValidatePtr ( HANDLE hHeap, PCVOID CallerPtr, PCSTR File, DWORD Line ) { SIZE_T rc;
EnterOurCriticalSection (&g_MemAllocCs);
rc = pDebugHeapValidatePtrUnlocked (hHeap, CallerPtr, File, Line);
LeaveOurCriticalSection (&g_MemAllocCs);
return rc; }
SIZE_T pDebugHeapValidatePtrUnlocked ( HANDLE hHeap, PCVOID CallerPtr, PCSTR File, DWORD Line ) { SIZE_T size; PCVOID RealPtr; SIZE_T SizeAdjust;
SizeAdjust = sizeof (TRACKSTRUCT); RealPtr = (PCVOID) ((PBYTE) CallerPtr - SizeAdjust);
if (IsBadWritePtr ((PBYTE) RealPtr - 8, 8)) { CHAR BadPtrMsg[256];
//lint --e(572)
wsprintfA ( BadPtrMsg, "Attempt to free memory at 0x%08x%08x. This address is not valid.", (DWORD)((UBINT)CallerPtr >> 32), (DWORD)(UBINT)CallerPtr );
HeapCallFailed (BadPtrMsg, File, Line);
size = HeapSize (hHeap, 0, RealPtr); if (size == (SIZE_T)-1) { CHAR BadPtrMsg[256];
//lint --e(572)
wsprintfA ( BadPtrMsg, "Attempt to free memory at 0x%08x%08x. " "This address is not the start of a memory block.", (DWORD)((UBINT)CallerPtr >> 32), (DWORD)(UBINT)CallerPtr );
HeapCallFailed (BadPtrMsg, File, Line);
return size; }
PVOID DebugHeapAlloc ( PCSTR File, DWORD Line, HANDLE hHeap, DWORD Flags, SIZE_T BytesToAlloc ) { PVOID RealPtr; PVOID ReturnPtr = NULL; DWORD SizeAdjust; DWORD TrackStructSize; DWORD OrgError;
EnterOurCriticalSection (&g_MemAllocCs);
__try {
OrgError = GetLastError();
SizeAdjust = sizeof (TRACKSTRUCT) + sizeof (DWORD); TrackStructSize = sizeof (TRACKSTRUCT);
if (!HeapValidate (hHeap, 0, NULL)) { HeapCallFailed ("Heap is corrupt!", File, Line); g_HeapAllocFails++; __leave; }
RealPtr = SafeHeapAlloc(hHeap, Flags, BytesToAlloc + SizeAdjust); if (RealPtr) { g_HeapAllocs++; g_TotalBytesAllocated += HeapSize (hHeap, 0, RealPtr); g_MaxBytesInUse = max (g_MaxBytesInUse, g_TotalBytesAllocated);
pTrackInsert (File, Line, BytesToAlloc, (PTRACKSTRUCT) RealPtr); *((PDWORD) ((PBYTE) RealPtr + TrackStructSize + BytesToAlloc)) = TRAIL_SIG; } else { g_HeapAllocFails++; }
if (RealPtr) { ReturnPtr = (PVOID) ((PBYTE) RealPtr + TrackStructSize); }
if (ReturnPtr && !(Flags & HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY)) { FillMemory (ReturnPtr, BytesToAlloc, 0xAA); }
if (RealPtr) { SetLastError(OrgError); } } __finally { LeaveOurCriticalSection (&g_MemAllocCs); }
return ReturnPtr; }
PVOID DebugHeapReAlloc ( PCSTR File, DWORD Line, HANDLE hHeap, DWORD Flags, PCVOID CallerPtr, SIZE_T BytesToAlloc ) { UBINT lastSize; PVOID NewRealPtr; PCVOID RealPtr; PVOID ReturnPtr = NULL; DWORD SizeAdjust; DWORD OrgError; DWORD TrackStructSize; SIZE_T OrgSize; PTRACKSTRUCT pts = NULL;
EnterOurCriticalSection (&g_MemAllocCs);
__try {
OrgError = GetLastError();
SizeAdjust = sizeof (TRACKSTRUCT) + sizeof (DWORD); TrackStructSize = sizeof (TRACKSTRUCT); RealPtr = (PCVOID) ((PBYTE) CallerPtr - TrackStructSize); pts = (PTRACKSTRUCT) RealPtr; OrgSize = pts->Size;
