Copyright (c) 1992 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Translatable text for DOS based NT installation program.
Ted Miller (tedm) 30-March-1992
Revision History:
#include "winnt.h"
// Name of sections in inf file. If these are translated, the section
// names in dosnet.inf must be kept in sync.
CHAR DnfDirectories[] = "Directories"; CHAR DnfFiles[] = "Files"; CHAR DnfFloppyFiles0[] = "FloppyFiles.0"; CHAR DnfFloppyFiles1[] = "FloppyFiles.1"; CHAR DnfFloppyFiles2[] = "FloppyFiles.2"; CHAR DnfFloppyFiles3[] = "FloppyFiles.3"; CHAR DnfFloppyFilesX[] = "FloppyFiles.x"; CHAR DnfSpaceRequirements[] = "DiskSpaceRequirements"; CHAR DnfMiscellaneous[] = "Miscellaneous"; CHAR DnfRootBootFiles[] = "RootBootFiles"; CHAR DnfAssemblyDirectories[] = SXS_INF_ASSEMBLY_DIRECTORIES_SECTION_NAME_A;
// Names of keys in inf file. Same caveat for translation.
CHAR DnkBootDrive[] = "BootDrive"; // in [SpaceRequirements]
CHAR DnkNtDrive[] = "NtDrive"; // in [SpaceRequirements]
CHAR DnkMinimumMemory[] = "MinimumMemory"; // in [Miscellaneous]
CHAR DntMsWindows[] = "Microsoft Windows"; CHAR DntMsDos[] = "MS-DOS"; CHAR DntPcDos[] = "PC-DOS"; CHAR DntOs2[] = "OS/2"; CHAR DntPreviousOs[] = "Previous Operating System on C:";
CHAR DntBootIniLine[] = "Windows XP Installation/Upgrade";
// Plain text, status msgs.
CHAR DntStandardHeader[] = "\n Windows XP Setup\n������������������������"; CHAR DntPersonalHeader[] = "\n Windows XP Personal Setup\n��������������������������������"; CHAR DntWorkstationHeader[] = "\n Windows XP Professional Setup\n���������������������������������"; CHAR DntServerHeader[] = "\n Windows 2002 Server Setup\n������������������������������"; CHAR DntParsingArgs[] = "Parsing arguments..."; CHAR DntEnterEqualsExit[] = "ENTER=Exit"; CHAR DntEnterEqualsRetry[] = "ENTER=Retry"; CHAR DntEscEqualsSkipFile[] = "ESC=Skip File"; CHAR DntEnterEqualsContinue[] = "ENTER=Continue"; CHAR DntPressEnterToExit[] = "Setup cannot continue. Press ENTER to exit."; CHAR DntF3EqualsExit[] = "F3=Exit"; CHAR DntReadingInf[] = "Reading INF file %s..."; CHAR DntCopying[] = "� Copying: "; CHAR DntVerifying[] = "� Verifying: "; CHAR DntCheckingDiskSpace[] = "Checking disk space..."; CHAR DntConfiguringFloppy[] = "Configuring floppy disk..."; CHAR DntWritingData[] = "Writing Setup parameters..."; CHAR DntPreparingData[] = "Determining Setup parameters..."; CHAR DntFlushingData[] = "Flushing data to disk..."; CHAR DntInspectingComputer[] = "Inspecting computer..."; CHAR DntOpeningInfFile[] = "Opening INF file..."; CHAR DntRemovingFile[] = "Removing file %s"; CHAR DntXEqualsRemoveFiles[] = "X=Remove files"; CHAR DntXEqualsSkipFile[] = "X=Skip File";
// confirmation keystroke for DnsConfirmRemoveNt screen.
// Kepp in sync with DnsConfirmRemoveNt and DntXEqualsRemoveFiles.
ULONG DniAccelRemove1 = (ULONG)'x', DniAccelRemove2 = (ULONG)'X';
// confirmation keystroke for DnsSureSkipFile screen.
// Kepp in sync with DnsSureSkipFile and DntXEqualsSkipFile.
ULONG DniAccelSkip1 = (ULONG)'x', DniAccelSkip2 = (ULONG)'X';
CHAR DntEmptyString[] = "";
// Usage text.
