Copyright (c) 1999 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Implements a set of APIs to handle the string representation of nodes/leafs of a tree
03-Jan-2000 Ovidiu Temereanca (ovidiut) - File creation.
Revision History:
<alias> <date> <comments>
+-------+ | root1 | Level 1 +-------+ / \ / \ +---------+ (-------) | node1 | ( leaf1 ) Level 2 +---------+ (-------) / | \ \__________ / | \ \ +-------+ +-------+ (-------) (-------) | node2 | | node3 | ( leaf2 ) ( leaf3 ) Level 3 +-------+ +-------+ (-------) (-------) / \ / \ +-------+ (-------) | node4 | ( leaf4 ) Level 4 +-------+ (-------) / \ / \ (-------) (-------) ( leaf5 ) ( leaf6 ) Level 5 (-------) (-------)
The string representation of some tree elements above:
root1 root1 <leaf1> root1\node1 root1\node1 <leaf2> root1\node1 <leaf3>
#include "pch.h"
// Includes
// None
#define DBG_OBJSTR "ObjStr"
// Strings
#define S_OBJSTR "ObjStr"
// Constants
// Macros
#define pObjStrAllocateMemory(Size) PmGetMemory (g_ObjStrPool, Size)
#define pObjStrFreeMemory(Buffer) if (/*lint --e(774)*/Buffer) PmReleaseMemory (g_ObjStrPool, Buffer)
// Types
// None
// Globals
PMHANDLE g_ObjStrPool;
// Macro expansion list
// None
// Private function prototypes
// None
// Macro expansion definition
// None
// Code
BOOL ObsInitialize ( VOID )
Routine Description:
ObsInitialize initializes this library.
Return Value:
TRUE if the init was successful. FALSE if not. GetLastError() returns extended error info.
{ g_ObjStrPool = PmCreateNamedPool (S_OBJSTR); return g_ObjStrPool != NULL; }
VOID ObsTerminate ( VOID )
Routine Description:
ObsTerminate is called to free resources used by this lib.
Return Value:
{ if (g_ObjStrPool) { PmDestroyPool (g_ObjStrPool); g_ObjStrPool = NULL; } }
Routine Description:
pExtractStringAB is a private function that creates a new string in the given pool, using a source string and a limit to copy up to.
Start - Specifies the source string End - Specifies the point to copy up to (excluding it), within the same string Pool - Specifies the pool to use for allocation
Return Value:
A pointer to the newly created string
PSTR pExtractStringABA ( IN PCSTR Start, IN PCSTR End, IN PMHANDLE Pool ) { PSTR p;
p = PmGetMemory (Pool, (DWORD)(End - Start + 1) * DWSIZEOF (CHAR)); StringCopyABA (p, Start, End); return p; }
p = PmGetMemory (Pool, (DWORD)(End - Start + 1) * DWSIZEOF (WCHAR)); StringCopyABW (p, Start, End); return p; }
Routine Description:
ObsFree frees the given object from the private pool
EncodedObject - Specifies the source string End - Specifies the point to copy up to (excluding it), within the same string Pool - Specifies the pool to use for allocation
Return Value:
A pointer to the newly created string
VOID ObsFreeA ( IN PCSTR EncodedObject ) { pObjStrFreeMemory ((PVOID)EncodedObject); }
VOID ObsFreeW ( IN PCWSTR EncodedObject ) { pObjStrFreeMemory ((PVOID)EncodedObject); }
BOOL ObsEncodeStringA ( PSTR Destination, PCSTR Source ) { MBCHAR ch;
while (*Source) { ch = _mbsnextc (Source); if (_mbschr (EscapedCharsA, ch)) { *Destination = '^'; Destination ++; } // now copy the multibyte character
if (IsLeadByte (*Source)) { *Destination = *Source; Destination ++; Source ++; } *Destination = *Source; Destination ++; Source ++; } *Destination = 0; return TRUE; }
BOOL ObsEncodeStringW ( PWSTR Destination, PCWSTR Source ) { while (*Source) { if (wcschr (EscapedCharsW, *Source)) { *Destination = L'^'; Destination ++; } *Destination = *Source; Destination ++; Source ++; } *Destination = 0; return TRUE; }
BOOL ObsDecodeStringA ( PSTR Destination, PCSTR Source ) { BOOL escaping = FALSE;
while (*Source) { if ((_mbsnextc (Source) == '^') && (!escaping)) { escaping = TRUE; Source ++; } else { escaping = FALSE; // now copy the multibyte character
if (IsLeadByte (*Source)) { *Destination = *Source; Destination ++; Source ++; } *Destination = *Source; Destination ++; Source ++; } } *Destination = 0; return TRUE; }
BOOL ObsDecodeStringW ( PWSTR Destination, PCWSTR Source ) { BOOL escaping = FALSE;
