//* Microsoft Windows **
//* Copyright(c) Microsoft Corp., 1999 **
// PID.CPP - Header for the implementation of CProductID
// 1/27/99 a-jaswed Created.
#include "pid.h"
#include "appdefs.h"
#include "dispids.h"
#include "msobmain.h"
#include "digpid.h"
#define REG_VAL_PID2 L"PID2"
#define REG_VAL_PID3 L"PID3"
#define REG_VAL_PID3DATA L"PID3Data"
#define REG_VAL_PRODUCTKEY L"ProductKey"
#define SEC_KEY_VER L"Version"
// CProductID::CProductID
CProductID::CProductID() { WCHAR szKeyName[] = REG_KEY_OOBE_TEMP, szKeyWindows[] = REG_KEY_WINDOWS, szPid3[256], szOemInfoFile[MAX_PATH] = L"\0"; HKEY hKey; DWORD cb, dwType; BOOL bDontCare; BSTR bstrPid;
// Init member vars
m_cRef = 0; m_dwPidState = PID_STATE_UNKNOWN;
// Init the data we are going to try to get from the registry.
m_szPID2[0] = L'\0'; szPid3[0] = L'\0'; ZeroMemory(&m_abPID3, sizeof(m_abPID3));
if ( RegOpenKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, szKeyName, &hKey) == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { // Get the PID 2 from the registry.
cb = sizeof(m_szPID2); RegQueryValueEx(hKey, REG_VAL_PID2, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE) m_szPID2, &cb);
// Get the PID 3 from the registry.
cb = sizeof(szPid3); RegQueryValueEx(hKey, REG_VAL_PID3, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE) szPid3, &cb);
// Get the PID 3 data from the registry.
cb = sizeof(m_abPID3); RegQueryValueEx(hKey, REG_VAL_PID3DATA, NULL, &dwType, m_abPID3, &cb);
RegCloseKey(hKey); }
// If we don't already have a saved state PID3 string, we need to
// try to read it from the places where the OEM can pre-populate it.
if ( ( szPid3[0] == L'\0' ) && ( RegOpenKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, szKeyWindows, &hKey) == ERROR_SUCCESS ) ) { // First try the registry.
cb = sizeof(szPid3); if ( ( RegQueryValueEx(hKey, REG_VAL_PRODUCTKEY, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE) szPid3, &cb) != ERROR_SUCCESS ) || ( szPid3[0] == L'\0' ) ) { // Now try the INI file.
GetSystemDirectory(szOemInfoFile, MAX_CHARS_IN_BUFFER(szOemInfoFile)); lstrcat(szOemInfoFile, OEMINFO_INI_FILENAME); GetPrivateProfileString(SEC_KEY_VER, REG_VAL_PRODUCTKEY, L"\0", szPid3, MAX_CHARS_IN_BUFFER(szPid3), szOemInfoFile); } RegCloseKey(hKey); }
// We need to store the PID we retrieved as a BSTR in the object.
m_bstrPID = SysAllocString(szPid3);
// We assume the PID was accepted if we have the PID 2 & 3 strings.
if ( m_szPID2[0] && szPid3[0] ) m_dwPidState = PID_STATE_VALID; else if ( szPid3[0] ) ValidatePID(&bDontCare); else m_dwPidState = PID_STATE_INVALID;
// If the PID is invalid, we don't want it.
if ( m_dwPidState == PID_STATE_INVALID ) { bstrPid = SysAllocString(L"\0"); set_PID(bstrPid); SysFreeString(bstrPid); }
m_szProdType[0] = L'\0'; }
// CProductID::~CProductID
CProductID::~CProductID() { SysFreeString(m_bstrPID);
assert(m_cRef == 0); }
VOID CProductID::SaveState() { WCHAR szKeyName[] = REG_KEY_OOBE_TEMP; HKEY hKey; LPWSTR lpszPid3;
if ( RegCreateKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, szKeyName, 0, NULL, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, NULL, &hKey, NULL) == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { // Save the PID 2 to the registry.
