#include "pch.h"
#ifndef FileExists
#undef FileExists
#include <setupntp.h>
#include "winbom.h"
// Context for file queues in the offline installer.
typedef struct _OFFLINE_QUEUE_CONTEXT { PVOID DefaultContext; PWSTR InfPath; PWSTR OfflineWindowsDirectory; PWSTR OfflineSourcePath; PWSTR TemporaryFilePath; } OFFLINE_QUEUE_CONTEXT, *POFFLINE_QUEUE_CONTEXT;
// Context for Cosma's SetupIterateCabinet calls
// Local function declarations
static BOOL ValidateAndChecksumFile( IN PCWSTR Filename, OUT PBOOLEAN IsNtImage, OUT PULONG Checksum, OUT PBOOLEAN Valid );
static VOID MungeNode( IN PSP_FILE_QUEUE Queue, IN PSP_FILE_QUEUE_NODE QueueNode, IN LPTSTR lpWindowsDirectory, IN LPTSTR lpOfflineWindowsDirectory);
static VOID MungeQueuePaths( IN HSPFILEQ hFileQueue, IN LPTSTR lpWindowsDirectory, IN LPTSTR lpOfflineWindowsDirectory);
static UINT CosmaMsgHandler( IN PVOID Context, IN UINT Notification, IN UINT_PTR Param1, IN UINT_PTR Param2 );
static UINT FixCopyQueueStuff( IN POFFLINE_QUEUE_CONTEXT OfflineContext, IN LPTSTR lpszSourceFile, IN OUT LPTSTR lpszDestination );
static UINT OfflineQueueCallback( IN PVOID Context, IN UINT Notification, IN UINT_PTR Param1, IN UINT_PTR Param2 );
static VOID FreeOfflineContext( IN PVOID Context );
static PVOID InitOfflineQueueCallback( VOID );
// Exported functions:
BOOL OfflineCommitFileQueue(HSPFILEQ hFileQueue, LPTSTR lpInfPath, LPTSTR lpSourcePath, LPTSTR lpOfflineWindowsDirectory ) {
POFFLINE_QUEUE_CONTEXT pOfflineContext; DWORD dwSize; TCHAR szWindowsDirectory[MAX_PATH] = NULLSTR; BOOL bRet = FALSE; if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != hFileQueue && GetWindowsDirectory(szWindowsDirectory, AS(szWindowsDirectory))) { DWORD dwResult = 0;
// If we're not doing an offline install this will be NULL so we won't do any funky
// stuff.
if ( lpOfflineWindowsDirectory ) { pSetupSetGlobalFlags(pSetupGetGlobalFlags() | PSPGF_NO_VERIFY_INF | PSPGF_NO_BACKUP);
// Redirect the target directories to the offline image
MungeQueuePaths(hFileQueue, szWindowsDirectory, lpOfflineWindowsDirectory); }
// Init our special Callback and context.
if ( pOfflineContext = (POFFLINE_QUEUE_CONTEXT) InitOfflineQueueCallback() ) { TCHAR szInfPath[MAX_PATH] = NULLSTR;
if ( lpInfPath ) { lstrcpy(szInfPath, lpInfPath); } //
// Set the OfflineWindowsDirectory member of the Context structure
pOfflineContext->OfflineWindowsDirectory = lpOfflineWindowsDirectory; pOfflineContext->InfPath = szInfPath; pOfflineContext->OfflineSourcePath = lpSourcePath;
// Commit the file queue
if ( SetupCommitFileQueue(NULL, hFileQueue, OfflineQueueCallback, pOfflineContext)) { bRet = TRUE; } FreeOfflineContext(pOfflineContext); } } return bRet; }
// Internal functions:
static BOOL ValidateAndChecksumFile( IN PCWSTR Filename, OUT PBOOLEAN IsNtImage, OUT PULONG Checksum, OUT PBOOLEAN Valid )
Routine Description:
Calculate a checksum value for a file using the standard nt image checksum method. If the file is an nt image, validate the image using the partial checksum in the image header. If the file is not an nt image, it is simply defined as valid.
If we encounter an i/o error while checksumming, then the file is declared invalid.
Filename - supplies full NT path of file to check.
IsNtImage - Receives flag indicating whether the file is an NT image file.
Checksum - receives 32-bit checksum value.
Valid - receives flag indicating whether the file is a valid image (for nt images) and that we can read the image.
