#include <stdio.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include "patchapi.h"
#include "const.h"
#include "ansparse.h"
// PATCH_LANGUAGE, constructor for the language struct, just zero everything
PATCH_LANGUAGE::PATCH_LANGUAGE() : s_hScriptFile(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE), s_blnBase(FALSE), s_iComplete(0), s_iDirectoryCount(0), s_iPatchDirectoryCount(0), s_iSubPatchDirectoryCount(0), s_iSubExceptDirectoryCount(0), s_pNext(NULL) { }
// ~PATCH_LANGUAGE, destructor, erases the structures recursively
PATCH_LANGUAGE::~PATCH_LANGUAGE() { if(s_pNext) { delete s_pNext; s_pNext = NULL; } if(s_hScriptFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { CloseHandle(s_hScriptFile); } }
// class AnswerParser
// AnswerParser, constructor for the parser, initializes member variables
AnswerParser::AnswerParser() : m_hAnsFile(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE), m_pHead(NULL), m_iBaseDirectoryCount(0) { ZeroMemory(m_wszBaseDirectory, sizeof(m_wszBaseDirectory)); ZeroMemory(m_structHash, sizeof(m_structHash)); ZeroMemory(m_structHashUsed, sizeof(m_structHashUsed)); }
// AnswerParser, destructor for the parser, removes the language structures
AnswerParser::~AnswerParser() { if(m_hAnsFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { CloseHandle(m_hAnsFile); m_hAnsFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; }
if(m_pHead != NULL) { delete m_pHead; m_pHead = NULL; } }
// GetHashValues, computes a hashvalue based on double hashing
// Parameters:
// pwszFileName, the filename which the hash values are calculated from
// iHash1, the first hash value
// iHash2, the second hash value
// Return:
// none
VOID AnswerParser::GetHashValues(IN CONST WCHAR* pwszFileName, OUT ULONG& iHash1, OUT ULONG& iHash2) { ULONG iLength = wcslen(pwszFileName); if(iLength <= 2) { // minimum 1 letter filename
iHash1 = ((ULONG)(pwszFileName[0])) % EXCEP_FILE_LIMIT; iHash2 = (((ULONG)(pwszFileName[0])) + 17) % EXCEP_FILE_LIMIT; } else if(iLength <= 5) { // minimum 3 letter
iHash1 = ((ULONG)(pwszFileName[1])) % EXCEP_FILE_LIMIT; iHash2 = ((ULONG)(pwszFileName[2])) % EXCEP_FILE_LIMIT; } else if(iLength <= 10) { // minimum 6 letter
iHash1 = (((ULONG)(pwszFileName[0])) + 1) * (((ULONG)(pwszFileName[1])) + 2) % EXCEP_FILE_LIMIT; iHash2 = (((ULONG)(pwszFileName[4])) + 5) * (((ULONG)(pwszFileName[5])) + 6) % EXCEP_FILE_LIMIT; } else if(iLength <= 15) { // minimum 11 letter
iHash1 = (((ULONG)(pwszFileName[2])) + 3) * (((ULONG)(pwszFileName[4])) + 5) % EXCEP_FILE_LIMIT; iHash2 = (((ULONG)(pwszFileName[9])) + 10) * (((ULONG)(pwszFileName[10])) + 11) % EXCEP_FILE_LIMIT; } else if(iLength <= 20) { // minimum 16 letter
iHash1 = (((ULONG)(pwszFileName[4])) + 5) * (((ULONG)(pwszFileName[6])) + 7) % EXCEP_FILE_LIMIT; iHash2 = (((ULONG)(pwszFileName[7])) + 8) * (((ULONG)(pwszFileName[15])) + 16) % EXCEP_FILE_LIMIT; } else { // minimum 21 letter
iHash1 = (((ULONG)(pwszFileName[11])) + 12) * (((ULONG)(pwszFileName[14])) + 15) % EXCEP_FILE_LIMIT; iHash2 = (((ULONG)(pwszFileName[17])) + 18) * (((ULONG)(pwszFileName[20])) + 21) % EXCEP_FILE_LIMIT; } }
// SaveFileExceptHash, saves the names of the exempt files into the hash table
// Parameters:
// pwszFileName, the filename that is to be saved
// Return:
// TRUE for saved, FALSE for redundant file or out of space, not saved
BOOL AnswerParser::SaveFileExceptHash(IN WCHAR* pwszFileName) { ULONG iFirstHash = 0; ULONG iSecondHash = 0; ULONG iIndex = 0; ULONG iHashValue = 0;
if(pwszFileName) { GetHashValues(pwszFileName, iFirstHash, iSecondHash); do { iHashValue = (iFirstHash + iSecondHash * iIndex) % EXCEP_FILE_LIMIT; if(m_structHashUsed[iHashValue] == 0) { wcsncpy(m_structHash[iHashValue], pwszFileName, SHORT_STRING_LENGTH); m_structHashUsed[iHashValue] = 1; return(TRUE); } else { if(wcscmp(m_structHash[iHashValue], pwszFileName) == 0) { // same file name, so treat as error for now
return(FALSE); } iIndex++; } } while(iIndex < EXCEP_FILE_LIMIT); }
// ran out of space
return(FALSE); }
// IsFileExceptHash, is the file an exempt file?
