Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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  1. <HTML>
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  6. <BODY TABINDEX=-1 onload="window.parent.badpid_LoadMe();">
  7. <img id="WaterMark" class=gradient src="../images/watermrk.gif">
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  10. <SPAN TABINDEX=-1 CLASS="pageTitle">
  11. <ID ID="BadPID_TITLE" >The Product Key you entered is invalid.</ID>
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  13. <SPAN TABINDEX=-1 ID="contents" CLASS="contents">
  14. <ID id="BadPID_INFO1">Key entered:</ID>
  15. <span TABINDEX=-1 id="PidEntered" style="visibility:hidden">
  16. <SPAN TABINDEX=-1 id="lblPID"></SPAN>-<SPAN TABINDEX=-1 id="lblPID"></SPAN>-<SPAN TABINDEX=-1 id="lblPID"></SPAN>-<SPAN TABINDEX=-1 id="lblPID"></SPAN>-<SPAN TABINDEX=-1 id="lblPID"></SPAN>
  17. </span>
  18. <br>
  19. <br>
  20. <DIV TABINDEX=-1 id="BadPID_INFO2">You cannot complete setup without a valid Product Key. To re-enter the Product Key, select "Re-enter valid Product Key" below and then click NEXT to return to the previous screen, and then retype the Product Key.</DIV>
  21. <br>
  22. <DIV TABINDEX=-1 id="BadPID_INFO3">What to do if:</DIV>
  23. <UL TABINDEX=-1 >
  24. <LI TABINDEX=-1 id="BadPID_ITEM1">A Product Key was not included with your computer.</LI>
  25. <LI TABINDEX=-1 id="BadPID_ITEM2">You think the Microsoft software or Product Key you received may not be legal.</LI>
  26. </UL>
  27. <DIV TABINDEX=-1 id="BadPID_PIRACY">In the U.S or Canada, call the Microsoft Piracy Hotline at 1-800-RU-LEGIT. In all other countries, contact your local Microsoft subsidiary.</DIV>
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  29. <input TABINDEX=1 type=radio id=radioYes name=Continue onclick="window.parent.badpid_EnableNext();">
  30. <label TABINDEX=-1 ACCESSKEY="R" for="radioYes" id="BadPID_REENTER"><U>R</U>e-enter Valid Product Key</label>
  31. <BR>
  32. <input TABINDEX=1 type=radio id=radioNo name=Continue onclick="window.parent.badpid_EnableNext();">
  33. <label TABINDEX=-1 ACCESSKEY="S" for="radioNo" id="BadPID_SHUTDOWN"><U>S</U>hut down Windows</label>
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  37. <td valign=top id="BadPID_NAVINFO">To continue select one of the above, and then click NEXT.</td>
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