#include <dos.h>
#include <share.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <mytypes.h>
#include <misclib.h>
#include <displib.h>
#include "bootfont.h"
// The following structures and constants are used in font files:
// DOS image header
// OS/2 image header
// OS/2 executable resource information structure
// OS/2 executable resource name information structure
typedef struct _IMAGE_DOS_HEADER { // DOS .EXE header
USHORT e_magic; // Magic number
USHORT e_cblp; // Bytes on last page of file
USHORT e_cp; // Pages in file
USHORT e_crlc; // Relocations
USHORT e_cparhdr; // Size of header in paragraphs
USHORT e_minalloc; // Minimum extra paragraphs needed
USHORT e_maxalloc; // Maximum extra paragraphs needed
USHORT e_ss; // Initial (relative) SS value
USHORT e_sp; // Initial SP value
USHORT e_csum; // Checksum
USHORT e_ip; // Initial IP value
USHORT e_cs; // Initial (relative) CS value
USHORT e_lfarlc; // File address of relocation table
USHORT e_ovno; // Overlay number
USHORT e_res[4]; // Reserved words
USHORT e_oemid; // OEM identifier (for e_oeminfo)
USHORT e_oeminfo; // OEM information; e_oemid specific
USHORT e_res2[10]; // Reserved words
ULONG e_lfanew; // File address of new exe header
typedef struct _IMAGE_OS2_HEADER { // OS/2 .EXE header
USHORT ne_magic; // Magic number
CHAR ne_ver; // Version number
CHAR ne_rev; // Revision number
USHORT ne_enttab; // Offset of Entry Table
USHORT ne_cbenttab; // Number of bytes in Entry Table
long ne_crc; // Checksum of whole file
USHORT ne_flags; // Flag word
USHORT ne_autodata; // Automatic data segment number
USHORT ne_heap; // Initial heap allocation
USHORT ne_stack; // Initial stack allocation
long ne_csip; // Initial CS:IP setting
long ne_sssp; // Initial SS:SP setting
USHORT ne_cseg; // Count of file segments
USHORT ne_cmod; // Entries in Module Reference Table
USHORT ne_cbnrestab; // Size of non-resident name table
USHORT ne_segtab; // Offset of Segment Table
USHORT ne_rsrctab; // Offset of Resource Table
USHORT ne_restab; // Offset of resident name table
USHORT ne_modtab; // Offset of Module Reference Table
USHORT ne_imptab; // Offset of Imported Names Table
long ne_nrestab; // Offset of Non-resident Names Table
USHORT ne_cmovent; // Count of movable entries
USHORT ne_align; // Segment alignment shift count
USHORT ne_cres; // Count of resource segments
UCHAR ne_exetyp; // Target Operating system
UCHAR ne_flagsothers; // Other .EXE flags
USHORT ne_pretthunks; // offset to return thunks
USHORT ne_psegrefbytes; // offset to segment ref. bytes
USHORT ne_swaparea; // Minimum code swap area size
USHORT ne_expver; // Expected Windows version number
#define IMAGE_OS2_SIGNATURE 0x454E // NE
#define FONT_DIRECTORY 0x8007
#define FONT_RESOURCE 0x8008
#pragma pack(1)
typedef struct _OEM_FONT_FILE_HEADER { USHORT Version; ULONG FileSize; UCHAR Copyright[60]; USHORT Type; USHORT Points; USHORT VerticalResolution; USHORT HorizontalResolution; USHORT Ascent; USHORT InternalLeading; USHORT ExternalLeading; UCHAR Italic; UCHAR Underline; UCHAR StrikeOut; USHORT Weight; UCHAR CharacterSet; USHORT PixelWidth; USHORT PixelHeight; UCHAR Family; USHORT AverageWidth; USHORT MaximumWidth; UCHAR FirstCharacter; UCHAR LastCharacter; UCHAR DefaultCharacter; UCHAR BreakCharacter; USHORT WidthInBytes; ULONG Device; ULONG Face; ULONG BitsPointer; ULONG BitsOffset; UCHAR Filler; } OEM_FONT_FILE_HEADER; #pragma pack()
#define OEM_FONT_VERSION 0x200
#define OEM_FONT_TYPE 0
#define OEM_FONT_FAMILY (3 << 4)
#define FONT_WIDTH 8
typedef struct _FONT_CHAR { USHORT Width; USHORT Offset; } FONT_CHAR;
FONT_CHAR *FontCharMap; BYTE *FontCharData; unsigned FontDataBaseOffset; BYTE GlyphHeight;
BYTE FontFirstChar,FontLastChar,FontDefaultChar;
BYTE TopPad,BottomPad;
unsigned BootfontFileHandle = (unsigned)(-1); UCHAR PendingLeadByte; unsigned SbcsCharCount; unsigned DbcsCharCount; ULONG SbcsFileOffset; ULONG DbcsFileOffset;
#define DBCS_FIRST_LEAD 0x81
#define DBCS_LAST_LEAD 0xfe
#define DBCS_FIRST_TRAIL 0x40
#define DBCS_LAST_TRAIL 0xfe
// HACK: the only place this lib is used is with enduser,
// which already has the table of bit values we want.