// Parameters:
// pwszFileName, the filename that is to be determined
// Return:
// TRUE for yes, FALSE otherwise
BOOL AnswerParser::IsFileExceptHash(IN CONST WCHAR* pwszFileName) { ULONG iFirstHash = 0; ULONG iSecondHash = 0; ULONG iIndex = 0; ULONG iHashValue = 0; static WCHAR strBuffer[STRING_LENGTH];
if(pwszFileName) { wcsncpy(strBuffer, pwszFileName, STRING_LENGTH); _wcslwr(strBuffer); GetHashValues(strBuffer, iFirstHash, iSecondHash); do { iHashValue = (iFirstHash + iSecondHash * iIndex) % EXCEP_FILE_LIMIT; if(m_structHashUsed[iHashValue] == 1) { if(wcscmp(m_structHash[iHashValue], strBuffer) == 0) { // same file name
return(TRUE); } else { // space taken, goto the next location
iIndex++; } } else { // space is not taken, hash slot empty
return(FALSE); } } while(iIndex < EXCEP_FILE_LIMIT); }
// ran out of space
return(FALSE); }
// Parse, the function used to parse the answerfile and fill in the language
// structures
// Parameters:
// pwszAnswerFile, the answer file's filename
// Return:
// TRUE for successful parsing, FALSE otherwise
BOOL AnswerParser::Parse(IN CONST WCHAR* pwszAnswerFile) { WCHAR strLine[STRING_LENGTH]; WCHAR* strString = NULL; WCHAR* strStringBefore = NULL; WCHAR* strStringAfter = NULL; PPATCH_LANGUAGE thisNode = NULL; LONG iState = 0; LONG iBaseCount = 0; BOOL blnComplete = FALSE;
m_hAnsFile = CreateFileW(pwszAnswerFile, GENERIC_READ, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if(m_hAnsFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { if(IsUnicodeFile(m_hAnsFile)) { // state 1 is to exit
// state 0 is to start
// state 2 is in except files
// state 3 is in creating a new language struct
while(iState != 1) { switch(iState) { case 0: iState = (ReadLine(m_hAnsFile, strLine) ? 0 : 1); if(iState == 0 && strLine[0] != L';') { strString = wcstok(strLine, L";"); if(strString) { if(wcsstr(strString, L"[except]") != NULL) { // get except files
iState = 2; } else if((strStringBefore = wcschr(strString, L'[')) != NULL && (strStringAfter = wcschr(strString, L']')) != NULL) { // it's a language
iState = 3; thisNode = new PATCH_LANGUAGE; if(thisNode != NULL) { CreateNewLanguage(thisNode, strStringBefore, strStringAfter); } else { iState = 1; } } } } break; case 1: break; case 2: iState = (ReadLine(m_hAnsFile, strLine) ? 2 : 1); if(iState == 2 && strLine[0] != L';') { strString = wcstok(strLine, L";"); if(strString) { if(wcscspn(strString, L"[]") == wcslen(strString)) { SaveFileExceptHash(strString); } else if(wcsstr(strString, L"[except]") != NULL) { // exception files
} else if((strStringBefore = wcschr(strString, L'[')) != NULL && (strStringAfter = wcschr(strString, L']')) != NULL) { // it's a language
iState = 3; thisNode = new PATCH_LANGUAGE; if(thisNode != NULL) { CreateNewLanguage(thisNode, strStringBefore, strStringAfter); } else { iState = 1; } } } } break; case 3: iState = (ReadLine(m_hAnsFile, strLine) ? 3 : 1); if(iState == 3 && strLine[0] != L';') { strString = wcstok(strLine, L";"); if(strString) { if(wcscspn(strString, L"[]") == wcslen(strString)) { // one of the language fields
strStringBefore = wcstok(strString, L"="); strStringAfter = wcstok(NULL, L"="); if(strStringBefore && strStringAfter && thisNode) { if(_wcsicmp(L"directory", strStringBefore) == 0 && (thisNode->s_iDirectoryCount = wcslen(strStringAfter)) > 0) { wcscpy(thisNode->s_wszDirectory, strStringAfter); thisNode->s_iComplete += 1; } else if(_wcsicmp(L"base_directory", strStringBefore) == 0 && wcslen(strStringAfter) > 0) { thisNode->s_blnBase = TRUE; wcscpy(m_wszBaseDirectory, strStringAfter); } else if(_wcsicmp(L"patch_directory", strStringBefore) == 0 && (thisNode->s_iPatchDirectoryCount = wcslen(strStringAfter)) > 0) { wcscpy(thisNode->s_wszPatchDirectory, strStringAfter);