while (*Source) { if ((*Source == L'^') && (!escaping)) { escaping = TRUE; Source ++; } else { escaping = FALSE; *Destination = *Source; Destination ++; Source ++; } } *Destination = 0; return TRUE; }
Routine Description:
ObsSplitObjectStringEx splits the given encoded object into components: node and leaf. Strings are allocated from the given pool
EncodedObject - Specifies the source object string DecodedNode - Receives the decoded node part; optional DecodedLeaf - Receives the decoded leaf part; optional Pool - Specifies the pool to use for allocation; optional; if not specified, the module pool will be used and ObsFree needs to be called for them to be freed
Return Value:
TRUE if the source object has a legal format and it has been split into components
BOOL ObsSplitObjectStringExA ( IN PCSTR EncodedObject, OUT PSTR* DecodedNode, OPTIONAL OUT PSTR* DecodedLeaf, OPTIONAL IN PMHANDLE Pool, OPTIONAL IN BOOL DecodeStrings ) { PCSTR p; PCSTR q; PCSTR nodeTerm; PSTR leaf = NULL; PCSTR lastWack = NULL; PCSTR lastStar = NULL;
MYASSERT (EncodedObject); if (!EncodedObject) { return FALSE; }
if (!Pool) { Pool = g_ObjStrPool; }
p = EncodedObject;
if (*p == '\\') { //
// must be UNC format; check for syntax
p++; if (*p != '\\') { DEBUGMSGA (( DBG_OBJSTR, "ObsSplitObjectStringExA: relative paths not supported: %s", EncodedObject )); return FALSE; } }
while (*p && *p != OBJSTR_LEAF_HEADA) { if (*p == OBJSTR_SEPARATORA) { q = p + 1; while (*q == OBJSTR_SEPARATORA) { q++; } if (*q == 0 || *q == OBJSTR_LEAF_HEADA) { break; } p = q; } if (*p == '\\') { if ((UBINT)p == (UBINT)lastWack + 1) { //
// two wacks in a row? no way
DEBUGMSGA (( DBG_OBJSTR, "ObsSplitObjectStringExA: Bad EncodedObject: %s", EncodedObject )); return FALSE; } lastWack = p; } else if (*p == '*') { lastStar = p; } p = CharNextA (p); }
if (p == EncodedObject) { DEBUGMSGA (( DBG_OBJSTR, "ObsSplitObjectStringExA: Bad EncodedObject: %s", EncodedObject )); return FALSE; }
if (lastWack && lastWack + 1 == p && lastStar && lastStar + 1 != lastWack) { nodeTerm = lastWack; } else { nodeTerm = p; }
while (*p == OBJSTR_SEPARATORA) { //
// *p is one byte wide
p++; }
if (*p) {
if (*p != OBJSTR_LEAF_HEADA) { //
// wrong start
DEBUGMSGA (( DBG_OBJSTR, "ObsSplitObjectStringExA: Bad EncodedObject: %s", EncodedObject )); return FALSE; }
q = p + 1; while (*q != OBJSTR_LEAF_TAILA) { if (*q == 0) { //
// incorrectly terminated
DEBUGMSGA (( DBG_OBJSTR, "ObsSplitObjectStringExA: Bad EncodedObject: %s", EncodedObject )); return FALSE; } q = CharNextA (q); }
if (*(q + 1) != 0) { //
// must end after the terminating char
DEBUGMSGA (( DBG_OBJSTR, "ObsSplitObjectStringExA: Bad EncodedObject: \"%s\"; chars after the leaf", EncodedObject )); return FALSE; }
if (DecodedLeaf) { leaf = pExtractStringABA (p + 1, q, Pool); if (DecodeStrings) { //
// decode chars
ObsDecodeStringA (leaf, leaf); } } }
if (DecodedLeaf) { *DecodedLeaf = leaf; }
if (DecodedNode) { *DecodedNode = pExtractStringABA (EncodedObject, nodeTerm, Pool); if (DecodeStrings) { //
// decode chars
ObsDecodeStringA (*DecodedNode, *DecodedNode); } }
return TRUE; }
BOOL ObsSplitObjectStringExW ( IN PCWSTR EncodedObject, OUT PWSTR* DecodedNode, OPTIONAL OUT PWSTR* DecodedLeaf, OPTIONAL IN PMHANDLE Pool, OPTIONAL IN BOOL DecodeStrings ) { PCWSTR p; PCWSTR q; PCWSTR nodeTerm; PWSTR leaf = NULL; PCWSTR lastWack = NULL; PCWSTR lastStar = NULL;
MYASSERT (EncodedObject); if (!EncodedObject) { return FALSE; }
if (!Pool) { Pool = g_ObjStrPool; }
p = EncodedObject;
if (*p == L'\\') { //
// must be UNC format; check for syntax
p++; if (*p != L'\\') { DEBUGMSGW (( DBG_OBJSTR, "ObsSplitObjectStringExW: relative paths not supported: %s", EncodedObject )); return FALSE; } }
while (*p && *p != OBJSTR_LEAF_HEADW) { if (*p == OBJSTR_SEPARATORW) { q = p + 1; while (*q == OBJSTR_SEPARATORW) { q++; } if (*q == 0 || *q == OBJSTR_LEAF_HEADW) { break; } p = q; } if (*p == L'\\') { if ((UBINT)p == (UBINT)lastWack + 1) { //
// two wacks in a row? no way
