These routines are used so that syssetup and winnt32 will be able to call PIDGen with a hardcoded pid for the appropriate select version. //marrq want the bottom line?
This header should only be included if pidgen.h was also included */
#if defined(WIN32) || defined(_WIN32)
#ifdef UNICODE
#define SetupPIDGen SetupPIDGenW
#define SetupPIDGen SetupPIDGenA
#endif // UNICODE
#include <string.h>
#include <compobj.h>
#define SetupPIDGenA SetupPIDGen
#define lstrlenA lstrlen
#define lstrcpyA lstrcpy
#define wsprintfA wsprintf
#define TEXT(s) __T(s)
#define ZeroMemory(pb, cb) memset(pb, 0, cb)
#define CopyMemory(pb, ab, cb) memcpy(pb, ab, cb)
#endif // defined(WIN32) || defined(_WIN32)
BOOL STDAPICALLTYPE SetupPIDGenW( LPWSTR lpstrSecureCdKey, // [IN] 25-character Secure CD-Key (gets U-Cased)
LPCWSTR lpstrMpc, // [IN] 5-character Microsoft Product Code
LPCWSTR lpstrSku, // [IN] Stock Keeping Unit (formatted like 123-12345)
BOOL fOem, // [IN] is this an OEM install?
LPWSTR lpstrPid2, // [OUT] PID 2.0, pass in ptr to 24 character array
LPBYTE lpbDigPid, // [IN/OUT] pointer to DigitalPID buffer. First DWORD is the length
LPBOOL pfCCP); // [OUT] optional ptr to Compliance Checking flag (can be NULL)
BOOL STDAPICALLTYPE SetupPIDGenA( LPSTR lpstrSecureCdKey, // [IN] 25-character Secure CD-Key (gets U-Cased)
LPCSTR lpstrMpc, // [IN] 5-character Microsoft Product Code
LPCSTR lpstrSku, // [IN] Stock Keeping Unit (formatted like 123-12345)
BOOL fOem, // [IN] is this an OEM install?
LPSTR lpstrPid2, // [OUT] PID 2.0, pass in ptr to 24 character array
LPBYTE lpbDigPid, // [IN/OUT] pointer to DigitalPID buffer. First DWORD is the length
LPBOOL pfCCP); // [OUT] optional ptr to Compliance Checking flag (can be NULL)