//* Microsoft Windows **
//* Copyright(c) Microsoft Corp., 1999 **
// MSOBCOMM.CPP - Implementation of CObCommunicationManager
// 1/27/99 a-jaswed Created.
// Class which will manage all communication functions
#include "msobcomm.h"
#include "dispids.h"
#include "CntPoint.h" // ConnectionPoint Component
#include <ocidl.h> //For IConnectionPoint and IEnumConnectionPoints
#include <olectl.h>
#include <shlwapi.h>
#include <util.h>
#include "enumodem.h"
#include "commerr.h"
#include "homenet.h"
extern DWORD IsMouseOrKeyboardPresent(HWND HWnd, PBOOL pbKeyboardPresent, PBOOL pbMousePresent);
CObCommunicationManager* gpCommMgr = NULL;
// Creation function used by CFactory.
HRESULT CObCommunicationManager::CreateInstance(IUnknown* pOuterUnknown, CUnknown** ppNewComponent) { if (pOuterUnknown != NULL) { // Don't allow aggregation. Just for the heck of it.
*ppNewComponent = new CObCommunicationManager(pOuterUnknown); return S_OK; }
// NondelegatingQueryInterface
HRESULT __stdcall CObCommunicationManager::NondelegatingQueryInterface(const IID& iid, void** ppv) { if (iid == IID_IObCommunicationManager2 || iid == IID_IObCommunicationManager) { return FinishQI(static_cast<IObCommunicationManager*>(this), ppv); } else { return CUnknown::NondelegatingQueryInterface(iid, ppv); } }
// Constructor
CObCommunicationManager::CObCommunicationManager(IUnknown* pOuterUnknown) : CUnknown(pOuterUnknown) { m_pConnectionPoint = NULL; m_pWebGate = NULL; m_hwndCallBack = NULL; m_pRefDial = NULL; m_InsHandler = NULL; m_pDisp = NULL; m_IcsMgr = NULL; m_bIsIcsUsed = FALSE; ZeroMemory(m_szExternalConnectoid, sizeof(m_szExternalConnectoid)); m_bFirewall = FALSE; m_bAutodialCleanup = FALSE;
// Destructor
CObCommunicationManager::~CObCommunicationManager() { if (m_pDisp) m_pDisp->Release();
if (m_InsHandler) delete m_InsHandler;
if (m_pRefDial) delete m_pRefDial;
if (m_pWebGate) delete m_pWebGate;
if (m_pConnectionPoint) delete m_pConnectionPoint;
if (m_IcsMgr) delete m_IcsMgr;
OobeAutodialHangup(); }
// FinalRelease -- Clean up the aggreated objects.
void CObCommunicationManager::FinalRelease() { CUnknown::FinalRelease(); }
// IObCommunicationManager Implementation
INT CObCommunicationManager::m_nNumListener = 0;
// ListenToCommunicationEvents
HRESULT CObCommunicationManager::ListenToCommunicationEvents(IUnknown* pUnk) { DObCommunicationEvents* pCommEvent = NULL; m_pDisp = NULL;
CObCommunicationManager::m_nNumListener ++;
//first things first
if (!pUnk) return E_FAIL;
//So somebody want to register to listen to our ObWebBrowser events
//Ok, let's get sneaky and reverse QI them to see if they even say they
//support the right interfaces
//if (FAILED(pUnk->QueryInterface(DIID_DObCommunicationEvents, (LPVOID*)&pCommEvent)) || !pCommEvent)
// return E_UNEXPECTED;
// ListenToCommunicationEvents treats CConnectionPoint as a C++ object and not like a COM object.
// Everyone else deals with CConnectionPoint through COM interfaces.
if (!m_pConnectionPoint) m_pConnectionPoint = new CConnectionPoint(this, &IID_IDispatch) ;
if (FAILED(pUnk->QueryInterface(IID_IDispatch, (LPVOID*)&m_pDisp)) || !m_pDisp) return E_UNEXPECTED;
gpCommMgr = this; m_pRefDial = new CRefDial(); m_pWebGate = new CWebGate();
//Ok, everything looks OK, try to setup a connection point.
// Setup to get WebBrowserEvents
return ConnectToConnectionPoint(pUnk, DIID_DObCommunicationEvents, TRUE, (IObCommunicationManager*)this, &m_dwcpCookie, NULL); }
HRESULT CObCommunicationManager::ConnectToConnectionPoint( IUnknown* punkThis, REFIID riidEvent, BOOL fConnect, IUnknown* punkTarget, DWORD* pdwCookie, IConnectionPoint** ppcpOut) { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; IConnectionPointContainer* pcpContainer = NULL;
// We always need punkTarget, we only need punkThis on connect
if (!punkTarget || (fConnect && !punkThis)) { return E_FAIL; }
if (ppcpOut) *ppcpOut = NULL;
IConnectionPoint *pcp; if(SUCCEEDED(hr = FindConnectionPoint(riidEvent, &pcp))) { if(fConnect) { // Add us to the list of people interested...
hr = pcp->Advise(punkThis, pdwCookie); if (FAILED(hr)) *pdwCookie = 0; } else { // Remove us from the list of people interested...
hr = pcp->Unadvise(*pdwCookie); *pdwCookie = 0; }
if (ppcpOut && SUCCEEDED(hr)) *ppcpOut = pcp; else pcp->Release(); pcp = NULL; }
return hr; }
// IConnectionPointContainer
// EnumConnectionPoints
HRESULT CObCommunicationManager::EnumConnectionPoints(IEnumConnectionPoints **ppEnum) { // Construct the enumerator object.
//IEnumConnectionPoints* pEnum = new CEnumConnectionPoints(m_pConnectionPoint) ;
// The contructor AddRefs for us.
//*ppEnum = pEnum ;
return S_OK ; }
// FindConnectionPoint
HRESULT CObCommunicationManager::FindConnectionPoint(REFIID riid, IConnectionPoint **ppCP) { // Model only supports a single connection point.
if (riid != DIID_DObCommunicationEvents) { *ppCP = NULL ; return CONNECT_E_NOCONNECTION ; }
if (m_pConnectionPoint == NULL) { return E_FAIL ; }
// Get the interface point to the connection point object.