if (!HeapValidate (hHeap, 0, NULL)) { HeapCallFailed ("Heap is corrupt!", File, Line); g_HeapReAllocFails++; __leave; }
lastSize = pDebugHeapValidatePtrUnlocked (hHeap, CallerPtr, File, Line); if (lastSize == (UBINT)INVALID_PTR) { g_HeapReAllocFails++; __leave; }
pTrackDelete (pts);
NewRealPtr = SafeHeapReAlloc (hHeap, Flags, (PVOID) RealPtr, BytesToAlloc + SizeAdjust); if (NewRealPtr) { g_HeapReAllocs++; g_TotalBytesAllocated -= lastSize; g_TotalBytesAllocated += HeapSize (hHeap, 0, NewRealPtr); g_MaxBytesInUse = max (g_MaxBytesInUse, g_TotalBytesAllocated);
pTrackInsert (File, Line, BytesToAlloc, (PTRACKSTRUCT) NewRealPtr); *((PDWORD) ((PBYTE) NewRealPtr + TrackStructSize + BytesToAlloc)) = TRAIL_SIG; } else { g_HeapReAllocFails++;
// Put original address back in
pTrackInsert ( pts->File, pts->Line, pts->Size, pts );
if (NewRealPtr) { ReturnPtr = (PVOID) ((PBYTE) NewRealPtr + TrackStructSize); }
if (ReturnPtr && BytesToAlloc > OrgSize && !(Flags & HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY)) { FillMemory ((PBYTE) ReturnPtr + OrgSize, BytesToAlloc - OrgSize, 0xAA); }
if (ReturnPtr) { SetLastError (OrgError); } } __finally { LeaveOurCriticalSection (&g_MemAllocCs); }
return ReturnPtr; }
BOOL DebugHeapFree ( PCSTR File, DWORD Line, HANDLE hHeap, DWORD Flags, PCVOID CallerPtr ) { UBINT size; PCVOID RealPtr; DWORD SizeAdjust; DWORD OrgError; BOOL Result = FALSE; PTRACKSTRUCT pts = NULL;
EnterOurCriticalSection (&g_MemAllocCs);
__try { OrgError = GetLastError();
SizeAdjust = sizeof (TRACKSTRUCT); RealPtr = (PCVOID) ((PBYTE) CallerPtr - SizeAdjust); pts = (PTRACKSTRUCT) RealPtr;
if (*((PDWORD) ((PBYTE) CallerPtr + pts->Size)) != TRAIL_SIG) { HeapCallFailed ("Heap tag was overwritten!", File, Line); __leave; }
if (!HeapValidate (hHeap, 0, NULL)) { HeapCallFailed ("Heap is corrupt!", File, Line); g_HeapFreeFails++; __leave; }
size = pDebugHeapValidatePtrUnlocked (hHeap, CallerPtr, File, Line); if (size == (UBINT)INVALID_PTR) { g_HeapFreeFails++; __leave; }
pTrackDelete ((PTRACKSTRUCT) RealPtr);
if (!HeapFree (hHeap, Flags, (PVOID) RealPtr)) { CHAR BadPtrMsg[256];
wsprintf (BadPtrMsg, "Attempt to free memory at 0x%08x with flags 0x%08x. " "HeapFree() failed.", CallerPtr, Flags);
HeapCallFailed (BadPtrMsg, File, Line); g_HeapFreeFails++; __leave; }
g_HeapFrees++; if (g_TotalBytesAllocated < size) { DEBUGMSG ((DBG_WARNING, "Total bytes allocated is less than amount being freed. " "This suggests memory corruption.")); g_TotalBytesAllocated = 0; } else { g_TotalBytesAllocated -= size; }
SetLastError (OrgError); Result = TRUE; } __finally { LeaveOurCriticalSection (&g_MemAllocCs); }
return Result;
VOID DumpHeapStats ( VOID ) { CHAR OutputMsg[4096];
