#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <string.h>
local.c - It will open a localization file and append the content of the localization file to each file indicated within the localization file.
syntax: local < input file > < localize directory >
typedef struct _PLATFORM_DATA {
// Name of platform and platform's subdirectory in
// the build tree.
PSTR PlatformName;
// Current output file for this platform.
// If a line in the input file applies to this platform,
// this handle will be used to write the line into the
// output file being generated for this platform.
FILE *OutputFile;
// When porting, simply bump up this number and add
// a line to the PlatformData array below.
{{ "i386", NULL }, { "mips", NULL }, { "alpha", NULL }, { "ppc", NULL }};
// Value to indicate that a line of input belongs in output file
// for all platforms.
// Input buffer.
CHAR InputBuffer[1000];
VOID CloseAllOpenOutputFiles( VOID ) { unsigned Platform;
for(Platform=0; Platform<NUMBER_OF_PLATFORMS; Platform++) {
if(PlatformData[Platform].OutputFile) { fclose(PlatformData[Platform].OutputFile); PlatformData[Platform].OutputFile = NULL; } } }
BOOL ProcessInputFile( IN FILE *InputFile, IN PSTR TargetDirectory ) { CHAR InfFileName[MAX_PATH]; CHAR PlatformName[100]; CHAR OutputFileName[MAX_PATH]; BOOL TotalSuccess; unsigned CurrentPlatform; unsigned Platform; HANDLE FindHandle; WIN32_FIND_DATA FindData;
// Assume overall success.
TotalSuccess = TRUE;
// Until a platform is specified, all platforms are selected.
// Note that nothing will actually get written until a platform
// is selected because no output files are open until then.
CurrentPlatform = ALL_PLATFORMS;
// Process each line in the input file.
while(TotalSuccess && fgets(InputBuffer,sizeof(InputBuffer),InputFile)) {
// If the line begins with ##### then this line specifies
// which platform lines following it in the input file apply to.
// Otherwise the line will be copied to the appropriate output
// file(s).
if(strncmp(InputBuffer,"#####",5)) {
// Plain old line. Place in output file for current platform
// or all platforms as appropriate.
for(Platform=0; TotalSuccess && (Platform<NUMBER_OF_PLATFORMS); Platform++) {
if(PlatformData[Platform].OutputFile && ((CurrentPlatform == ALL_PLATFORMS) || (Platform == CurrentPlatform))) {
if(fputs(InputBuffer,PlatformData[Platform].OutputFile) == EOF) { fprintf(stderr,"unable to write to output file\n"); TotalSuccess = FALSE; } } }
} else {
// Platform specifier line. Next two values are output filename
// and output file platform.
if (sscanf(InputBuffer,"#####%s %s",InfFileName,PlatformName) < 2) { fprintf(stderr,"invalid localization file\n"); TotalSuccess = FALSE; break; }
// Attempt to determine the platform specified.
// If the value in the input file is not recognized then
// it specifies all platforms.
CurrentPlatform = ALL_PLATFORMS;
for(Platform=0; Platform<NUMBER_OF_PLATFORMS; Platform++) {
if(!_stricmp(PlatformName,PlatformData[Platform].PlatformName)) { CurrentPlatform = Platform; break; } }
// Close all open output files.
// Now open output files as appropriate. Note that this means
// we will either open a single platform's output file or all
// platforms' output files.
for(Platform=0; TotalSuccess && (Platform<NUMBER_OF_PLATFORMS); Platform++) {
if((Platform == CurrentPlatform) || (CurrentPlatform == ALL_PLATFORMS)) {
// First we will determine whether the relevent platform's
// directory exists. If not, we'll simply skip this platform.
// This prevents us from erroring out when we're generating
// 3.5" media, because there will be no mips, alpha, ppc, etc
// subdirectories for 3.5" media.
sprintf( OutputFileName, "%s\\%s", TargetDirectory, PlatformData[Platform].PlatformName );
FindHandle = FindFirstFile(OutputFileName,&FindData); if(FindHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
strcat(OutputFileName,"\\"); strcat(OutputFileName,InfFileName);
if((PlatformData[Platform].OutputFile = fopen(OutputFileName,"a")) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"open file:%s fail.\n",OutputFileName); TotalSuccess = FALSE; } } } } } }
// Close all open output files.
// Return value indicating whether we were totally successful.
return TotalSuccess; }
int __cdecl main( IN int argc, IN char *argv[] ) { FILE *InputFile; int ReturnCode;
if(argc != 3) { fprintf(stderr,"usage: local <file name> <directory name>\n"); return 1; }
if(InputFile = fopen(argv[1],"r")) {
ReturnCode = ProcessInputFile(InputFile,argv[2]) ? 0 : 1; fclose(InputFile);
} else {
fprintf(stderr,"cannot open localizer file."); ReturnCode = 1; }
return ReturnCode; }