IConnectionPoint* pIConnectionPoint = m_pConnectionPoint ;
// AddRef the interface.
pIConnectionPoint->AddRef() ;
// Return the interface to the client.
*ppCP = pIConnectionPoint ;
return S_OK ; }
// DWebBrowserEvents2 / IDispatch implementation
STDMETHODIMP CObCommunicationManager::GetTypeInfoCount(UINT* pcInfo) { return E_NOTIMPL; }
STDMETHODIMP CObCommunicationManager::GetTypeInfo(UINT, LCID, ITypeInfo** ) { return E_NOTIMPL; }
// COleSite::GetIDsOfNames
STDMETHODIMP CObCommunicationManager::GetIDsOfNames( /* [in] */ REFIID riid, /* [size_is][in] */ OLECHAR** rgszNames, /* [in] */ UINT cNames, /* [in] */ LCID lcid, /* [size_is][out] */ DISPID* rgDispId) { return ResultFromScode(DISP_E_UNKNOWNNAME); }
// COleSite::Invoke
HRESULT CObCommunicationManager::Invoke ( DISPID dispidMember, REFIID riid, LCID lcid, WORD wFlags, DISPPARAMS FAR* pdispparams, VARIANT FAR* pvarResult, EXCEPINFO FAR* pexcepinfo, UINT FAR* puArgErr ) { HRESULT hr = DISP_E_MEMBERNOTFOUND; /*
switch(dispidMember) { default: break; } */ return hr; }
////// Methods
// IMsobComm Interface
// CheckDialReady
HRESULT CObCommunicationManager::CheckDialReady(DWORD *pdwRetVal) { HINSTANCE hinst = NULL; FARPROC fp; HRESULT hr = E_FAIL;
if (NULL == pdwRetVal) return ERR_COMM_UNKNOWN;
if (IsNT()) { hinst = LoadLibrary(L"ICFGNT5.DLL"); } else { hinst = LoadLibrary(L"ICFG95.DLL"); }
if (hinst) { fp = GetProcAddress(hinst, "IcfgNeedInetComponents"); if (fp) {
DWORD dwfInstallOptions = ICFG_INSTALLTCP; dwfInstallOptions |= ICFG_INSTALLRAS; dwfInstallOptions |= ICFG_INSTALLDIALUP; //dwfInstallOptions |= ICFG_INSTALLMAIL;
BOOL fNeedSysComponents = FALSE;
DWORD dwRet = ((ICFGNEEDSYSCOMPONENTS)fp)(dwfInstallOptions, &fNeedSysComponents);
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == dwRet) { // We don't have RAS or TCPIP
if (fNeedSysComponents) { *pdwRetVal = ERR_COMM_RAS_TCP_NOTINSTALL; TRACE(L"RAS or TCPIP not install"); } else { // check modem
// The does does not exist, we failed.
m_EnumModem.ReInit(); if (NULL != m_EnumModem.GetDeviceNameFromType(RASDT_Modem)) { if (NULL == m_EnumModem.GetDeviceNameFromType(RASDT_Isdn)) { *pdwRetVal = ERR_COMM_NO_ERROR; } else { *pdwRetVal = ERR_COMM_PHONE_AND_ISDN; } } else if (NULL != m_EnumModem.GetDeviceNameFromType(RASDT_Isdn)) { *pdwRetVal = ERR_COMM_ISDN; } else { *pdwRetVal = ERR_COMM_NOMODEM; } }
} hr = S_OK; } FreeLibrary(hinst); }
return hr ; }
// GetConnectionCapabilities
// Retrieves LAN connection capabilities.
// For Whistler we rely on the modem path through EnumModem and RAS to
// determine whether a modem is installed.
// parameters:
// _parm_ _description_
// returns:
// _description_
HRESULT CObCommunicationManager::GetConnectionCapabilities( DWORD* pdwConnectionCapabilities ) { TRACE(L"CObCommunicationManager::GetConnectionCapabilities\n"); return m_ConnectionManager.GetCapabilities(pdwConnectionCapabilities);
} // CObCommunicationManager::GetConnectionCapabilities
// GetPreferredConnection
// _abstract_
// parameters:
// _parm_ _description_
// returns:
// _description_
HRESULT CObCommunicationManager::GetPreferredConnection( DWORD* pdwPreferredConnection ) { return m_ConnectionManager.GetPreferredConnection(pdwPreferredConnection);
} // CObCommunicationManager::GetPreferredConnection
// SetPreferredConnection
// _abstract_
// parameters:
// _parm_ _description_
// returns:
// _description_
HRESULT CObCommunicationManager::SetPreferredConnection( const DWORD dwPreferredConnection, BOOL* pfSupportedType ) { return m_ConnectionManager.SetPreferredConnection(dwPreferredConnection, pfSupportedType );
} // CObCommunicationManager::SetPreferredConnection
// ConnectedToInternet
// _abstract_
// parameters:
// _parm_ _description_
// returns:
// _description_
HRESULT CObCommunicationManager::ConnectedToInternet( BOOL* pfConnected ) { return m_ConnectionManager.ConnectedToInternet(pfConnected);
} // CObCommunicationManager::ConnectedToInternet
// ConnectedToInternetEx
// _abstract_
// parameters:
// _parm_ _description_
// returns:
// _description_
HRESULT CObCommunicationManager::ConnectedToInternetEx( BOOL* pfConnected ) { return m_ConnectionManager.ConnectedToInternetEx(pfConnected);
} // CObCommunicationManager::ConnectedToInternetEx
// AsyncConnectedToInternetEx
// _abstract_
// parameters:
// _parm_ _description_
// returns:
// _description_
HRESULT CObCommunicationManager::AsyncConnectedToInternetEx( const HWND hwnd ) { return m_ConnectionManager.AsyncConnectedToInternetEx(hwnd);
} // CObCommunicationManager::AsyncConnectedToInternetEx
// SetPreferredConnectionTcpipProperties
STDMETHODIMP CObCommunicationManager::SetPreferredConnectionTcpipProperties( BOOL fAutoIPAddress, DWORD StaticIp_A, DWORD StaticIp_B, DWORD StaticIp_C, DWORD StaticIp_D, DWORD SubnetMask_A, DWORD SubnetMask_B, DWORD SubnetMask_C, DWORD SubnetMask_D, DWORD DefGateway_A, DWORD DefGateway_B, DWORD DefGateway_C, DWORD DefGateway_D, BOOL fAutoDNS, DWORD DnsPref_A, DWORD DnsPref_B, DWORD DnsPref_C, DWORD DnsPref_D, DWORD DnsAlt_A, DWORD DnsAlt_B, DWORD DnsAlt_C, DWORD DnsAlt_D, BOOL fFirewallRequired ) { HRESULT hr; hr = m_ConnectionManager.SetPreferredConnectionTcpipProperties( fAutoIPAddress, StaticIp_A, StaticIp_B, StaticIp_C, StaticIp_D, SubnetMask_A, SubnetMask_B, SubnetMask_C, SubnetMask_D, DefGateway_A, DefGateway_B, DefGateway_C, DefGateway_D, fAutoDNS, DnsPref_A, DnsPref_B, DnsPref_C, DnsPref_D, DnsAlt_A, DnsAlt_B, DnsAlt_C, DnsAlt_D ); if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && fFirewallRequired) { // Save the connectoid name so it can be firewalled by the HomeNet
// Wizard.