Return Value:
BOOL - Returns TRUE if the file was validated, and in this case, IsNtImage, Checksum, and Valid will contain the result of the validation. This function will return FALSE, if the file could not be validated, and in this case, the caller should call GetLastError() to find out why this function failed.
=============================================================================== --*/
{ DWORD Error; PVOID BaseAddress; ULONG FileSize; HANDLE hFile; HANDLE hSection; PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS NtHeaders; ULONG HeaderSum;
// Assume not an image and failure.
*IsNtImage = FALSE; *Checksum = 0; *Valid = FALSE;
// Open and map the file for read access.
Error = pSetupOpenAndMapFileForRead( Filename, &FileSize, &hFile, &hSection, &BaseAddress );
if( Error != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { SetLastError( Error ); return(FALSE); }
if( FileSize == 0 ) { *IsNtImage = FALSE; *Checksum = 0; *Valid = TRUE; CloseHandle( hFile ); return(TRUE); }
try { NtHeaders = CheckSumMappedFile(BaseAddress,FileSize,&HeaderSum,Checksum); } except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { *Checksum = 0; NtHeaders = NULL; }
// If the file is not an image and we got this far (as opposed to encountering
// an i/o error) then the checksum is declared valid. If the file is an image,
// then its checksum may or may not be valid.
if(NtHeaders) { *IsNtImage = TRUE; *Valid = HeaderSum ? (*Checksum == HeaderSum) : TRUE; } else { *Valid = TRUE; }
pSetupUnmapAndCloseFile( hFile, hSection, BaseAddress ); return( TRUE ); }
VOID LogRepairInfo( IN PWSTR Source, IN PWSTR Target, IN PWSTR DirectoryOnSourceDevice, IN PWSTR DiskDescription, IN PWSTR DiskTag ) ++ =============================================================================== Routine Description:
This function will log the fact that a file was installed into the machine. This will enable Windows repair functionality to be alerted that in case of a repair, this file will need to be restored.
Return Value:
=============================================================================== -- { WCHAR RepairLog[MAX_PATH]; BOOLEAN IsNtImage; ULONG Checksum; BOOLEAN Valid; WCHAR Filename[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR SourceName[MAX_PATH]; DWORD LastSourceChar, LastTargetChar; DWORD LastSourcePeriod, LastTargetPeriod; WCHAR Line[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR tmp[MAX_PATH];
if (!GetWindowsDirectory( RepairLog, MAX_PATH )) return;
wcscat( RepairLog, L"\\repair\\setup.log" );
if( ValidateAndChecksumFile( Target, &IsNtImage, &Checksum, &Valid )) {
// Strip off drive letter.
swprintf( Filename, L"\"%s\"", Target+2 );
// Convert source name to uncompressed form.
wcscpy( SourceName, wcsrchr( Source, (WCHAR)'\\' ) + 1 );
if(!SourceName) { return; } LastSourceChar = wcslen (SourceName) - 1;
if(SourceName[LastSourceChar] == L'_') { LastSourcePeriod = (DWORD)(wcsrchr( SourceName, (WCHAR)'.' ) - SourceName);
if(LastSourceChar - LastSourcePeriod == 1) { //
// No extension - just truncate the "._"
SourceName[LastSourceChar-1] = NULLCHR; } else { //
// Make sure the extensions on source and target match.
// If this fails, we can't log the file copy
LastTargetChar = wcslen (Target) - 1; LastTargetPeriod = (ULONG)(wcsrchr( Target, (WCHAR)'.' ) - Target);
if( _wcsnicmp( SourceName + LastSourcePeriod, Target + LastTargetPeriod, LastSourceChar - LastSourcePeriod - 1 )) { return; }
if(LastTargetChar - LastTargetPeriod < 3) { //
// Short extension - just truncate the "_"
SourceName[LastSourceChar] = NULLCHR; } else { //
// Need to replace "_" with last character from target
SourceName[LastSourceChar] = Target[LastTargetChar]; } } }
// Write the line.
if( (DirectoryOnSourceDevice) && (DiskDescription) && (DiskTag) ) {
// Treat this as an OEM file.
swprintf( Line, L"\"%s\",\"%x\",\"%s\",\"%s\",\"%s\"", SourceName, Checksum, DirectoryOnSourceDevice, DiskDescription, DiskTag );
} else {
// Treat this as an "in the box" file.
