Copyright (c) 1993 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
fefb.c (was textmode\kernel\spvidgfb.c)
Text setup display support for Frame Buffer displays.
Hideyuki Nagase (hideyukn) 01-July-1994
Revision History:
#include <precomp.h>
#pragma hdrstop
// Vector for frame buffer functions.
VIDEO_FUNCTION_VECTOR FrameBufferKanjiVideoVector =
{ FrameBufferKanjiDisplayString, FrameBufferKanjiClearRegion, FrameBufferKanjiSpecificInit, FrameBufferKanjiSpecificReInit, FrameBufferKanjiSpecificTerminate, FrameBufferKanjiSpecificInitPalette, FrameBufferKanjiSpecificScrollUp };
BOOLEAN FrameBufferKanjiInitialized = FALSE;
// Number of bytes that make up a row of characters.
// Equal to the screen stride (number of bytes on a scan line)
// multiplies by the height of a char in bytes; double that
// if DoubleCharHeight is TRUE.
ULONG KanjiCharRowDelta; ULONG KanjiBytesPerPixel; ULONG KanjiCharWidth;
// Physical font information
extern BOOTFONTBIN_HEADER BootFontHeader;
VOID FrameBufferKanjiSpecificInit( IN PVIDEO_MODE_INFORMATION VideoModes, IN ULONG NumberOfModes, IN ULONG ModeSize )
Routine Description:
Perform frame buffer specific initialization. This includes
- setting the desired video mode.
Return Value:
if(FrameBufferKanjiInitialized) { return; }
mode = pFrameBufferDetermineModeToUse(VideoModes,NumberOfModes,ModeSize);
if(mode == 0) { SpDisplayRawMessage(SP_SCRN_VIDEO_ERROR_RAW, 2, VIDEOBUG_BADMODE, 0); while(TRUE); // loop forever
// Save away the mode info in a global.
VideoVariables->VideoModeInfo = *mode;
// Set the desired mode.
VideoMode.RequestedMode = VideoVariables->VideoModeInfo.ModeIndex;
Status = ZwDeviceIoControlFile( VideoVariables->hDisplay, NULL, NULL, NULL, &IoStatusBlock, IOCTL_VIDEO_SET_CURRENT_MODE, &VideoMode, sizeof(VideoMode), NULL, 0 );
if(!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { KdPrint(("SETUP: Unable to set mode %u (status = %lx)\n",VideoMode.RequestedMode,Status)); SpDisplayRawMessage(SP_SCRN_VIDEO_ERROR_RAW, 2, VIDEOBUG_SETMODE, Status); while(TRUE); // loop forever
// Map the frame buffer.
FrameBufferKanjiInitialized = TRUE;
// Logical FontGlyph information
FEFontCharacterHeight = BootFontHeader.CharacterImageHeight + BootFontHeader.CharacterTopPad + BootFontHeader.CharacterBottomPad; FEFontCharacterWidth = BootFontHeader.CharacterImageSbcsWidth;
// Determine the width of the screen. If it's double the size
// of the minimum number of characters per row (or larger)
// then we'll double the width of each character as we draw it.
VideoVariables->ScreenWidth = VideoVariables->VideoModeInfo.VisScreenWidth / FEFontCharacterWidth;
// Determine the height of the screen. If it's double the size
// of the minimum number of characters per column (or larger)
// then we'll double the height of each character as we draw it.