PCHAR DntUsage[] = {
"Sets up Windows 2002 Server or Windows XP Professional.", "", "", "WINNT [/s[:sourcepath]] [/t[:tempdrive]]", " [/u[:answer file]] [/udf:id[,UDF_file]]", " [/r:folder] [/r[x]:folder] [/e:command] [/a]", "", "", "/s[:sourcepath]", " Specifies the source location of the Windows files.", " The location must be a full path of the form x:[path] or ", " \\\\server\\share[path]. ", "", "/t[:tempdrive]", " Directs Setup to place temporary files on the specified", " drive and to install Windows XP on that drive. If you do ", " do not specify a location, Setup attempts to locate a drive ", " for you.", "", "/u[:answer file]", " Performs an unattended Setup using an answer file (requires", " /s). The answer file provides answers to some or all of the", " prompts that the end user normally responds to during Setup.", "", "/udf:id[,UDF_file] ", " Indicates an identifier (id) that Setup uses to specify how ", " a Uniqueness Database File (UDF) modifies an answer file ", " (see /u).The /udf parameter overrides values in the answer ", " file, and the identifier determines which values in the UDF", " file are used. If no UDF_file is specified, Setup prompts ", " you to insert a disk that contains the $Unique$.udb file.", "", "/r[:folder]", " Specifies an optional folder to be installed. The folder", " remains after Setup finishes.", "", "/rx[:folder]", " Specifies an optional folder to be copied. The folder is ", " deleted after Setup finishes.", "", "/e Specifies a command to be executed at the end of GUI-mode Setup.", "", "/a Enables accessibility options.", NULL
// Inform that /D is no longer supported
PCHAR DntUsageNoSlashD[] = {
"Installs Windows XP.", "", "WINNT [/S[:]sourcepath] [/T[:]tempdrive] [/I[:]inffile]", " [[/U[:scriptfile]]", " [/R[X]:directory] [/E:command] [/A]", "", "/D[:]winntroot", " This option is no longer supported.", NULL };
// out of memory screen
SCREEN DnsOutOfMemory = { 4,6, { "Setup is out of memory and cannot continue.", NULL } };
// Let user pick the accessibility utilities to install
SCREEN DnsAccessibilityOptions = { 3, 5, { "Choose the accessibility utilities to install:", DntEmptyString, "[ ] Press F1 for Microsoft Magnifier", #ifdef NARRATOR
"[ ] Press F2 for Microsoft Narrator", #endif
#if 0
"[ ] Press F3 for Microsoft On-Screen Keyboard", #endif
NULL } };
// User did not specify source on cmd line screen
SCREEN DnsNoShareGiven = { 3,5, { "Setup needs to know where the Windows XP files are located.", "Enter the path where Windows XP files are to be found.", NULL } };
// User specified a bad source path
SCREEN DnsBadSource = { 3,5, { "The source specified is not valid, not accessible, or does not contain a", "valid Windows XP Setup installation. Enter a new path where Windows XP", "files are to be found. Use the BACKSPACE key to delete characters and then", "type the path.", NULL } };
// Inf file can't be read, or an error occured parsing it.
SCREEN DnsBadInf = { 3,5, { "Setup was unable to read its information file, or the information file is", "corrupt. Contact your system administrator.", NULL } };
// The specified local source drive is invalid.
// Remember that the first %u will expand to 2 or 3 characters and
// the second one will expand to 8 or 9 characters!
SCREEN DnsBadLocalSrcDrive = { 3,4, { "The drive you have specified to contain temporary setup files is not", "a valid drive or does not contain at least %u megabytes (%lu bytes)", "of free space.", NULL } };
// No drives exist that are suitable for the local source.
// Remeber that the %u's will expand!
SCREEN DnsNoLocalSrcDrives = { 3,4, { "Windows XP requires a hard drive volume with at least %u megabytes", "(%lu bytes) of free disk space. Setup will use part of this space", "for storing temporary files during installation. The drive must be", "on a permanently attached local hard disk supported by Windows XP,", "and must not be a compressed drive.", DntEmptyString, "Setup was unable to locate such a drive with the required amount of free", "space.", NULL } };
SCREEN DnsNoSpaceOnSyspart = { 3,5, { "There is not enough space on your startup drive (usually C:)", "for floppyless operation. Floppyless operation requires at least", "3.5 MB (3,641,856 bytes) of free space on that drive.", NULL } };
// Missing info in inf file
SCREEN DnsBadInfSection = { 3,5, { "The [%s] section of the Setup information file is", "not present or is corrupt. Contact your system administrator.", NULL } };
// Couldn't create directory
SCREEN DnsCantCreateDir = { 3,5, { "Setup was unable to create the following directory on the target drive:", DntEmptyString, "%s", DntEmptyString, "Check the target drive and make sure no files exist with names that", "coincide with the target directory. Also check cabling to the drive.", NULL } };
// Error copying a file
SCREEN DnsCopyError = { 4,5, { "Setup was unable to copy the following file:", DntEmptyString, DntEmptyString, // see DnCopyError (dnutil.c)
DntEmptyString, DntEmptyString, " Press ENTER to retry the copy operation.", " Press ESC to ignore the error and continue Setup.", " Press F3 to exit Setup.", DntEmptyString, "Note: If you choose to ignore the error and continue you may encounter", "errors later in Setup.", NULL } }, DnsVerifyError = { 4,5, { "The copy made by Setup of the file listed below is not identical to the", "original. This may be the result of network errors, floppy disk problems,", "or other hardware-related trouble.", DntEmptyString, DntEmptyString, // see DnCopyError (dnutil.c)
DntEmptyString, DntEmptyString, " Press ENTER to retry the copy operation.", " Press ESC to ignore the error and continue Setup.", " Press F3 to exit Setup.", DntEmptyString, "Note: If you choose to ignore the error and continue you may encounter", "errors later in Setup.", NULL } };
SCREEN DnsSureSkipFile = { 4,5, { "Ignoring the error means that this file will not be copied.", "This option is intended for advanced users who understand", "the ramifications of missing system files.", DntEmptyString, " Press ENTER to retry the copy operation.", " Press X to skip this file.", DntEmptyString, "Note: If you skip the file, Setup cannot guarantee", "successful installation or upgrade of Windows XP.", NULL } };
// Wait while setup cleans up previous local source trees.
