#include "enduser.h"
VOID TransferNonClusterData( IN HDISK DiskHandle, IN OUT ULONG *SourceStart, IN OUT ULONG *TargetStart );
VOID ExpandFromStart( IN HDISK DiskHandle, IN ULONG SourceStart, IN ULONG TargetStart );
VOID ExpandFromEnd( IN HDISK DiskHandle, IN ULONG SourceStart, IN ULONG TargetStart );
VOID InitializeClusterMapForward( IN HDISK DiskHandle );
VOID InitializeClusterMapReverse( IN HDISK DiskHandle );
VOID GetForwardClusterRun( IN HDISK DiskHandle, OUT ULONG *StartCluster, OUT ULONG *StartOffset, OUT ULONG *ClusterCount );
VOID GetReverseClusterRun( IN HDISK DiskHandle, OUT ULONG *StartCluster, OUT ULONG *StartOffset, OUT ULONG *ClusterCount );
VOID Fat32ExpandOneFat( IN HDISK DiskHandle, IN OUT ULONG *SourceStart, IN OUT ULONG *TargetStart, IN ULONG Fat32FatSectorCount, IN ULONG Fat32AdjustedFatSectorCount );
VOID ExpandImage( IN HDISK DiskHandle, IN BYTE SectorsPerTrack, IN ULONG SourceStart, IN ULONG TargetStart ) { //
// Transfer non-cluster data to the start of the drive.
// Expand out data from the image moving forward until we either
// run out of image or we would overwrite data in the image we
// haven't used yet.
// Expand out data from the image moving backwards until we
// reach the point at which the forward transfer above stopped.
ExpandFromEnd(DiskHandle,SourceStart,TargetStart); }
VOID TransferNonClusterData( IN HDISK DiskHandle, IN OUT ULONG *SourceStart, IN OUT ULONG *TargetStart ) { ULONG Write; ULONG Count; ULONG Offset; ULONG Fat32FatSectorCount; ULONG Fat32AdjustedFatSectorCount; BOOL Xms;
_Log("Transfer non cluster data, source = 0x%lx, target = 0x%lx\n",*SourceStart,*TargetStart); //
// See if we've already done this step.
if(!CmdLineArgs.Test && (MasterDiskInfo.State >= MDS_DID_NONCLUSTER_DATA)) { _Log("Non cluster data already transferred\n"); *SourceStart += PartitionImage.NonClusterSectors; *TargetStart += PartitionImage.NonClusterSectors; GaugeDelta(2*PartitionImage.NonClusterSectors); return; }
// this wil be zero if not resizing (FAT32)
if(PartitionImage.Fat32AdjustedSectorCount) {
_Log("Non cluster data sectors previously processed = 0x%lx\n",MasterDiskInfo.NonClusterSectorsDone); GaugeDelta(2*MasterDiskInfo.NonClusterSectorsDone);
// Fat32 case
// BUGBUG We run into big problems if the image is located right at the beginning of the disk.
// This needs to be prevented in makemast.
// Get the old size of the FAT in sectors.
Fat32FatSectorCount = PartitionImage.Fat32OriginalFatTableSectCount;
// Calculate the new size of the FAT in sectors.
Fat32AdjustedFatSectorCount = PartitionImage.Fat32AdjustedFatTableEntryCount/(512/4); Fat32AdjustedFatSectorCount = (PartitionImage.Fat32AdjustedFatTableEntryCount%(512/4)) ? Fat32AdjustedFatSectorCount++: Fat32AdjustedFatSectorCount;
Offset = 0;
// all right, restore the reserved sectors at the beginning of the disk
// since the number of reserved sectors for FAT32 is small, just read
// and write them all at once.