if ( m_szPID2[0] ) RegSetValueEx(hKey, REG_VAL_PID2, 0, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE) m_szPID2, BYTES_REQUIRED_BY_SZ(m_szPID2)); else RegDeleteValue(hKey, REG_VAL_PID2);
// Save the PID 3 to the registry.
lpszPid3 = m_bstrPID; if ( *lpszPid3 ) RegSetValueEx(hKey, REG_VAL_PID3, 0, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE) lpszPid3, BYTES_REQUIRED_BY_SZ(lpszPid3)); else RegDeleteValue(hKey, REG_VAL_PID3);
// Save the PID 3 data from the registry.
if ( *((LPDWORD) m_abPID3) ) RegSetValueEx(hKey, REG_VAL_PID3DATA, 0, REG_BINARY, m_abPID3, *((LPDWORD) m_abPID3)); else RegDeleteValue(hKey, REG_VAL_PID3DATA);
RegFlushKey(hKey); RegCloseKey(hKey); } }
//// GET / SET :: PID
HRESULT CProductID::set_PID(BSTR bstrVal) { LPWSTR lpszNew, lpszOld;
lpszNew = bstrVal; lpszOld = m_bstrPID;
// No need to set it if we alread have
// the same string.
if ( CompareString(LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT, NORM_IGNORECASE, lpszNew, -1, lpszOld, -1) != CSTR_EQUAL ) { m_dwPidState = PID_STATE_UNKNOWN; SysFreeString(m_bstrPID); m_bstrPID = SysAllocString(bstrVal);
m_szPID2[0] = L'\0'; ZeroMemory(&m_abPID3, sizeof(m_abPID3));
SaveState(); }
return S_OK; }
HRESULT CProductID::get_PID(BSTR* pbstrVal) { *pbstrVal = SysAllocString(m_bstrPID);
return S_OK; }
HRESULT CProductID::get_PID2(LPWSTR* lplpszPid2) { *lplpszPid2 = SysAllocString(m_szPID2);
return S_OK; }
HRESULT CProductID::get_PID3Data(LPBYTE* lplpabPid3Data) { *lplpabPid3Data = m_abPID3;
return S_OK; }
HRESULT CProductID::get_PIDAcceptance(BOOL* pbVal) { #if 0
*pbVal = (m_dwPidState == PID_STATE_VALID); #endif // 0
// BUGBUG: get_PIDAcceptance not implemented.
*pbVal = TRUE;
return S_OK; }
HRESULT CProductID::get_ProductType(LPWSTR* lplpszProductType) {
// BUGBUG: get_ProductType not implemented
m_szProdType[0] = L'\0';
*lplpszProductType = SysAllocString(m_szProdType);
return S_OK; }
HRESULT CProductID::ValidatePID(BOOL* pbIsValid) { BOOL bValid = FALSE; LPWSTR lpszPid3; WCHAR szOemId[5] = L"\0"; DWORD dwSkuFlags = 0;
// Don't need to check if we know it is already valid.
if ( m_dwPidState == PID_STATE_VALID ) *pbIsValid = TRUE; else if ( m_dwPidState == PID_STATE_INVALID ) *pbIsValid = FALSE; else { // Need to convert m_bstrPID to an ANSI string.
lpszPid3 = m_bstrPID; if ( ( lpszPid3 != NULL ) && SetupGetProductType( m_szProdType, &dwSkuFlags ) && SetupGetSetupInfo( NULL, 0, NULL, 0, szOemId, sizeof(szOemId), NULL ) )
{ // Validate the PID!
bValid = ( SetupPidGen3( lpszPid3, dwSkuFlags, szOemId, FALSE, m_szPID2, m_abPID3, NULL) == PID_VALID ); }
// Set the return value.
if ( *pbIsValid = bValid ) m_dwPidState = PID_STATE_VALID; else { // Make sure we reset the buffers because the PID isn't valid.
m_dwPidState = PID_STATE_INVALID; m_szPID2[0] = L'\0'; ZeroMemory(&m_abPID3, sizeof(m_abPID3)); }
// Make sure we commit the data to the registry.