DEBUGMSGW (( DBG_OBJSTR, "ObsSplitObjectStringExW: Bad EncodedObject: %s", EncodedObject )); return FALSE; } lastWack = p; } else if (*p == L'*') { lastStar = p; } p++; }
if (p == EncodedObject) { DEBUGMSGW (( DBG_OBJSTR, "ObsSplitObjectStringExW: Bad EncodedObject: %s", EncodedObject )); return FALSE; }
if (lastWack && lastWack + 1 == p && lastStar && lastStar + 1 != lastWack) { nodeTerm = lastWack; } else { nodeTerm = p; }
while (*p == OBJSTR_SEPARATORW) { //
// *p is one WCHAR wide
p++; }
if (*p) {
if (*p != OBJSTR_LEAF_HEADW) { //
// wrong start
DEBUGMSGW (( DBG_OBJSTR, "ObsSplitObjectStringExW: Bad EncodedObject: %s", EncodedObject )); return FALSE; }
q = p + 1; while (*q != OBJSTR_LEAF_TAILW) { if (*q == 0) { //
// incorrectly terminated
DEBUGMSGW (( DBG_OBJSTR, "ObsSplitObjectStringExW: Bad EncodedObject: %s", EncodedObject )); return FALSE; } q++; }
if (*(q + 1) != 0) { //
// must end after the terminating char
DEBUGMSGW (( DBG_OBJSTR, "ObsSplitObjectStringExW: Bad EncodedObject: \"%s\"; chars after the leaf", EncodedObject )); return FALSE; }
if (DecodedLeaf) { leaf = pExtractStringABW (p + 1, q, Pool); if (DecodeStrings) { //
// decode chars
ObsDecodeStringW (leaf, leaf); } } }
if (DecodedLeaf) { *DecodedLeaf = leaf; }
if (DecodedNode) { *DecodedNode = pExtractStringABW (EncodedObject, nodeTerm, Pool); if (DecodeStrings) { //
// decode chars
ObsDecodeStringW (*DecodedNode, *DecodedNode);
} } return TRUE; }
Routine Description:
ObsBuildEncodedObjectStringEx builds an encoded object from components: node and leaf. The string is allocated from the module's pool
DecodedNode - Specifies the decoded node part DecodedLeaf - Specifies the decoded leaf part; optional EncodeObject - Specifies TRUE if the resulting object needs to be encoded using encoding rules
Return Value:
Pointer to the newly created object string
PSTR ObsBuildEncodedObjectStringExA ( IN PCSTR DecodedNode, IN PCSTR DecodedLeaf, OPTIONAL IN BOOL EncodeObject ) { PSTR encodedNode; PSTR encodedLeaf; PSTR encodedString;
MYASSERT (DecodedNode); if (!DecodedNode) { return NULL; } //
// at most, one byte char will be expanded to 4 bytes (4 times)
if (EncodeObject) { encodedNode = pObjStrAllocateMemory (4 * ByteCountA (DecodedNode) + DWSIZEOF(CHAR)); ObsEncodeStringA (encodedNode, DecodedNode); } else { encodedNode = DuplicateTextExA (g_ObjStrPool, DecodedNode, 0, NULL); }
if (!DecodedLeaf) { return encodedNode; }
if (EncodeObject) { encodedLeaf = pObjStrAllocateMemory (4 * ByteCountA (DecodedLeaf) + DWSIZEOF(CHAR)); ObsEncodeStringA (encodedLeaf, DecodedLeaf); } else { encodedLeaf = DuplicateTextExA (g_ObjStrPool, DecodedLeaf, 0, NULL); }
// preferred format: %1 <%2> %1 - Node, %2 - Leaf
encodedString = pObjStrAllocateMemory ( ByteCountA (encodedNode) + DWSIZEOF (" <>") + ByteCountA (encodedLeaf) ); wsprintfA ( encodedString, "%s %c%s%c", encodedNode, OBJSTR_LEAF_HEADA, encodedLeaf, OBJSTR_LEAF_TAILA );
pObjStrFreeMemory (encodedNode); pObjStrFreeMemory (encodedLeaf);
return encodedString; }
PWSTR ObsBuildEncodedObjectStringExW ( IN PCWSTR DecodedNode, IN PCWSTR DecodedLeaf, OPTIONAL IN BOOL EncodeObject ) { PWSTR encodedNode; PWSTR encodedLeaf; PWSTR encodedString;
MYASSERT (DecodedNode); if (!DecodedNode) { return NULL; } //
// at most, one wide char will be expanded to 4 wide chars (4 times)
if (EncodeObject) { encodedNode = pObjStrAllocateMemory (4 * ByteCountW (DecodedNode) + DWSIZEOF(WCHAR)); ObsEncodeStringW (encodedNode, DecodedNode); } else { encodedNode = DuplicateTextExW (g_ObjStrPool, DecodedNode, 0, NULL); }
if (!DecodedLeaf) { return encodedNode; }
if (EncodeObject) { encodedLeaf = pObjStrAllocateMemory (4 * ByteCountW (DecodedLeaf) + DWSIZEOF(WCHAR)); ObsEncodeStringW (encodedLeaf, DecodedLeaf); } else { encodedLeaf = DuplicateTextExW (g_ObjStrPool, DecodedLeaf, 0, NULL); }
// preferred format: %1 <%2> %1 - Node, %2 - Leaf
encodedString = pObjStrAllocateMemory ( ByteCountW (encodedNode) + DWSIZEOF (L" <>") + ByteCountW (encodedLeaf) ); wsprintfW ( encodedString, L"%s %c%s%c", encodedNode, OBJSTR_LEAF_HEADW, encodedLeaf, OBJSTR_LEAF_TAILW );