if( MasterDiskInfo.NonClusterSectorsDone < PartitionImage.Fat32ReservedSectors ) {
// if we haven't already done this
XmsIoDiskRead( DiskHandle, *SourceStart, PartitionImage.Fat32ReservedSectors, &Write, &Xms ); XmsIoDiskWrite(DiskHandle,*TargetStart,Offset,Write,Xms); _Log("Restore %lu reserved sectors from 0x%lx\n",Write,*SourceStart); MasterDiskInfo.NonClusterSectorsDone += Write; if(!CmdLineArgs.Test) { UpdateMasterDiskState(DiskHandle,MasterDiskInfo.State); }
*SourceStart += PartitionImage.Fat32ReservedSectors; *TargetStart += PartitionImage.Fat32ReservedSectors;
// now do the first FAT table
_Log("Restore FAT32 tables.\n");
if( MasterDiskInfo.NonClusterSectorsDone < ( PartitionImage.Fat32ReservedSectors + Fat32FatSectorCount )) { //
// if we haven't already done this
_Log("Restore first FAT.\n"); Fat32ExpandOneFat( DiskHandle, SourceStart, TargetStart, Fat32FatSectorCount, Fat32AdjustedFatSectorCount ); } else { _Log("First FAT already restored.\n"); }
// now do the second FAT table
_Log("Restore second FAT.\n"); Fat32ExpandOneFat( DiskHandle, SourceStart, TargetStart, Fat32FatSectorCount, Fat32AdjustedFatSectorCount );
} else {
// Other file systems
_Log("Non cluster data sectors previously processed = 0x%lx\n",MasterDiskInfo.NonClusterSectorsDone); GaugeDelta(2*MasterDiskInfo.NonClusterSectorsDone); *SourceStart += MasterDiskInfo.NonClusterSectorsDone; *TargetStart += MasterDiskInfo.NonClusterSectorsDone;
while(MasterDiskInfo.NonClusterSectorsDone < PartitionImage.NonClusterSectors) { XmsIoDiskRead( DiskHandle, *SourceStart, PartitionImage.NonClusterSectors - MasterDiskInfo.NonClusterSectorsDone, &Write, &Xms ); _Log("Read %lu non-cluster sectors from 0x%lx\n",Write,*SourceStart); Offset = 0; while(Write) { //
// Write as large a chunk as possible without overlap.
if((*TargetStart + Write) > *SourceStart) { Count = *SourceStart - *TargetStart; } else { Count = Write; } XmsIoDiskWrite(DiskHandle,*TargetStart,Offset,Count,Xms); Write -= Count; *SourceStart += Count; Offset += Count; MasterDiskInfo.NonClusterSectorsDone += Count; if(!CmdLineArgs.Test) { UpdateMasterDiskState(DiskHandle,MasterDiskInfo.State); } _Log("Wrote %lu non-cluster sectors to 0x%lx\n",Count,*TargetStart); *TargetStart += Count; } } }
// Update master disk state to indicate that we're done with this step.
if(!CmdLineArgs.Test) { UpdateMasterDiskState(DiskHandle,MDS_DID_NONCLUSTER_DATA); } }
VOID ExpandFromStart( IN HDISK DiskHandle, IN ULONG SourceStart, IN ULONG TargetStart ) { ULONG Start,Offset,Count; ULONG SourceFirst; ULONG TargetFirst; ULONG SoFar; ULONG u; BOOL Xms; ULONG Write;
// See if we've already done this step.
if(!CmdLineArgs.Test && (MasterDiskInfo.State >= MDS_DID_XFER_FORWARD)) { _Log("Already did expand in forward direction\n"); GaugeDelta(2*MasterDiskInfo.ForwardXferSectorCount); return; }
_Log("\nStarting forward expansion, sectors previously done = 0x%lx\n",MasterDiskInfo.ForwardXferSectorCount);
SoFar = 0;
// Get a run of clusters and calculate the first and last sector
// of the source and the target. If there are no more clusters left,
// we're done.
nextrun: GetForwardClusterRun(DiskHandle,&Start,&Offset,&Count); if(!Count) { if(!CmdLineArgs.Test) { UpdateMasterDiskState(DiskHandle,MDS_DID_XFER_FORWARD); } return; }
Start *= PartitionImage.SectorsPerCluster; Offset *= PartitionImage.SectorsPerCluster; Count *= PartitionImage.SectorsPerCluster;
_Log("\nSector run: start = 0x%lx, count = 0x%lx, offset = 0x%lx\n",Start,Count,Offset);
// See if we're already done this xfer or part of it on a previous pass.
// Note that SoFar cannot ever be greater than
// MasterDiskInfo.ForwardXFerSectorCount because we increment them both
// by the same amount after a transfer. In most cases they will be equal.
if((SoFar+Count) <= MasterDiskInfo.ForwardXferSectorCount) {
_Log("Already did this run, skipping\n");
SoFar += Count; GaugeDelta(2*Count); goto nextrun; } if(u = (MasterDiskInfo.ForwardXferSectorCount - SoFar)) { //
// We know that Count > MasterDiskInfo.ForwardXFerSectorCount - SoFar,
// which means that if we get here, Count > u >= 1.
