#include "precomp.h"
#pragma hdrstop
/* file gauge.c */
HWND hwndProgressGizmo = NULL; static INT iCnt = 0; static WNDPROC fpxProDlg; static DWORD rgbFG; static DWORD rgbBG;
extern HWND hwndFrame; extern HANDLE hinstShell; extern BOOL fMono;
BOOL fUserQuit = fFalse; static BOOL fInsideGizmosQuitCode = fFalse; extern BOOL APIENTRY FYield(VOID);
INT gaugeCopyPercentage = -1 ;
#define COLORBG rgbBG
#define COLORFG rgbFG
BOOL ProInit( IN BOOL Init ) { WNDCLASS rClass; BOOL b;
if(Init) {
rClass.hCursor = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW); rClass.hIcon = NULL; rClass.lpszMenuName = NULL; rClass.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH)(COLOR_WINDOW + 1); rClass.hInstance = hInst; rClass.style = CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW; rClass.lpfnWndProc = ProBarProc; rClass.cbClsExtra = 0; rClass.cbWndExtra = 2 * sizeof(WORD); }
rClass.lpszClassName = PRO_CLASS;
if(Init) {
if(fMono) { rgbBG = RGB( 0, 0, 0); rgbFG = RGB(255, 255, 255); } else { rgbBG = RGB( 0, 0, 255); rgbFG = RGB(255, 255, 255); }
b = RegisterClass(&rClass); } else {
b = UnregisterClass(rClass.lpszClassName,hInst); }
return(b); }
/***************************************************************************/ VOID APIENTRY ProClear(HWND hdlg) { AssertDataSeg();
if (!hdlg) hdlg = hwndProgressGizmo;
SetDlgItemText(hdlg, ID_STATUS1, ""); SetDlgItemText(hdlg, ID_STATUS2, ""); SetDlgItemText(hdlg, ID_STATUS3, ""); SetDlgItemText(hdlg, ID_STATUS4, ""); }
BOOL ControlInit( IN BOOL Init ) { WNDCLASS cls;
if(Init) {
cls.hCursor = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW); cls.hIcon = NULL; cls.lpszMenuName = NULL; cls.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH)(COLOR_BTNFACE + 1); cls.hInstance = hInst; cls.style = CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW; cls.lpfnWndProc = fnText; cls.cbClsExtra = 0; cls.cbWndExtra = 0; }
cls.lpszClassName = "stext";
return(Init ? RegisterClass(&cls) : UnregisterClass(cls.lpszClassName,hInst)); }
static int getNumericSymbol ( SZ szSymName ) { SZ sz = SzFindSymbolValueInSymTab( szSymName ) ; return sz ? atoi( sz ) : -1 ; }
static void centerOnDesktop ( HWND hdlg ) { RECT rc ; POINT pt, ptDlgSize ; int ixBias = getNumericSymbol( SYM_NAME_CTR_X ), iyBias = getNumericSymbol( SYM_NAME_CTR_Y ), cx = GetSystemMetrics( SM_CXFULLSCREEN ), cy = GetSystemMetrics( SM_CYFULLSCREEN ), l ;
// Get specified or default bias
if ( ixBias <= 0 || ixBias >= 100 ) ixBias = 50 ; // default value is 1/2 across
if ( iyBias <= 0 || iyBias >= 100 ) iyBias = 50 ; // default value is 1/3 down
// Compute logical center point
pt.x = (cx * ixBias) / 100 ; pt.y = (cy * iyBias) / 100 ;
GetWindowRect( hdlg, & rc ) ; ptDlgSize.x = rc.right - rc.left ; ptDlgSize.y = rc.bottom - rc.top ;
pt.x -= ptDlgSize.x / 2 ; pt.y -= ptDlgSize.y / 2 ;
// Force upper left corner back onto screen if necessary.
if ( pt.x < 0 ) pt.x = 0 ; if ( pt.y < 0 ) pt.y = 0 ;
// Now check to see if the dialog is getting clipped
// to the right or bottom.