// Save the 8 bytes and use them.
extern BYTE BitValue[8]; BYTE LeadByteTable[128/8]; // 128 bits
unsigned *DbcsCharOrdinalOffsetTable; unsigned *SbcsCharOrdinalOffsetTable; unsigned *FontCacheTable; BYTE *FontCache; unsigned NextCacheSlot;
BOOL LoadBootfontBin( IN unsigned FileHandle, IN ULONG FileSize );
VOID UnloadBootfontBin( VOID );
VOID FontWriteBfbChar( IN UCHAR c, IN USHORT x, IN USHORT y, IN BYTE ForegroundPixelValue, IN BYTE BackgroundPixelValue );
BOOL _far FontLoadAndInit( IN FPCHAR Filename ) { BOOL b; ULONG FileSize; unsigned FileHandle; unsigned Count; int ScaleFactor; unsigned Offset,TableEndOffset; FONT_CHAR *map; unsigned hi,lo; FPVOID data;
b = FALSE;
// Open the file and determine its size.
if(_dos_open(Filename,SH_DENYWR,&FileHandle)) { goto c0; }
if(((FileSize = DosSeek(FileHandle,0,DOSSEEK_END)) == -1) || DosSeek(FileHandle,0,DOSSEEK_START)) {
goto c1; }
// Read the DOS header.
if(_dos_read(FileHandle,&FontHeaders.DosHeader,sizeof(IMAGE_DOS_HEADER),&Count) || (Count != sizeof(IMAGE_DOS_HEADER))) {
goto c1; }
// Special check for bootfont.bin-style font.
if(((BOOTFONTBIN_HEADER *)&FontHeaders.DosHeader)->Signature == BOOTFONTBIN_SIGNATURE) { return(LoadBootfontBin(FileHandle,FileSize)); }
// Cap file size to something reasonable (and that fits in a
// 16 bit value).
if(FileSize > 60000) { goto c1; }
// Basic header check.
if((FontHeaders.DosHeader.e_magic != IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE) || (FontHeaders.DosHeader.e_lfanew < sizeof(IMAGE_DOS_HEADER))) {
goto c1; }
// Retrieve some info from the dos header before overwriting it.
Offset = (unsigned)FontHeaders.DosHeader.e_lfanew;
// Read the OS/2 header and make sure the resource table exists.
if((DosSeek(FileHandle,FontHeaders.DosHeader.e_lfanew,DOSSEEK_START) != FontHeaders.DosHeader.e_lfanew) || _dos_read(FileHandle,&FontHeaders.Os2Header,sizeof(IMAGE_OS2_HEADER),&Count) || (Count != sizeof(IMAGE_OS2_HEADER)) || (FontHeaders.Os2Header.ne_magic != IMAGE_OS2_SIGNATURE) || (FontHeaders.Os2Header.ne_restab > 65535L) || (FontHeaders.Os2Header.ne_rsrctab > 65535L) || !(FontHeaders.Os2Header.ne_restab - FontHeaders.Os2Header.ne_rsrctab)) {
goto c1; }
// Search for font resource.
