Copyright (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Contains the input file abstraction Author:
Mike Cirello Vijay Jayaseelan (vijayj)
Revision History:
03 March 2001 : Rewamp the whole source to make it more maintainable (particularly readable)
#pragma once
#include "BuildHive.h"
#include "RegWriter.h"
#include <setupapi.hpp>
#include <io.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "msg.h"
#include <libmsg.h>
using namespace std;
// Registry Mapper
class RegistryMapper { public: //
// member functions
void AddEntry(const std::wstring &Key, const std::wstring &Value); void AddSection(Section<WCHAR> &MapSection); bool GetMappedRegistry(const std::wstring &Key, std::wstring &Registry); static void AddWorker(SectionValues<WCHAR> &Values, PVOID ContextData);
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, RegistryMapper &rhs);
protected: //
// data members
std::map< std::wstring, std::wstring > KeyToRegistryMap; };
// Input file abstraction
class File { public: //
// constructor & destructor
File(PCTSTR pszTargetFile, bool bModify); virtual ~File();
// member functions
void AddInfSection(PCTSTR fileName, PCTSTR section, PCTSTR action, bool Prepend = false); void ProcessNlsRegistryEntries(void); DWORD ProcessSections(); static DWORD SaveAll(); DWORD Cleanup();
// inline methods
RegWriter& GetRegWriter() { return regWriter; } PCTSTR GetTarget() { return targetFile.c_str(); }
RegistryMapper* SetRegistryMapper(RegistryMapper *RegMapper) { RegistryMapper *OldMapper = CurrentRegMapper;
CurrentRegMapper = RegMapper;
return OldMapper; }
RegistryMapper* GetRegistryMapper() { return CurrentRegMapper; }
private: //
// data members
wstring targetFile; bool modify; int luid; TCHAR wKey[1024]; StringList infList; HandleList handleList; HINF hFile; SP_INF_INFORMATION infInfo; RegWriter regWriter; RegistryMapper *CurrentRegMapper;
// static data
static TCHAR targetDirectory[1024]; static FileList files; static int ctr;
// methods
File* GetFile(PCTSTR fileName,bool modify); DWORD AddRegNew(PCTSTR section,HINF h); DWORD AddRegExisting(PCTSTR section,HINF h); DWORD DelRegExisting(PCTSTR section,HINF h); DWORD AddSection(PCTSTR pszSection,HINF hInfFile); DWORD DelSection(PCTSTR SectionName, HINF InfHandle); DWORD SetDirectory(PCTSTR pszSection,HINF hInfFile); DWORD GetFlags(PCTSTR buffer);
void ProcessNlsRegistryEntriesForSection(InfFileW &ConfigInf, InfFileW &IntlInf, InfFileW &FontInf,const std::wstring &SectionName); void ProcessNlsRegistryEntriesForLanguage(InfFileW &ConfigInf, InfFileW &IntlInf, InfFileW &FontInf,const std::wstring &Language); void ProcessNlsRegistryEntriesForLangGroup(InfFileW &ConfigInf, InfFileW &IntlInf, InfFileW &FontInf,const std::wstring &LanguageGroup); };
// Determines if the given file (or directory) is present
template <class T> bool IsFilePresent(const std::basic_string<T> &FileName) { bool Result = false;
if (sizeof(T) == sizeof(CHAR)) { Result = (::_access((PCSTR)FileName.c_str(), 0) == 0); } else { Result = (::_waccess((PCWSTR)FileName.c_str(), 0) == 0); }
return Result; }