SCREEN DnsWaitCleanup = { 12,6, { "Please wait while Setup removes previous temporary files.", NULL } };
// Wait while setup copies files
SCREEN DnsWaitCopying = { 13,6, { "Please wait while Setup copies files to your hard disk.", NULL } }, DnsWaitCopyFlop= { 13,6, { "Please wait while Setup copies files to the floppy disk.", NULL } };
// Setup boot floppy errors/prompts.
SCREEN DnsNeedFloppyDisk3_0 = { 4,4, { "Setup requires you to provide four formatted, blank high-density floppy", "disks. Setup will refer to these disks as \"Windows XP Setup", "Boot Disk,\" \"Windows XP Setup Disk #2,\" \"Windows XP", " Setup Disk #3\" and \"Windows XP Setup Disk #4.\"", DntEmptyString, "Please insert one of these four disks into drive A:.", "This disk will become \"Windows XP Setup Disk #4.\"", NULL } };
SCREEN DnsNeedFloppyDisk3_1 = { 4,4, { "Please insert a formatted, blank high-density floppy disk into drive A:.", "This disk will become \"Windows XP Setup Disk #4.\"", NULL } };
SCREEN DnsNeedFloppyDisk2_0 = { 4,4, { "Please insert a formatted, blank high-density floppy disk into drive A:.", "This disk will become \"Windows XP Setup Disk #3.\"", NULL } };
SCREEN DnsNeedFloppyDisk1_0 = { 4,4, { "Please insert a formatted, blank high-density floppy disk into drive A:.", "This disk will become \"Windows XP Setup Disk #2.\"", NULL } };
SCREEN DnsNeedFloppyDisk0_0 = { 4,4, { "Please insert a formatted, blank high-density floppy disk into drive A:.", "This disk will become \"Windows XP Setup Boot Disk.\"", NULL } };
SCREEN DnsNeedSFloppyDsk3_0 = { 4,4, { "Setup requires you to provide four formatted, blank high-density floppy", "disks. Setup will refer to these disks as \"Windows XP Setup", "Boot Disk,\" \"Windows XP Setup Disk #2,\" \"Windows XP", "Setup Disk #3,\" and \"Windows XP Setup Disk #4.\"", DntEmptyString, "Please insert one of these four disks into drive A:.", "This disk will become \"Windows XP Setup Disk #4.\"", NULL } };
SCREEN DnsNeedSFloppyDsk3_1 = { 4,4, { "Please insert a formatted, blank high-density floppy disk into drive A:.", "This disk will become \"Windows XP Setup Disk #4.\"", NULL } };
SCREEN DnsNeedSFloppyDsk2_0 = { 4,4, { "Please insert a formatted, blank high-density floppy disk into drive A:.", "This disk will become \"Windows XP Setup Disk #3.\"", NULL } };
SCREEN DnsNeedSFloppyDsk1_0 = { 4,4, { "Please insert a formatted, blank high-density floppy disk into drive A:.", "This disk will become \"Windows XP Setup Disk #2.\"", NULL } };
SCREEN DnsNeedSFloppyDsk0_0 = { 4,4, { "Please insert a formatted, blank high-density floppy disk into drive A:.", "This disk will become \"Windows XP Setup Boot Disk.\"", NULL } };
// The floppy is not formatted.