TableEndOffset = Offset; Offset += (unsigned)FontHeaders.Os2Header.ne_rsrctab; TableEndOffset += (unsigned)FontHeaders.Os2Header.ne_restab;
if((DosSeek(FileHandle,Offset,DOSSEEK_START) != Offset) || _dos_read(FileHandle,&ScaleFactor,2,&Count) || (Count != 2)) {
goto c1; }
Offset += 2; // skip scale factor
FontHeaders.ResourceType.Ident = 0;
while(Offset < TableEndOffset) {
if((DosSeek(FileHandle,Offset,DOSSEEK_START) != Offset) || _dos_read(FileHandle,&FontHeaders.ResourceType,sizeof(RESOURCE_TYPE_INFORMATION),&Count) || (Count != sizeof(RESOURCE_TYPE_INFORMATION))) { goto c1; }
if(FontHeaders.ResourceType.Ident == FONT_RESOURCE) { break; }
Offset += sizeof(RESOURCE_TYPE_INFORMATION) + (FontHeaders.ResourceType.Number * sizeof(RESOURCE_NAME_INFORMATION));
if(FontHeaders.ResourceType.Ident != FONT_RESOURCE) { goto c1; }
// Get to resource name information.
Offset += sizeof(RESOURCE_TYPE_INFORMATION); if((DosSeek(FileHandle,Offset,DOSSEEK_START) != Offset) || _dos_read(FileHandle,&FontHeaders.ResourceName,sizeof(RESOURCE_NAME_INFORMATION),&Count) || (Count != sizeof(RESOURCE_NAME_INFORMATION))) {
goto c1; }
// Read the oem font file header and validate it. We don't read the
// table map in this part, we read that later.
Offset = FontHeaders.ResourceName.Offset << ScaleFactor;
if((DosSeek(FileHandle,Offset,DOSSEEK_START) != Offset) || _dos_read(FileHandle,&FontHeaders,sizeof(OEM_FONT_FILE_HEADER),&Count) || (Count != sizeof(OEM_FONT_FILE_HEADER)) || (FontHeaders.FontHeader.Version != OEM_FONT_VERSION) || (FontHeaders.FontHeader.Type != OEM_FONT_TYPE) || FontHeaders.FontHeader.Italic || FontHeaders.FontHeader.Underline || FontHeaders.FontHeader.StrikeOut || (FontHeaders.FontHeader.CharacterSet != OEM_FONT_CHARACTER_SET) || (FontHeaders.FontHeader.Family != OEM_FONT_FAMILY) || (FontHeaders.FontHeader.PixelWidth != FONT_WIDTH) || (FontHeaders.FontHeader.PixelHeight > 16 )) {
goto c1; }
// Allocate memory for the mapping table and read it in.
FileSize = (FontHeaders.FontHeader.LastCharacter - FontHeaders.FontHeader.FirstCharacter) + 1; map = malloc((unsigned)FileSize * sizeof(FONT_CHAR)); if(!map) { goto c1; }
if(_dos_read(FileHandle,map,(unsigned)FileSize*sizeof(FONT_CHAR),&Count) || (Count != ((unsigned)FileSize*sizeof(FONT_CHAR)))) { goto c2; }
// Find the lowest and highest offsets to determine where the file data is.
hi = 0; lo = (unsigned)(-1);
for(Count=0; Count<(unsigned)FileSize; Count++) {
if(map[Count].Offset < lo) { lo = map[Count].Offset; }
if(map[Count].Offset > hi) { hi = map[Count].Offset; } }
FileSize = (unsigned)((hi - lo) + FontHeaders.FontHeader.PixelHeight);
data = malloc((unsigned)FileSize); if(!data) { goto c2; }
Offset += lo;
if((DosSeek(FileHandle,Offset,DOSSEEK_START) != Offset) || _dos_read(FileHandle,data,(unsigned)FileSize,&Count) || (Count != (unsigned)FileSize)) {
goto c3; }
if(FontCharMap) { free(FontCharMap); } FontCharMap = map;
if(FontCharData) { free(FontCharData); } FontCharData = data;
FontDataBaseOffset = lo;
GlyphHeight = (BYTE)FontHeaders.FontHeader.PixelHeight; FontFirstChar = FontHeaders.FontHeader.FirstCharacter; FontLastChar = FontHeaders.FontHeader.LastCharacter; FontDefaultChar = FontHeaders.FontHeader.DefaultCharacter;
TopPad = 1; BottomPad = 1;
if(BootfontFileHandle != (unsigned)(-1)) { UnloadBootfontBin(); }
b = TRUE;
c3: if(!b) { free(data); } c2: if(!b) { free(map); } c1: _dos_close(FileHandle); c0: return(b); }
BOOL LoadBootfontBin( IN unsigned FileHandle, IN ULONG FileSize )
Routine Description:
This routine loads and initializes a font file in NT setup's bootfont.bin format.
