Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
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93 lines
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  3. CommandConsoleInterface
  4. FmtFillFormatBuffer
  5. GetDefaultAttr
  6. GetDefaultBackground
  7. GetDefaultStatusAttr
  8. GetDefaultStatusBackground
  9. NtfsMirrorBootSector
  10. SpArcNameFromRegion
  11. SpConcatenatePaths
  12. SpConfirmExit
  13. SpCopyFileUsingNames
  14. SpDetermineOsTypeFromBootSectorC
  15. SpDeleteValueKey
  16. SpDisplayRawMessage
  17. SpDisplayStatusOptions
  18. SpCmdConsEnableStatusText
  19. SpDisplayStatusText
  20. SpDoRepair
  21. SpDrSetRepairFast
  22. SpDupStringW
  23. SpEnumerateDiskRegions
  24. SpExecuteImage
  25. SpFatalSifError
  26. SpFileExists
  27. SpFreeHwComponent
  28. SpGetFullPathName
  29. SpGetKeyName
  30. SpGetSectionKeyIndex
  31. SpGetSectionLineIndex
  32. SpGetValueKey
  33. SpGetValueKey
  34. SpInputDrain
  35. SpSelectAndLoadLayoutDll
  36. SpLoadKbdLayoutDll
  37. SpLoadUnloadKey
  38. SpMemAlloc
  39. SpMemFree
  40. SpMnAddItem
  41. SpMnCreate
  42. SpMnDestroy
  43. SpMnDisplay
  44. SpMultiByteStringToUnsigned
  45. SpNtNameFromRegion
  46. SpOpenAndMapFile
  47. SpOpenPartition
  48. SpOpenSetValueAndClose
  49. SpPtDoCreate
  50. SpPtDoDelete
  51. SpPtGetOrdinal
  52. SpPtGetSectorLayoutInformation
  53. SpPtPrepareDisks
  54. SpPtSectorCountToMB
  55. SpRegionFromDosName
  56. SpRegionFromNtName
  57. SpRenameFile
  58. SpRetreiveMessageText
  59. SpRtlFormatMessage
  60. SpSetAutochkCallback
  61. SpStartScreen
  62. SpStringToLower
  63. SpStringToUpper
  64. SpUnmapFile
  65. SpWaitValidKey
  66. SpdInitialize
  67. SpdTerminate
  68. SpInputGetKeypress
  69. SpInputIsKeyWaiting
  70. SpvidClearScreenRegion
  71. SpvidDisplayOemString
  72. SpvidDisplayString
  73. SpvidScrollUp
  74. WriteNtfsBootSector
  75. pFrameBufferDetermineModeToUse
  76. pSpBootCodeIoC
  77. pSpvidMapVideoMemory
  78. SpFormatMessage
  79. SpPtDetermineRegionSpace
  80. SpPromptForDisk
  81. SpExpandFile
  82. SpPtMakeDiskRaw
  83. SpAddNTInstallToBootList
  84. SpExportBootEntries
  85. SpFreeExportedBootEntries
  86. SpSetRedirectSwitchMode
  87. SpIsNtInDirectory
  88. SpEnumFilesRecursive
  89. SpEnumFilesRecursiveLimited
  90. SpSetDefaultBootEntry
  91. SpOutOfMemory