SaveState(); }
return S_OK; }
This function returns the PID 2.0 string from the registry. It is needed because get_PID2() returns an empty string if set_PID() has not been called.
HRESULT CProductID::get_CurrentPID2(LPWSTR* lplpszPid2) { HKEY hKey; DWORD cb; DWORD dwType; WCHAR szPID2[24] = L"\0";
if ( RegOpenKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, REG_KEY_WINDOWSNT, &hKey) == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { // Get the PID 2 from the registry.
cb = sizeof(szPID2); RegQueryValueEx(hKey, REG_VAL_PRODUCTID, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE) szPID2, &cb );
RegCloseKey(hKey); }
*lplpszPid2 = SysAllocString(szPID2);
return S_OK; }
/////// IUnknown implementation
// CProductID::QueryInterface
STDMETHODIMP CProductID::QueryInterface(REFIID riid, LPVOID* ppvObj) { // must set out pointer parameters to NULL
*ppvObj = NULL;
if ( riid == IID_IUnknown) { AddRef(); *ppvObj = (IUnknown*)this; return ResultFromScode(S_OK); }
if (riid == IID_IDispatch) { AddRef(); *ppvObj = (IDispatch*)this; return ResultFromScode(S_OK); }
// Not a supported interface
return ResultFromScode(E_NOINTERFACE); }
// CProductID::AddRef
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CProductID::AddRef() { return ++m_cRef; }
// CProductID::Release
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CProductID::Release() { return --m_cRef; }
/////// IDispatch implementation
// CProductID::GetTypeInfo
STDMETHODIMP CProductID::GetTypeInfo(UINT, LCID, ITypeInfo**) { return E_NOTIMPL; }
// CProductID::GetTypeInfoCount
STDMETHODIMP CProductID::GetTypeInfoCount(UINT* pcInfo) { return E_NOTIMPL; }
// CProductID::GetIDsOfNames
STDMETHODIMP CProductID::GetIDsOfNames(REFIID riid, OLECHAR** rgszNames, UINT cNames, LCID lcid, DISPID* rgDispId) {
for (int iX = 0; iX < sizeof(ProductIDExternalInterface)/sizeof(DISPATCHLIST); iX ++) { if(lstrcmp(ProductIDExternalInterface[iX].szName, rgszNames[0]) == 0) { rgDispId[0] = ProductIDExternalInterface[iX].dwDispID; hr = NOERROR; break; } }
// Set the disid's for the parameters
if (cNames > 1) { // Set a DISPID for function parameters
for (UINT i = 1; i < cNames ; i++) rgDispId[i] = DISPID_UNKNOWN; }
return hr; }
// CProductID::Invoke
HRESULT CProductID::Invoke ( DISPID dispidMember, REFIID riid, LCID lcid, WORD wFlags, DISPPARAMS* pdispparams, VARIANT* pvarResult, EXCEPINFO* pexcepinfo, UINT* puArgErr ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
switch(dispidMember) { case DISPID_PRODUCTID_GET_PID: {
if(pvarResult) { VariantInit(pvarResult); V_VT(pvarResult) = VT_BSTR;
get_PID(&(pvarResult->bstrVal)); } break; }
if(pdispparams && &pdispparams[0].rgvarg[0]) set_PID(pdispparams[0].rgvarg[0].bstrVal); break; }
if(pvarResult) { VariantInit(pvarResult); V_VT(pvarResult) = VT_BOOL;
get_PIDAcceptance((BOOL*)&(pvarResult->boolVal)); } break; }
if(pvarResult) { VariantInit(pvarResult); V_VT(pvarResult) = VT_BOOL;