swprintf( Line, L"\"%s\",\"%x\"", SourceName, Checksum ); }
if (GetPrivateProfileString(L"Files.WinNt",Filename,L"",tmp,sizeof(tmp)/sizeof(tmp[0]),RepairLog)) { //
// there is already an entry for this file present (presumably
// from textmode phase of setup.) Favor this entry over what we
// are about to add
} else { WritePrivateProfileString( L"Files.WinNt", Filename, Line, RepairLog); }
} } */
static VOID MungeNode( IN PSP_FILE_QUEUE Queue, IN PSP_FILE_QUEUE_NODE QueueNode, IN LPTSTR lpWindowsDirectory, IN LPTSTR lpOfflineWindowsDirectory) { LONG lNewId = 0; TCHAR szTempTarget[MAX_PATH]; PTSTR pOldTarget = pSetupStringTableStringFromId(Queue->StringTable, QueueNode->TargetDirectory);
#ifdef DBG
// These are here for debugging purposes. We can look at
PTSTR pSourcePath = pSetupStringTableStringFromId(Queue->StringTable, QueueNode->SourcePath); PTSTR pSourceFilename = pSetupStringTableStringFromId(Queue->StringTable, QueueNode->SourceFilename); PTSTR pTargetFilename = pSetupStringTableStringFromId(Queue->StringTable, QueueNode->TargetFilename); #endif
if ( pOldTarget ) { // See if the WindowsDirectory is part of the target. If so replace it
// with the OfflineWindowsDirectory.
if ( StrStrI(pOldTarget, lpWindowsDirectory) ) { // We found the windows directory in the name. Replace it with our own.
lstrcpyn(szTempTarget, lpOfflineWindowsDirectory, MAX_PATH); StrCatBuff(szTempTarget, pOldTarget + lstrlen(lpWindowsDirectory), MAX_PATH); } // If the target is not a subdir of the windows directory just redirect the
// drive to the offline drive.
// Look at the first letter to see if it's the same letter as the
// current WindowsDirectory drive letter.
else if( *pOldTarget == *lpWindowsDirectory ) { // Strip off the windows directory from the offline directory name,
// use the buffer and then put the windows directory back on.
// I am assuming here that the windows directory is at the root of
// a drive (this is pretty reasonable).
LPTSTR lpWhack = _tcsrchr(lpOfflineWindowsDirectory, _T('\\')); if ( lpWhack ) { *lpWhack = NULLCHR; lstrcpyn(szTempTarget, lpOfflineWindowsDirectory, MAX_PATH); *lpWhack = _T('\\'); // Now copy every thing past the drive letter and : to the buffer
// and we will have a good path.
StrCatBuff(szTempTarget, pOldTarget + 2, MAX_PATH); // Skip the drive letter and the :.
} } // Add the new target string to the StringTable and
// set the TargetDirectory to the new string ID.
lNewId = pSetupStringTableAddString(Queue->StringTable, szTempTarget, 0); QueueNode->TargetDirectory = lNewId; } }
static VOID MungeQueuePaths( IN HSPFILEQ hFileQueue, IN LPTSTR lpWindowsDirectory, IN LPTSTR lpOfflineWindowsDirectory) { PSP_FILE_QUEUE Queue; PSOURCE_MEDIA_INFO SourceMedia; PSP_FILE_QUEUE_NODE QueueNode; // The queue handle is nothing more than a pointer to the queue.
Queue = (PSP_FILE_QUEUE)hFileQueue; // Lie to setupapi: tell it that the queue catalogs have already been verified succesfuly.
Queue->Flags &= ~FQF_DID_CATALOGS_FAILED; Queue->Flags |= FQF_DID_CATALOGS_OK; Queue->DriverSigningPolicy = DRIVERSIGN_NONE;
// Go through all SourceMediaLists and through each CopyQueue withing those.
for ( SourceMedia=Queue->SourceMediaList; SourceMedia; SourceMedia=SourceMedia->Next ) { QueueNode = SourceMedia->CopyQueue;
while ( QueueNode ) { MungeNode(Queue, QueueNode, lpWindowsDirectory, lpOfflineWindowsDirectory);
// Advance to the next node.
