#include <windows.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <io.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include "..\..\inc\pidgen.h"
#include "..\inc\DigPid.h"
extern "C" extern WORD _C000H; extern "C" extern WORD _F000H;
// LPBYTE lpbSystemBiosRom = (LPBYTE)MAKELONG(0, &_F000H);
// LPBYTE lpbVideoBiosRom = (LPBYTE)MAKELONG(0, &_C000H);
int PASCAL WinMain( HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpszCmdLine, int cmdShow) {
BOOL fOk; ////char *lpszProductKey;
char achPid2[32]; BYTE abPid3[DIGITALPIDMAXLEN]; DWORD dwSeq = 0; BOOL fCCP = FALSE; BOOL fPSS = FALSE; int iValidCnt = 0; int iKeyCnt = 0; char szLineBuf[128]; char szMsgBuf[128]; FILE *pfIn = NULL;
#if 0 /////////////////////////////////
if (argc <= 1) { lpszProductKey = "PXGAD-G3CCE-G8DB8-PPXFT-DRPY3"; //// lpszProductKey = "GRHQ2-CDPWX-WWJBT-RXWFG-6CXCT";
} else { lpszProductKey = argv[1] } #endif ////////////////////////////////
pfIn = fopen(lpszCmdLine,"r");
if (NULL == pfIn) { sprintf( szMsgBuf, "Error: unable to open file '%s'\n", (char *)lpszCmdLine);
MessageBoxA( NULL, (char *)szMsgBuf, "Doh!", MB_OK); } else {
while (NULL != fgets(szLineBuf, sizeof(szLineBuf), pfIn)) { szLineBuf[39] = '\0'; ++iKeyCnt; *(LPDWORD)abPid3 = sizeof(abPid3);
fOk = PIDGen( &szLineBuf[10], // [IN] 25-character Secure CD-Key (gets U-Cased)
"12345", // [IN] 5-character Release Product Code
"123-12345", // [IN] Stock Keeping Unit (formatted like 123-12345)
"MSFT", // [IN] 4-character OEM ID or NULL
NULL, // [IN] 24-character ordered set to use for decode base conversion or NULL for default set (gets U-Cased)
NULL, // [IN] pointer to optional public key or NULL
0, // [IN] byte length of optional public key
0, // [IN] key index of optional public key
FALSE, // [IN] is this an OEM install?
achPid2, // [OUT] PID 2.0, pass in ptr to 24 character array
abPid3, // [OUT] pointer to binary PID3 buffer. First DWORD is the length.
&dwSeq, // [OUT] optional ptr to sequence number (can be NULL)
&fCCP, // [OUT] optional ptr to Compliance Checking flag (can be NULL)
&fPSS); // [OUT] optional ptr to 'PSS Assigned' flag (can be NULL)
if (fOk) { ++iValidCnt; } else { sprintf( szMsgBuf, "Warning: failure to validate %s\n", &szLineBuf[10]);
MessageBoxA( NULL, szMsgBuf, "Doh!", MB_OK); } }
sprintf( szMsgBuf, "Info: %d successful validations out of %d Product Keys\n", (int)iValidCnt, (int)iKeyCnt);
MessageBoxA( NULL, (char *)szMsgBuf, (iValidCnt == iKeyCnt) ? "Woo Hoo!" : "Doh!", MB_OK); }
#if 0 /////////////////////////////////
FILE *pf = fopen("test.dpi", "wb"); fwrite(pdp, sizeof(*pdp), 1, pf); fclose(pf);
MessageBox( NULL, (char *)&abPid3[8], fOk ? "Woo Hoo!" : "Doh!", MB_OK);
if (fOk) { MessageBox( NULL, (char *)pdp->aszHardwareIdStatic, "Woo Hoo!", MB_OK);
char szMessage[128];
wsprintf( szMessage, "seq: %ld, %s%s - lictype: %ld", dwSeq, (fCCP) ? "CCP" : "FPP", (fPSS) ? ", PSS" : "", (LONG)pdp->dwlt);
MessageBox( NULL, szMessage, (char *)&abPid3[8], MB_OK); }
#endif ////////////////////////////////
return 0; }