FileHandle - supplies DOS file handle of file.
FileSize - supplies size of file in bytes.
Return Value:
Boolean value indicating outcome. If TRUE, the file handle will be left open. If FALSE the file handle will have been closed.
{ BOOL b; unsigned Count; unsigned i; unsigned MaxChars,CharsLeft; unsigned BytesPerChar; unsigned index; unsigned ordinal; unsigned nextslot; FPBYTE p; FPBYTE ScratchBuffer; unsigned *Table1,*Table2,*Table3; BYTE *cache; unsigned CacheOrd;
b = FALSE;
// Rewind the file and read the header.
if(DosSeek(FileHandle,0,DOSSEEK_START) || _dos_read(FileHandle,&FontHeaders.BfbHeader,sizeof(BOOTFONTBIN_HEADER),&Count) || (Count != sizeof(BOOTFONTBIN_HEADER))) {
goto c1; }
// Basic checks.
if((FontHeaders.BfbHeader.CharacterImageSbcsWidth != FONT_WIDTH) || (FontHeaders.BfbHeader.CharacterImageDbcsWidth != (2*FONT_WIDTH))) {
goto c1; }
// Make sure the DBCS table looks good. No ranges can be in ASCII range,
// the ranges must be legal (ie, end greater than start), and the table
// must be terminated with a pair of 0s.
for(Count=0; FontHeaders.BfbHeader.DbcsLeadTable[Count] && FontHeaders.BfbHeader.DbcsLeadTable[Count+1] && (Count < (2*MAX_DBCS_RANGE)); Count+=2) {
if((FontHeaders.BfbHeader.DbcsLeadTable[Count] < DBCS_FIRST_LEAD) || (FontHeaders.BfbHeader.DbcsLeadTable[Count+1] < DBCS_FIRST_LEAD) || (FontHeaders.BfbHeader.DbcsLeadTable[Count] > DBCS_LAST_LEAD) || (FontHeaders.BfbHeader.DbcsLeadTable[Count+1] > DBCS_LAST_LEAD) || (FontHeaders.BfbHeader.DbcsLeadTable[Count] > FontHeaders.BfbHeader.DbcsLeadTable[Count+1])) {
goto c1; } }
if(FontHeaders.BfbHeader.DbcsLeadTable[Count] || FontHeaders.BfbHeader.DbcsLeadTable[Count+1]) {
goto c1; }
// Now we build a table of characters and offset numbers
// into the file, indexed by character value. The theoretical
// maximum number of DBCS chars is when all of 81-fe are leads and
// each of 40-fe are trails for each lead byte; 7e * bf = 5e02 (24066)
// separate DBCS characters. (Actually 7f is not a valid trail byte but
// that only shaves 126 chars off the total, which not worth the headache.)
// Each character requires 2 bytes for an ordinal number in the font file,
// which gives a theoretical maximum table size of bc04 bytes. Mercifully
// this is much less than the malloc max of ffe8 bytes.
// We do something similar for the SBCS case also.
