Copyright (c) 1997 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Implements an upgrade wizard for gathering virus scanner information.
Marc Whitten (marcw) 16-Oct-1998
Revision History:
<alias> <date> <comments>
#include "pch.h"
#include "..\inc\dgdll.h"
#include "..\..\w95upg\migapp\migdbp.h"
DATATYPE g_DataTypes[] = { {UPGWIZ_VERSION, "Virus Scanner should be detected", "You identify running executables that correspond with installed virus scanners on your system.", 0, DTF_REQUIRE_DESCRIPTION|DTF_ONE_SELECTION, 1024, "&Name of Virus Scanner (<company> <product> <version>)" } };
GROWBUFFER g_DataObjects = GROWBUF_INIT; POOLHANDLE g_DataObjectPool; HINSTANCE g_OurInst; BOOL g_GoodVersion = FALSE;
BOOL Init ( VOID ) { #ifndef UPGWIZ4FLOPPY
return InitToolMode (g_OurInst); #else
return TRUE; #endif
VOID Terminate ( VOID ) { //
// Local cleanup
FreeGrowBuffer (&g_DataObjects);
if (g_DataObjectPool) { PoolMemDestroyPool (g_DataObjectPool); }
TerminateToolMode (g_OurInst); #endif
BOOL WINAPI DllMain ( IN HINSTANCE hInstance, IN DWORD dwReason, IN LPVOID lpReserved ) { if (dwReason == DLL_PROCESS_DETACH) { MYASSERT (g_OurInst == hInstance); Terminate(); }
g_OurInst = hInstance;
return TRUE; }
UINT GiveVersion ( VOID ) { Init();
PDATATYPE GiveDataTypeList ( OUT PUINT Count ) { UINT u;
*Count = sizeof (g_DataTypes) / sizeof (g_DataTypes[0]);
for (u = 0 ; u < *Count ; u++) { g_DataTypes[u].DataTypeId = u; }
return g_DataTypes; }
BOOL ParseDosFiles (VOID);
PDATAOBJECT GiveDataObjectList ( IN UINT DataTypeId, OUT PUINT Count ) { PDATAOBJECT data; HANDLE snapShot; PROCESSENTRY32 process; CHAR name[MEMDB_MAX]; CHAR fixedPath[MAX_MBCHAR_PATH]; PSTR company; PSTR product; PSTR version;
g_DataObjectPool = PoolMemInitNamedPool ("Data Objects"); g_GoodVersion = FALSE;
// Get list of currently running applications.
snapShot = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot (TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0);
if (snapShot != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
// Enumerate all the processes running and retrieve their executables.
process.dwSize = sizeof (PROCESSENTRY32); if (Process32First (snapShot, &process)) {
do {
// Get version information if it exists.
company = QueryVersionEntry (process.szExeFile, "COMPANYNAME"); product = QueryVersionEntry (process.szExeFile, "PRODUCTNAME"); version = QueryVersionEntry (process.szExeFile, "PRODUCTVERSION");
StringCopy (fixedPath, process.szExeFile); ReplaceWacks (fixedPath);
wsprintf ( name, "%s\\%s %s\\%s", company ? company : "<unknown>", product ? product : "<unknown>", version ? version : "<unknown>", fixedPath );
// Create data object for this executable.
data = (PDATAOBJECT) GrowBuffer (&g_DataObjects, sizeof(DATAOBJECT)); data -> Version = UPGWIZ_VERSION; data -> NameOrPath = PoolMemDuplicateString (g_DataObjectPool, name); data -> Flags = 0; data -> DllParam = PoolMemDuplicateString (g_DataObjectPool, process.szExeFile);
// Clean up version resources.
FreePathString (company); FreePathString (product); FreePathString (version);
} while (Process32Next (snapShot, &process)); } }
*Count = g_DataObjects.End / sizeof (DATAOBJECT);
return (PDATAOBJECT) g_DataObjects.Buf; }
BOOL DisplayOptionalUI ( IN POUTPUTARGS Args ) { PDATAOBJECT data = (PDATAOBJECT) g_DataObjects.Buf; UINT count = g_DataObjects.End / sizeof (DATAOBJECT); UINT i;
for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
if (data -> Flags & DOF_SELECTED) {
// If we got good version info, don't worry about the text. We'll use
// what we have.
if (!IsPatternMatch("<unknown>\\<unknown> <unknown>*",data->NameOrPath)) {
g_DataTypes[0].Flags &= ~DTF_REQUIRE_DESCRIPTION; g_GoodVersion = TRUE; } break; }
data++; }
return TRUE; }
BOOL GenerateOutput ( IN POUTPUTARGS Args ) { BOOL rSuccess = FALSE; HANDLE file; CHAR path[MAX_MBCHAR_PATH]; PSTR p; PDATAOBJECT data = (PDATAOBJECT) g_DataObjects.Buf; UINT count = g_DataObjects.End / sizeof (DATAOBJECT); UINT i;
// create outbound file path.
wsprintf ( path, "%s\\vscan.txt", Args -> OutboundDir );
// open file.
printf ("Saving data to %s\n\n", path);
if (file == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { printf ("Can't open file for output.\n"); return FALSE; }
__try {
SetFilePointer (file, 0, NULL, FILE_END);
// log user name and date/time
if (!WriteHeader (file)) { __leave; }
// write data.
rSuccess = TRUE; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
if (data -> Flags & DOF_SELECTED) {
if (g_GoodVersion) { //
// Use the data that we have.
p = _mbsrchr (data -> NameOrPath, '\\'); MYASSERT (p);
*p = 0; }
// Ask for info if we didn't get any version info, otherwise,
// we'll use what we got.
rSuccess &= WriteFileAttributes ( Args, g_GoodVersion ? data -> NameOrPath : NULL, file, data -> DllParam, NULL ); }
data++; }
// write a final blank line.
WizardWriteRealString (file, "\r\n\r\n"); } __finally {
// Don't forget to cleanup resources.
CloseHandle (file); }
return rSuccess; }