pObjStrFreeMemory (encodedNode); pObjStrFreeMemory (encodedLeaf);
return encodedString; }
Routine Description:
ObsCreateParsedPatternEx parses the given object into an internal format for quick pattern matching
EncodedObject - Specifies the source object string
Return Value:
A pointer to the newly created structure or NULL if the object was invalid
POBSPARSEDPATTERNA ObsCreateParsedPatternExA ( IN PCSTR EncodedObject, IN BOOL MakePrimaryRootEndWithWack ) { POBSPARSEDPATTERNA ospp; PSTR decodedNode; PSTR decodedLeaf; PCSTR p; PCSTR root;
MYASSERT (EncodedObject);
if (!ObsSplitObjectStringExA (EncodedObject, &decodedNode, &decodedLeaf, NULL, FALSE)) { return NULL; }
ospp = pObjStrAllocateMemory (DWSIZEOF(OBSPARSEDPATTERNA)); ZeroMemory (ospp, DWSIZEOF(OBSPARSEDPATTERNA)); ospp->MaxSubLevel = NODE_LEVEL_MAX;
MYASSERT (decodedNode); if (!GetNodePatternMinMaxLevelsA (decodedNode, decodedNode, &ospp->MinNodeLevel, &ospp->MaxNodeLevel)) { pObjStrFreeMemory (decodedNode); pObjStrFreeMemory (decodedLeaf); pObjStrFreeMemory (ospp); return NULL; }
MYASSERT (ospp->MinNodeLevel > 0 && ospp->MaxNodeLevel >= ospp->MinNodeLevel); if (ospp->MaxNodeLevel != NODE_LEVEL_MAX) { ospp->MaxSubLevel = ospp->MaxNodeLevel - ospp->MinNodeLevel; }
ospp->NodePattern = CreateParsedPatternA (decodedNode); if (!ospp->NodePattern) { DEBUGMSGA (( DBG_OBJSTR, "ObsCreateParsedPatternExA: Bad EncodedObject: %s", EncodedObject )); pObjStrFreeMemory (decodedNode); pObjStrFreeMemory (decodedLeaf); pObjStrFreeMemory (ospp); return NULL; } if (ospp->NodePattern->PatternCount > 1) { DEBUGMSGA (( DBG_OBJSTR, "ObsCreateParsedPatternExA: Bad EncodedObject (multiple patterns specified): %s", EncodedObject )); DestroyParsedPatternA (ospp->NodePattern); pObjStrFreeMemory (decodedNode); pObjStrFreeMemory (decodedLeaf); pObjStrFreeMemory (ospp); return NULL; }
root = ParsedPatternGetRootA (ospp->NodePattern); if (root) { //
// extract the real root part
if (ParsedPatternIsExactMatchA (ospp->NodePattern)) { ospp->Flags |= OBSPF_EXACTNODE; ospp->ExactRoot = DuplicateTextExA (g_ObjStrPool, root, 0, NULL); ospp->ExactRootBytes = ByteCountA (root); ospp->MaxSubLevel = 0; } else { p = FindLastWackA (root); if (p) { //
// exact root specified
// if the last wack is actually the last character or is followed by star(s),
// optimize the matching by setting some flags
if (*(p + 1) == 0) { if (ParsedPatternIsRootPlusStarA (ospp->NodePattern)) { ospp->Flags |= OBSPF_NODEISROOTPLUSSTAR; } } if (MakePrimaryRootEndWithWack && *root != '\\') { //
// see if this is really the primary root
if (p == _mbschr (root, '\\')) { //
// include it in the string
p++; } } ospp->ExactRoot = pExtractStringABA (root, p, g_ObjStrPool); ospp->ExactRootBytes = (DWORD)((PBYTE)p - (PBYTE)root); } } } else if (ParsedPatternIsOptionalA (ospp->NodePattern)) { ospp->Flags |= OBSPF_OPTIONALNODE; }
if (decodedLeaf) { if (*decodedLeaf) { ospp->LeafPattern = CreateParsedPatternA (decodedLeaf); if (!ospp->LeafPattern) { DEBUGMSGA (( DBG_OBJSTR, "ObsCreateParsedPatternExA: Bad EncodedObject: %s", EncodedObject )); DestroyParsedPatternA (ospp->NodePattern); pObjStrFreeMemory (ospp->ExactRoot); pObjStrFreeMemory (decodedNode); pObjStrFreeMemory (decodedLeaf); pObjStrFreeMemory (ospp); return NULL; } if (ospp->LeafPattern->PatternCount > 1) { DEBUGMSGA (( DBG_OBJSTR, "ObsCreateParsedPatternExA: Bad EncodedObject (multiple patterns specified): %s", EncodedObject )); DestroyParsedPatternA (ospp->NodePattern); DestroyParsedPatternA (ospp->LeafPattern); pObjStrFreeMemory (ospp->ExactRoot); pObjStrFreeMemory (decodedNode); pObjStrFreeMemory (decodedLeaf); pObjStrFreeMemory (ospp); return NULL; }
if (ParsedPatternIsOptionalA (ospp->LeafPattern)) { ospp->Flags |= OBSPF_OPTIONALLEAF; } else if (ParsedPatternIsExactMatchA (ospp->LeafPattern)) { ospp->Flags |= OBSPF_EXACTLEAF; }
} else { //
// accept empty string for leaf