wsprintfA (OutputMsg, "Bytes currently allocated: %u\n" "Peak bytes allocated: %u\n" "Allocation count: %u\n" "Reallocation count: %u\n" "Free count: %u\n", g_TotalBytesAllocated, g_MaxBytesInUse, g_HeapAllocs, g_HeapReAllocs, g_HeapFrees );
if (g_HeapAllocFails) { wsprintfA (strchr (OutputMsg, 0), "***Allocation failures: %u\n", g_HeapAllocFails); } if (g_HeapReAllocFails) { wsprintfA (strchr (OutputMsg, 0), "***Reallocation failures: %u\n", g_HeapReAllocFails); } if (g_HeapFreeFails) { wsprintfA (strchr (OutputMsg, 0), "***Free failures: %u\n", g_HeapFreeFails); }
DEBUGMSG ((DBG_STATS, "%s", OutputMsg));
#ifdef CONSOLE
printf ("%s", OutputMsg); #endif // #ifndef CONSOLE
void DebugHeapCheck ( PCSTR File, DWORD Line, HANDLE hHeap ) { EnterOurCriticalSection (&g_MemAllocCs);
if (!HeapValidate (hHeap, 0, NULL)) { HeapCallFailed ("HeapCheck failed: Heap is corrupt!", File, Line); }
LeaveOurCriticalSection (&g_MemAllocCs); }
PVOID ReuseAlloc ( HANDLE Heap, PVOID OldPtr, DWORD SizeNeeded ) { DWORD CurrentSize; PVOID Ptr = NULL; UINT AllocAdjustment = sizeof(DWORD);
// HeapSize is a bad thing, so while it may look good, don't
// use it.
#ifdef DEBUG
AllocAdjustment += sizeof (DWORD); #endif
if (!OldPtr) { Ptr = MemAlloc (Heap, 0, SizeNeeded + AllocAdjustment); } else {
CurrentSize = *REUSE_SIZE_PTR(OldPtr);
#ifdef DEBUG
if (*REUSE_TAG_PTR(OldPtr) != 0x10a28a70) { DEBUGMSG ((DBG_WHOOPS, "MemReuse detected corruption!")); Ptr = MemAlloc (Heap, 0, SizeNeeded + AllocAdjustment); } else #endif
if (SizeNeeded > CurrentSize) { SizeNeeded += 1024 - (SizeNeeded & 1023);
Ptr = MemReAlloc (Heap, 0, REUSE_SIZE_PTR(OldPtr), SizeNeeded + AllocAdjustment); OldPtr = NULL; } }
if (Ptr) { *((PDWORD) Ptr) = SizeNeeded; Ptr = (PVOID) ((PBYTE) Ptr + sizeof (DWORD));
#ifdef DEBUG
*REUSE_TAG_PTR(Ptr) = 0x10a28a70; #endif
return Ptr ? Ptr : OldPtr; }
VOID ReuseFree ( HANDLE Heap, PVOID Ptr ) { if (Ptr) { MemFree (Heap, 0, REUSE_SIZE_PTR(Ptr)); } }
VOID SetOutOfMemoryParent ( HWND hwnd ) { g_OutOfMemoryParentWnd = hwnd; }
VOID OutOfMemory_Terminate ( VOID ) { MessageBox ( g_OutOfMemoryParentWnd, g_OutOfMemoryString, NULL, MB_OK|MB_ICONHAND|MB_SYSTEMMODAL|MB_SETFOREGROUND|MB_TOPMOST );
ExitProcess (0); //
// Not needed, will never get here
// TerminateProcess (GetModuleHandle (NULL), 0);
VOID pValidateBlock ( PVOID Block, SIZE_T Size )
Routine Description:
pValidateBlock makes sure Block is non-NULL. If it is NULL, then the user is given a popup, unless the request size is bogus.
There are two cases for the popup.
- If g_OutOfMemoryParentWnd was set with SetOutOfMemoryParent, then the user is asked to close other programs, and is given a retry option.
- If there is no out of memory parent, then the user is told they need to get more memory.
In either case, Setup is terminated. In GUI mode, Setup will be stuck and the machine will be unbootable.