SCREEN DnsFloppyNotFormatted = { 3,4, { "The floppy disk you have provided is not formatted for use with MS-DOS.", "Setup is unable to use this disk.", NULL } };
// We think the floppy is not formatted with a standard format.
SCREEN DnsFloppyBadFormat = { 3,4, { "This floppy disk is not formatted high-density, not formatted with a", "standard MS-DOS format, or is corrupted. Setup is unable to use this disk.", NULL } };
// We can't determine the free space on the floppy.
SCREEN DnsFloppyCantGetSpace = { 3,4, { "Setup is unable to determine the amount of free space on the floppy disk", "you have provided. Setup is unable to use this disk.", NULL } };
// The floppy is not blank.
SCREEN DnsFloppyNotBlank = { 3,4, { "The floppy you have provided is not high-density or is not blank.", "Setup is unable to use this disk.", NULL } };
// Couldn't write the boot sector of the floppy.
SCREEN DnsFloppyWriteBS = { 3,4, { "Setup was unable to write to the system area of the floppy disk you have", "provided. The disk is probably unusable.", NULL } };
// Verify of boot sector on floppy failed (ie, what we read back is not the
// same as what we wrote out).
SCREEN DnsFloppyVerifyBS = { 3,4, { "The data Setup read from the system area of the floppy disk does not match", "the data that was written, or Setup was unable to read the system area of", "the floppy disk for verification.", DntEmptyString, "This is caused by one or more of the following conditions:", DntEmptyString, " Your computer has been infected by a virus.", " The floppy disk you have provided is damaged.", " A hardware or configuration problem exists with the floppy disk drive.", NULL } };
// We couldn't write to the floppy drive to create winnt.sif.
SCREEN DnsCantWriteFloppy = { 3,5, { "Setup was unable to write to the floppy disk in drive A:. The floppy disk", "may be damaged. Try a different floppy disk.", NULL } };
// Exit confirmation dialog
SCREEN DnsExitDialog = { 13,6, { "����������������������������������������������������ͻ", "� Windows XP is not completely set up on your �", "� computer. If you quit Setup now, you will need �", "� to run Setup again to set up Windows XP. �", "� �", "� Press ENTER to continue Setup. �", "� Press F3 to quit Setup. �", "����������������������������������������������������ĺ", "� F3=Exit ENTER=Continue �", "����������������������������������������������������ͼ", NULL } };
// About to reboot machine and continue setup
SCREEN DnsAboutToRebootW = { 3,5, { "The MS-DOS based portion of Setup is complete.", "Setup will now restart your computer. After your computer restarts,", "Windows XP Setup will continue.", DntEmptyString, "Ensure that the floppy you provided as \"Windows XP Setup", "Boot Disk\" is inserted into drive A: before continuing.", DntEmptyString, "Press ENTER to restart your computer and continue Windows XP Setup.", NULL } }, DnsAboutToRebootS = { 3,5, { "The MS-DOS based portion of Setup is complete.", "Setup will now restart your computer. After your computer restarts,", "Windows XP Setup will continue.", DntEmptyString, "Ensure that the floppy you provided as \"Windows XP Setup", "Boot Disk\" is inserted into drive A: before continuing.", DntEmptyString, "Press ENTER to restart your computer and continue Windows XP Setup.", NULL } }, DnsAboutToRebootX = { 3,5, { "The MS-DOS based portion of Setup is complete.", "Setup will now restart your computer. After your computer restarts,", "Windows XP Setup will continue.", DntEmptyString, "If there is a floppy disk in drive A:, remove it now.", DntEmptyString, "Press ENTER to restart your computer and continue Windows XP Setup.", NULL } };
// Need another set for '/w' switch since we can't reboot from within Windows.