ospp->Flags |= OBSPF_EXACTLEAF; } ospp->Leaf = DuplicateTextExA (g_ObjStrPool, decodedLeaf, 0, NULL); } else { ospp->Flags |= OBSPF_NOLEAF; }
pObjStrFreeMemory (decodedNode); pObjStrFreeMemory (decodedLeaf); return ospp; }
POBSPARSEDPATTERNW ObsCreateParsedPatternExW ( IN PCWSTR EncodedObject, IN BOOL MakePrimaryRootEndWithWack ) { POBSPARSEDPATTERNW ospp; PWSTR decodedNode; PWSTR decodedLeaf; PCWSTR p; PCWSTR root;
MYASSERT (EncodedObject);
if (!ObsSplitObjectStringExW (EncodedObject, &decodedNode, &decodedLeaf, NULL, FALSE)) { return NULL; }
ospp = pObjStrAllocateMemory (DWSIZEOF(OBSPARSEDPATTERNW)); ZeroMemory (ospp, DWSIZEOF(OBSPARSEDPATTERNW)); ospp->MaxSubLevel = NODE_LEVEL_MAX;
MYASSERT (decodedNode); if (!GetNodePatternMinMaxLevelsW (decodedNode, decodedNode, &ospp->MinNodeLevel, &ospp->MaxNodeLevel)) { pObjStrFreeMemory (decodedNode); pObjStrFreeMemory (decodedLeaf); pObjStrFreeMemory (ospp); return NULL; }
MYASSERT (ospp->MinNodeLevel > 0 && ospp->MaxNodeLevel >= ospp->MinNodeLevel); if (ospp->MaxNodeLevel != NODE_LEVEL_MAX) { ospp->MaxSubLevel = ospp->MaxNodeLevel - ospp->MinNodeLevel; }
ospp->NodePattern = CreateParsedPatternW (decodedNode); if (!ospp->NodePattern) { DEBUGMSGW (( DBG_OBJSTR, "ObsCreateParsedPatternExW: Bad EncodedObject: %s", EncodedObject )); pObjStrFreeMemory (decodedNode); pObjStrFreeMemory (decodedLeaf); pObjStrFreeMemory (ospp); return NULL; } if (ospp->NodePattern->PatternCount > 1) { DEBUGMSGW (( DBG_OBJSTR, "ObsCreateParsedPatternExW: Bad EncodedObject (multiple patterns specified): %s", EncodedObject )); DestroyParsedPatternW (ospp->NodePattern); pObjStrFreeMemory (decodedNode); pObjStrFreeMemory (decodedLeaf); pObjStrFreeMemory (ospp); return NULL; }
root = ParsedPatternGetRootW (ospp->NodePattern); if (root) { //
// extract the real root part
if (ParsedPatternIsExactMatchW (ospp->NodePattern)) { ospp->Flags |= OBSPF_EXACTNODE; ospp->ExactRoot = DuplicateTextExW (g_ObjStrPool, root, 0, NULL); ospp->ExactRootBytes = ByteCountW (root); ospp->MaxSubLevel = 0; } else { p = FindLastWackW (root); if (p) { //
// exact root specified
// if the last wack is actually the last character or is followed by star(s),
// optimize the matching by setting some flags
if (*(p + 1) == 0) { if (ParsedPatternIsRootPlusStarW (ospp->NodePattern)) { ospp->Flags |= OBSPF_NODEISROOTPLUSSTAR; } } if (MakePrimaryRootEndWithWack && *root != L'\\') { //
// see if this is really the primary root
if (p == wcschr (root, L'\\')) { //
// include it in the string
p++; } } ospp->ExactRoot = pExtractStringABW (root, p, g_ObjStrPool); ospp->ExactRootBytes = (DWORD)((PBYTE)p - (PBYTE)root); } } } else if (ParsedPatternIsOptionalW (ospp->NodePattern)) { ospp->Flags |= OBSPF_OPTIONALNODE; }
if (decodedLeaf) { if (*decodedLeaf) { ospp->LeafPattern = CreateParsedPatternW (decodedLeaf); if (!ospp->LeafPattern) { DEBUGMSGW (( DBG_OBJSTR, "ObsCreateParsedPatternExW: Bad EncodedObject: %s", EncodedObject )); DestroyParsedPatternW (ospp->NodePattern); pObjStrFreeMemory (ospp->ExactRoot); pObjStrFreeMemory (decodedNode); pObjStrFreeMemory (decodedLeaf); pObjStrFreeMemory (ospp); return NULL; } if (ospp->LeafPattern->PatternCount > 1) { DEBUGMSGW (( DBG_OBJSTR, "ObsCreateParsedPatternExW: Bad EncodedObject (multiple patterns specified): %s", EncodedObject )); DestroyParsedPatternW (ospp->NodePattern); DestroyParsedPatternW (ospp->LeafPattern); pObjStrFreeMemory (ospp->ExactRoot); pObjStrFreeMemory (decodedNode); pObjStrFreeMemory (decodedLeaf); pObjStrFreeMemory (ospp); return NULL; }
if (ParsedPatternIsOptionalW (ospp->LeafPattern)) { ospp->Flags |= OBSPF_OPTIONALLEAF; } else if (ParsedPatternIsExactMatchW (ospp->LeafPattern)) { ospp->Flags |= OBSPF_EXACTLEAF; }
} else { //
// accept empty string for leaf
ospp->Flags |= OBSPF_EXACTLEAF; } ospp->Leaf = DuplicateTextExW (g_ObjStrPool, decodedLeaf, 0, NULL); } else { ospp->Flags |= OBSPF_NOLEAF; }
pObjStrFreeMemory (decodedNode); pObjStrFreeMemory (decodedLeaf); return ospp; }
Routine Description:
