Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

98 lines
4.9 KiB

  1. <HTML>
  2. <HEAD>
  3. <link rel=stylesheet type="text/css" href="msobshel.css">
  4. <META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
  5. </HEAD>
  6. <BODY TABINDEX=-1 onload="window.parent.TapiLoadMe()">
  7. <SCRIPT>
  8. function goback()
  9. {
  10. window.external.ExecScriptFn("StoreTapi();");
  11. window.parent.GoBack(window.parent.CKPT_TAPI);
  12. }
  13. </SCRIPT>
  14. <img id="WaterMark" class=gradient src="../images/watermrk.gif">
  15. <img id="StageImage" class=leftpane src="../images/tapi.jpg">
  16. <IMG id="imgDropShadow" class="dropshadow" src="../images/drpshdw.jpg">
  17. <SPAN TABINDEX=-1 CLASS="pageTitle">
  18. <ID id="Tapi_TITLE">Using Your Modem to Connect</ID>
  19. </SPAN>
  20. <SPAN TABINDEX=-1 CLASS="contents">
  21. <DIV TABINDEX=-1 id="Tapi_INFO">Windows can make it easier to access the Internet and all it has to offer. Please type in the information below so we can help you connect to the Internet and register you online. You will not be charged for this call.</DIV>
  22. <br>
  23. <LABEL TABINDEX=-1 ACCESSKEY="R" for="selCountry" id="Tapi_COUNTRY">Select the count<U>r</U>y/region where you are now. Click the down arrow, or press the ALT + DOWN ARROW keys to view the list of regions.</LABEL>
  24. <br>
  25. <select TABINDEX=1 id=selCountry onchange="window.parent.Tapi_CountryChange();">
  26. <script language="javascript">
  27. document.write(window.parent.external.Tapi.get_AllCountryName);
  28. </script>
  29. </select>
  30. <br>
  31. <br>
  32. <DIV id="div_MSNNotAvailable" style="visibility:hidden">We are unable to dial to a Microsoft server in your country. We will continue without online registration.</DIV>
  33. <span id="spn_AdditionalSettings" style="visibility:hidden">
  34. <LABEL TABINDEX=-1 ACCESSKEY="C" id="Tapi_AREACODE" for="edtAreaCode">Enter your telephone area <U>c</U>ode (e.g., 425 in 425-555-1212)</LABEL>
  35. <input TABINDEX=2 type="text" id=edtAreaCode maxlength=10 style="ime-mode:disabled" size="4" onkeypress="window.parent.KeyPressIsNumeric();window.parent.Tapi_AreaCodeChange();" onkeyup="window.parent.Tapi_AreaCodeChange();">
  36. <br>
  37. <br>
  38. <LABEL TABINDEX=-1 ACCESSKEY="O" id="Tapi_OUTSIDELINE1" for="radioOutSideLineYes">Do you dial a number to access an <U>o</U>utside line?</label>
  39. <input TABINDEX=3 type="radio" name=OutSideLine id=radioOutSideLineYes onclick="window.parent.tapi_OutsideLineClicked();">
  40. <LABEL TABINDEX=-1 id="Tapi_OUTSIDELINE_YES" for="radioOutSideLineYes">Yes</LABEL>
  41. <input TABINDEX=3 type="radio" name=OutSideLine id=radioOutSideLineNo onclick="window.parent.tapi_OutsideLineClicked();">
  42. <LABEL TABINDEX=-1 id="Tapi_OUTSIDELINE_NO" for="radioOutSideLineNo" checked>No</LABEL>
  43. <br>
  44. <SPAN TABINDEX=-1 id="spanOutsideLine" style="visibility:hidden; position:relative;">
  45. <I>
  46. <LABEL TABINDEX=-1 ACCESSKEY="W" ID="Tapi_OUTSIDELINE2" for=edtOutsideLine><U>W</U>hat is that number?</LABEL>
  47. </I>
  48. <input TABINDEX=4 style="ime-mode:disabled; visibility:hidden" type="text" id=edtOutsideLine maxlength=10 size="4" onkeypress="window.parent.KeyPressIsNumeric();">
  49. </SPAN>
  50. <br>
  51. <br>
  52. <LABEL TABINDEX=-1 ACCESSKEY="T" id="Tapi_TOUCHTONE" for="radioTouchToneYes">Do you have <U>t</U>ouch tone service?</label>
  53. <input TABINDEX=5 type="radio" name=TouchTone checked id=radioTouchToneYes>
  54. <LABEL TABINDEX=-1 id="Tapi_TOUCHTONE_YES" for="radioTouchToneYes">Yes</LABEL>
  55. <input TABINDEX=5 type="radio" name=TouchTone id=radioTouchToneNo>
  56. <LABEL TABINDEX=-1 id="Tapi_TOUCHTONE_NO" for="radioTouchToneNo">No</LABEL>
  57. </span>
  58. </SPAN>
  59. <table tabindex=-1 class="navInfo" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>
  60. <Tr>
  61. <td valign=top id="Tapi_NAVINFO1">To continue without dialing on your telephone line, click SKIP.</td>
  62. </tr>
  63. <tr>
  64. <td valign=top id="Tapi_NAVINFO2">To continue, click NEXT.</td>
  65. </tr>
  66. </table>
  67. <span TABINDEX=-1 id="navbar" CLASS="navbar">
  68. <HR NOSHADE CLASS="blackBar">
  69. <SPAN TABINDEX=-1 Id=spanCancel onclick="window.parent.GoCancel();">
  70. <IMG Id=btnCancel class=cancelButton>
  71. <LABEL TABINDEX=6 ACCESSKEY="S" for="btnCancelText" Id=btnCancelText class=cancelButtonText>
  72. <ID id="Tapi_SKIP"><U>S</U>kip</ID>
  73. </LABEL>
  74. </SPAN>
  75. <SPAN TABINDEX=-1 Id=spanBack onclick="window.parent.GoBack();">
  76. <IMG Id=btnBack class=backButton>
  77. <LABEL TABINDEX=7 ACCESSKEY="B" for="btnBackText" Id=btnBackText class=backButtonText>
  78. <ID id="Tapi_BACK"><U>B</U>ack</ID>
  79. </LABEL>
  80. </SPAN>
  81. <SPAN TABINDEX=-1 Id=spanNext onclick="if(btnNext.disabled == false) window.parent.GoNext();">
  82. <IMG Id=btnNext class=nextButton>
  83. <LABEL TABINDEX=8 ACCESSKEY="N"for="btnNextText" Id=btnNextText class=nextButtonText>
  84. <ID id="Tapi_NEXT"><U>N</U>ext</ID>
  85. </LABEL>
  86. </SPAN>
  87. </DIV>
  88. </BODY>
  89. </HTML>