#ifndef _DNINF_
#define _DNINF_
// returns a handle to use for further inf parsing
int DnInitINFBuffer ( IN FILE *InfFileHandle, OUT PVOID *pINFHandle, OUT unsigned *LineNumber );
// frees an INF Buffer
int DnFreeINFBuffer ( IN PVOID INFHandle );
// searches for the existance of a particular section
BOOLEAN DnSearchINFSection ( IN PVOID INFHandle, IN PCHAR SectionName );
// given section name, line number and index return the value.
PCHAR DnGetSectionLineIndex ( IN PVOID INFHandle, IN PCHAR SectionName, IN unsigned LineIndex, IN unsigned ValueIndex );
// given section name, key searches existance
BOOLEAN DnGetSectionKeyExists ( IN PVOID INFHandle, IN PCHAR SectionName, IN PCHAR Key );
// given section name, entry searches existance as key or first value
BOOLEAN DnGetSectionEntryExists ( IN PVOID INFHandle, IN PCHAR SectionName, IN PCHAR Entry );
// given section name, key and index return the value
PCHAR DnGetSectionKeyIndex ( IN PVOID INFHandle, IN PCHAR SectionName, IN PCHAR Key, IN unsigned ValueIndex );
// given section name and line index, return key
PCHAR DnGetKeyName ( IN PVOID INFHandle, IN PCHAR SectionName, IN unsigned LineIndex );
// Return a handle to a new INF handle
PVOID DnNewSetupTextFile ( VOID );
// Write an Inf file to disk
BOOLEAN DnWriteSetupTextFile ( IN PVOID INFHandle, IN PCHAR FileName );
// Add a line to a section in the
// inf file
VOID DnAddLineToSection ( IN PVOID INFHandle, IN PCHAR SectionName, IN PCHAR KeyName, IN PCHAR Values[], IN ULONG ValueCount );
// Get the next section name in the inf file
PCHAR DnGetSectionName ( IN PVOID INFHandle );
// Copy a section from one inf to another inf
VOID DnCopySetupTextSection ( IN PVOID FromInf, IN PVOID ToInf, IN PCHAR SectionName );
#endif // _DNINF