ObsDestroyParsedPattern destroys the given structure, freeing resources
ParsedPattern - Specifies the parsed pattern structure
Return Value:
VOID ObsDestroyParsedPatternA ( IN POBSPARSEDPATTERNA ParsedPattern ) { if (ParsedPattern) { if (ParsedPattern->NodePattern) { DestroyParsedPatternA (ParsedPattern->NodePattern); } if (ParsedPattern->LeafPattern) { DestroyParsedPatternA (ParsedPattern->LeafPattern); } if (ParsedPattern->Leaf) { FreeTextExA (g_ObjStrPool, ParsedPattern->Leaf); } pObjStrFreeMemory (ParsedPattern->ExactRoot); pObjStrFreeMemory (ParsedPattern); } }
VOID ObsDestroyParsedPatternW ( IN POBSPARSEDPATTERNW ParsedPattern ) { if (ParsedPattern) { if (ParsedPattern->NodePattern) { DestroyParsedPatternW (ParsedPattern->NodePattern); } if (ParsedPattern->LeafPattern) { DestroyParsedPatternW (ParsedPattern->LeafPattern); } if (ParsedPattern->Leaf) { FreeTextExW (g_ObjStrPool, ParsedPattern->Leaf); } pObjStrFreeMemory (ParsedPattern->ExactRoot); pObjStrFreeMemory (ParsedPattern); } }
Routine Description:
ObsParsedPatternMatch tests the given object against a parsed pattern
ParsedPattern - Specifies the parsed pattern structure EncodedObject - Specifies the object string to test against the pattern
Return Value:
TRUE if the string matches the pattern
BOOL ObsParsedPatternMatchA ( IN POBSPARSEDPATTERNA ParsedPattern, IN PCSTR EncodedObject ) { PSTR decodedNode; PSTR decodedLeaf; BOOL b;
if (!ObsSplitObjectStringExA (EncodedObject, &decodedNode, &decodedLeaf, NULL, FALSE)) { return FALSE; }
b = ObsParsedPatternMatchExA (ParsedPattern, decodedNode, decodedLeaf);
pObjStrFreeMemory (decodedNode); pObjStrFreeMemory (decodedLeaf);
return b; }
BOOL ObsParsedPatternMatchW ( IN POBSPARSEDPATTERNW ParsedPattern, IN PCWSTR EncodedObject ) { PWSTR decodedNode; PWSTR decodedLeaf; BOOL b;
if (!ObsSplitObjectStringExW (EncodedObject, &decodedNode, &decodedLeaf, NULL, FALSE)) { return FALSE; }
b = ObsParsedPatternMatchExW (ParsedPattern, decodedNode, decodedLeaf);
pObjStrFreeMemory (decodedNode); pObjStrFreeMemory (decodedLeaf);
return b; }
Routine Description:
ObsParsedPatternMatchEx tests the given object, given by its components, against a parsed pattern
ParsedPattern - Specifies the parsed pattern structure Node - Specifies the node part of the object string to test against the pattern Leaf - Specifies the leaf part of the object string to test against the pattern
Return Value:
TRUE if the string components match the pattern
BOOL ObsParsedPatternMatchExA ( IN POBSPARSEDPATTERNA ParsedPattern, IN PCSTR Node, IN PCSTR Leaf OPTIONAL ) { MYASSERT (Node && ParsedPattern->NodePattern); if (!(Node && ParsedPattern->NodePattern)) { return FALSE; }
if ((ParsedPattern->Flags & OBSPF_NOLEAF) && Leaf || !(ParsedPattern->Flags & OBSPF_NOLEAF) && !Leaf ) { return FALSE; }
if (!TestParsedPatternA (ParsedPattern->NodePattern, Node)) { return FALSE; }
return !Leaf || TestParsedPatternA (ParsedPattern->LeafPattern, Leaf); }
BOOL ObsParsedPatternMatchExW ( IN POBSPARSEDPATTERNW ParsedPattern, IN PCWSTR Node, OPTIONAL IN PCWSTR Leaf OPTIONAL ) { MYASSERT (Node && ParsedPattern->NodePattern); if (!(Node && ParsedPattern->NodePattern)) { return FALSE; }
if ((ParsedPattern->Flags & OBSPF_NOLEAF) && Leaf || !(ParsedPattern->Flags & OBSPF_NOLEAF) && !Leaf ) { return FALSE; }
if (!TestParsedPatternW (ParsedPattern->NodePattern, Node)) { return FALSE; }
return !Leaf || TestParsedPatternW (ParsedPattern->LeafPattern, Leaf); }
Routine Description:
ObsPatternMatch tests an object string against a pattern object string
ParsedPattern - Specifies the parsed pattern structure Node - Specifies the node part of the object string to test against the pattern Leaf - Specifies the leaf part of the object string to test against the pattern
Return Value:
TRUE if the string components match the pattern
BOOL ObsPatternMatchA ( IN PCSTR ObjectPattern, IN PCSTR ObjectStr ) { PSTR opNode; PSTR opLeaf; PSTR osNode; PSTR osLeaf; BOOL b = FALSE;
