#include <mytypes.h>
#include <diskio.h>
#include <misclib.h>
#include <makepart.h>
#include <partimag.h>
#include <msgfile.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <memory.h>
#include <dos.h>
#include <share.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "makemast.h"
PARTITION_IMAGE PartitionImage; ULONG TotalSectorsToTransfer; ULONG TotalSectorsDone;
BOOL TransferNonClusterData( IN HDISK DiskHandle, IN unsigned FileHandle, IN ULONG TargetStart );
BOOL ExpandClusters( IN HDISK DiskHandle, IN unsigned FileHandle, IN ULONG TargetStart );
BOOL InitializeClusterMap( IN unsigned FileHandle );
BOOL GetClusterRun( IN unsigned FileHandle, OUT ULONG *StartCluster, OUT ULONG *ClusterCount );
BOOL ApplyImage( IN HDISK DiskHandle, IN ULONG TargetStart, IN ULONG MaxSize, IN BYTE SectorsPerTrack, IN USHORT Heads ) { unsigned FileHandle; unsigned Read;
printf("\n"); printf(textTransferringFile,CmdLineArgs.ImageFile,0); printf("\r");
// Open the source file, read the image header, and validate it.
if(_dos_open(CmdLineArgs.ImageFile,SH_DENYWR,&FileHandle)) { fprintf(stderr,"\n%s\n",textCantAccessImageFile); return(FALSE); }
if(_dos_read(FileHandle,&PartitionImage,sizeof(PARTITION_IMAGE),&Read) || (Read != sizeof(PARTITION_IMAGE)) || (PartitionImage.Signature != PARTITION_IMAGE_SIGNATURE) || (PartitionImage.Size != sizeof(PARTITION_IMAGE))) {
_dos_close(FileHandle); fprintf(stderr,"\n%s\n",textInvalidImageFile); return(FALSE); }
// Make sure we've got the space.
if(PartitionImage.TotalSectorCount > MaxSize) {
_dos_close(FileHandle); fprintf(stderr,"\n"); fprintf(stderr,textImageFileTooBig,PartitionImage.TotalSectorCount,MaxSize); fprintf(stderr,"\n"); return(FALSE); }
TotalSectorsToTransfer = PartitionImage.NonClusterSectors + (PartitionImage.SectorsPerCluster*PartitionImage.UsedClusterCount);
TotalSectorsDone = 0;
// Transfer non-cluster data from the image.
if(!TransferNonClusterData(DiskHandle,FileHandle,TargetStart)) { _dos_close(FileHandle); return(FALSE); }
// Expand out cluster data from the image.
if(!ExpandClusters(DiskHandle,FileHandle,TargetStart)) { _dos_close(FileHandle); return(FALSE); }
// Fix up BPB.
if(!ReadDisk(DiskHandle,TargetStart,1,IoBuffer)) { _dos_close(FileHandle); fprintf(stderr,"\n"); fprintf(stderr,textDiskReadError,TargetStart); fprintf(stderr,"\n"); return(FALSE); }
*(FPUSHORT)&((FPBYTE)IoBuffer)[24] = SectorsPerTrack; *(FPUSHORT)&((FPBYTE)IoBuffer)[26] = Heads; *(FPULONG)&((FPBYTE)IoBuffer)[28] = TargetStart;
if(!WriteDisk(DiskHandle,TargetStart,1,IoBuffer)) { _dos_close(FileHandle); fprintf(stderr,"\n"); fprintf(stderr,textDiskWriteError,TargetStart); fprintf(stderr,"\n"); return(FALSE); }
_dos_close(FileHandle); return(TRUE); }
BOOL TransferNonClusterData( IN HDISK DiskHandle, IN unsigned FileHandle, IN ULONG TargetStart ) { ULONG NonClusterSectorsDone; ULONG Count; unsigned Read;
// Seek past partition image header
if(DosSeek(FileHandle,512,DOSSEEK_START) != 512) { fprintf(stderr,"\n%s\n",textCantAccessImageFile); return(FALSE); }
// Now transfer the non-cluster data
NonClusterSectorsDone = 0; while(NonClusterSectorsDone < PartitionImage.NonClusterSectors) {
Count = PartitionImage.NonClusterSectors - NonClusterSectorsDone; if(Count > 63) { Count = 63; }
if(_dos_read(FileHandle,IoBuffer,(unsigned)Count*512,&Read) || (Read != ((unsigned)Count*512))) { fprintf(stderr,"\n%s\n",textCantAccessImageFile); return(FALSE); }
if(!WriteDisk(DiskHandle,TargetStart,(BYTE)Count,IoBuffer)) { fprintf(stderr,"\n"); fprintf(stderr,textDiskWriteError,TargetStart); fprintf(stderr,"\n"); return(FALSE); }
TargetStart += Count; NonClusterSectorsDone += Count; TotalSectorsDone += Count;
printf(textTransferringFile,CmdLineArgs.ImageFile,100*TotalSectorsDone/TotalSectorsToTransfer); printf("\r"); }
return(TRUE); }
BOOL ExpandClusters( IN HDISK DiskHandle, IN unsigned FileHandle, IN ULONG TargetStart ) { ULONG Start,Count; ULONG TargetSector; BYTE u; unsigned Read;
if(!InitializeClusterMap(FileHandle)) { return(FALSE); }
// Seek to start of cluster data in input file.