if ( (l = pt.x + ptDlgSize.x) > cx ) pt.x -= l - cx ; if ( (l = pt.y + ptDlgSize.y) > cy ) pt.y -= l - cy ;
if ( pt.x < 0 ) pt.x = 0 ; if ( pt.y < 0 ) pt.y = 0 ;
SetWindowPos( hdlg, NULL, pt.x, pt.y, 0, 0, SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOACTIVATE ) ; }
** ProDlgProc(hWnd, wMessage, wParam, lParam) ** ** Description: ** The window proc for the Progress dialog box ** Arguments: ** hWnd window handle for the dialog ** wMessage message number ** wParam message-dependent ** lParam message-dependent ** Returns: ** 0 if processed, nonzero if ignored ***************************************************************************/ INT_PTR APIENTRY ProDlgProc(HWND hdlg, UINT wMessage, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { static SZ szProCancelMsg; static SZ szProCancelCap;
Unused(lParam); // GET_WM_COMMAND does not use the lParam
switch (wMessage) { case WM_INITDIALOG: if ((szProCancelMsg = SzFindSymbolValueInSymTab("ProCancelMsg")) == (SZ)NULL || (szProCancelCap = SzFindSymbolValueInSymTab("ProCancelCap")) == (SZ)NULL ) {
PreCondition(fFalse, fTrue); return(fTrue);
ProClear(hdlg); /* BLOCK */ /* centered on the screen - we really want this to be
a WS_CHILD instead of WS_POPUP so we can do something intelligent inside the frame window */
centerOnDesktop( hdlg ) ; gaugeCopyPercentage = 0 ; return(fTrue);
// case WM_ACTIVATE:
// if (wParam != 0)
// SendMessage(hwndFrame, WM_NCACTIVATE, 1, 0L);
// break;
case WM_CLOSE: gaugeCopyPercentage = -1 ;
PostMessage( hdlg, WM_COMMAND, MAKELONG(IDC_X, BN_CLICKED), 0L ); return(fTrue);
case WM_COMMAND: if (!fInsideGizmosQuitCode && (LOWORD(wParam) == IDCANCEL || LOWORD(wParam) == IDC_B)) {
fInsideGizmosQuitCode = fTrue;
if (!FYield()) { fInsideGizmosQuitCode = fFalse; DestroyWindow(hwndFrame); }
if ( MessageBox( hdlg, (LPSTR)szProCancelMsg, (LPSTR)szProCancelCap, MB_YESNO | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION ) == IDYES ) {
fUserQuit = fTrue; fInsideGizmosQuitCode = fFalse; return(fFalse); }
fInsideGizmosQuitCode = fFalse; SendMessage(hwndFrame, WM_NCACTIVATE, 1, 0L); } break; }
return(fFalse); }
** ProBarProc(hWnd, wMessage, wParam, lParam) ** ** Description: ** The window proc for the Progress Bar chart ** Arguments: ** hWnd window handle for the dialog ** wMessage message number ** wParam message-dependent ** lParam message-dependent ** Returns: ** 0 if processed, nonzero if ignored ***************************************************************************/ LRESULT APIENTRY ProBarProc(HWND hWnd, UINT wMessage, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { PAINTSTRUCT rPS; RECT rc1, rc2; INT dx, dy, x; WORD iRange, iPos; CHP rgch[30]; INT iHeight = 0, iWidth = 0; HFONT hfntSav = NULL; static HFONT hfntBar = NULL; SIZE size;
switch (wMessage) { case WM_CREATE: SetWindowWord(hWnd, BAR_RANGE, 10); SetWindowWord(hWnd, BAR_POS, 0); return(0L);
case BAR_SETRANGE: case BAR_SETPOS: SetWindowWord(hWnd, wMessage - WM_USER, (WORD)wParam); InvalidateRect(hWnd, NULL, fFalse); UpdateWindow(hWnd); return(0L);