if (ObsSplitObjectStringExA (ObjectPattern, &opNode, &opLeaf, NULL, FALSE)) { if (ObsSplitObjectStringExA (ObjectStr, &osNode, &osLeaf, NULL, TRUE)) {
if (opNode) { if (osNode) { b = IsPatternMatchExABA (opNode, osNode, GetEndOfStringA (osNode)); } else { b = FALSE; } } else { if (osNode) { b = FALSE; } else { b = TRUE; } }
if (b) { if (opLeaf) { if (osLeaf) { b = IsPatternMatchExABA (opLeaf, osLeaf, GetEndOfStringA (osLeaf)); } else { b = TRUE; } } else { if (osLeaf) { b = FALSE; } else { b = TRUE; } } }
pObjStrFreeMemory (osNode); pObjStrFreeMemory (osLeaf); } ELSE_DEBUGMSGA ((DBG_OBJSTR, "ObsPatternMatchA: bad ObjectStr: %s", ObjectStr));
pObjStrFreeMemory (opNode); pObjStrFreeMemory (opLeaf); } ELSE_DEBUGMSGA ((DBG_OBJSTR, "ObsPatternMatchA: bad ObjectPattern: %s", ObjectPattern));
return b; }
BOOL ObsPatternMatchW ( IN PCWSTR ObjectPattern, IN PCWSTR ObjectStr ) { PWSTR opNode; PWSTR opLeaf; PWSTR osNode; PWSTR osLeaf; BOOL b = FALSE;
if (ObsSplitObjectStringExW (ObjectPattern, &opNode, &opLeaf, NULL, FALSE)) { if (ObsSplitObjectStringExW (ObjectStr, &osNode, &osLeaf, NULL, FALSE)) {
if (opNode) { if (osNode) { b = IsPatternMatchExABW (opNode, osNode, GetEndOfStringW (osNode)); } else { b = FALSE; } } else { if (osNode) { b = FALSE; } else { b = TRUE; } }
if (b) { if (opLeaf) { if (osLeaf) { b = IsPatternMatchExABW (opLeaf, osLeaf, GetEndOfStringW (osLeaf)); } else { b = FALSE; } } else { if (osLeaf) { b = FALSE; } else { b = TRUE; } } }
pObjStrFreeMemory (osNode); pObjStrFreeMemory (osLeaf); } ELSE_DEBUGMSGW ((DBG_OBJSTR, "ObsPatternMatchW: bad ObjectStr: %s", ObjectStr));
pObjStrFreeMemory (opNode); pObjStrFreeMemory (opLeaf); } ELSE_DEBUGMSGW ((DBG_OBJSTR, "ObsPatternMatchW: bad ObjectPattern: %s", ObjectPattern));
return b; }
Routine Description:
ObsIsPatternContained compares two patterns to see if one of them is included in the other. Both patterns may contain any of the following expressions:
Container - Specifies the container pattern Contained - Specifies the contained pattern
Return Value:
TRUE if Contained is contained in Container
BOOL ObsIsPatternContainedA ( IN PCSTR Container, IN PCSTR Contained ) { PSTR opNode; PSTR opLeaf; PSTR osNode; PSTR osLeaf; BOOL b = FALSE;
if (ObsSplitObjectStringExA (Container, &opNode, &opLeaf, NULL, FALSE)) {
if (ObsSplitObjectStringExA (Contained, &osNode, &osLeaf, NULL, FALSE)) {
if (opNode) { if (osNode) { b = IsPatternContainedExA (opNode, osNode); } else { b = FALSE; } } else { if (osNode) { b = FALSE; } else { b = TRUE; } }
if (b) { if (opLeaf) { if (osLeaf) { b = IsPatternContainedExA (opLeaf, osLeaf); } else { b = TRUE; } } else { if (osLeaf) { b = FALSE; } else { b = TRUE; } } }
pObjStrFreeMemory (osNode); pObjStrFreeMemory (osLeaf); } ELSE_DEBUGMSGA ((DBG_OBJSTR, "ObsIsPatternContainedA: bad Contained string: %s", Contained));
pObjStrFreeMemory (opNode); pObjStrFreeMemory (opLeaf); } ELSE_DEBUGMSGA ((DBG_OBJSTR, "ObsIsPatternContainedA: bad Container string: %s", Container));
return b; }
BOOL ObsIsPatternContainedW ( IN PCWSTR Container, IN PCWSTR Contained ) { PWSTR opNode; PWSTR opLeaf; PWSTR osNode; PWSTR osLeaf; BOOL b = FALSE;
if (ObsSplitObjectStringExW (Container, &opNode, &opLeaf, NULL, FALSE)) {
if (ObsSplitObjectStringExW (Contained, &osNode, &osLeaf, NULL, FALSE)) {
if (opNode) { if (osNode) { b = IsPatternContainedExW (opNode, osNode); } else { b = FALSE; } } else { if (osNode) { b = FALSE; } else { b = TRUE; } }
if (b) { if (opLeaf) { if (osLeaf) { b = IsPatternContainedExW (opLeaf, osLeaf); } else { b = TRUE; } } else { if (osLeaf) { b = FALSE; } else { b = TRUE; } } }
pObjStrFreeMemory (osNode); pObjStrFreeMemory (osLeaf); } ELSE_DEBUGMSGW ((DBG_OBJSTR, "ObsIsPatternContainedW: bad Contained string: %s", Contained));
pObjStrFreeMemory (opNode); pObjStrFreeMemory (opLeaf); } ELSE_DEBUGMSGW ((DBG_OBJSTR, "ObsIsPatternContainedW: bad Container string: %s", Container));
return b; }
Routine Description:
ObsGetPatternLevels gets the minimum and maximum levels of a string that would match the given pattern.