VideoVariables->ScreenHeight = VideoVariables->VideoModeInfo.VisScreenHeight / FEFontCharacterHeight;
KanjiCharRowDelta = VideoVariables->VideoModeInfo.ScreenStride * FEFontCharacterHeight;
KanjiBytesPerPixel = VideoVariables->VideoModeInfo.BitsPerPlane / 8;
if(KanjiBytesPerPixel == 3) { KanjiBytesPerPixel = 4; }
KdPrint(("SETUPDD:KanjiBytesPerPixel = %d\n",KanjiBytesPerPixel));
KanjiCharWidth = FEFontCharacterWidth * KanjiBytesPerPixel;
// Allocate the background buffer, if needed
VideoVariables->ActiveVideoBuffer = VideoVariables->VideoMemoryInfo.FrameBufferBase;
if (SP_IS_UPGRADE_GRAPHICS_MODE()) { VideoVariables->VideoBufferSize = VideoVariables->VideoMemoryInfo.FrameBufferLength;
VideoVariables->VideoBuffer = SpMemAlloc(VideoVariables->VideoBufferSize);
if (VideoVariables->VideoBuffer) { VideoVariables->ActiveVideoBuffer = VideoVariables->VideoBuffer; } else { VideoVariables->VideoBufferSize = 0; SP_SET_UPGRADE_GRAPHICS_MODE(FALSE); } } }
VOID FrameBufferKanjiSpecificReInit( VOID ) { NTSTATUS Status; IO_STATUS_BLOCK IoStatusBlock; VIDEO_MODE VideoMode; if(!FrameBufferKanjiInitialized) { return; }
// Set the desired mode.
VideoMode.RequestedMode = VideoVariables->VideoModeInfo.ModeIndex;
Status = ZwDeviceIoControlFile( VideoVariables->hDisplay, NULL, NULL, NULL, &IoStatusBlock, IOCTL_VIDEO_SET_CURRENT_MODE, &VideoMode, sizeof(VideoMode), NULL, 0 );
if(!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { KdPrint(("SETUP: Unable to set mode %u (status = %lx)\n",VideoMode.RequestedMode,Status)); SpDisplayRawMessage(SP_SCRN_VIDEO_ERROR_RAW, 2, VIDEOBUG_SETMODE, Status); while(TRUE); // loop forever
// Blast the background video information to the
// foreground
if (SP_IS_UPGRADE_GRAPHICS_MODE() && VideoVariables->VideoBuffer && VideoVariables->VideoBufferSize) { PUCHAR Source = VideoVariables->VideoBuffer; PUCHAR Destination = VideoVariables->VideoMemoryInfo.FrameBufferBase; ULONG Index;
for (Index=0; Index < VideoVariables->VideoBufferSize; Index++) { WRITE_REGISTER_UCHAR(Destination + Index, *(Source + Index)); }
VideoVariables->ActiveVideoBuffer = VideoVariables->VideoMemoryInfo.FrameBufferBase; }
BOOLEAN FrameBufferKanjiSpecificInitPalette( VOID ) { BOOLEAN rc; ULONG NumEntries; ULONG BufferSize; PVIDEO_CLUT clut; // NTSTATUS Status;
// IO_STATUS_BLOCK IoStatusBlock;
rc = TRUE;
// For non-palette-driven displays, we construct a simple palette
// for use w/ gamma correcting adapters.
if(!(VideoVariables->VideoModeInfo.AttributeFlags & VIDEO_MODE_PALETTE_DRIVEN)) {
switch(KanjiBytesPerPixel) { case 1: NumEntries = 3; break; case 2: NumEntries = 32; break; default: NumEntries = 255; break; }
BufferSize = sizeof(VIDEO_CLUT)+(sizeof(VIDEO_CLUTDATA)*NumEntries); // size is close enough
clut = SpMemAlloc(BufferSize);
clut->NumEntries = (USHORT)NumEntries; clut->FirstEntry = 0;
for(i=0; i<NumEntries; i++) { clut->LookupTable[i].RgbArray.Red = i; clut->LookupTable[i].RgbArray.Green = i; clut->LookupTable[i].RgbArray.Blue = i; clut->LookupTable[i].RgbArray.Unused = 0; }
// Status = ZwDeviceIoControlFile(
// hDisplay,
// NULL,
// NULL,
// NULL,
// &IoStatusBlock,
// clut,
// BufferSize,
// NULL,
// 0
// );
// if(!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) {
// KdPrint(("SETUP: Unable to set palette (status = %lx)\n",Status));
// rc = FALSE;
// }
return(rc); }
VOID FrameBufferKanjiSpecificTerminate( VOID )
Routine Description:
Perform frame buffer specific termination. This includes
- unmapping the frame buffer from memory
Return Value:
{ if(FrameBufferKanjiInitialized) {
// Clear screen for next video mode.