m_ConnectionManager.GetPreferredConnectionName( m_szExternalConnectoid, sizeof(m_szExternalConnectoid)/sizeof(WCHAR) ); }
return hr; } // CObCommunicationManager::SetPreferredConnectionTcpipProperties
// FirewallPreferredConnection
HRESULT CObCommunicationManager::FirewallPreferredConnection(BOOL bFirewall) { m_bFirewall = bFirewall; if (bFirewall) { // Save the connectoid name so it can be firewalled by the HomeNet
// Wizard.
return m_ConnectionManager.GetPreferredConnectionName( m_szExternalConnectoid, sizeof(m_szExternalConnectoid)/sizeof(WCHAR) ); } else { m_szExternalConnectoid[0] = TEXT('\0'); return S_OK; } } // CObCommunicationManager::FirewallPreferredConnection
// SetupForDialing
HRESULT CObCommunicationManager::SetupForDialing(UINT nType, BSTR bstrISPFile, DWORD dwCountry, BSTR bstrAreaCode, DWORD dwFlag, DWORD dwAppMode, DWORD dwMigISPIdx) { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; if (m_pRefDial) { BSTR bstrDeviceName = GetPreferredModem();
if (bstrDeviceName) { hr = m_pRefDial->SetupForDialing( nType, bstrISPFile, dwCountry, bstrAreaCode, dwFlag, dwAppMode, dwMigISPIdx, bstrDeviceName); SysFreeString(bstrDeviceName); } } return hr; }
// DoConnect
HRESULT CObCommunicationManager::DoConnect(BOOL *pbRetVal) {
if (m_pRefDial) { return m_pRefDial->DoConnect(pbRetVal); }
return E_FAIL ; }
// SetRASCallbackHwnd
HRESULT CObCommunicationManager::SetRASCallbackHwnd(HWND hwndCallback) { m_hwndCallBack = hwndCallback;
return S_OK; }
// DoHangup
HRESULT CObCommunicationManager::DoHangup() { if (m_pRefDial) { m_pRefDial->m_bUserInitiateHangup = TRUE; m_pRefDial->DoHangup(); }
return S_OK ; }
// GetDialPhoneNumber
HRESULT CObCommunicationManager::GetDialPhoneNumber(BSTR *pVal) { if (m_pRefDial) { m_pRefDial->GetDialPhoneNumber(pVal); }
return S_OK ; }
// GetPhoneBookNumber
HRESULT CObCommunicationManager::GetPhoneBookNumber(BSTR *pVal) { if (m_pRefDial) { m_pRefDial->GetPhoneBookNumber(pVal); }
return S_OK ; }
// PutDialPhoneNumber
HRESULT CObCommunicationManager::PutDialPhoneNumber(BSTR newVal) { if (m_pRefDial) { m_pRefDial->PutDialPhoneNumber(newVal); }
return S_OK ; }
// SetDialAlternative
HRESULT CObCommunicationManager::SetDialAlternative(BOOL bVal) { if (m_pRefDial) { m_pRefDial->SetDialAlternative(bVal); }
return S_OK; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// GetDialErrorMsg
HRESULT CObCommunicationManager::GetDialErrorMsg(BSTR *pVal) { return S_OK ; }
// GetSupportNumber
HRESULT CObCommunicationManager::GetSupportNumber(BSTR *pVal) { return S_OK ; }
// RemoveConnectoid
HRESULT CObCommunicationManager::RemoveConnectoid(BOOL *pbRetVal) { return S_OK ; }
// GetSignupURL
HRESULT CObCommunicationManager::GetSignupURL(BSTR *pVal) { if (m_pRefDial) { m_pRefDial->get_SignupURL(pVal); } return S_OK ; }
// GetReconnectURL
HRESULT CObCommunicationManager::GetReconnectURL(BSTR *pVal) { if (m_pRefDial) { m_pRefDial->get_ReconnectURL(pVal); } return S_OK ; }
// GetConnectionType
HRESULT CObCommunicationManager::GetConnectionType(DWORD *pdwVal) { if (m_pRefDial) { m_pRefDial->GetConnectionType(pdwVal); } return S_OK ; }
// FetchPage
HRESULT CObCommunicationManager::FetchPage(BSTR bstrURL, BSTR* pbstrLocalFile) { BOOL bRetVal = 0; if (m_pWebGate && pbstrLocalFile) { BSTR bstrFileName = NULL; m_pWebGate->put_Path(bstrURL); m_pWebGate->FetchPage(1, &bRetVal); m_pWebGate->get_DownloadFname(&bstrFileName); *pbstrLocalFile = SysAllocString(bstrFileName); TRACE2(L"CObCommunicationManager::FetchPage(%s, %s)\n", bstrURL ? bstrURL : NULL, bstrFileName ? bstrFileName : NULL ); } if (bRetVal) return S_OK ; return E_FAIL; }
// GetFile
HRESULT CObCommunicationManager::GetFile(BSTR bstrURL, BSTR bstrFileFullName) { if (m_pWebGate && bstrURL) { // Check for HTTP prefix
if (PathIsURL(bstrURL)) {
BOOL bRetVal = FALSE; m_pWebGate->put_Path(bstrURL); m_pWebGate->FetchPage(1, &bRetVal); if (bRetVal && bstrFileFullName) { BSTR bstrTempFile = NULL; m_pWebGate->get_DownloadFname(&bstrTempFile); // Make sure we have a valid file name
if (bstrTempFile) { if (CopyFile(bstrTempFile, bstrFileFullName, FALSE)) { // Delete the temp file
DeleteFile(bstrTempFile); return S_OK; } } } }
} return E_FAIL ; }
// CheckPhoneBook
HRESULT CObCommunicationManager::CheckPhoneBook(BSTR bstrISPFile, DWORD dwCountry, BSTR bstrAreaCode, DWORD dwFlag, BOOL *pbRetVal) { if (m_pRefDial) { return m_pRefDial->CheckPhoneBook(bstrISPFile, dwCountry, bstrAreaCode, dwFlag, pbRetVal); } return E_FAIL ; }
// RestoreConnectoidInfo
HRESULT CObCommunicationManager::RestoreConnectoidInfo() { if (!m_InsHandler) m_InsHandler = new CINSHandler;
if (m_InsHandler) { return m_InsHandler->RestoreConnectoidInfo(); } return E_FAIL ; }
// SetPreloginMode
HRESULT CObCommunicationManager::SetPreloginMode(BOOL bVal) { m_pbPreLogin = bVal; return S_OK ; }
// DownloadFileBuffer
HRESULT CObCommunicationManager::DownloadFileBuffer(BSTR *pVal) { return S_OK ; }