#define TABLE2_SIZE (2*255)
#define TABLE3_SIZE (2*(FontHeaders.BfbHeader.NumSbcsChars + FontHeaders.BfbHeader.NumDbcsChars))
Table1 = malloc(TABLE1_SIZE); if(!Table1) { goto c1; } Table2 = malloc(TABLE2_SIZE); if(!Table2) { goto c2; } Table3 = malloc(TABLE3_SIZE); if(!Table3) { goto c3; } //
// Each slot in the font cache is a 2 byte header indicating the ordinal
// value of the character cached in the slot, and then the bits that
// make up the glyph. Entries are sized for double-byte chars even though
// this wastes space for the single-byte case.
cache = malloc(FONT_CACHE_CAPACITY * (FontHeaders.BfbHeader.CharacterImageHeight+2) * 2); if(!cache) { goto c4; }
memset(Table1,0,TABLE1_SIZE); memset(Table2,0,TABLE2_SIZE); memset(Table3,0xff,TABLE3_SIZE);
if(DosSeek(FileHandle,FontHeaders.BfbHeader.DbcsOffset,DOSSEEK_START) != FontHeaders.BfbHeader.DbcsOffset) { goto c5; }
#define SCRATCH_SIZE 18000 // exactly 1000 chars in typical case
ScratchBuffer = malloc(SCRATCH_SIZE); if(!ScratchBuffer) { goto c5; }
// Build an offset table for sbcs chars.
// There are a max of 255 SBCS chars (1-255).
BytesPerChar = (FontHeaders.BfbHeader.CharacterImageHeight)+1; if(DosSeek(FileHandle,FontHeaders.BfbHeader.SbcsOffset,DOSSEEK_START) != FontHeaders.BfbHeader.SbcsOffset) { free(ScratchBuffer); goto c5; }
MaxChars = SCRATCH_SIZE / BytesPerChar; CharsLeft = FontHeaders.BfbHeader.NumSbcsChars; ordinal = 0; CacheOrd = 0;
while(CharsLeft) {
Count = CharsLeft; if(Count > MaxChars) { Count = MaxChars; }
if(_dos_read(FileHandle,ScratchBuffer,Count*BytesPerChar,&i) || (i != (Count*BytesPerChar))) { free(ScratchBuffer); goto c5; }
CharsLeft -= Count;
for(p=ScratchBuffer,i=0; i<Count; i++,p+=BytesPerChar,ordinal++) {
if(!p[0]) { //
// Invalid value, skip this character
continue; }
index = (unsigned)p[0] - 1;
Table2[index] = ordinal;
// Cache most chars in the ascii range.
if((p[0] >= ' ') && (p[0] <= 'z')) { *(unsigned *)&cache[2*BytesPerChar*CacheOrd] = ordinal; memmove(cache+(2*BytesPerChar*CacheOrd)+2,&p[1],BytesPerChar-1); Table3[ordinal] = CacheOrd++; } } }
nextslot = CacheOrd;
BytesPerChar = (FontHeaders.BfbHeader.CharacterImageHeight*2)+2; MaxChars = SCRATCH_SIZE / BytesPerChar; CharsLeft = FontHeaders.BfbHeader.NumDbcsChars; ordinal = 0;
while(CharsLeft) {
Count = CharsLeft; if(Count > MaxChars) { Count = MaxChars; }
if(_dos_read(FileHandle,ScratchBuffer,Count*BytesPerChar,&i) || (i != (Count*BytesPerChar))) { free(ScratchBuffer); goto c5; }
CharsLeft -= Count;
for(p=ScratchBuffer,i=0; i<Count; i++,p+=BytesPerChar,ordinal++) {
if((p[0] < DBCS_FIRST_LEAD) || (p[0] > DBCS_LAST_LEAD) || (p[1] < DBCS_FIRST_TRAIL) || (p[1] > DBCS_LAST_TRAIL)) { //
// Invalid DBCS value, skip this character
continue; }
index = (unsigned)(p[0] - DBCS_FIRST_LEAD); index <<= 8;
index |= p[1] - DBCS_FIRST_TRAIL;
index -= (unsigned)(p[0] - DBCS_FIRST_LEAD) * (DBCS_FIRST_TRAIL + (255-DBCS_LAST_TRAIL));
Table1[index] = ordinal;
// Cache first n chars that fit in the cache
if(CacheOrd < FONT_CACHE_CAPACITY) { *(unsigned *)&cache[CacheOrd*BytesPerChar] = ordinal+FontHeaders.BfbHeader.NumSbcsChars; memmove(cache+(CacheOrd*BytesPerChar)+2,&p[2],BytesPerChar-2); Table3[ordinal+FontHeaders.BfbHeader.NumSbcsChars] = CacheOrd++; } } }
// Everything looks good. Set up globals.