FrameBufferKanjiClearRegion( 0, 0, VideoVariables->ScreenWidth, VideoVariables->ScreenHeight, ATT_FG_BLACK|ATT_BG_BLACK );
// Unmap video memory
if (VideoVariables->VideoBuffer && VideoVariables->VideoBufferSize) { SpMemFree(VideoVariables->VideoBuffer); VideoVariables->VideoBuffer = 0; VideoVariables->VideoBufferSize = 0; }
FrameBufferKanjiInitialized = FALSE; } }
VOID FrameBufferKanjiDisplayString( IN PSTR String, IN UCHAR Attribute, IN ULONG X, // 0-based coordinates (character units)
Routine Description:
Write a string of characters to the display.
String - supplies a 0-terminated character string in the OEM charset to be displayed at the given position.
Attribute - supplies the attributes for characters in the string.
X,Y - specify the character-based (0-based) position of the output.
Return Value:
{ ULONG BgColorValue; ULONG FgColorValue; PUCHAR Destination; PUCHAR CharOrigin,LineOrigin,pGlyphRow; ULONG Length; PUCHAR pch; ULONG I,J,K; ULONG CurrentColumn;
// Eliminate invalid coord.
if( X >= VideoVariables->ScreenWidth ) X = 0; if( Y >= VideoVariables->ScreenHeight ) Y = 3;
ASSERT(FEFontCharacterWidth == 8);
// Calculate the bit patterns that yield the foreground and background
// attributes when poked into the frame buffer.
FgColorValue = VideoVariables->AttributeToColorValue[Attribute & 0x0f]; BgColorValue = VideoVariables->AttributeToColorValue[(Attribute >> 4) & 0x0f];
// Calculate the address of the upper left pixel of the first character
// to be displayed.
CharOrigin = (PUCHAR)VideoVariables->ActiveVideoBuffer + (Y * KanjiCharRowDelta) + (X * KanjiCharWidth);
// Set current column.
CurrentColumn = X;
// Output each character in the string.
for(pch=String; *pch; pch++) {
// Initialize line Origin
LineOrigin = CharOrigin;
if(DbcsFontIsDBCSLeadByte(*pch)) {
// This is Full Width Character ( 16 + 1 + 2 * 8 )
// | | | Height
// | | Post Leading
// | Pre Leading
// Real font image body
if((CurrentColumn+1) >= VideoVariables->ScreenWidth) { break; }
Word = ((*pch) << 8) | (*(pch+1));
pGlyphRow = DbcsFontGetDbcsFontChar(Word);
// If we can not get image, replace it with full width space.