QueueNode = QueueNode->Next; } } // Go through the backup queue.
for ( QueueNode=Queue->BackupQueue; QueueNode; QueueNode=QueueNode->Next ) { MungeNode(Queue, QueueNode, lpWindowsDirectory, lpOfflineWindowsDirectory); } // Go through the delete queue.
for ( QueueNode=Queue->DeleteQueue; QueueNode; QueueNode=QueueNode->Next ) { MungeNode(Queue, QueueNode, lpWindowsDirectory, lpOfflineWindowsDirectory); } // Go through the rename queue.
for ( QueueNode=Queue->RenameQueue; QueueNode; QueueNode=QueueNode->Next ) { MungeNode(Queue, QueueNode, lpWindowsDirectory, lpOfflineWindowsDirectory); } }
static UINT CosmaMsgHandler( IN PVOID Context, IN UINT Notification, IN UINT_PTR Param1, IN UINT_PTR Param2 ) { UINT uRet = NO_ERROR; PCOSMA_CONTEXT CosmaContext = (PCOSMA_CONTEXT) Context;
switch (Notification) { case SPFILENOTIFY_FILEEXTRACTED: { PFILEPATHS FilePaths = (PFILEPATHS) Param1; if (FilePaths) { #if DBG
MessageBox(NULL, FilePaths->Source, TEXT("Extracted: Source"), MB_OK); MessageBox(NULL, FilePaths->Target, TEXT("Extracted: Target"), MB_OK); #endif
uRet = NO_ERROR; } } break;
if (FileInfo) { //
// If this is the file we want, then we want to extract it!
if ( !lstrcmpi(FileInfo->NameInCabinet, CosmaContext->szSourceFile) ) { lstrcpy(FileInfo->FullTargetName, CosmaContext->szDestination);
#if DBG
MessageBox(NULL, FileInfo->NameInCabinet, TEXT("InCabinet: NameInCabinet"), MB_OK); MessageBox(NULL, FileInfo->FullTargetName, TEXT("InCabinet: FullTargetName"), MB_OK); #endif
uRet = FILEOP_DOIT; } else { uRet = FILEOP_SKIP; } } } break;
MessageBox(NULL, TEXT("Doh!"), TEXT("Need New Cabinet"), MB_OK); #endif
uRet = NO_ERROR; } break;
default: break; }
return uRet; }
BOOL ExtractFileFromCabinet( IN LPTSTR lpszCabinetPath, IN LPTSTR lpszSourceFile, IN LPTSTR lpszDestinationPath ) { BOOL bRet = FALSE; COSMA_CONTEXT CosmaContext;
// Initialize the CosmaContext structure with the paths we need
ZeroMemory(&CosmaContext, sizeof(CosmaContext)); lstrcpy(CosmaContext.szSourceFile, lpszSourceFile); lstrcpy(CosmaContext.szDestination, lpszDestinationPath); AddPath(CosmaContext.szDestination, lpszSourceFile);
// Create the directory where we will extract the file
CreateDirectory(lpszDestinationPath, NULL);
// Call SetupIterateCabinet to extract a file from the CAB
if ( SetupIterateCabinet(lpszCabinetPath, 0, (PSP_FILE_CALLBACK) CosmaMsgHandler, (LPVOID) &CosmaContext) && EXIST(CosmaContext.szDestination) ) { //
// We only return true if we successfully extracted the file
bRet = TRUE; }
return bRet; }
static BOOL IsFileInDrvIndex( IN POFFLINE_QUEUE_CONTEXT OfflineContext, IN LPTSTR lpszSourceFile ) { LPTSTR lpszDrvIndexFile = TEXT("inf\\drvindex.inf"); HINF hInf = NULL; UINT uError = 0; BOOL bFound = FALSE; TCHAR szDrvIndexPath[MAX_PATH];
// Build a path to the offline image's %WINDIR%\\inf\\drvindex.inf
// We're going to search for this file in the drvindex.inf. If it is there
// then look for it in the driver.cab in the offline image driver cache and
// if driver.cab is not found there we look for driver.cab in the sourcepath
// specified in the offline registry.
lstrcpy(szDrvIndexPath, OfflineContext->OfflineWindowsDirectory); AddPath(szDrvIndexPath, lpszDrvIndexFile);
if ( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != ( hInf = SetupOpenInfFile(szDrvIndexPath, NULL, INF_STYLE_WIN4|INF_STYLE_OLDNT, &uError) ) ) { BOOL bRet = FALSE; INFCONTEXT InfContext; TCHAR szFileNameBuffer[MAX_PATH]; //
// Find the section appropriate to the passed in service name.