wcscpy(thisNode->s_wszSubPatchDirectory, strStringAfter); wcscat(thisNode->s_wszSubPatchDirectory, PATCH_SUB_PATCH); thisNode->s_iSubPatchDirectoryCount = wcslen(thisNode->s_wszSubPatchDirectory);
wcscpy(thisNode->s_wszSubExceptDirectory, strStringAfter); wcscat(thisNode->s_wszSubExceptDirectory, PATCH_SUB_EXCEPT); thisNode->s_iSubExceptDirectoryCount = wcslen(thisNode->s_wszSubExceptDirectory);
wcscpy(thisNode->s_wszScriptFile, strStringAfter); if(thisNode->s_wszScriptFile[thisNode->s_iPatchDirectoryCount - 1] != L'\\') { thisNode->s_wszScriptFile[thisNode->s_iPatchDirectoryCount] = L'\\'; thisNode->s_wszScriptFile[thisNode->s_iPatchDirectoryCount + 1] = 0; } wcscat(thisNode->s_wszScriptFile, APPLY_PATCH_SCRIPT); thisNode->s_iComplete += 1; } } } else if(wcsstr(strString, L"[except]") != NULL) { // exception files
iState = 2; } else if((strStringBefore = wcschr(strString, L'[')) != NULL && (strStringAfter = wcschr(strString, L']')) != NULL) { // it's a language
thisNode = new PATCH_LANGUAGE; if(thisNode != NULL) { CreateNewLanguage(thisNode, strStringBefore, strStringAfter); } else { iState = 1; } } } } break; default: iState = 1; break; } }
// end of file now check for validity
if(m_pHead == NULL || wcslen(m_wszBaseDirectory) < 1) { printf("The file OEMPatch.ans has no base language content. Use /? for help.\n"); return(FALSE); } thisNode = m_pHead; while(thisNode) { blnComplete |= (thisNode->s_iComplete == LANGUAGE_COMPLETE); if(thisNode->s_blnBase) iBaseCount += 1; thisNode = thisNode->s_pNext; }
if(!blnComplete) { printf("The file OEMPatch.ans has no language specified. Use /? for help.\n"); return(FALSE); } if(iBaseCount > 1) { printf("The file OEMPatch.ans has more than one base language. Use /? for help.\n"); return(FALSE); } } else { printf("The file OEMPatch.ans is not UNICODE as required. Use /? for help.\n"); return(FALSE); } CloseHandle(m_hAnsFile); m_hAnsFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } else { printf("The file OEMPatch.ans cannot be found. Use /? for help.\n"); return(FALSE); }
m_iBaseDirectoryCount = wcslen(m_wszBaseDirectory);
return(TRUE); }
BOOL AnswerParser::IsUnicodeFile(IN HANDLE hFile) { WCHAR cFirstChar = 0; ULONG iRead = 0;
if(hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE && ReadFile(hFile, &cFirstChar, sizeof(WCHAR), &iRead, NULL) && iRead != 0 && cFirstChar == UNICODE_HEAD) { return(TRUE); }
return(FALSE); }
// ReadLine, this function reads a line from a unicoded file and return the
// contents in strLine, this function should only be called after
// the first two unicoded chars are already read
// Parameters:
// hFile, the file handle points to the file to read from
// strLine, the buffer that contains the line just read
// Return:
// TRUE for a line read, FALSE for invalid file, end of file and error in
// read
BOOL AnswerParser::ReadLine(IN HANDLE hFile, IN WCHAR* strLine) { // read raw bytes into this buffer, notice the buffer length is 1 over the
// number of total read bytes, it is there to ensure that the last char is
// 0, so that when iLength = 10, which is the same as endofline, the