for(Count=0; FontHeaders.BfbHeader.DbcsLeadTable[Count] && FontHeaders.BfbHeader.DbcsLeadTable[Count+1]; Count+=2) {
for(i = FontHeaders.BfbHeader.DbcsLeadTable[Count]; i <= FontHeaders.BfbHeader.DbcsLeadTable[Count+1]; i++) {
LeadByteTable[(i-128)/8] |= BitValue[(i-128)%8]; } }
SbcsCharCount = FontHeaders.BfbHeader.NumSbcsChars; DbcsCharCount = FontHeaders.BfbHeader.NumDbcsChars;
GlyphHeight = FontHeaders.BfbHeader.CharacterImageHeight; TopPad = FontHeaders.BfbHeader.CharacterTopPad; BottomPad = FontHeaders.BfbHeader.CharacterBottomPad;
SbcsFileOffset = FontHeaders.BfbHeader.SbcsOffset; DbcsFileOffset = FontHeaders.BfbHeader.DbcsOffset;
if(BootfontFileHandle != (unsigned)(-1)) { UnloadBootfontBin(); }
DbcsCharOrdinalOffsetTable = Table1; SbcsCharOrdinalOffsetTable = Table2; FontCacheTable = Table3; FontCache = cache; NextCacheSlot = nextslot;
BootfontFileHandle = FileHandle;
if(FontCharMap) { free(FontCharMap); FontCharMap = NULL; }
if(FontCharData) { free(FontCharData); FontCharData = NULL; }
b = TRUE;
c5: if(!b) { free(cache); } c4: if(!b) { free(Table3); } c3: if(!b) { free(Table2); } c2: if(!b) { free(Table1); } c1: if(!b) { _dos_close(FileHandle); } return(b); }
VOID UnloadBootfontBin( VOID ) { _dos_close(BootfontFileHandle); BootfontFileHandle = (unsigned)(-1); PendingLeadByte = 0; free(DbcsCharOrdinalOffsetTable); free(SbcsCharOrdinalOffsetTable); free(FontCacheTable); free(FontCache); DbcsCharOrdinalOffsetTable = NULL; SbcsCharOrdinalOffsetTable = NULL; FontCacheTable = NULL; FontCache = NULL; }
VOID _far FontGetInfo( OUT FPBYTE Width, OUT FPBYTE Height ) { *Width = FONT_WIDTH; *Height = GlyphHeight + TopPad + BottomPad; }
VOID _far FontWriteChar( IN UCHAR c, IN USHORT x, IN USHORT y, IN BYTE ForegroundPixelValue, IN BYTE BackgroundPixelValue ) { BYTE PixelMap[2];
if(BootfontFileHandle != (unsigned)(-1)) { //
// Use bootfont.bin method
FontWriteBfbChar(c,x,y,ForegroundPixelValue,BackgroundPixelValue); return; }
PixelMap[0] = BackgroundPixelValue; PixelMap[1] = ForegroundPixelValue;
if((c < FontFirstChar) || (c > FontLastChar)) { c = FontDefaultChar; }
// Pad if necessary by filling in background
if(BackgroundPixelValue < VGAPIX_TRANSPARENT) { if(TopPad) { VgaClearRegion(x,y,FONT_WIDTH,TopPad,BackgroundPixelValue); } if(BottomPad) { VgaClearRegion(x,y+TopPad+GlyphHeight,FONT_WIDTH,BottomPad,BackgroundPixelValue); } }
VgaBitBlt( x, y + TopPad, FONT_WIDTH, GlyphHeight, 1, FALSE, PixelMap, FontCharData + (FontCharMap[c-FontFirstChar].Offset - FontDataBaseOffset) ); }
VOID _far FontWriteString( IN UCHAR *String, IN USHORT x, IN USHORT y, IN BYTE ForegroundPixelValue, IN BYTE BackgroundPixelValue ) { for( ; *String; String++) { FontWriteChar(*String,x,y,ForegroundPixelValue,BackgroundPixelValue); x += FONT_WIDTH; }
PendingLeadByte = 0; }
VOID FontWriteBfbChar( IN UCHAR c, IN USHORT x, IN USHORT y, IN BYTE ForegroundPixelValue, IN BYTE BackgroundPixelValue ) { unsigned scale; unsigned index; unsigned Ordinal; unsigned i,read; ULONG FileOffset = 0; FPBYTE Glyph = NULL; BYTE PixelMap[2]; FPBYTE p;
if(PendingLeadByte) { //
// Got second half of DBCS character. Render now.