// Adjust the counts and fall through. Note that after this from now on
// MasterDiskInfo.ForwardXFerSectorCount == SoFar, meaning neither this
// nor the previous if clause will be triggered.
_Log("Already partially did this run, adjusting\n");
SoFar += u; Start += u; Offset += u; Count -= u; GaugeDelta(2*u); }
SourceFirst = SourceStart + Offset; TargetFirst = TargetStart + Start;
// If writing to the target would hose over data we haven't
// read from the source yet, we're done with the forward expansion.
if(SourceFirst < TargetFirst) {
_Log("Target passes source, done with forward expansion\n");
if(!CmdLineArgs.Test) { UpdateMasterDiskState(DiskHandle,MDS_DID_XFER_FORWARD); } return; }
// If the source and target are the same, nothing to do.
// Otherwise, do our thing.
if(SourceFirst == TargetFirst) {
_Log("Source is same as target\n");
SoFar += Count; MasterDiskInfo.ForwardXferSectorCount += Count; if(!CmdLineArgs.Test) { UpdateMasterDiskState(DiskHandle,MasterDiskInfo.State); } GaugeDelta(2*Count); } else {
while(Count) {
_Log("Read %lu sectors from 0x%lx\n",Write,SourceFirst);
Offset = 0;
while(Write) { //
// Write as large a run as possible without overlap.
if((TargetFirst+Write) > SourceFirst) { u = SourceFirst - TargetFirst; } else { u = Write; } _Log("Writing %lu sectors to 0x%lx\n",u,TargetFirst);
// Update vars
SoFar += u; SourceFirst += u; Offset += u; Write -= u; Count -= u;
MasterDiskInfo.ForwardXferSectorCount += u; if(!CmdLineArgs.Test) { UpdateMasterDiskState(DiskHandle,MasterDiskInfo.State); }
_Log("Wrote %lu sectors to 0x%lx\n",u,TargetFirst);
TargetFirst += u; } } }
// Process additional clusters.
goto nextrun; }
VOID ExpandFromEnd( IN HDISK DiskHandle, IN ULONG SourceStart, IN ULONG TargetStart ) { ULONG End,Offset,Count; ULONG SourceEnd; ULONG TargetEnd; ULONG SoFar; ULONG u; BOOL Xms; ULONG Write;
// See if we've already done this step.
if(!CmdLineArgs.Test && (MasterDiskInfo.State >= MDS_DID_XFER_REVERSE)) { _Log("Already did expand in reverse direction\n"); GaugeDelta(2*MasterDiskInfo.ReverseXferSectorCount); return; }
_Log("Starting reverse expansion, sectors previously done = 0x%lx\n",MasterDiskInfo.ReverseXferSectorCount);
SoFar = 0;
// Get a run of clusters and calculate the first and last sector
// of the source and the target. If there are no more clusters left,
// we're done.
nextrun: GetReverseClusterRun(DiskHandle,&End,&Offset,&Count); if(!Count) { if(!CmdLineArgs.Test) { UpdateMasterDiskState(DiskHandle,MDS_DID_XFER_REVERSE); } return; }
End = (End + 1) * PartitionImage.SectorsPerCluster; Offset = (Offset + 1) * PartitionImage.SectorsPerCluster; Count *= PartitionImage.SectorsPerCluster;
_Log("\nSector run: end = 0x%lx, count = 0x%lx, offset = 0x%lx\n",End,Count,Offset);
// See if we're already done this xfer or part of it on a previous pass.
// Note that SoFar cannot ever be greater than
// MasterDiskInfo.ReverseXFerSectorCount because we increment them both
// by the same amount after a transfer. In most cases they will be equal.
if((SoFar+Count) <= MasterDiskInfo.ReverseXferSectorCount) {
_Log("Already did this run, skipping\n");
SoFar += Count; GaugeDelta(2*Count); goto nextrun; } if(u = (MasterDiskInfo.ReverseXferSectorCount - SoFar)) { //
// We know that Count > MasterDiskInfo.ReverseXFerSectorCount - SoFar,
// which means that if we get here, Count > u >= 1.