// ProcessINS
HRESULT CObCommunicationManager::ProcessINS(BSTR bstrINSFilePath, BOOL *pbRetVal) {
HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; if (!m_InsHandler) { m_InsHandler = new CINSHandler; if (m_InsHandler == NULL) { return hr; } }
if (NULL == bstrINSFilePath) { *pbRetVal = m_InsHandler->ProcessOEMBrandINS(NULL, m_szExternalConnectoid ); hr = S_OK;
} else { // Download the ins file, then merge it with oembrnd.ins
// Check for HTTP prefix
if (PathIsURL(bstrINSFilePath)) { if (m_pWebGate) { BOOL bRetVal; m_pWebGate->put_Path(bstrINSFilePath); m_pWebGate->FetchPage(1, &bRetVal); if (bRetVal) { BSTR bstrINSTempFile = NULL; if (S_OK == m_pWebGate->get_DownloadFname(&bstrINSTempFile)) { if (bstrINSTempFile) { *pbRetVal = m_InsHandler->ProcessOEMBrandINS( bstrINSTempFile, m_szExternalConnectoid ); hr = S_OK; } DeleteFile(bstrINSTempFile); } } } } else { *pbRetVal = m_InsHandler->ProcessOEMBrandINS( bstrINSFilePath, m_szExternalConnectoid ); hr = S_OK; } } HKEY hKey; if ((S_OK == hr) && *pbRetVal) { if((ERROR_SUCCESS == RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, REG_KEY_OOBE_TEMP, 0, KEY_WRITE, &hKey)) && hKey) {
hr = RegSetValueEx(hKey, REG_VAL_ISPSIGNUP, 0, REG_DWORD, (BYTE*)pbRetVal, sizeof(*pbRetVal)); RegCloseKey(hKey); } else { DWORD dwDisposition = 0; if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == RegCreateKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, REG_KEY_OOBE_TEMP, 0, NULL, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, NULL, &hKey, &dwDisposition)) { hr = RegSetValueEx(hKey, REG_VAL_ISPSIGNUP, 0, REG_DWORD, (BYTE*)pbRetVal, sizeof(*pbRetVal)); RegCloseKey(hKey); } } } return hr ; }
// CheckKbdMouse
HRESULT CObCommunicationManager::CheckKbdMouse(DWORD *pdwRetVal) { BOOL bkeyboard, bmouse;
*pdwRetVal = 0;
// summary: *pdwRetVal returns
// 0 = Success (keyboard and mouse present
// 1 = Keyboard is missing
// 2 = Mouse is missing
// 3 = Keyboard and mouse are missing
IsMouseOrKeyboardPresent(m_hwndCallBack, &bkeyboard, &bmouse); // If there is a keyboard, set the first bit to 1
if (bkeyboard) *pdwRetVal |= 0x01;
// If there is a mouse, set the first bit to 1
if (bmouse) *pdwRetVal |= 0x02;
return S_OK; }
// Fire_Dialing
HRESULT CObCommunicationManager::Fire_Dialing(DWORD dwDialStatus) { VARIANTARG varg; VariantInit(&varg); varg.vt = VT_I4; varg.lVal= dwDialStatus; DISPPARAMS disp = { &varg, NULL, 1, 0 }; m_pDisp->Invoke(DISPID_DIALING, IID_NULL, LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, DISPATCH_METHOD, &disp, NULL, NULL, NULL); return S_OK ; }
// Fire_Connecting
HRESULT CObCommunicationManager::Fire_Connecting() { VARIANTARG varg; VariantInit(&varg); varg.vt = VT_I4; varg.lVal= 0; DISPPARAMS disp = { &varg, NULL, 1, 0 }; m_pDisp->Invoke(DISPID_CONNECTING, IID_NULL, LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, DISPATCH_METHOD, &disp, NULL, NULL, NULL); return S_OK ; }
// Fire_DialError
HRESULT CObCommunicationManager::Fire_DialError(DWORD dwErrorCode) { VARIANTARG varg; VariantInit(&varg); varg.vt = VT_I4; varg.lVal= dwErrorCode; DISPPARAMS disp = { &varg, NULL, 1, 0 }; m_pDisp->Invoke(DISPID_DIALINGERROR, IID_NULL, LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, DISPATCH_METHOD, &disp, NULL, NULL, NULL); return S_OK ; }
// Fire_ConnectionComplete
HRESULT CObCommunicationManager::Fire_ConnectionComplete() { VARIANTARG varg; VariantInit(&varg); varg.vt = VT_I4; varg.lVal= 0; DISPPARAMS disp = { &varg, NULL, 1, 0 }; m_pDisp->Invoke(DISPIP_CONNECTIONCOMPLETE, IID_NULL, LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, DISPATCH_METHOD, &disp, NULL, NULL, NULL); return S_OK ; }
// Fire_DownloadComplete
HRESULT CObCommunicationManager::Fire_DownloadComplete(BSTR pVal) { VARIANTARG varg; VariantInit(&varg); varg.vt = VT_BSTR; varg.bstrVal= pVal; DISPPARAMS disp = { &varg, NULL, 1, 0 }; m_pDisp->Invoke(DISPIP_DOWNLOADCOMPLETE, IID_NULL, LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, DISPATCH_METHOD, &disp, NULL, NULL, NULL); return S_OK ; }
// OnDownloadEvent
HRESULT CObCommunicationManager::OnDownloadEvent(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL* bHandled) { return m_pRefDial->OnDownloadEvent(uMsg, wParam, lParam, bHandled); }
// GetISPList
HRESULT CObCommunicationManager::GetISPList(BSTR* pVal) { return m_pRefDial->GetISPList(pVal); }
// GetISPList
HRESULT CObCommunicationManager::Set_SelectISP(UINT nVal) { return m_pRefDial->Set_SelectISP(nVal); }
// Set_ConnectionMode
HRESULT CObCommunicationManager::Set_ConnectionMode(UINT nVal) { return m_pRefDial->Set_ConnectionMode(nVal); }
// Get_ConnectionMode
HRESULT CObCommunicationManager::Get_ConnectionMode(UINT* pnVal) { return m_pRefDial->Get_ConnectionMode(pnVal); }
// DownloadReferralOffer
HRESULT CObCommunicationManager::DownloadReferralOffer(BOOL *pbVal) { if (pbVal) { // Start the download now!!!
