Copyright (c) 1997 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Tztest checks the timezone information stored in win95upg.inf and hivesft.inf against the actual information on a win9x machine. This way, discrepencies in our database can be rooted out and fixed.
Marc R. Whitten (marcw) Jul-29-1998
Revision History:
#include "pch.h"
BOOL Init ( VOID ) { HINSTANCE hInstance;
hInstance = GetModuleHandle (NULL);
return InitToolMode (hInstance); }
VOID Terminate ( VOID ) { HINSTANCE hInstance;
hInstance = GetModuleHandle (NULL);
TerminateToolMode (hInstance); }
BOOL pInitTimeZoneData ( VOID );
extern HANDLE g_TzTestHiveSftInf;
VOID Usage ( VOID ) { printf ( "Usage:\n\n" "tztest [-?v] [-h:<path>] [-w:<path>]\n\n" "\t-? - This message.\n" "\t-v - Verbose messages.\n" "\t-h:<path> - Specify full path for hivesft.inf file.\n" "\t-w:<path> - Specify full path for win95upg.inf file.\n" "\n\n" ); }
INT __cdecl main ( INT argc, CHAR *argv[] ) { REGTREE_ENUM eTree; PCTSTR displayName; TCHAR path[MAX_TCHAR_PATH]; TCHAR key[MEMDB_MAX]; UINT count; INT i; BOOL verbose = FALSE; PCTSTR win9xUpgPath; PCTSTR hiveSftPath; PCTSTR dbPath; PTSTR p; MEMDB_ENUM e; MEMDB_ENUM e2; PTSTR end; HASHTABLE tab; HASHTABLE_ENUM eTab; TCHAR buffer[MAX_PATH];
if (!Init()) { printf ("Unable to initialize!\n"); return 255; }
// Set path defaults.
if (!GetModuleFileName (NULL, path, MAX_TCHAR_PATH)) { printf ("TZTEST: Error during initialization (rc %d).", GetLastError()); return GetLastError(); }
p = _tcsrchr(path, TEXT('\\')); if (p) { *p = 0; }
win9xUpgPath = JoinPaths (path, TEXT("win95upg.inf")); hiveSftPath = JoinPaths (path, TEXT("hivesft.inf")); dbPath = JoinPaths (path, TEXT("badPaths.dat"));
// Parse command line parameters.
for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
if (argv[i][0] == TEXT('-') || argv[i][0] == TEXT('\\')) {
switch (argv[i][1]) {
case TEXT('v'): case TEXT('V'): verbose = TRUE; break; case TEXT('w'): case TEXT('W'): if (argv[i][2] == TEXT(':')) { win9xUpgPath = argv[i] + 3; } else { Usage(); return 0; } break; case TEXT('h'): case TEXT('H'): if (argv[i][2] == TEXT(':')) { hiveSftPath = argv[i] + 3; } else { Usage(); return 0; } break; default: Usage(); return 0; break;
} } }
// Load in current bad path information.
MemDbLoad (dbPath);
printf("TZTEST: path for win95upg.inf is %s.\n", win9xUpgPath); printf("TZTEST: path for hivesft.inf is %s.\n", hiveSftPath);
g_Win95UpgInf = InfOpenInfFile (win9xUpgPath);
if (g_Win95UpgInf == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE || !g_Win95UpgInf) { printf("TZTEST: Unable to open %s (rc %d)\n", win9xUpgPath, GetLastError()); return GetLastError(); }
g_TzTestHiveSftInf = InfOpenInfFile (hiveSftPath);
if (g_TzTestHiveSftInf == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE || !g_TzTestHiveSftInf) { printf("TZTEST: Unable to open %s (rc %d)\n", win9xUpgPath, GetLastError()); InfCloseInfFile (g_Win95UpgInf); return GetLastError(); }
pInitTimeZoneData ();
printf("TZTEST: Checking all timezones on system.\n\n");
if (EnumFirstRegKeyInTree (&eTree, S_TIMEZONES)) { do {
displayName = GetRegValueString (eTree.CurrentKey->KeyHandle, S_DISPLAY);
if (!displayName) { continue; }
if (!MemDbGetValue (key, &count)) { printf ("TZTEST: Timezone not in win9upg.inf - %s\n", displayName); MemDbSetValueEx(TEXT("NoMatch"), displayName, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL); } else if (verbose) { printf ("TZTEST: %s found in win95upg.inf. %d NT timezones match.\n", displayName, count); }
MemFree (g_hHeap, 0, displayName);
} while (EnumNextRegKeyInTree (&eTree)); }
// Save bad path information.
MemDbSave (dbPath);
// Do exhaustive search for indexes:
if (MemDbEnumItems (&e, MEMDB_CATEGORY_9X_TIMEZONES)) {
do { tab = HtAlloc (); printf ("9x Timezone %s matches:\n", e.szName); p = _tcschr (e.szName, TEXT(')')); if (p) { p+=1; }
while (p) { end = _tcschr (p, TEXT(',')); if (end) { *end = 0; } p = (PTSTR) SkipSpace (p);
if (MemDbEnumItems (&e2, MEMDB_CATEGORY_NT_TIMEZONES)) {
do { if (MemDbGetEndpointValueEx (MEMDB_CATEGORY_NT_TIMEZONES, e2.szName, NULL, key)) {
if (_tcsistr (key, p)) { wsprintf (buffer, "%s (%s)\n", key, e2.szName); HtAddString (tab, buffer); } }
} while (MemDbEnumNextValue (&e2)); }
p = end; if (p) { p++; } }
if (EnumFirstHashTableString (&eTab, tab)) { do {
printf (eTab.String);
} while (EnumNextHashTableString (&eTab)); } else { printf ("Nothing.\n"); }
HtFree (tab); printf ("\n");
} while (MemDbEnumNextValue (&e)); }
printf("TZTEST: Done.\n\n");
InfCloseInfFile (g_Win95UpgInf); InfCloseInfFile (g_TzTestHiveSftInf);
return 0; }