case BAR_DELTAPOS: iRange = (WORD)GetWindowWord(hWnd, BAR_RANGE); iPos = (WORD)GetWindowWord(hWnd, BAR_POS);
if (iRange <= 0) iRange = 1;
if (iPos > iRange) iPos = iRange;
if (iPos + wParam > iRange) wParam = iRange - iPos;
SetWindowWord(hWnd, BAR_POS, (WORD)(iPos + wParam)); if ((iPos * 100 / iRange) < ((iPos + (WORD)wParam) * 100 / iRange)) { InvalidateRect(hWnd, NULL, fFalse); UpdateWindow(hWnd); } return(0L);
case WM_SETFONT: hfntBar = (HFONT)wParam; if (!lParam) return(0L); InvalidateRect(hWnd, NULL, fTrue);
case WM_PAINT: BeginPaint(hWnd, &rPS); if (hfntBar) hfntSav = SelectObject(rPS.hdc, hfntBar); GetClientRect(hWnd, &rc1); { HGDIOBJ hStockObject = GetStockObject(BLACK_BRUSH); if (hStockObject) { FrameRect(rPS.hdc, &rc1, hStockObject); InflateRect(&rc1, -1, -1); } } rc2 = rc1; iRange = GetWindowWord(hWnd, BAR_RANGE); iPos = GetWindowWord(hWnd, BAR_POS);
if (iRange <= 0) iRange = 1;
if (iPos > iRange) iPos = iRange;
dx = rc1.right; dy = rc1.bottom; x = (WORD)((DWORD)iPos * dx / iRange) + 1;
if (iPos < iRange) iPos++;
gaugeCopyPercentage = ((DWORD) iPos) * 100 / iRange ;
wsprintf(rgch, "%3d%%", (WORD) gaugeCopyPercentage ); GetTextExtentPoint(rPS.hdc, rgch, strlen(rgch), &size); iWidth = size.cx; iHeight = size.cy;
rc1.right = x; rc2.left = x;
SetBkColor(rPS.hdc, COLORBG); SetTextColor(rPS.hdc, COLORFG); ExtTextOut(rPS.hdc, (dx-iWidth)/2, (dy-iHeight)/2, ETO_OPAQUE | ETO_CLIPPED, &rc1, rgch, strlen(rgch), NULL);
SetBkColor(rPS.hdc, COLORFG); SetTextColor(rPS.hdc, COLORBG); ExtTextOut(rPS.hdc, (dx-iWidth)/2, (dy-iHeight)/2, ETO_OPAQUE | ETO_CLIPPED, &rc2, rgch, strlen(rgch), NULL);
if (hfntSav) SelectObject(rPS.hdc, hfntSav); EndPaint(hWnd, (LPPAINTSTRUCT)&rPS); return(0L); }
return(DefWindowProc(hWnd, wMessage, wParam, lParam)); }
** ProOpen () ** ** Returns: ** 0 if processed, nonzero if ignored ***************************************************************************/ HWND APIENTRY ProOpen(HWND hwnd, INT id) { CHP szTmpText[cchpBufTmpLongMax];
// Maintain the number of times the progress guage is opened
// Check if progress guage still present
if (!hwndProgressGizmo) {
// Get Progress Dialog procedure instance
#ifdef DLL
fpxProDlg = ProDlgProc; #else /* !DLL */
fpxProDlg = (WNDPROC)MakeProcInstance(ProDlgProc, hinstShell); #endif /* !DLL */
// Fetch dialog resource name
if (!LoadString(hinstShell, IDS_PROGRESS, szTmpText, cchpBufTmpLongMax)) { strcpy( szTmpText, "Progress" ); }
// Create the Progress dialog
hwndProgressGizmo = CreateDialog(hinstShell, (LPCSTR)szTmpText, hwnd, (DLGPROC)fpxProDlg);
// Fill in @ items with text from the INF
EvalAssert(FFillInDialogTextFromInf(hwndProgressGizmo, hinstShell));
// Show the guage and paint it
ShowWindow(hwndProgressGizmo, SHOW_OPENWINDOW); UpdateWindow(hwndProgressGizmo);
EnableWindow(hwndFrame, fFalse); // SendMessage(hwndFrame, WM_NCACTIVATE, 1, 0L);
return(hwndProgressGizmo); }
** ProClose(hwndFrame) ** ** Returns: ** 0 if processed, nonzero if ignored ***************************************************************************/ BOOL APIENTRY ProClose(HWND hwndFrame) { AssertDataSeg();
iCnt--; if (hwndProgressGizmo && iCnt == 0) { EnableWindow(hwndFrame, fTrue); DestroyWindow(hwndProgressGizmo); FreeProcInstance(fpxProDlg); hwndProgressGizmo = NULL; }