m_pRefDial->DoOfferDownload(pbVal); if (!*pbVal) m_pRefDial->DoHangup(); return S_OK; } return E_FAIL;
// DownloadISPOffer
HRESULT CObCommunicationManager::DownloadISPOffer(BOOL *pbVal, BSTR *pVal) { if (pbVal && pVal) { // Start the download now!!!
m_pRefDial->DownloadISPOffer(pbVal, pVal); if (!*pbVal) m_pRefDial->DoHangup(); return S_OK; } return E_FAIL; }
// Get_ISPName
HRESULT CObCommunicationManager::Get_ISPName(BSTR *pVal) { if (pVal) { // Start the download now!!!
return m_pRefDial->get_ISPName(pVal); } return E_FAIL; }
// RemoveDownloadDir
HRESULT CObCommunicationManager::RemoveDownloadDir() { return m_pRefDial->RemoveDownloadDir(); }
// PostRegData
HRESULT CObCommunicationManager::PostRegData(DWORD dwSrvType, BSTR bstrRegUrl) { return m_pRefDial->PostRegData(dwSrvType, bstrRegUrl); }
// AllowSingleCall
HRESULT CObCommunicationManager::CheckStayConnected(BSTR bstrISPFile, BOOL *pbVal) { return m_pRefDial->CheckStayConnected(bstrISPFile, pbVal); }
// Connect
HRESULT CObCommunicationManager::Connect(UINT nType, BSTR bstrISPFile, DWORD dwCountry, BSTR bstrAreaCode, DWORD dwFlag, DWORD dwAppMode) { if (m_pRefDial) { return m_pRefDial->Connect(nType, bstrISPFile, dwCountry, bstrAreaCode, dwFlag, dwAppMode); } return E_FAIL ; }
// CheckStayConnected
HRESULT CObCommunicationManager::CheckOnlineStatus(BOOL *pbVal) { if (pbVal) { BOOL bIcs = FALSE; BOOL bModem = FALSE; IsIcsAvailable (&bIcs); // we don't care about the return value here
m_pRefDial->CheckOnlineStatus(&bModem); *pbVal = (bIcs || bModem); // we are online if we have ICS or if the modem is connected.
return S_OK; } return E_FAIL;
} HRESULT CObCommunicationManager::CreateIcsBot(DWORD *pdwRetVal) { if (!m_IcsMgr) { if (!(m_IcsMgr = new CIcsMgr())) { return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } } if (!pdwRetVal) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } *pdwRetVal = m_IcsMgr->CreateIcsDialMgr(); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } HRESULT CObCommunicationManager::IsIcsAvailable(BOOL *bRetVal) { if (!bRetVal) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if (!m_IcsMgr) { *bRetVal = FALSE;
} else { *bRetVal = m_IcsMgr->IsIcsAvailable(); } return S_OK; }
HRESULT CObCommunicationManager::IsCallbackUsed(BOOL *bRetVal) { if (!bRetVal) { return E_FAIL; } if (!m_IcsMgr) { *bRetVal = FALSE;
} else { *bRetVal = m_IcsMgr->IsCallbackUsed(); } return S_OK; }
HRESULT CObCommunicationManager::NotifyIcsMgr(UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { if ( !m_IcsMgr ) return E_FAIL; else m_IcsMgr->NotifyIcsMgr(msg, wParam, lParam); return S_OK; }
HRESULT CObCommunicationManager::NotifyIcsUsage(BOOL bParam) { m_bIsIcsUsed = bParam; return S_OK; }
HRESULT CObCommunicationManager::TriggerIcsCallback(BOOL bParam) { if (!m_IcsMgr) { return E_FAIL; } else { // The Dial Manager is initialized only once, even if
// TriggerIcsCallback is called several times.