Block - Specifies the block to validate. Size - Specifies the request size
Return Value:
{ LONG rc;
if (!Block && Size < 0x2000000) { if (g_OutOfMemoryParentWnd) { rc = MessageBox ( g_OutOfMemoryParentWnd, g_OutOfMemoryRetry, NULL, MB_RETRYCANCEL|MB_ICONHAND|MB_SYSTEMMODAL|MB_SETFOREGROUND|MB_TOPMOST );
if (rc == IDCANCEL) { OutOfMemory_Terminate(); } } else { OutOfMemory_Terminate(); } } }
PVOID SafeHeapAlloc ( HANDLE Heap, DWORD Flags, SIZE_T Size ) { PVOID Block;
do { Block = HeapAlloc (Heap, Flags, Size); pValidateBlock (Block, Size);
} while (!Block);
return Block; }
PVOID SafeHeapReAlloc ( HANDLE Heap, DWORD Flags, PVOID OldBlock, SIZE_T Size ) { PVOID Block;
do { Block = HeapReAlloc (Heap, Flags, OldBlock, Size); pValidateBlock (Block, Size);
} while (!Block);
return Block; }
#ifdef DEBUG
VOID pTrackInsert ( PCSTR File, DWORD Line, SIZE_T Size, PTRACKSTRUCT p ) { p->Signature = TRACK_SIGNATURE; p->File = File; p->Line = Line; p->Size = Size; p->Comment = g_TrackComment ? SafeHeapAlloc (g_hHeap, 0, SizeOfStringA (g_TrackComment)) : NULL; p->PrevAlloc = NULL; p->NextAlloc = g_TrackHead; p->CallerFile = g_TrackFile; p->CallerLine = g_TrackLine;
if (p->Comment) { StringCopyA (p->Comment, g_TrackComment); }
if (g_TrackHead) { g_TrackHead->PrevAlloc = p; }
g_TrackHead = p; }
VOID pTrackDelete ( PTRACKSTRUCT p ) { if (p->Signature != TRACK_SIGNATURE) { DEBUGMSG ((DBG_WARNING, "A tracking signature is invalid. " "This suggests memory corruption.")); return; }
if (p->PrevAlloc) { p->PrevAlloc->NextAlloc = p->NextAlloc; } else { g_TrackHead = p->NextAlloc; }
if (p->NextAlloc) { p->NextAlloc->PrevAlloc = p->PrevAlloc; } }
VOID pWriteTrackLog ( VOID ) { HANDLE File; CHAR LineBuf[2048]; PTRACKSTRUCT p; DWORD DontCare; DWORD Count; BOOL BadMem = FALSE; CHAR TempPath[MAX_TCHAR_PATH]; CHAR memtrackLogPath[] = "?:\\memtrack.log";
if (!g_TrackHead) { return; }
GetSystemDirectory(TempPath, MAX_TCHAR_PATH); memtrackLogPath[0] = TempPath[0];
if (File != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { Count = 0; __try { for (p = g_TrackHead ; p ; p = p->NextAlloc) { Count++; __try { if (p->Comment) { if (p->CallerFile) { wsprintfA ( LineBuf, "%s line %u\r\n" " %s\r\n" " Caller: %s line %u\r\n" "\r\n", p->File, p->Line, p->Comment, p->CallerFile, p->CallerLine ); } else { wsprintfA (LineBuf, "%s line %u\r\n %s\r\n\r\n", p->File, p->Line, p->Comment); } } else { if (p->CallerFile) { wsprintfA ( LineBuf, "%s line %u\r\n" " Caller: %s line %u\r\n" "\r\n", p->File, p->Line, p->CallerFile, p->CallerLine ); } else { wsprintfA (LineBuf, "(direct alloc) %s line %u\r\n\r\n", p->File, p->Line); } }
} __except (TRUE) { wsprintfA (LineBuf, "Address %Xh was freed, but not by MemFree!!\r\n", p); BadMem = TRUE; } WriteFile (File, LineBuf, (DWORD)ByteCountA (LineBuf), &DontCare, NULL);
//lint --e(774)
if (BadMem) { break; } } } __except (TRUE) { }
wsprintfA (LineBuf, "\r\n%i item%s allocated but not freed.\r\n", Count, Count == 1 ? "":"s"); WriteFile (File, LineBuf, (DWORD)ByteCountA (LineBuf), &DontCare, NULL);
CloseHandle (File); } }