#include <mytypes.h>
#include <partio.h>
#include <diskio.h>
#include <misclib.h>
#include <partimag.h>
#include <msgfile.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <memory.h>
#include <dos.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
char *textDiskCount; char *textDiskN; char *textInt13Unit; char *textSectorsPerTrack; char *textHeads; char *textCylinders; char *textExtInt13; char *textNoExtInt13; char *textPartitionsOnDisk; char *textSystemId; char *textStartSector; char *textSectorCount; char *textNoPartitionsOnDisk; char *textCantAllocBuffer; char *textIsNotMasterDisk; char *textIsMasterDisk; char *textCantAccessDisk; char *textPartImageCount; char *textImageN; char *textImageCorrupt; char *textImageName; char *textOriginalTotalSectors; char *textMBParens; char *textDone; char *textUsage; char *textChecksum; char *textChecksumFail; char *textBytesProcessed; char *textValidateFile; char *textChecksumOk; char *textRelocBitmap; char *textRelocBoot;
MESSAGE_STRING TextMessages[] = { { &textDiskCount, 1 }, { &textDiskN, 2 }, { &textInt13Unit, 3 }, { &textSectorsPerTrack, 4 }, { &textHeads, 5 }, { &textCylinders, 6 }, { &textExtInt13, 7 }, { &textNoExtInt13, 8 }, { &textPartitionsOnDisk, 9 }, { &textSystemId, 10 }, { &textStartSector, 11 }, { &textSectorCount, 12 }, { &textNoPartitionsOnDisk, 13 }, { &textCantAllocBuffer, 14 }, { &textIsNotMasterDisk, 15 }, { &textIsMasterDisk, 16 }, { &textCantAccessDisk, 17 }, { &textPartImageCount, 18 }, { &textImageN, 19 }, { &textImageCorrupt, 20 }, { &textImageName, 21 }, { &textOriginalTotalSectors,22 }, { &textMBParens, 24 }, { &textDone, 25 }, { &textUsage, 26 }, { &textChecksum, 27 }, { &textChecksumFail, 28 }, { &textBytesProcessed, 29 }, { &textValidateFile, 30 }, { &textChecksumOk, 31 }, { &textRelocBitmap, 32 }, { &textRelocBoot, 33 } };
UINT PartCount; BYTE SaveBuffer[512]; CMD_LINE_ARGS CmdLineArgs;
VOID DumpDisk( IN UINT DiskId );
VOID DumpPartitionsOnDisk( IN UINT DiskId );
VOID DumpMasterDiskInfo( IN UINT DiskId );
BOOL TestImage( IN HDISK DiskHandle, IN ULONG StartSector );
int main( IN int argc, IN char *argv[] ) { UINT DiskCount,i;
if(!GetTextForProgram(argv[0],TextMessages,sizeof(TextMessages)/sizeof(TextMessages[0]))) { fprintf(stderr,"Unable to find messages for program\n"); return(FAILURE); }
if(!ParseArgs(argc,argv,TRUE,"XT",&CmdLineArgs)) { fprintf(stderr,textUsage); fprintf(stderr,"\n"); return(FAILURE); }
PartCount = InitializePartitionList(); DiskCount = InitializeDiskList();
printf(textDiskCount,DiskCount); printf("\n");
for(i=0; i<DiskCount; i++) {
DumpDisk(i); }
return(SUCCESS); }
VOID DumpDisk( IN UINT DiskId ) { BYTE Int13Unit; BYTE SectorsPerTrack; USHORT Heads; USHORT Cylinders; ULONG ExtendedSectorCount;
printf("\n"); printf(textDiskN,DiskId); printf("\n\n");
GetDiskInfoById( DiskId, 0, &Int13Unit, &SectorsPerTrack, &Heads, &Cylinders, &ExtendedSectorCount );
printf(" %s ",textInt13Unit); printf("%x\n",Int13Unit);
printf(" %s ",textSectorsPerTrack); printf("%u\n",SectorsPerTrack);
printf(" %s ",textHeads); printf("%u\n",Heads);
printf(" %s ",textCylinders); printf("%u\n",Cylinders);
if(ExtendedSectorCount) { printf(" %s ",textExtInt13); printf("0x%lx\n",ExtendedSectorCount); } else { printf(" %s\n",textNoExtInt13); }
DumpPartitionsOnDisk(DiskId); DumpMasterDiskInfo(DiskId);
printf("\n%s\n",textDone); }
VOID DumpPartitionsOnDisk( IN UINT DiskId ) { UINT i; UINT id; BYTE SysId; ULONG StartSector; ULONG SectorCount; unsigned count;
count = 0; printf("\n");
for(i=0; i<PartCount; i++) {
GetPartitionInfoById( i, 0, &id, &SysId, &StartSector, &SectorCount );
if(id == DiskId) {
if(!count++) { printf(" %s\n",textPartitionsOnDisk); }
printf("\n %s ",textSystemId); printf("%u\n",SysId); printf(" %s ",textStartSector); printf("0x%lx\n",StartSector); printf(" %s ",textSectorCount); printf("0x%lx ",SectorCount); printf(textMBParens,SectorCount/2048); printf("\n"); } }