index = (unsigned)(PendingLeadByte - DBCS_FIRST_LEAD); index <<= 8; index |= c - DBCS_FIRST_TRAIL; index -= (unsigned)(PendingLeadByte - DBCS_FIRST_LEAD) * (DBCS_FIRST_TRAIL + (255-DBCS_LAST_TRAIL)); PendingLeadByte = 0;
Ordinal = DbcsCharOrdinalOffsetTable[index];
// Is this character cached?
if(FontCacheTable[Ordinal+SbcsCharCount] == (unsigned)(-1)) { //
// No, need to cache it.
FileOffset = ((ULONG)Ordinal * ((2 * GlyphHeight) + 2)) + DbcsFileOffset + 2; } else { //
// Yes, get glyph.
Glyph = FontCache + (((2 * GlyphHeight) + 2) * FontCacheTable[Ordinal+SbcsCharCount]) + 2; }
Ordinal += SbcsCharCount; x -= FONT_WIDTH; scale = 2; } else { //
// See if DBCS char or a lead byte
if((c >= DBCS_FIRST_LEAD) && (LeadByteTable[(c-128)/8] & BitValue[(c-128)%8])) { PendingLeadByte = c; return; }
// SBCS char.
Ordinal = SbcsCharOrdinalOffsetTable[c-1];
// Is this character cached?
if(FontCacheTable[Ordinal] == (unsigned)(-1)) { //
// No, need to cache it.
FileOffset = ((ULONG)Ordinal * (GlyphHeight + 1)) + SbcsFileOffset + 1; } else { //
// Yes, get glyph
Glyph = FontCache + (((2 * GlyphHeight) + 2) * FontCacheTable[Ordinal]) + 2; }
scale = 1; }
if(FileOffset) { //
// Pull the character in from the file.
Glyph = NULL; if(DosSeek(BootfontFileHandle,FileOffset,DOSSEEK_START) == FileOffset) {
// Point at the entry in the font cache where we're going
// to stick the glyph.
p = FontCache + (NextCacheSlot * ((2 * GlyphHeight) + 2));
// Invalidate the caching for the character currently
// cached in the slot we're going to overwrite. If the read
// fails halfway through, the glyph may be trashed anyway,
// so we do it before we know if the read succeeds.
FontCacheTable[*(unsigned *)p] = (unsigned)(-1);
i = _dos_read(BootfontFileHandle,p+2,scale*GlyphHeight,&read);
if(!i && (read == (scale * GlyphHeight))) {
*(unsigned *)p = Ordinal; Glyph = p+2;
FontCacheTable[Ordinal] = NextCacheSlot++; if(NextCacheSlot == FONT_CACHE_CAPACITY) { NextCacheSlot = 0; } } } }
if(Glyph) { //
// Pad if necessary by filling in background
if(BackgroundPixelValue < VGAPIX_TRANSPARENT) { if(TopPad) { VgaClearRegion(x,y,scale*FONT_WIDTH,TopPad,BackgroundPixelValue); } if(BottomPad) { VgaClearRegion(x,y+TopPad+GlyphHeight,scale*FONT_WIDTH,BottomPad,BackgroundPixelValue); } }
PixelMap[0] = BackgroundPixelValue; PixelMap[1] = ForegroundPixelValue;
VgaBitBlt( x, y + TopPad, scale*FONT_WIDTH, GlyphHeight, scale, FALSE, PixelMap, Glyph );
} else { //
// Put a block up there.
VgaClearRegion(x,y,scale*FONT_WIDTH,TopPad+BottomPad+GlyphHeight,ForegroundPixelValue); } }