bRet = SetupFindFirstLine(hInf, TEXT("driver"), NULL, &InfContext); while (bRet && !bFound) { //
// Initialize the buffer that gets the service name so we can see if it's the one we want
szFileNameBuffer[0] = NULLCHR;
// Call SetupGetStringField to get the service name for this AddService entry
bRet = SetupGetStringField(&InfContext, 0, szFileNameBuffer, AS(szFileNameBuffer), NULL); if ( bRet && *szFileNameBuffer && !lstrcmpi(szFileNameBuffer, lpszSourceFile) ) { bFound = TRUE; } else { bRet = SetupFindNextLine(&InfContext, &InfContext); } } }
return bFound;
static UINT FixCopyQueueStuff( IN POFFLINE_QUEUE_CONTEXT OfflineContext, IN LPTSTR lpszSourceFile, IN OUT LPTSTR lpszDestination ) { UINT uRet = NO_ERROR; TCHAR szNewPath[MAX_PATH]; if ( OfflineContext->InfPath && *OfflineContext->InfPath ) { LPTSTR lpFilePart = NULL;
// Check wether InfPath is a full path or just an INF name.
if ( GetFullPathName(OfflineContext->InfPath, AS(szNewPath), szNewPath, &lpFilePart) && lpFilePart && *lpFilePart && lstrcmpi(OfflineContext->InfPath, lpFilePart) ) { // Build a new path to the file inside InfPath.
*lpFilePart = NULLCHR; AddPath(szNewPath, lpszSourceFile);
// Make sure there is a valid string to play with...
if ( szNewPath[0] ) { // If the file exists there, return FILEOP_NEWPATH.
if ( EXIST(szNewPath) ) { uRet = FILEOP_NEWPATH; } else { // Look for the compressed version of the file as well.
szNewPath[lstrlen(szNewPath) - 1] = TEXT('_'); if ( EXIST(szNewPath) ) { uRet = FILEOP_NEWPATH; } }
if ( uRet == FILEOP_NEWPATH ) { #if DBG
MessageBox(NULL, szNewPath, TEXT("INFPATH: WooHoo!!"), MB_OK); #endif
if (lpszDestination) { // Cut off the filename.
*lpFilePart = NULLCHR; // Save this in the buffer.
lstrcpy((LPTSTR)lpszDestination, szNewPath); }
return uRet; } #if DBG
else { MessageBox(NULL, szNewPath, TEXT("INFPATH: File Not Found!!"), MB_OK); } #endif
} } }
// Doh! It wasn't found in the InfPath path!
// Let's try the OfflineWindowsDirectory
if (OfflineContext->OfflineWindowsDirectory && *OfflineContext->OfflineWindowsDirectory) { if ( IsFileInDrvIndex(OfflineContext, lpszSourceFile) ) { LPTSTR lpszDriverCache = TEXT("Driver Cache"); LPTSTR lpszDriverCabFile = TEXT("DRIVER.CAB"); LPTSTR lpszTempPath = TEXT("TEMP");
// Build a path to the offline image's %WINDIR%\\Driver Cache\\i386\\DRIVER.CAB
lstrcpyn(szNewPath, OfflineContext->OfflineWindowsDirectory, AS(szNewPath)); AddPath(szNewPath, lpszDriverCache); AddPath(szNewPath, IsIA64() ? TEXT("ia64") : TEXT("i386")); AddPath(szNewPath, lpszDriverCabFile);
if ( ( EXIST(szNewPath) ) || ( ( lstrcpyn(szNewPath, OfflineContext->OfflineSourcePath, AS(szNewPath)) ) && ( AddPath(szNewPath, lpszDriverCabFile) ) && ( EXIST(szNewPath) ) ) ) { TCHAR szOfflineTemp[MAX_PATH]; //
// Build a path to the Offline image's %WINDIR%\\TEMP directory
lstrcpyn(szOfflineTemp, OfflineContext->OfflineWindowsDirectory, AS(szOfflineTemp)); AddPath(szOfflineTemp, lpszTempPath);
if ( ExtractFileFromCabinet(szNewPath, lpszSourceFile, szOfflineTemp) ) { #if DBG
MessageBox(NULL, TEXT("Succeeded!"), TEXT("ExtractFileFromCabinet"), MB_OK); #endif
// If the file exists, fill in the caller's buffer with the new location
if (lpszDestination) lstrcpy((LPTSTR)lpszDestination, szOfflineTemp);
// Fill in the TemporaryFilePath variable so we delete this file on ENDCOPY event
if (OfflineContext->TemporaryFilePath) { lstrcpy(OfflineContext->TemporaryFilePath, szOfflineTemp); AddPath(OfflineContext->TemporaryFilePath, lpszSourceFile); }
// We found the file, so want to return FILEOP_NEWPATH
else { MessageBox(NULL, TEXT("Failed!"), TEXT("ExtractFileFromCabinet"), MB_OK); } #endif
} #if DBG
else { MessageBox(NULL, szNewPath, TEXT("DRVCAB: File Not Found!!"), MB_OK); } #endif
} else { #if DBG
MessageBox(NULL, lpszSourceFile, TEXT("File is not in drvindex.inf"), MB_OK); #endif
// Search for it in the OfflineSourcePath
if ( OfflineContext->OfflineSourcePath && *OfflineContext->OfflineSourcePath ) { // Build a new path to the file inside OfflineSourcePath
lstrcpyn(szNewPath, OfflineContext->OfflineSourcePath, AS(szNewPath)); AddPath(szNewPath, lpszSourceFile);
// If the file exists there, return FILEOP_NEWPATH.
