#include "enduser.h"
ULONG XmsEntry; unsigned XmsHandle; unsigned XmsMaxSectors;
#pragma pack(1)
struct { ULONG Count; USHORT SourceHandle; ULONG SourceOffset; USHORT DestinationHandle; ULONG DestinationOffset; } XmsParams; #pragma pack()
VOID XmsInit( VOID )
Routine Description:
Initiialize the XMS i/o package by checking to see if XMS memory is available and if so, grabbing the largest block we can.
Return Value:
{ unsigned e_s=0,e_o=0; ULONG Entry; unsigned LargestBlock; unsigned Handle; BOOL b;
// Check XMS installed
_asm { mov ax,4300h int 2fh cmp al,80h jne xmschecked mov ax,4310h int 2fh mov e_o,bx mov bx,es mov e_s,bx xmschecked: }
if(!e_s && !e_o) { FatalError(textNoXmsManager); }
Entry = ((ULONG)e_s << 16) | e_o;
// Get size of largest block and make sure it's
// large enough to make use of XMS worthwhile.
// IoBuffer is 63*512 sectors, which is just under 32K.
// So we want at least 32K. Also trim the block size
// so the sector count will fit in a ushort.
_asm { mov ah,8 call far ptr [Entry] mov LargestBlock,ax }
if(LargestBlock < 32) { FatalError(textNoXmsManager); } if(LargestBlock > 32767) { LargestBlock = 32767; }
// Allocate the block.
_asm { mov ah,9 mov dx,LargestBlock call far ptr [Entry] mov Handle,dx mov b,ax }
if(!b) { FatalError(textNoXmsManager); }
XmsEntry = Entry; XmsHandle = Handle; XmsMaxSectors = LargestBlock * 2 - 128; // actually it's * 1024/512
// make it 64K smaller just in case.
VOID XmsTerminate( VOID )
Routine Description:
Terminate XMS i/o by releasing any allocated block.
Return Value:
{ ULONG Entry; int Handle;
if(XmsEntry && XmsMaxSectors) {
Entry = XmsEntry; Handle = XmsHandle;
_asm { mov ah,0ah mov dx,Handle call far ptr [Entry] }
XmsEntry = 0; XmsHandle = 0; XmsMaxSectors = 0; } }
VOID XmsIoDiskRead( IN HDISK DiskHandle, IN ULONG StartSector, IN ULONG SectorCount, OUT ULONG *SectorsRead, OUT BOOL *Xms )
Routine Description:
Read sectors from a disk.
If the sector count is less then 64 or XMS is not available, then a maximum of 63 sectors will be read into the buffer pointed to by the IoBuffer global variable.
If the sector count is greater than 63 and XMS is available, then as many sectors as will fit into our XMS buffer are read and buffered in XMS memory, using IoBuffer as the intermediary transfer buffer.
Every read deltas the gas gauge by the number of sectors transferred.
DiskHandle - supplies disk handle of disk to be read from.
StartSector - supplies first sector of read run.
SectorCount - supplies the number of sectors the caller wants to read.
SectorsRead - receives the number of sectors read, which is the minimum of the number of sectors the caller actually wants, and either 63 (non-xms case) or XmsSectors (xms case).
Xms - recieves a value indicating whether the sectors were read and buffered in Xms memory. The caller may need to know this when he goes to write the data later.
Return Value:
None. Does not return if error.
{ BYTE c; BOOL b; BYTE code; ULONG Entry; unsigned x_s,x_o;
if((SectorCount <= 63) || !XmsMaxSectors) { //
// Conventional memory only. I/O to IoBuffer.
*Xms = FALSE; if(SectorCount > 63) { SectorCount = 63; }
if(!ReadDisk(DiskHandle,StartSector,(BYTE)SectorCount,IoBuffer)) { FatalError(textReadFailedAtSector,(UINT)SectorCount,StartSector); }
*SectorsRead = SectorCount; GaugeDelta(SectorCount); return; }
// XMS read.