// Adjust the counts and fall through. Note that after this from now on
// MasterDiskInfo.ReverseXFerSectorCount == SoFar, meaning neither this
// nor the previous if clause will be triggered.
_Log("Already partially did this run, adjusting\n");
SoFar += u; End -= u; Offset -= u; Count -= u; GaugeDelta(2*u); }
SourceEnd = SourceStart + Offset; TargetEnd = TargetStart + End;
// If writing to the target would hose over data we haven't
// read from the source yet, we're done.
if(TargetEnd < SourceEnd) { _Log("Target passes source, done with reverse expansion\n"); if(!CmdLineArgs.Test) { UpdateMasterDiskState(DiskHandle,MDS_DID_XFER_REVERSE); } return; }
// If the source and target are the same, nothing to do.
// (Note: this case should not occur, since we would have
// picked it up on the forward scan. But just in case,
// we handle it anyway.)
// Otherwise, do our thing.
if(SourceEnd == TargetEnd) {
_Log("Source is same as target\n");
SoFar += Count; MasterDiskInfo.ReverseXferSectorCount += Count; if(!CmdLineArgs.Test) { UpdateMasterDiskState(DiskHandle,MasterDiskInfo.State); } GaugeDelta(2*Count); } else {
while(Count) {
_Log("Read %lu sectors from 0x%lx\n",Write,SourceEnd-Count);
Offset = Write;
while(Write) { //
// Write as large a run as possible without overlap.
if((TargetEnd-Write) < SourceEnd) { u = TargetEnd - SourceEnd; } else { u = Write; }
_Log("Writing %lu sectors to 0x%lx\n",u,TargetEnd-u); XmsIoDiskWrite(DiskHandle,TargetEnd-u,Offset-u,u,Xms);
// Update vars
SoFar += u; SourceEnd -= u; TargetEnd -= u; Offset -= u; Write -= u; Count -= u;
MasterDiskInfo.ReverseXferSectorCount += u; if(!CmdLineArgs.Test) { UpdateMasterDiskState(DiskHandle,MasterDiskInfo.State); }
_Log("Wrote %lu sectors to 0x%lx\n",u,TargetEnd); } } }
// Process additional clusters.
goto nextrun; }
ULONG _NextClusterToExamine; BYTE _ClusterBuffer[512]; ULONG _BufferedClusterMapSector; ULONG _ClusterBufferBase; ULONG _ClusterOffset; BOOL _First;
BYTE BitValue[8] = { 0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x80 };
VOID InitializeClusterMapForward( IN HDISK DiskHandle ) { //
// Read the first sector of the cluster bitmap.
if(!ReadDisk(DiskHandle,MasterDiskInfo.ClusterBitmapStart,1,IoBuffer)) { FatalError(textReadFailedAtSector,1,MasterDiskInfo.ClusterBitmapStart); } memmove(_ClusterBuffer,IoBuffer,512);
_BufferedClusterMapSector = MasterDiskInfo.ClusterBitmapStart; _NextClusterToExamine = 0; _ClusterBufferBase = 0; _ClusterOffset = 0; }
VOID GetForwardClusterRun( IN HDISK DiskHandle, OUT ULONG *StartCluster, OUT ULONG *StartOffset, OUT ULONG *ClusterCount ) { UINT cluster; BOOL b;
*ClusterCount = 0;
// Locate the next 1 bit in the map.
while(_NextClusterToExamine <= PartitionImage.LastUsedCluster) {
// Reload the cluster buffer if necessary.
if(_NextClusterToExamine && !(_NextClusterToExamine % CLUSTER_BITS_PER_SECTOR)) {
if(!ReadDisk(DiskHandle,++_BufferedClusterMapSector,1,IoBuffer)) { FatalError(textReadFailedAtSector,1,_BufferedClusterMapSector); } memmove(_ClusterBuffer,IoBuffer,512);
_ClusterBufferBase += CLUSTER_BITS_PER_SECTOR; }
cluster = (UINT)(_NextClusterToExamine - _ClusterBufferBase);
// See if this bit is one, which starts a run of used clusters.