ValidatePID((BOOL*)&(pvarResult->boolVal)); } break; }
if(pvarResult) { VariantInit(pvarResult); V_VT(pvarResult) = VT_BSTR;
get_CurrentPID2(&(pvarResult->bstrVal)); } break; }
default: { hr = DISP_E_MEMBERNOTFOUND; break; } } return hr; }
BOOL GetCdKey ( OUT PBYTE CdKey ) { DIGITALPID dpid; DWORD type; DWORD rc; HKEY key; DWORD size = sizeof (dpid); BOOL b = FALSE;
rc = RegOpenKey (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, TEXT("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion"), &key); if (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS) { rc = RegQueryValueEx (key, TEXT("DigitalProductId"), NULL, &type, (LPBYTE)&dpid, &size); if (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS && type == REG_BINARY) { CopyMemory (CdKey, &dpid.abCdKey, sizeof (dpid.abCdKey)); b = TRUE; } else { TRACE1(L"OOBE: GetDigitalID, RegQueryValueEx failed, errorcode = %d", rc); }
RegCloseKey (key); } else { TRACE1(L"OOBE: GetDigitalID, RegOpenKey failed, errorcode = %d", rc); }
return b; } const unsigned int iBase = 24;
// obtained from Jim Harkins 11/27/2000
void EncodePid3g( TCHAR *pchCDKey3Chars, // [OUT] pointer to 29+1 character Secure Product key
LPBYTE pbCDKey3) // [IN] pointer to 15-byte binary Secure Product Key
{ // Given the binary PID 3.0 we need to encode
// it into ASCII characters. We're only allowed to
// use 24 characters so we need to do a base 2 to
// base 24 conversion. It's just like any other
// base conversion execpt the numbers are bigger
// so we have to do the long division ourselves.
const TCHAR achDigits[] = TEXT("BCDFGHJKMPQRTVWXY2346789"); int iCDKey3Chars = 29; int cGroup = 0;
pchCDKey3Chars[iCDKey3Chars--] = TEXT('\0');
while (0 <= iCDKey3Chars) { unsigned int i = 0; // accumulator
int iCDKey3;
for (iCDKey3 = 15-1; 0 <= iCDKey3; --iCDKey3) { i = (i * 256) + pbCDKey3[iCDKey3]; pbCDKey3[iCDKey3] = (BYTE)(i / iBase); i %= iBase; }
// i now contains the remainder, which is the current digit
pchCDKey3Chars[iCDKey3Chars--] = achDigits[i];
// add '-' between groups of 5 chars
if (++cGroup % 5 == 0 && iCDKey3Chars > 0) { pchCDKey3Chars[iCDKey3Chars--] = TEXT('-'); } }
return; } #endif
void CheckDigitalID() { #ifdef PRERELEASE
WCHAR WinntPath[MAX_PATH]; BYTE abCdKey[16]; TCHAR ProductId[64] = TEXT("\0"), szPid[32];
if (GetCdKey (abCdKey)) { EncodePid3g (ProductId, abCdKey); // Now compare this value with the productKey value from $winnt$.inf
if(GetCanonicalizedPath(WinntPath, WINNT_INF_FILENAME)) { if (GetPrivateProfileString(L"UserData", REG_VAL_PRODUCTKEY, L"\0", szPid, MAX_CHARS_IN_BUFFER(szPid), WinntPath) != 0) { if (lstrcmpi(szPid, ProductId) != 0) { TRACE1(L"CheckDigitalID: PID in registry and file are different. Registry has: %s",ProductId); } else { TRACE(L"CheckDigitalID checks out OK"); } } else { TRACE1(L"CheckDigitalID:Could not get PID from File: %s", WinntPath); } } else { TRACE1(L"CheckDigitalID: Could not get path to %s", WINNT_INF_FILENAME); } } #endif
return; }