// wcstok function will return something bizzar
static WCHAR strBuffer[STRING_LENGTH + 1]; static LONG iLength = 0; static LONG iReadChar = 0; static ULONG iRead = 0; static LONG iOffset = 0; static LONG iThisLineLength = 0; static WCHAR* strThisLine = NULL;
if(hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE && strLine) { if(iLength > 0) { // char 0xA is set to 0
strThisLine = wcstok(strBuffer + iReadChar - iLength, CRETURN); iThisLineLength = wcslen(strThisLine); if(iThisLineLength + 1 <= iLength) { iLength = iLength - iThisLineLength - 1; // char 0xD is set to 0
strThisLine[iThisLineLength - 1] = 0; wcscpy(strLine, strThisLine); } else { wcsncpy(strLine, strThisLine, iLength); // set the last char + 1 to 0 for cat
strLine[iLength] = 0; if(strLine[iLength - 1] != ENDOFLINE[0]) { ReadFile(hFile, strBuffer, STRING_LENGTH * sizeof(WCHAR), &iRead, NULL); iReadChar = iRead / sizeof(WCHAR); // char 0xA is set to 0
strThisLine = wcstok(strBuffer, CRETURN); iThisLineLength = wcslen(strThisLine); iLength = iReadChar - iThisLineLength - 1; // char 0xD is set to 0
strThisLine[iThisLineLength - 1] = 0; wcscat(strLine, strThisLine); if(strBuffer[0] == CRETURN[0]) { iLength -= 1; } } else { strLine[iLength - 1] = 0; iLength = 0; } } } else { if(ReadFile(hFile, strBuffer, STRING_LENGTH * sizeof(WCHAR), &iRead, NULL) && iRead != 0) { iReadChar = iRead / sizeof(WCHAR); // char 0xA is set to 0
strThisLine = wcstok(strBuffer, CRETURN); iThisLineLength = wcslen(strThisLine); // iLength is the number of wchars left in strBuffer, subtract it to exclude 0xA
iLength = iReadChar - iThisLineLength - 1; // char 0xD is set to 0
strThisLine[iThisLineLength - 1] = 0; wcscpy(strLine, strThisLine); if(strBuffer[0] == CRETURN[0]) { iLength -= 1; } } else { return(FALSE); } } } else { return(FALSE); }
return(TRUE); }
// GetBaseLanguge, get the base language struct to create a base tree, this
// function should only be called after a successful parsing
// of the answer file so that the base language is guanranteed
// to be there
// Parameters:
// none
// Return:
// a pointer to the base language structure
PPATCH_LANGUAGE AnswerParser::GetBaseLanguage(VOID) { PPATCH_LANGUAGE pPointer = m_pHead; while(pPointer) { if(pPointer->s_blnBase) break; else pPointer = pPointer->s_pNext; }
return(pPointer); }
// GetNextLanguage, get the next language structure that is ready to be
// matched and patched
// Parameters:
// none
// Return:
// a pointer to the next language structure
PPATCH_LANGUAGE AnswerParser::GetNextLanguage(VOID) { static PPATCH_LANGUAGE pPointer = m_pHead; PPATCH_LANGUAGE pReturn = NULL;
while(pPointer) { if(!pPointer->s_blnBase && pPointer->s_iComplete == LANGUAGE_COMPLETE) { pReturn = pPointer; pPointer = pPointer->s_pNext; break; } pPointer = pPointer->s_pNext; }
return(pReturn); }
// CreateNewLanguage, create a new language struct to store information about
// a new language, and link it to the language struct list
// Parameters:
// pNode, this language struct, empty
// strBegin, the string "[something]"
// strEnd, the string starting at "]"
// Return:
// none
VOID AnswerParser::CreateNewLanguage(IN PPATCH_LANGUAGE pNode, IN WCHAR* strBegin, IN WCHAR* strEnd) { wcsncpy(pNode->s_wszLanguage, strBegin + 1, strEnd - strBegin - 1); pNode->s_wszLanguage[strEnd - strBegin - 1] = 0; pNode->s_iComplete += 1; pNode->s_pNext = m_pHead; m_pHead = pNode; }