// m_IcsMgr->CreateIcsDialMgr();
m_IcsMgr->TriggerIcsCallback(bParam); return S_OK; } }
HRESULT CObCommunicationManager::IsIcsHostReachable(BOOL *bRetVal) { if (!bRetVal) { return E_FAIL; } if (!m_IcsMgr) { *bRetVal = FALSE;
} else { *bRetVal = m_IcsMgr->IsIcsHostReachable(); } return S_OK; }
// CreateModemConnectoid
STDMETHODIMP CObCommunicationManager::CreateModemConnectoid( BSTR bstrPhoneBook, BSTR bstrConnectionName, DWORD dwCountryID, DWORD dwCountryCode, BSTR bstrAreaCode, BSTR bstrPhoneNumber, BOOL fAutoIPAddress, DWORD ipaddr_A, DWORD ipaddr_B, DWORD ipaddr_C, DWORD ipaddr_D, BOOL fAutoDNS, DWORD ipaddrDns_A, DWORD ipaddrDns_B, DWORD ipaddrDns_C, DWORD ipaddrDns_D, DWORD ipaddrDnsAlt_A, DWORD ipaddrDnsAlt_B, DWORD ipaddrDnsAlt_C, DWORD ipaddrDnsAlt_D, BSTR bstrUserName, BSTR bstrPassword) { DWORD dwRet = ERROR_SUCCESS;
dwRet = m_EnumModem.ReInit(); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwRet) { return dwRet; }
LPWSTR szDeviceName = m_EnumModem.GetDeviceNameFromType(RASDT_Modem); if (NULL == szDeviceName) { return ERROR_DEVICE_DOES_NOT_EXIST; }
BSTR bstrDeviceName = SysAllocString(szDeviceName); BSTR bstrDeviceType = SysAllocString(RASDT_Modem); if (NULL == bstrDeviceName || NULL == bstrDeviceType) { dwRet = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } else {
DWORD dwEntryOptions = RASEO_UseCountryAndAreaCodes | RASEO_IpHeaderCompression | RASEO_RemoteDefaultGateway | RASEO_SwCompression | RASEO_ShowDialingProgress | RASEO_ModemLights;
dwRet = CreateConnectoid(bstrPhoneBook, bstrConnectionName, dwCountryID, dwCountryCode, bstrAreaCode, bstrPhoneNumber, fAutoIPAddress, ipaddr_A, ipaddr_B, ipaddr_C, ipaddr_D, fAutoDNS, ipaddrDns_A, ipaddrDns_B, ipaddrDns_C, ipaddrDns_D, ipaddrDnsAlt_A, ipaddrDnsAlt_B, ipaddrDnsAlt_C, ipaddrDnsAlt_D, bstrUserName, bstrPassword, bstrDeviceName, bstrDeviceType, dwEntryOptions, RASET_Phone ); } if (bstrDeviceName) SysFreeString(bstrDeviceName); if (bstrDeviceType) SysFreeString(bstrDeviceType);
// BUGBUG: Mixing HRESULT and WIN32 error code
return dwRet;
// CreatePppoeConnectoid
STDMETHODIMP CObCommunicationManager::CreatePppoeConnectoid( BSTR bstrPhoneBook, BSTR bstrConnectionName, BSTR bstrBroadbandService, BOOL fAutoIPAddress, DWORD ipaddr_A, DWORD ipaddr_B, DWORD ipaddr_C, DWORD ipaddr_D, BOOL fAutoDNS, DWORD ipaddrDns_A, DWORD ipaddrDns_B, DWORD ipaddrDns_C, DWORD ipaddrDns_D, DWORD ipaddrDnsAlt_A, DWORD ipaddrDnsAlt_B, DWORD ipaddrDnsAlt_C, DWORD ipaddrDnsAlt_D, BSTR bstrUserName, BSTR bstrPassword) { DWORD dwRet = ERROR_SUCCESS;
dwRet = m_EnumModem.ReInit(); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwRet) { return dwRet; }
LPWSTR szDeviceName = m_EnumModem.GetDeviceNameFromType(RASDT_PPPoE); if (NULL == szDeviceName) { return ERROR_DEVICE_DOES_NOT_EXIST; }
BSTR bstrDeviceName = SysAllocString(szDeviceName); BSTR bstrDeviceType = SysAllocString(RASDT_PPPoE); if (NULL == bstrDeviceName || NULL == bstrDeviceType) { dwRet = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } else { DWORD dwEntryOptions = RASEO_IpHeaderCompression | RASEO_RemoteDefaultGateway | RASEO_SwCompression | RASEO_ShowDialingProgress | RASEO_ModemLights; // Note that bstrBroadbandService is passed as the bstrPhoneNumber param to
// CreateConnectoid. This is correct per PMay. bstrBroadbandService may
// contain the name of a broadband service or may be an empty string.
dwRet = CreateConnectoid(bstrPhoneBook, bstrConnectionName, 0, // dwCountryID unused
0, // dwCountryCode unused
NULL, // area code
bstrBroadbandService, fAutoIPAddress, ipaddr_A, ipaddr_B, ipaddr_C, ipaddr_D, fAutoDNS, ipaddrDns_A, ipaddrDns_B, ipaddrDns_C, ipaddrDns_D, ipaddrDnsAlt_A, ipaddrDnsAlt_B, ipaddrDnsAlt_C, ipaddrDnsAlt_D, bstrUserName, bstrPassword, bstrDeviceName, bstrDeviceType, dwEntryOptions, RASET_Broadband ); }
if (bstrDeviceName) SysFreeString(bstrDeviceName); if (bstrDeviceType) SysFreeString(bstrDeviceType);
// BUGBUG: Mixing HRESULT and WIN32 error code
return dwRet;
// CreateConnectoid
STDMETHODIMP CObCommunicationManager::CreateConnectoid( BSTR bstrPhoneBook, BSTR bstrConnectionName, DWORD dwCountryID, DWORD dwCountryCode, BSTR bstrAreaCode, BSTR bstrPhoneNumber, BOOL fAutoIPAddress, DWORD ipaddr_A, DWORD ipaddr_B, DWORD ipaddr_C, DWORD ipaddr_D, BOOL fAutoDNS, DWORD ipaddrDns_A, DWORD ipaddrDns_B, DWORD ipaddrDns_C, DWORD ipaddrDns_D, DWORD ipaddrDnsAlt_A, DWORD ipaddrDnsAlt_B, DWORD ipaddrDnsAlt_C, DWORD ipaddrDnsAlt_D, BSTR bstrUserName, BSTR bstrPassword, BSTR bstrDeviceName, BSTR bstrDeviceType, DWORD dwEntryOptions, DWORD dwEntryType) { RNAAPI rnaapi; HRESULT hr; RASENTRY rasentry; WCHAR wsz[MAX_ISP_NAME + 1];
// Set up the RASENTRY
memset(&rasentry, 0, sizeof(RASENTRY)); rasentry.dwSize = sizeof(RASENTRY); rasentry.dwfOptions = dwEntryOptions;
// Location/phone number.
rasentry.dwCountryID = dwCountryID; rasentry.dwCountryCode = dwCountryCode; TRACE2(L"Connectoid %d %d", dwCountryID, dwCountryCode); // bstrAreaCode will be NULL when creating a PPPOE connectoid
if (NULL != bstrAreaCode) { lstrcpyn(rasentry.szAreaCode, bstrAreaCode, RAS_MaxAreaCode + 1);
TRACE1(L"Connectoid AreaCode %s", rasentry.szAreaCode); } // bstrPhoneNumber should contain either a phone number or a broadband
// service name.