if(!count) { printf(" %s\n",textNoPartitionsOnDisk); } }
VOID DumpMasterDiskInfo( IN UINT DiskId ) { FPVOID Buffer,OriginalBuffer; HDISK hDisk; FPMASTER_DISK MasterDisk; FPPARTITION_IMAGE Image; UINT i;
if(!AllocTrackBuffer(1,&Buffer,&OriginalBuffer)) { printf(" %s\n",textCantAllocBuffer); return; }
if(IsMasterDisk(DiskId,Buffer)) { printf(" %s ",textIsMasterDisk);
if(hDisk = OpenDisk(DiskId)) {
if(ReadDisk(hDisk,1,1,Buffer)) {
memcpy(SaveBuffer,Buffer,512); MasterDisk = (FPMASTER_DISK)SaveBuffer;
printf("\n (%u %s)\n", MasterDisk->ImageCount, textPartImageCount);
Image = Buffer;
for(i=0; i<MasterDisk->ImageCount; i++) {
printf("\n "); printf(textImageN,i+1); printf("\n\n");
if(ReadDisk(hDisk,MasterDisk->ImageStartSector[i],1,Buffer)) {
if((Image->Signature == PARTITION_IMAGE_SIGNATURE) && (Image->Size == sizeof(PARTITION_IMAGE))) {
printf(" %s %u\n",textSystemId,Image->SystemId);
printf(" %s 0x%lx ",textOriginalTotalSectors,Image->TotalSectorCount); printf(textMBParens,Image->TotalSectorCount/2048); printf("\n");
if( Image->Flags & PARTIMAGE_RELOCATE_BITMAP ) { printf(" %s 0x%lx\n",textRelocBitmap,Image->BitmapRelocationStart); } if( Image->Flags & PARTIMAGE_RELOCATE_BOOT ) { printf(" %s 0x%lx\n",textRelocBoot,Image->BootRelocationStart); } printf("\n");
if(CmdLineArgs.Test) { TestImage(hDisk,MasterDisk->ImageStartSector[i]); }
} else { printf(" %s\n",textImageCorrupt); } } else { printf(" %s\n",textCantAccessDisk); } } } else { printf("\n %s\n",textCantAccessDisk); } } else { printf("\n %s\n",textCantAccessDisk); } } else { printf(" %s\n",textIsNotMasterDisk); }
free(OriginalBuffer); }
BOOL TestImage( IN HDISK DiskHandle, IN ULONG StartSector ) { FPVOID Buffer,OriginalBuffer; ULONG CurrentSector; ULONG ImageCRC; ULONG CalcCRC; ULONG BytesCRC;
ULONG SectorsRemaining; ULONG TotalSectors; ULONG BitmapSize; BYTE Count;
// need to allocate aligned buffer
if(!AllocTrackBuffer(63,&Buffer,&OriginalBuffer)) { printf(" %s\n",textCantAllocBuffer); return FALSE; }
// read inital sector to get info
CurrentSector = StartSector; if( ReadDisk( DiskHandle, CurrentSector, 1, Buffer ) ) { ImageCRC = ((PPARTITION_IMAGE)Buffer)->CRC;
// determine the image bitmap size
BitmapSize = ((PPARTITION_IMAGE)Buffer)->LastUsedCluster; BitmapSize = (BitmapSize % (8*512)) ? BitmapSize/(8*512)+1 : BitmapSize/(8*512); // calculate how many sectors remain in the image
SectorsRemaining = ((PPARTITION_IMAGE)Buffer)->NonClusterSectors // fs structs
+ ((PPARTITION_IMAGE)Buffer)->SectorsPerCluster * ((PPARTITION_IMAGE)Buffer)->UsedClusterCount // data area
+ BitmapSize; // image cluster bitmap
// zero out these fields in the header so we can recalculate the original CRC
((PPARTITION_IMAGE)Buffer)->CRC = 0; ((PPARTITION_IMAGE)Buffer)->BitmapRelocationStart = 0; ((PPARTITION_IMAGE)Buffer)->BootRelocationStart = 0; ((PPARTITION_IMAGE)Buffer)->Flags = 0;
TotalSectors = SectorsRemaining; } else { printf("\n %s\n",textCantAccessDisk); return FALSE; }
CurrentSector++; // update the computed CRC
CalcCRC = CRC32Compute( Buffer, 512, CalcCRC); BytesCRC += 512;
// loop reading the entire file, updating the CRC
while (SectorsRemaining) { Count = (BYTE) ((SectorsRemaining > 63L) ? 63L : SectorsRemaining);
if( ReadDisk( DiskHandle, CurrentSector, Count , Buffer ) ) { CalcCRC = CRC32Compute( Buffer, Count*512, CalcCRC); BytesCRC += Count*512; } else { printf("\n %s\n",textCantAccessDisk); return FALSE; } SectorsRemaining -= Count; CurrentSector += Count;
// print progress
printf("\r %s (%u%%)", textValidateFile,100*(TotalSectors-SectorsRemaining)/TotalSectors); } // compare with stored CRC
printf("\r %s = 0x%08lx\n", textChecksum, CalcCRC ); printf("\r %s = 0x%08lx\n", textBytesProcessed,BytesCRC );
if( CalcCRC != ImageCRC ) { printf("\n%s 0x%08lx\n",textChecksumFail,ImageCRC); return FALSE; } else { printf("\r %s\n", textChecksumOk); } free(OriginalBuffer); return TRUE; }