if(pGlyphRow == NULL) { pGlyphRow = DbcsFontGetDbcsFontChar(FEFontDefaultChar); }
// Draw pre leading lines
for (I = 0; I < BootFontHeader.CharacterTopPad; I += 1 ) {
Destination = LineOrigin;
for( J = 0; J < BootFontHeader.CharacterImageDbcsWidth; J += 1 ) {
switch(KanjiBytesPerPixel) {
case 1: *Destination++ = (UCHAR)BgColorValue; break;
case 2: *(PUSHORT)Destination = (USHORT)BgColorValue; Destination += 2; break;
case 4: *(PULONG)Destination = (ULONG)BgColorValue; Destination += 4; break; } }
LineOrigin += VideoVariables->VideoModeInfo.ScreenStride; }
// Draw font glyph body
for (I = 0; I < BootFontHeader.CharacterImageHeight; I += 1 ) {
Destination = LineOrigin;
for( J = 0; J < 2; J += 1 ) {
BYTE ShiftMask = 0x80;
for( K = 0; K < 8 ; K += 1 ) {
ULONG DrawValue;
if (pGlyphRow && (*pGlyphRow & ShiftMask)) DrawValue = FgColorValue; else DrawValue = BgColorValue;
switch(KanjiBytesPerPixel) {
case 1: *Destination++ = (UCHAR)DrawValue; break;
case 2: *(PUSHORT)Destination = (USHORT)DrawValue; Destination += 2; break;
case 4: *(PULONG)Destination = (ULONG)DrawValue; Destination += 4; break; }
ShiftMask = ShiftMask >> 1; }
pGlyphRow ++; }
LineOrigin += VideoVariables->VideoModeInfo.ScreenStride; }
// Draw post leading lines
for (I = 0; I < BootFontHeader.CharacterBottomPad; I += 1) {
Destination = LineOrigin;
for( J = 0; J < BootFontHeader.CharacterImageDbcsWidth; J += 1 ) {
switch(KanjiBytesPerPixel) {
case 1: *Destination++ = (UCHAR)BgColorValue; break;
case 2: *(PUSHORT)Destination = (USHORT)BgColorValue; Destination += 2; break;
case 4: *(PULONG)Destination = (ULONG)BgColorValue; Destination += 4; break; } }
LineOrigin += VideoVariables->VideoModeInfo.ScreenStride; }
CharOrigin += (BootFontHeader.CharacterImageDbcsWidth * KanjiBytesPerPixel); CurrentColumn += 2;
// Move to Next character ( skip Dbcs Trailing byte )
} else if(DbcsFontIsGraphicsChar(*pch)) {
BYTE ShiftMask = 0x80; ULONG DrawValue;
if(CurrentColumn >= VideoVariables->ScreenWidth) { break; }
// Graphics Character special
pGlyphRow = DbcsFontGetGraphicsChar(*pch);
if(pGlyphRow == NULL) { pGlyphRow = DbcsFontGetGraphicsChar(0x0); }
for (I = 0; I < FEFontCharacterHeight; I += 1 ) {
ShiftMask = 0x80; Destination = LineOrigin;
for( K = 0; K < 8 ; K += 1 ) {
if( *pGlyphRow & ShiftMask ) DrawValue = BgColorValue; else DrawValue = FgColorValue;
switch(KanjiBytesPerPixel) {
case 1: *Destination++ = (UCHAR)DrawValue; break;
case 2: *(PUSHORT)Destination = (USHORT)DrawValue; Destination += 2; break;
case 4: *(PULONG)Destination = (ULONG)DrawValue; Destination += 4; break; }
ShiftMask = ShiftMask >> 1; }
pGlyphRow ++; LineOrigin += VideoVariables->VideoModeInfo.ScreenStride; }
CharOrigin += (BootFontHeader.CharacterImageSbcsWidth * KanjiBytesPerPixel); CurrentColumn += 1;
} else {
if(CurrentColumn >= VideoVariables->ScreenWidth) { break; }
pGlyphRow = DbcsFontGetSbcsFontChar(*pch);
// If we can not get image, replace it with half width space.