if ( EXIST(szNewPath) ) { uRet = FILEOP_NEWPATH; } else { // Look for the compressed version of the file as well.
szNewPath[lstrlen(szNewPath) - 1] = TEXT('_'); if ( EXIST(szNewPath) ) { uRet = FILEOP_NEWPATH; } }
if ( uRet == FILEOP_NEWPATH ) { #if DBG
MessageBox(NULL, szNewPath, TEXT("SOURCEPATH: WooHoo!!"), MB_OK); #endif
if (lpszDestination) { // Save this in the buffer.
lstrcpy((LPTSTR)lpszDestination, OfflineContext->OfflineSourcePath); }
return uRet; } #if DBG
else { MessageBox(NULL, szNewPath, TEXT("SOURCEPATH: File Not Found!!"), MB_OK); } #endif
} } }
return uRet; }
static UINT OfflineQueueCallback( IN PVOID Context, IN UINT Notification, IN UINT_PTR Param1, IN UINT_PTR Param2 ) /*++
=============================================================================== Routine Description:
Callback function for setupapi to use as he's copying files.
We'll use this to ensure that the files we copy get appended to setup.log, which in turn may get used when/if the user ever tries to use Windows repair capabilities.
Return Value:
=============================================================================== --*/ { UINT Status = FILEOP_ABORT; POFFLINE_QUEUE_CONTEXT OfflineContext = Context;
// Make sure that if we get these notification to check Param1.
switch (Notification) { case SPFILENOTIFY_COPYERROR: { PFILEPATHS FilePaths = (PFILEPATHS)Param1;
if (FilePaths) { TCHAR szDestination[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szFullPathBuffer[MAX_PATH]; LPTSTR lpszFilePart = NULL;
// Initialize the Destination buffer for the FILEOP_NEWPATH case
ZeroMemory(szDestination, sizeof(szDestination)); //
// Call GetFullPathName to strip the file name away from FilePaths->Source
if ( GetFullPathName((LPTSTR)FilePaths->Source, AS(szFullPathBuffer), szFullPathBuffer, &lpszFilePart) && lpszFilePart && *lpszFilePart ) { //
// Call FixCopyQueueStuff to find the missing file in some magic locations...
Status = FixCopyQueueStuff(OfflineContext, lpszFilePart, szDestination); }
// If the force flag is set and the target exists, delete the destination file...
if ( ( GetOfflineInstallFlags() & INSTALL_FLAG_FORCE ) && ( SetFileAttributes( (LPTSTR)FilePaths->Target, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL ) ) ) { #ifdef DBG
MessageBox(NULL, (LPTSTR)FilePaths->Target, TEXT("Deleting existing file"), MB_OK); #endif
DeleteFile( (LPTSTR)FilePaths->Target ); }
// If we got back FILEOP_NEWPATH, we want to fix up Param2 and let SetupAPI copy from there...
if ( (Status == FILEOP_NEWPATH) && *szDestination ) { lstrcpy((LPTSTR)Param2, szDestination); } else { #if DBG
MessageBox(NULL, (LPTSTR)FilePaths->Source, TEXT("CopyError: Skipping!"), MB_OK); #endif
Status = FILEOP_SKIP; }
return Status; } else { //
// Bad Times!