MYASSERT(NULL != bstrPhoneNumber); if (NULL != bstrPhoneNumber) { lstrcpyn(rasentry.szLocalPhoneNumber, bstrPhoneNumber, RAS_MaxPhoneNumber + 1 );
TRACE1(L"Connectoid LocalPhoneNumber %s", rasentry.szLocalPhoneNumber); } // dwAlternateOffset; No alternate numbers
// PPP/Ip
if (!fAutoIPAddress) { rasentry.dwfOptions |= RASEO_SpecificIpAddr; rasentry.ipaddr.a = (BYTE)ipaddr_A; rasentry.ipaddr.b = (BYTE)ipaddr_B; rasentry.ipaddr.c = (BYTE)ipaddr_C; rasentry.ipaddr.d = (BYTE)ipaddr_D;
TRACE4(L"Connectoid ipaddr %d.%d.%d.%d", ipaddr_A, ipaddr_B, ipaddr_C, ipaddr_D); } if (!fAutoDNS) { rasentry.dwfOptions |= RASEO_SpecificNameServers; rasentry.ipaddrDns.a = (BYTE)ipaddrDns_A; rasentry.ipaddrDns.b = (BYTE)ipaddrDns_B; rasentry.ipaddrDns.c = (BYTE)ipaddrDns_C; rasentry.ipaddrDns.d = (BYTE)ipaddrDns_D;
TRACE4(L"Connectoid ipaddrDns %d.%d.%d.%d", ipaddrDns_A, ipaddrDns_B, ipaddrDns_C, ipaddrDns_D); rasentry.ipaddrDnsAlt.a = (BYTE)ipaddrDnsAlt_A; rasentry.ipaddrDnsAlt.b = (BYTE)ipaddrDnsAlt_B; rasentry.ipaddrDnsAlt.c = (BYTE)ipaddrDnsAlt_C; rasentry.ipaddrDnsAlt.d = (BYTE)ipaddrDnsAlt_D;
TRACE4(L"Connectoid ipaddrDnsAlt %d.%d.%d.%d", ipaddrDnsAlt_A, ipaddrDnsAlt_B, ipaddrDnsAlt_C, ipaddrDnsAlt_D); // RASIPADDR ipaddrWins;
// RASIPADDR ipaddrWinsAlt;
} //
// Framing
// dwFrameSize; Ignored unless framing is RASFP_Slip
rasentry.dwfNetProtocols = RASNP_Ip; rasentry.dwFramingProtocol = RASFP_Ppp; //
// Scripting
// szScript[ MAX_PATH ];
// AutoDial - Use the default dialer
// szAutodialDll[ MAX_PATH ];
// szAutodialFunc[ MAX_PATH ];
// Device
if (NULL != bstrDeviceType) { lstrcpyn(rasentry.szDeviceType, bstrDeviceType, RAS_MaxDeviceType + 1);
TRACE1(L"Connectoid DeviceType %s", rasentry.szDeviceType); }
if (NULL != bstrDeviceName) { lstrcpyn(rasentry.szDeviceName, bstrDeviceName, RAS_MaxDeviceName + 1);
TRACE1(L"Connectoid DeviceName %s", rasentry.szDeviceName); }
// X.25 - not using an X.25 device
// szX25PadType[ RAS_MaxPadType + 1 ];
// szX25Address[ RAS_MaxX25Address + 1 ];
// szX25Facilities[ RAS_MaxFacilities + 1 ];
// szX25UserData[ RAS_MaxUserData + 1 ];
// dwChannels;
// Reserved
// dwReserved1;
// dwReserved2;
// Multilink and BAP
// dwSubEntries;
// dwDialMode;
// dwDialExtraPercent;
// dwDialExtraSampleSeconds;
// dwHangUpExtraPercent;
// dwHangUpExtraSampleSeconds;
// Idle time out
// dwIdleDisconnectSeconds;
rasentry.dwType = dwEntryType; // dwEncryptionType; // type of encryption to use
// dwCustomAuthKey; // authentication key for EAP
// guidId; // guid that represents
// the phone-book entry
// szCustomDialDll[MAX_PATH]; // DLL for custom dialing
// dwVpnStrategy; // specifies type of VPN protocol
TRACE5(L"Connectoid %d %d %d %d %d", rasentry.dwSize, rasentry.dwfOptions, rasentry.dwfNetProtocols, rasentry.dwFramingProtocol, rasentry.dwType); // Now pass all parameters to RAS
hr = RasSetEntryProperties(bstrPhoneBook, bstrConnectionName, &rasentry, sizeof(RASENTRY), NULL, 0 );
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == hr) { HRESULT hr2; RASCREDENTIALS rascred; ZeroMemory(&rascred, sizeof(rascred)); rascred.dwSize = sizeof(rascred); rascred.dwMask = RASCM_UserName | RASCM_Password | RASCM_Domain | RASCM_DefaultCreds; if (bstrUserName != NULL) { lstrcpyn(rascred.szUserName, bstrUserName,UNLEN); } else { lstrcpyn(rascred.szUserName, L"", UNLEN); } if (bstrPassword != NULL) { lstrcpyn(rascred.szPassword, bstrPassword,PWLEN); } else { lstrcpyn(rascred.szPassword, L"", PWLEN); } lstrcpyn(rascred.szDomain, L"",DNLEN);
hr2 = RasSetCredentials(bstrPhoneBook, bstrConnectionName, &rascred, FALSE);
TRACE1(L"Connectoid SetCredentials 0x%08lx", hr2);
SetDefaultConnectoid(AutodialTypeNoNet, bstrConnectionName); // Save the connectoid name so it can be firewalled by the HomeNet
// Wizard.
lstrcpy(m_szExternalConnectoid, bstrConnectionName); } TRACE1(L"CreateConnectoid %d\n", hr); return hr; }
// DoFinalTasks
// This method is called during OOBE's Finish code. Complete any final tasks
// (ie, run the HomeNet Wizard) here.