Start = (1 + PartitionImage.NonClusterSectors) * 512; if(DosSeek(FileHandle,Start,DOSSEEK_START) != Start) { fprintf(stderr,"\n%s\n",textCantAccessImageFile); return(FALSE); }
// Get a run of clusters. If there are no more clusters left, we're done.
nextrun: if(!GetClusterRun(FileHandle,&Start,&Count)) { return(FALSE); } if(!Count) { return(TRUE); } Count *= PartitionImage.SectorsPerCluster;
// Calculate the offset of the data in the source file and
// the starting sector number of the target.
TargetSector = TargetStart + PartitionImage.NonClusterSectors + (Start*PartitionImage.SectorsPerCluster);
while(Count) {
u = (BYTE)((Count > 63L) ? 63L : Count);
if(_dos_read(FileHandle,IoBuffer,u*512U,&Read) || (Read != (u*512U))) {
fprintf(stderr,"\n%s\n",textCantAccessImageFile); return(FALSE); }
if(!WriteDisk(DiskHandle,TargetSector,u,IoBuffer)) { fprintf(stderr,"\n"); fprintf(stderr,textDiskWriteError,TargetSector); fprintf(stderr,"\n"); return(FALSE); }
TargetSector += u; Count -= u;
TotalSectorsDone += u;
printf(textTransferringFile,CmdLineArgs.ImageFile,100*TotalSectorsDone/TotalSectorsToTransfer); printf("\r"); }
// Process additional clusters.
goto nextrun; }
ULONG _ClusterSectorFileOffset; ULONG _NextClusterToExamine; ULONG _ClusterBufferBase; BYTE _ClusterBuffer[512];
extern BYTE BitValue[8];
BOOL InitializeClusterMap( IN unsigned FileHandle ) { unsigned read;
// Figure out where in the file the cluster bitmap starts.
_ClusterSectorFileOffset = PartitionImage.NonClusterSectors + (PartitionImage.UsedClusterCount * PartitionImage.SectorsPerCluster) + 1;
_ClusterSectorFileOffset *= 512;
// Read the first sector of the cluster bitmap. Read into IoBuffer to avoid
// DMA boundary issues.
if((DosSeek(FileHandle,_ClusterSectorFileOffset,DOSSEEK_START) != _ClusterSectorFileOffset) || _dos_read(FileHandle,IoBuffer,512,&read) || (read != 512)) {
fprintf(stderr,"\n%s\n",textCantAccessImageFile); return(FALSE); } memmove(_ClusterBuffer,IoBuffer,512);
_NextClusterToExamine = 0; _ClusterBufferBase = 0; return(TRUE); }
BOOL GetClusterRun( IN unsigned FileHandle, OUT ULONG *StartCluster, OUT ULONG *ClusterCount ) { ULONG Offset; UINT cluster; BOOL b;
*ClusterCount = 0;
// Locate the next 1 bit in the map.
while(_NextClusterToExamine <= PartitionImage.LastUsedCluster) {
// Reload the cluster buffer if necessary. Preserve file pointer!
if(_NextClusterToExamine && !(_NextClusterToExamine % (8*512))) {
_ClusterSectorFileOffset += 512;
if(((Offset = DosSeek(FileHandle,0,DOSSEEK_CURRENT)) == (ULONG)(-1)) || (DosSeek(FileHandle,_ClusterSectorFileOffset,DOSSEEK_START) != _ClusterSectorFileOffset) || _dos_read(FileHandle,IoBuffer,512,&cluster) || (cluster != 512) || (DosSeek(FileHandle,Offset,DOSSEEK_START) != Offset)) {
fprintf(stderr,"\n%s\n",textCantAccessImageFile); return(FALSE); }
_ClusterBufferBase += 8*512; }
cluster = (UINT)(_NextClusterToExamine - _ClusterBufferBase);
// See if this bit is one, which starts a run of used clusters.
// To simplify things, we won't return a run that spans sectors
// in the cluster bitmap.
b = FALSE;
while((_ClusterBuffer[cluster/8] & BitValue[cluster%8]) && (cluster < (8*512)) && (_NextClusterToExamine <= PartitionImage.LastUsedCluster)) {
if(!b) { *StartCluster = _NextClusterToExamine; b = TRUE; }
*ClusterCount += 1; cluster++; _NextClusterToExamine++; }
if(b) { return(TRUE); }
_NextClusterToExamine++; }
return(TRUE); }