} } break;
if (pSourceMedia) { TCHAR szDestination[MAX_PATH];
// Initialize the Destination buffer for the FILEOP_NEWPATH case
ZeroMemory(szDestination, sizeof(szDestination));
// Call FixCopyQueueStuff to find the missing file in some magic locations...
Status = FixCopyQueueStuff(OfflineContext, (LPTSTR)pSourceMedia->SourceFile, szDestination);
// If we got back FILEOP_NEWPATH, we want to fix up Param2 and let SetupAPI copy from there...
if ( (Status == FILEOP_NEWPATH) && *szDestination ) { lstrcpy((LPTSTR)Param2, szDestination); } else { #if DBG
MessageBox(NULL, pSourceMedia->SourceFile, TEXT("NeedMedia: Skipping!"), MB_OK); #endif
Status = FILEOP_SKIP; } return Status; } else { //
// Bad Times!
} break;
// If we extracted a file out to the TemporaryFilePath, we want to delete it now!
if (OfflineContext->TemporaryFilePath && *OfflineContext->TemporaryFilePath) { //
// Do we care if this fails???
// Re-initialize the TemporaryFilePath for the next file in the queue...
*(OfflineContext->TemporaryFilePath) = NULLCHR; } } break;
default: //
// If the caller passed in the "force" switch, then silently overwrite...
// Note: The SPFILENOTIFY_TARGETEXISTS is a bit flag, which is why we check it here
// Use default processing, then check for errors.
Status = SetupDefaultQueueCallback( OfflineContext->DefaultContext, Notification, Param1, Param2 );
return Status;
static VOID FreeOfflineContext( IN PVOID Context ) { POFFLINE_QUEUE_CONTEXT OfflineContext = Context;
try { if (OfflineContext->DefaultContext) { SetupTermDefaultQueueCallback(OfflineContext->DefaultContext); }
// Free the TemporaryFilePath buffer that we allocated
if (OfflineContext->TemporaryFilePath) FREE(OfflineContext->TemporaryFilePath);
FREE(OfflineContext); } except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { ; } }
static PVOID InitOfflineQueueCallback( VOID ) /*++
=============================================================================== Routine Description:
Initialize the data structure used for the callback that fires when we commit the file copy queue.
Return Value:
=============================================================================== --*/ { POFFLINE_QUEUE_CONTEXT OfflineContext;
OfflineContext = MALLOC(sizeof(OFFLINE_QUEUE_CONTEXT));
if( OfflineContext ) { OfflineContext->InfPath = NULL; OfflineContext->OfflineSourcePath = NULL; OfflineContext->TemporaryFilePath = MALLOC(MAX_PATH * sizeof(TCHAR)); OfflineContext->DefaultContext = SetupInitDefaultQueueCallbackEx( NULL, INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, 0, 0, NULL ); }
return OfflineContext; }
static DWORD GetSetOfflineInstallFlags( IN BOOL bSet, IN DWORD dwFlags ) { static DWORD dwOfflineFlags = 0; DWORD dwRet = 0;
if ( bSet ) { dwOfflineFlags = dwFlags; } else { dwRet = dwOfflineFlags; }
return dwRet; }
VOID SetOfflineInstallFlags( IN DWORD dwFlags ) { GetSetOfflineInstallFlags( TRUE, dwFlags ); }
DWORD GetOfflineInstallFlags( VOID ) { return ( GetSetOfflineInstallFlags( FALSE, 0 ) ); }
BOOL UpdateOfflineDevicePath( IN LPTSTR lpszInfPath, IN HKEY hKeySoftware ) { BOOL fRet = FALSE; LPTSTR lpszDevicePath; DWORD cbDevicePath;
// Get a buffer for the device paths. It will be either empty if they
// don't have the optional additional paths key in the winbom.
if ( NULL != (lpszDevicePath = IniGetStringEx(lpszInfPath, INI_SEC_WBOM_DRIVERUPDATE, INI_VAL_WBOM_DEVICEPATH, NULL, &cbDevicePath)) ) { // If we are saving this list to the registry, then
// we need to add to our buffer.
if ( *lpszDevicePath ) { fRet = UpdateDevicePathEx( hKeySoftware, TEXT("Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion"), lpszDevicePath, NULL, FALSE ); }
// Clean up any memory (macro checks for NULL).
FREE(lpszDevicePath); }
return fRet; }