// parameters:
// pfRebootRequired pointer to a buffer that receives a boolean
// indicating whether a reboot is required before
// something done here will take affect.
// returns:
// HRESULT returned by CHomeNet::ConfigureSilently
STDMETHODIMP CObCommunicationManager::DoFinalTasks( BOOL* pfRebootRequired ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; BOOL fRebootRequired = FALSE; LPCWSTR szConnectoidName = (0 < lstrlen(m_szExternalConnectoid) ? m_szExternalConnectoid : NULL);
if (szConnectoidName) { // Run the HomeNet Wizard sans UI. m_szExternalConnectoid is the name of
// the connectoid that will be firewalled.
CHomeNet HomeNet; HomeNet.Create();
// Run the HomeNet Wizard sans UI. m_szExternalConnectoid is the name of
// the connectoid that will be firewalled.
hr = HomeNet.ConfigureSilently(szConnectoidName, &fRebootRequired); if (FAILED(hr)) { TRACE2(L"Failed: IHomeNetWizard::ConfigureSilently(%s): (0x%08X)", m_szExternalConnectoid, hr ); fRebootRequired = FALSE; } else { TRACE1(L"Connection %s Firewalled", szConnectoidName); } } else if (m_bFirewall) { PSTRINGLIST List = NULL; m_ConnectionManager.EnumPublicConnections(&List);
if (List) { CHomeNet HomeNet; if (SUCCEEDED(HomeNet.Create())) { for (PSTRINGLIST p = List; p; p = p->Next) { BOOL bRet = FALSE;
hr = HomeNet.ConfigureSilently(p->String, &bRet); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { TRACE1(L"Connection %s Firewalled", p->String); if (bRet) { fRebootRequired = TRUE; } } else { TRACE2( L"Failed: IHomeNetWizard::ConfigureSilently(%s): (0x%08X)", p->String, hr ); } } } else { TRACE1(L"Failed: IHomeNetWizard CoCreateInstance: (0x%08lx)", hr); } DestroyList(List); } } if (NULL != pfRebootRequired) { *pfRebootRequired = fRebootRequired; }
return hr;
} // CObCommunicationManager::DoFinalTasks
// OobeAutodial
// This method invokes IE's autodial as a modal dialog.
// If a connection is established, it will be disconnected when
// OobeAutodialHangup is called or in this class's destructor.
// Precondition:
// no internet connectivity is available.
// returns:
// S_OK - connection established
// S_FALSE - no error. Autodial cancelled and no connection established
// HRESULT error code - error occured.
HRESULT CObCommunicationManager::OobeAutodial() { HRESULT hr = S_OK; BOOL bRet = FALSE; if (!InternetAutodial(INTERNET_AUTODIAL_FORCE_ONLINE, m_hwndCallBack)) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); goto cleanup; }
hr = ConnectedToInternetEx(&bRet); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto cleanup; }
if (bRet) { hr = S_OK; m_bAutodialCleanup = true; } else { hr = S_FALSE; }
return hr; }
// OobeAutodialHangup
// This method disconnects the autodial connection, if there is one, created
// by OobeAutodial
// returns:
// S_OK - no connection is created by OobeAutodial or hangup succeeded
// HRESULT error code - error occured.
HRESULT CObCommunicationManager::OobeAutodialHangup() { HRESULT hr = S_OK; if (m_bAutodialCleanup) { if (!InternetAutodialHangup(0)) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); } m_bAutodialCleanup = FALSE; }
return hr; }
HRESULT CObCommunicationManager::UseWinntProxySettings() { m_ConnectionManager.UseWinntProxySettings(); return S_OK; }
HRESULT CObCommunicationManager::DisableWinntProxySettings() { m_ConnectionManager.DisableWinntProxySettings(); return S_OK; }
HRESULT CObCommunicationManager::GetProxySettings( BOOL* pbUseAuto, BOOL* pbUseScript, BSTR* pszScriptUrl, BOOL* pbUseProxy, BSTR* pszProxy ) { return m_ConnectionManager.GetProxySettings( pbUseAuto, pbUseScript, pszScriptUrl, pbUseProxy, pszProxy ); }
HRESULT CObCommunicationManager::SetProxySettings( BOOL bUseAuto, BOOL bUseScript, BSTR szScriptUrl, BOOL bUseProxy, BSTR szProxy ) { return m_ConnectionManager.SetProxySettings( bUseAuto, bUseScript, szScriptUrl, bUseProxy, szProxy ); }
BSTR CObCommunicationManager::GetPreferredModem() { BSTR bstrVal = NULL; // Assume CObCommunicationManager::CheckDialReady has been called
LPWSTR szDeviceName = m_EnumModem.GetDeviceNameFromType(RASDT_Isdn); if (szDeviceName == NULL) { szDeviceName = m_EnumModem.GetDeviceNameFromType(RASDT_Modem); }
if (szDeviceName != NULL) { bstrVal = SysAllocString(szDeviceName); }
return bstrVal; }
HRESULT CObCommunicationManager::SetICWCompleted( BOOL bMultiUser ) { BOOL bRet; if (bMultiUser) { bRet = SetMultiUserAutodial(AutodialTypeNever, NULL, TRUE); } else { bRet = SetAutodial(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, AutodialTypeNever, NULL, TRUE); }
return (bRet) ? S_OK : E_FAIL; }
// GetPublicLanCount
// Forward the work to CConnectionManager::GetPublicLanCount
HRESULT CObCommunicationManager::GetPublicLanCount( int* pcPublicLan ) { return m_ConnectionManager.GetPublicLanCount(pcPublicLan); } // CObCommunicationManager::GetPublicLanCount
// SetExclude1394
// Forward the work to CConnectionManager::SetExclude1394
HRESULT CObCommunicationManager::SetExclude1394( BOOL bExclude ) { m_ConnectionManager.SetExclude1394(bExclude); return S_OK; } // CObCommunicationManager::SetExclude1394
// GnsAutodial
// Forward the work to CRefDial::SetupForAutoDial
HRESULT CObCommunicationManager::GnsAutodial( BOOL bEnabled, BSTR bstrUserSection ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; if (m_pRefDial) { hr = m_pRefDial->SetupForAutoDial(bEnabled, bstrUserSection); }
return hr;
} // CObCommunicationManager::GnsAutodial