return(fTrue); }
/***************************************************************************/ BOOL APIENTRY ProSetText(INT i, LPSTR sz) { AssertDataSeg();
if (hwndProgressGizmo) { SetDlgItemText(hwndProgressGizmo, i, sz); return(fTrue); }
return(fFalse); }
/***************************************************************************/ BOOL APIENTRY ProSetCaption(LPSTR szCaption) { if (hwndProgressGizmo) { SetWindowText(hwndProgressGizmo, szCaption); return(fTrue); }
return(fFalse); }
/***************************************************************************/ BOOL APIENTRY ProSetBarRange(INT i) { AssertDataSeg();
if (hwndProgressGizmo) { SendDlgItemMessage(hwndProgressGizmo, ID_BAR, BAR_SETRANGE, i, 0L); return(fTrue); }
return(fFalse); }
/***************************************************************************/ BOOL APIENTRY ProSetBarPos(INT i) { AssertDataSeg();
if (hwndProgressGizmo) { SendDlgItemMessage(hwndProgressGizmo, ID_BAR, BAR_SETPOS, i, 0L); return(fTrue); }
return(fFalse); }
/***************************************************************************/ BOOL APIENTRY ProDeltaPos(INT i) { AssertDataSeg();
if (hwndProgressGizmo) { SendDlgItemMessage(hwndProgressGizmo, ID_BAR, BAR_DELTAPOS, i, 0L); return(fTrue); }
return(fFalse); }
** text control that uses ExtTextOut() IE no flicker! ****************************************************************************/ LRESULT APIENTRY fnText(HWND hwnd, UINT wMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { PAINTSTRUCT ps; RECT rc; CHP rgch[256]; INT len; HFONT hfntSav = NULL; static HFONT hfntText = NULL; SIZE size;
switch (wMsg) { case WM_SETTEXT: DefWindowProc(hwnd, wMsg, wParam, lParam); InvalidateRect(hwnd,NULL,fFalse); UpdateWindow(hwnd); return(0L);
case WM_ERASEBKGND: return(0L);
case WM_SETFONT: hfntText = (HFONT)wParam; if (!lParam) return(0L); InvalidateRect(hwnd, NULL, fTrue);
case WM_PAINT: BeginPaint(hwnd, &ps); if (hfntText) hfntSav = SelectObject(ps.hdc, hfntText); GetClientRect(hwnd,&rc);
len = GetWindowText(hwnd, rgch, sizeof(rgch)); SetBkColor(ps.hdc, GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNFACE)); SetTextColor(ps.hdc, GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOWTEXT)); ExtTextOut(ps.hdc, 0, 0, ETO_OPAQUE, &rc, rgch, len, NULL);
// see if text was too long. If so, place '...' at end of field.
if(GetTextExtentPoint(ps.hdc,rgch,len,&size)) {
if((size.cx > rc.right - rc.left + 1) && GetTextExtentPoint(ps.hdc,"...",3,&size)) { ExtTextOut(ps.hdc,rc.right-size.cx+1,0,0,NULL,"...",3,NULL); } }
if (hfntSav) SelectObject(ps.hdc, hfntSav); EndPaint(hwnd, &ps); return(0L); }
return(DefWindowProc(hwnd, wMsg, wParam, lParam)); }
#ifdef UNUSED
** wsDlgInit(hdlg) ** ** Handle the init message for a dialog box ***************************************************************************/ VOID APIENTRY wsDlgInit(HWND hdlg) { AssertDataSeg();
/* Center the dialog. */
centerOnDesktop( hdlg ) ; } #endif /* UNUSED */