ObjectPattern - Specifies the pattern MinLevel - Receives the minimum possible level; the root has level 1 MaxLevel - Receives the maximum possible level; the root has level 1
Return Value:
TRUE if the pattern was correct and computing was done; FALSE otherwise
BOOL ObsGetPatternLevelsA ( IN PCSTR ObjectPattern, OUT PDWORD MinLevel, OPTIONAL OUT PDWORD MaxLevel OPTIONAL ) { PSTR decodedNode; PSTR decodedLeaf; BOOL b;
if (!ObsSplitObjectStringExA (ObjectPattern, &decodedNode, &decodedLeaf, NULL, FALSE)) { return FALSE; }
if (decodedNode) { b = GetNodePatternMinMaxLevelsA (decodedNode, decodedNode, MinLevel, MaxLevel); } else { b = FALSE; }
pObjStrFreeMemory (decodedNode); pObjStrFreeMemory (decodedLeaf);
return b; }
BOOL ObsGetPatternLevelsW ( IN PCWSTR ObjectPattern, OUT PDWORD MinLevel, OUT PDWORD MaxLevel ) { PWSTR decodedNode; PWSTR decodedLeaf; BOOL b;
if (!ObsSplitObjectStringExW (ObjectPattern, &decodedNode, &decodedLeaf, NULL, FALSE)) { return FALSE; }
if (decodedNode) { b = GetNodePatternMinMaxLevelsW (decodedNode, decodedNode, MinLevel, MaxLevel); } else { b = FALSE; }
pObjStrFreeMemory (decodedNode); pObjStrFreeMemory (decodedLeaf);
return b; }
Routine Description:
ObsPatternIncludesPattern decides if a given pattern includes another pattern, meaning that any string that would match the second will match the first.
IncludingPattern - Specifies the first parsed pattern IncludedPattern - Specifies the second parsed pattern
Return Value:
TRUE if the first pattern includes the second
BOOL ObsPatternIncludesPatternA ( IN POBSPARSEDPATTERNA IncludingPattern, IN POBSPARSEDPATTERNA IncludedPattern ) { MYASSERT (IncludingPattern->NodePattern && IncludedPattern->NodePattern); if (!(IncludingPattern->NodePattern && IncludedPattern->NodePattern)) { return FALSE; }
if (IncludingPattern->MinNodeLevel > IncludedPattern->MinNodeLevel || IncludingPattern->MaxNodeLevel < IncludedPattern->MaxNodeLevel ) { return FALSE; }
if (!PatternIncludesPatternA (IncludingPattern->NodePattern, IncludedPattern->NodePattern)) { return FALSE; }
if (IncludingPattern->LeafPattern) { if (!IncludedPattern->LeafPattern) { return FALSE; } if (!PatternIncludesPatternA (IncludingPattern->LeafPattern, IncludedPattern->LeafPattern)) { return FALSE; } } else { if (IncludedPattern->LeafPattern) { return FALSE; } }
return TRUE; }
BOOL ObsPatternIncludesPatternW ( IN POBSPARSEDPATTERNW IncludingPattern, IN POBSPARSEDPATTERNW IncludedPattern ) { MYASSERT (IncludingPattern->NodePattern && IncludedPattern->NodePattern); if (!(IncludingPattern->NodePattern && IncludedPattern->NodePattern)) { return FALSE; }
if (IncludingPattern->MinNodeLevel > IncludedPattern->MinNodeLevel || IncludingPattern->MaxNodeLevel < IncludedPattern->MaxNodeLevel ) { return FALSE; }
if (!PatternIncludesPatternW (IncludingPattern->NodePattern, IncludedPattern->NodePattern)) { return FALSE; }
if (IncludingPattern->LeafPattern) { if (!IncludedPattern->LeafPattern) { return FALSE; } if (!PatternIncludesPatternW (IncludingPattern->LeafPattern, IncludedPattern->LeafPattern)) { return FALSE; } } else { if (IncludedPattern->LeafPattern) { return FALSE; } }
return TRUE; }