SCREEN DnsAboutToExitW = { 3,5, { "The MS-DOS based portion of Setup is complete.", "You will now need to restart your computer. After your computer restarts,", "Windows XP Setup will continue.", DntEmptyString, "Ensure that the floppy you provided as \"Windows XP Setup", "Boot Disk\" is inserted into drive A: before continuing.", DntEmptyString, "Press ENTER to return to MS-DOS, then restart your computer to continue", "Windows XP Setup.", NULL } }, DnsAboutToExitS = { 3,5, { "The MS-DOS based portion of Setup is complete.", "You will now need to restart your computer. After your computer restarts,", "Windows XP Setup will continue.", DntEmptyString, "Ensure that the floppy you provided as \"Windows XP Setup", "Boot Disk\" is inserted into drive A: before continuing.", DntEmptyString, "Press ENTER to return to MS-DOS, then restart your computer to continue", "Windows XP Setup.", NULL } }, DnsAboutToExitX = { 3,5, { "The MS-DOS based portion of Setup is complete.", "You will now need to restart your computer. After your computer restarts,", "Windows XP Setup will continue.", DntEmptyString, "If there is a floppy disk in drive A:, remove it now.", DntEmptyString, "Press ENTER to return to MS-DOS, then restart your computer to continue", "Windows XP Setup.", NULL } };
// Gas gauge
SCREEN DnsGauge = { 7,15, { "����������������������������������������������������������������ͻ", "� Setup is copying files... �", "� �", "� ��������������������������������������������������Ŀ �", "� � � �", "� ���������������������������������������������������� �", "����������������������������������������������������������������ͼ", NULL } };
// Error screens for initial checks on the machine environment
SCREEN DnsBadDosVersion = { 3,5, { "This program requires MS-DOS version 5.0 or higher to run.", NULL } },
DnsRequiresFloppy = { 3,5, #ifdef ALLOW_525
{ "Setup has determined that floppy drive A: is non-existent or is a low", "density drive. A drive with a capacity of 1.2 Megabytes or higher is", "required to run Setup.", #else
{ "Setup has determined that floppy drive A: is non-existent or is not", "a high-density 3.5\" drive. An A: drive with a capacity of 1.44 Megabytes", "or higher is required for Setup operation with floppies.", DntEmptyString, "To install Windows XP without using floppies, restart this program", "and specify /b on the command line.", #endif
NULL } },
DnsRequires486 = { 3,5, { "Setup has determined that this computer does not contain an 80486 or", "later CPU. Windows XP cannot run on this computer.", NULL } },
DnsCantRunOnNt = { 3,5, { "This program does not run on any 32-bit version of Windows.", DntEmptyString, "Use WINNT32.EXE instead.", NULL } },
DnsNotEnoughMemory = { 3,5, { "Setup has determined that there is not enough memory installed in", "this computer for Windows XP.", DntEmptyString, "Memory required: %lu%s MB", "Memory detected: %lu%s MB", NULL } };
// Screens used when removing existing nt files
SCREEN DnsConfirmRemoveNt = { 5,5, { "You have asked Setup to remove Windows XP files from the directory", "named below. The Windows installation in this directory will be", "permanently destroyed.", DntEmptyString, "%s", DntEmptyString, DntEmptyString, " Press F3 to exit Setup without removing any files.", " Press X to remove Windows files from the above directory.", NULL } },
DnsCantOpenLogFile = { 3,5, { "Setup was unable to open the setup log file named below.", DntEmptyString, "%s", DntEmptyString, "Setup is unable to remove Windows files from the specified directory.", NULL } },
DnsLogFileCorrupt = { 3,5, { "Setup is unable to find the %s section in the setup", "log file named below.", DntEmptyString, "%s", DntEmptyString, "Setup is unable to remove Windows files from the specified directory.", NULL } },
DnsRemovingNtFiles = { 3,5, { " Please wait while Setup removes Windows files.", NULL } };
SCREEN DnsNtBootSect = { 3,5, { "Setup was unable to install Windows Boot Loader.", DntEmptyString, "Ensure that your C: drive is formatted and that the drive is not", "damaged.", NULL } };
SCREEN DnsOpenReadScript = { 3,5, { "The script file specified with the /u command line switch", "could not be accessed.", DntEmptyString, "Unattended operation cannot continue.", NULL } };
SCREEN DnsParseScriptFile = { 3,5, { "The script file specified with the /u command line switch", DntEmptyString, "%s", DntEmptyString, "contains a syntax error on line %u.", DntEmptyString, NULL } };
SCREEN DnsBootMsgsTooLarge = { 3,5, { "An internal Setup error has occurred.", DntEmptyString, "The translated boot messages are too long.", NULL } };
SCREEN DnsNoSwapDrive = { 3,5, { "An internal Setup error has occurred.", DntEmptyString, "Could not find a place for a swap file.", NULL } };
SCREEN DnsNoSmartdrv = { 3,5, { "Setup did not detect SmartDrive on your computer. SmartDrive will", "greatly improve the performance of this phase of Windows Setup.", DntEmptyString, "You should exit now, start SmartDrive, and then restart Setup.", "See your DOS documentation for details about SmartDrive.", DntEmptyString, " Press F3 to exit Setup.", " Press ENTER to continue without SmartDrive.", NULL } };
// Boot messages. These go in the fat and fat32 boot sectors.
CHAR BootMsgNtldrIsMissing[] = "NTLDR is missing"; CHAR BootMsgDiskError[] = "Disk error"; CHAR BootMsgPressKey[] = "Press any key to restart";