// To simplify things, we won't return a run that spans sectors
// in the cluster bitmap.
b = FALSE;
while((_ClusterBuffer[cluster/8] & BitValue[cluster%8]) && (cluster < CLUSTER_BITS_PER_SECTOR) && (_NextClusterToExamine <= PartitionImage.LastUsedCluster)) {
if(!b) { *StartOffset = _ClusterOffset; *StartCluster = _NextClusterToExamine; b = TRUE; }
*ClusterCount += 1; cluster++; _NextClusterToExamine++; _ClusterOffset++; }
if(b) { return; }
_NextClusterToExamine++; } }
VOID InitializeClusterMapReverse( IN HDISK DiskHandle ) { ULONG Sector;
// Read the last sector of the cluster bitmap.
Sector = MasterDiskInfo.ClusterBitmapStart + (PartitionImage.LastUsedCluster/CLUSTER_BITS_PER_SECTOR);
if(!ReadDisk(DiskHandle,Sector,1,IoBuffer)) { FatalError(textReadFailedAtSector,1,Sector); } memmove(_ClusterBuffer,IoBuffer,512);
_BufferedClusterMapSector = Sector; _NextClusterToExamine = PartitionImage.LastUsedCluster;
_ClusterBufferBase = (PartitionImage.LastUsedCluster / CLUSTER_BITS_PER_SECTOR) * CLUSTER_BITS_PER_SECTOR;
_ClusterOffset = PartitionImage.UsedClusterCount-1;
_First = TRUE; }
VOID GetReverseClusterRun( IN HDISK DiskHandle, OUT ULONG *StartCluster, OUT ULONG *StartOffset, OUT ULONG *ClusterCount ) { UINT cluster; BOOL b;
*ClusterCount = 0;
// Locate the next 1 bit in the map.
while(_NextClusterToExamine != (ULONG)(-1)) {
// Reload the cluster buffer if necessary.
if(((_NextClusterToExamine % CLUSTER_BITS_PER_SECTOR) == (CLUSTER_BITS_PER_SECTOR-1)) && !_First) {
if(!ReadDisk(DiskHandle,--_BufferedClusterMapSector,1,IoBuffer)) { FatalError(textReadFailedAtSector,1,_BufferedClusterMapSector); } memmove(_ClusterBuffer,IoBuffer,512);
_ClusterBufferBase -= CLUSTER_BITS_PER_SECTOR; }
_First = FALSE; cluster = (UINT)(_NextClusterToExamine - _ClusterBufferBase);
// See if this bit is one, which starts a run of used clusters.
// To simplify things, we won't return a run that spans sectors
// in the cluster bitmap.
b = FALSE;
while((_ClusterBuffer[cluster/8] & BitValue[cluster%8]) && (cluster != (UINT)(-1)) && (_NextClusterToExamine != (ULONG)(-1))) {
if(!b) { *StartCluster = _NextClusterToExamine; *StartOffset = _ClusterOffset; b = TRUE; }
*ClusterCount += 1; cluster--; _NextClusterToExamine--; _ClusterOffset--; }
if(b) { return; }
_NextClusterToExamine--; }
return; }
VOID Fat32ExpandOneFat( IN HDISK DiskHandle, IN OUT ULONG *SourceStart, IN OUT ULONG *TargetStart, IN ULONG Fat32FatSectorCount, IN ULONG Fat32AdjustedFatSectorCount ) { ULONG RemainingSectors; ULONG Counter; ULONG Write; ULONG Offset; BOOL Xms;
RemainingSectors = Fat32FatSectorCount; Offset = 0;
// now restore the FAT table
while( RemainingSectors ) { XmsIoDiskRead( DiskHandle, *SourceStart, RemainingSectors, &Write, &Xms ); XmsIoDiskWrite(DiskHandle,*TargetStart,Offset,Write,Xms); RemainingSectors -= Write; *SourceStart += Write; *TargetStart += Write;
if(!CmdLineArgs.Test) { UpdateMasterDiskState(DiskHandle,MasterDiskInfo.State); } MasterDiskInfo.NonClusterSectorsDone += Write; // the final update is delayed until we
// fill the rest of the FAT with zeros.
// zero out the rest of the FAT table.
memset(IoBuffer, 0, 512);
for(Counter=0; Counter<Fat32AdjustedFatSectorCount-Fat32FatSectorCount; Counter++ ) { if(!CmdLineArgs.Test) { WriteDisk(DiskHandle,*TargetStart,1,IoBuffer); } (*TargetStart)++; }
// putting the final update here insures that we are done with zeroing the FAT out.
if(!CmdLineArgs.Test) { UpdateMasterDiskState(DiskHandle,MasterDiskInfo.State); }
return; }