if(pGlyphRow == NULL) { pGlyphRow = DbcsFontGetSbcsFontChar(0x20); }
for (I = 0; I < BootFontHeader.CharacterTopPad; I += 1 ) {
Destination = LineOrigin;
for( J = 0; J < BootFontHeader.CharacterImageSbcsWidth; J += 1 ) {
switch(KanjiBytesPerPixel) {
case 1: *Destination++ = (UCHAR)BgColorValue; break;
case 2: *(PUSHORT)Destination = (USHORT)BgColorValue; Destination += 2; break;
case 4: *(PULONG)Destination = (ULONG)BgColorValue; Destination += 4; break; } }
LineOrigin += VideoVariables->VideoModeInfo.ScreenStride; }
for (I = 0; I < BootFontHeader.CharacterImageHeight; I += 1 ) {
BYTE ShiftMask = 0x80;
Destination = LineOrigin;
for( K = 0; K < 8 ; K += 1 ) {
ULONG DrawValue;
if( *pGlyphRow & ShiftMask ) DrawValue = FgColorValue; else DrawValue = BgColorValue;
switch(KanjiBytesPerPixel) {
case 1: *Destination++ = (UCHAR)DrawValue; break;
case 2: *(PUSHORT)Destination = (USHORT)DrawValue; Destination += 2; break;
case 4: *(PULONG)Destination = (ULONG)DrawValue; Destination += 4; break; }
ShiftMask = ShiftMask >> 1; }
pGlyphRow ++; LineOrigin += VideoVariables->VideoModeInfo.ScreenStride; }
for (I = 0; I < BootFontHeader.CharacterBottomPad; I += 1) {
Destination = LineOrigin;
for( J = 0; J < BootFontHeader.CharacterImageSbcsWidth; J += 1 ) {
switch(KanjiBytesPerPixel) {
case 1: *Destination++ = (UCHAR)BgColorValue; break;
case 2: *(PUSHORT)Destination = (USHORT)BgColorValue; Destination += 2; break;
case 4: *(PULONG)Destination = (ULONG)BgColorValue; Destination += 4; break; } }
LineOrigin += VideoVariables->VideoModeInfo.ScreenStride; }
CharOrigin += (BootFontHeader.CharacterImageSbcsWidth * KanjiBytesPerPixel); CurrentColumn += 1; } } }
VOID FrameBufferKanjiClearRegion( IN ULONG X, IN ULONG Y, IN ULONG W, IN ULONG H, IN UCHAR Attribute )
Routine Description:
Clear out a screen region to a specific attribute.
X,Y,W,H - specify rectangle in 0-based character coordinates.
Attribute - Low nibble specifies attribute to be filled in the rectangle (ie, the background color to be cleared to).
Return Value:
{ PUCHAR Destination; ULONG Fill; ULONG i; ULONG FillLength; ULONG x;
ASSERT(X+W <= VideoVariables->ScreenWidth); ASSERT(Y+H <= VideoVariables->ScreenHeight);
if(X+W > VideoVariables->ScreenWidth) { W = VideoVariables->ScreenWidth-X; }
if(Y+H > VideoVariables->ScreenHeight) { H = VideoVariables->ScreenHeight-Y; }
Fill = VideoVariables->AttributeToColorValue[Attribute & 0x0f];
Destination = (PUCHAR)VideoVariables->ActiveVideoBuffer + (Y * KanjiCharRowDelta) + (X * KanjiCharWidth);
FillLength = W * KanjiCharWidth;
for(i=0; i<H*FEFontCharacterHeight; i++) {
switch(KanjiBytesPerPixel) {
case 1: for(x=0; x<FillLength ; x++) { *(PUCHAR)(Destination+(x)) = (UCHAR)Fill; } break;
case 2: for(x=0; x<FillLength/2; x++) { *(PUSHORT)(Destination+(x*2)) = (USHORT)Fill; } break;
case 4: for(x=0; x<FillLength/4; x++) { *(PULONG)(Destination+(x*4)) = (ULONG)Fill; } break; }
Destination += VideoVariables->VideoModeInfo.ScreenStride; } }
BOOLEAN FrameBufferKanjiSpecificScrollUp( IN ULONG TopLine, IN ULONG BottomLine, IN ULONG LineCount, IN UCHAR FillAttribute ) { PUCHAR Source,Target; ULONG Count;
Target = (PUCHAR)VideoVariables->ActiveVideoBuffer + (TopLine * KanjiCharRowDelta);
Source = Target + (LineCount * KanjiCharRowDelta);
Count = (((BottomLine - TopLine) + 1) - LineCount) * KanjiCharRowDelta;
FrameBufferKanjiClearRegion( 0, (BottomLine - LineCount) + 1, VideoVariables->ScreenWidth, LineCount, FillAttribute );
return(TRUE); }