*Xms = TRUE; if(SectorCount > XmsMaxSectors) { SectorCount = XmsMaxSectors; } *SectorsRead = SectorCount;
XmsParams.SourceHandle = 0; XmsParams.SourceOffset = (ULONG)IoBuffer; XmsParams.DestinationHandle = XmsHandle; XmsParams.DestinationOffset = 0;
Entry = XmsEntry; x_s = (unsigned)((ULONG)(void _far *)&XmsParams >> 16); x_o = (unsigned)(ULONG)&XmsParams;
while(SectorCount) {
c = (BYTE)((SectorCount > 63L) ? 63L : SectorCount);
if(!ReadDisk(DiskHandle,StartSector,c,IoBuffer)) { FatalError(textReadFailedAtSector,c,StartSector); }
XmsParams.Count = c * 512L;
_asm { push ds push si push x_s pop ds mov si,x_o mov ah,0bh call far ptr [Entry] mov b,ax mov code,bl pop si pop ds }
if(!b) { FatalError(textXmsMemoryError,code); }
XmsParams.DestinationOffset += XmsParams.Count; StartSector += c; SectorCount -= c; GaugeDelta(c); } }
VOID XmsIoDiskWrite( IN HDISK DiskHandle, IN ULONG StartSector, IN ULONG SectorOffset, IN ULONG SectorCount, IN BOOL Xms )
Routine Description:
Write sectors to a disk.
Sectors are written either from IoBuffer or from XMS memory (using IoBuffer as the intermediary transfer buffer) as the caller specifies.
Every write deltas the gas gauge by the number of sectors transferred.
DiskHandle - supplies disk handle of disk to write to.
StartSector - supplies first sector of write run.
SectorOffset - supplies the number of sectors to skip/ignore at the start of the i/o buffer (either IoBuffer or XMS memory). This allows the caller to write out a previously read run in chunks.
SectorCount - supplies the number of sectors to write.
Xms - supplies a value indicating whether the data to be written is in Xms memory. If not, it's in IoBuffer.
Return Value:
None. Does not return if error.
{ BYTE c; BYTE i; BOOL b; BYTE code; ULONG Entry; unsigned x_s,x_o;
if(!Xms) { //
// Conventional memory only. I/O from IoBuffer.
// SectorCount had better be <= 63!
if(!CmdLineArgs.Test) { i=0; while(i<3) { //
// Retry a couple times. (My machine seems to randomly fail a write once in a while.)
if(WriteDisk(DiskHandle, StartSector, (BYTE)SectorCount, (FPBYTE)IoBuffer+((unsigned)SectorOffset*512)) ) { if(i>0) { _Log(" *** Write succeeded retried %d times.\n", i ); } break; } _Log(" *** Write error at sector %ld length %d attempt %d\n", StartSector,SectorCount, i ); i++; } if(i==3) { FatalError(textWriteFailedAtSector,(UINT)SectorCount,StartSector); } } GaugeDelta(SectorCount); return; }
// XMS write. SectorCount had better be <= XmsMaxSectors!
XmsParams.SourceHandle = XmsHandle; XmsParams.SourceOffset = 512 * SectorOffset; XmsParams.DestinationHandle = 0; XmsParams.DestinationOffset = (ULONG)IoBuffer;
Entry = XmsEntry; x_s = (unsigned)((ULONG)(void _far *)&XmsParams >> 16); x_o = (unsigned)(ULONG)&XmsParams;
while(SectorCount) {
c = (BYTE)((SectorCount > 63L) ? 63L : SectorCount);
XmsParams.Count = c * 512L;
_asm { push ds push si push x_s pop ds mov si,x_o mov ah,0bh call far ptr [Entry] mov b,ax mov code,bl pop si pop ds }
if(!b) { FatalError(textXmsMemoryError,code); }
if(!CmdLineArgs.Test) { i=0; while(i<3) { //
// Retry a couple times. (My machine seems to randomly fail a write once in a while.)
if(WriteDisk(DiskHandle,StartSector,c,IoBuffer)) { if(i>0) { _Log(" *** Write succeeded retried %d times.\n", i ); } break; } _Log(" *** Write error at sector %ld length %d attempt %d\n", StartSector, c, i ); i++; } if(i==3) { FatalError(textWriteFailedAtSector,c,StartSector); } }
XmsParams.SourceOffset += XmsParams.Count; StartSector += c; SectorCount -= c; GaugeDelta(c); } }