Copyright (c) 1997 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Win95upg.inf has a section named [Conditional Incompatibilities] where the lines in the section have the following syntax:
%group%, %subgroup%, %object%, %msg% [,<function>[,<argument>]]
%group% - A predefined root group number
%subgroup% - A localized subgroup displayed in the UI
%object% - The file, directory or registry location in which the message is associated with
%msg% - A localized message
<function> - A function that determines if the message should be added to the incompatible report
<argument> - An optional string parameter that is passed to <function.>
The code below implements the functions that are used in Win95upg.inf.
Marc Whitten (marcw) 3-Apr-1997
Revision History:
marcw 21-Jan-1999 Stale Beta messages removed. marcw 10-Sep-1997 OSR2 beta warning added. jimschm 06-Jul-1997 Added "object" to everything jimschm 25-Jun-1997 Protocols warning jimschm 28-May-1997 Hardware Profile warning marcw 25-Apr-1997 <argument> ability passed. jimschm 08-Apr-1997 Generalized
#include "pch.h"
#include "sysmigp.h"
#include "hwcomp.h"
// Function type declaration
typedef BOOL (TEST_FUNCTION_PROTOTYPE)(PCTSTR Object, PCTSTR GroupBase, PCTSTR Description, PCTSTR Argument );
// Array of supported functions
// Declare the function prototypes
PCTSTR GroupBase, \ PCTSTR Description, \ PCTSTR Argument \ );
// Create a lookup array
#define DECLARATION_MACRO(x) {#x, x},
// Function to locate Proc given a string
TEST_FUNCTION pFindTestFunction ( IN PCTSTR FunctionStr )
Routine Description:
pFindTestFunction searches the test function table declared above for a specified function name and returns a pointer to the actual function or NULL if the function does not exist.
FunctionStr - Specifies the name of function to find.
Return Value:
A pointer to the corresponding code, or NULL if the function does not exist.
{ INT Index;
for (Index = 0 ; g_TestFunctionList[Index].Name ; Index++) {
if (StringIMatch (g_TestFunctionList[Index].Name, FunctionStr)) { return g_TestFunctionList[Index].Proc; } }
DEBUGMSG ((DBG_ERROR,"SysMig: %s is not a valid test function.", FunctionStr)); return NULL; }
Routine Description:
This function retrieves a string field using the Setup APIs but uses PoolMem for allocation.
Pool - Specifies a handle to a valid pool (from PoolMemInitPool). Memory is allocated from this pool.
pic - Specifies the INF section and line being queried.
Field - Specifies the field to retrieve.
Return Value:
A pointer to the field text, allocated in Pool, or NULL if the field was not found or an error is encountered.
{ DWORD SizeNeeded; PTSTR String;
if (!SetupGetStringField (pic, Field, NULL, 0, &SizeNeeded)) { DEBUGMSG ((DBG_ERROR, "SysMig: SetupGetStringField failed for field %u.", Field)); return NULL; }
String = PoolMemCreateString (Pool, SizeNeeded);
if (!SetupGetStringField (pic, Field, String, SizeNeeded, NULL)) { DEBUGMSG ((DBG_ERROR,"SysMig: SetupGetStringField failed for field %u.", Field)); return NULL; }
return String; }
PCTSTR pTranslateGroupString ( IN POOLHANDLE AllocPool, IN UINT GroupId )
Routine Description:
pTranslateGroupString converts a standard group number (1-based) into a message ID, then loads the string resource. The group string is then copied into the specified pool.
In win95upg.txt, the list is defined as:
1 - Hardware That Does Not Support Windows NT 5.0 2 - General Information 3 - Settings That Will Not Be Upgraded 4 - Software That Does Not Support Windows NT 5.0 5 - Software That Will Require Reinstallation 6 - Software with Minor Incompatibilities 7 - Software to Be Uninstalled by Setup 8 - Upgrade Pack Information
AllocPool - Specifies the pool to allocate the return string from GroupId - Specifies a one-based ID that identifies the group. The definition of the ID is hard-coded here.
Return Value:
A pointer to the string, or NULL if an invalid group was specified.
{ PCTSTR ResStr; PCTSTR ResSubStr; PTSTR ReturnStr = NULL; UINT SubGroupId = 0;
switch (GroupId) { case 0: GroupId = MSG_BLOCKING_ITEMS_ROOT; break;
case 2: GroupId = MSG_INSTALL_NOTES_ROOT; break;
case 3: GroupId = MSG_LOSTSETTINGS_ROOT; break;
case 6: GroupId = MSG_MINOR_PROBLEM_ROOT; break;
case 8: GroupId = MSG_MIGDLL_ROOT; break;
default: return NULL; }
ResStr = GetStringResource (GroupId);
if (ResStr) {
if (SubGroupId) {
ResSubStr = GetStringResource (SubGroupId);
if (ResSubStr) {
// We count the nul twice, assuming the nul is the same
// size as a backslash.
ReturnStr = PoolMemGetAlignedMemory ( AllocPool, SizeOfString (ResStr) + SizeOfString (ResSubStr) );
wsprintf (ReturnStr, TEXT("%s\\%s"), ResStr, ResSubStr);
FreeStringResource (ResSubStr); }
} else {
ReturnStr = PoolMemDuplicateString (AllocPool, ResStr);
FreeStringResource (ResStr); }
return ReturnStr; }
VOID pConditionalIncompatibilities ( VOID )
Routine Description:
Processes the Conditional Incompatibilities section of WIN95UPG.INF, and does other conditional incompatibility processing. Incompatibilities are added via the API in w95upg\ui.
Return Value:
{ INFCONTEXT context; POOLHANDLE aPool; PTSTR descriptionString; PTSTR functionString; PTSTR argumentString; TCHAR buffer[32]; static INT msgId = 0; PCTSTR objectString; PTSTR completeString; TEST_FUNCTION Proc; PCTSTR SubGroupString; PCTSTR GroupString; UINT GroupId; BOOL fr; BOOL negate;
aPool = PoolMemInitNamedPool ("Conditional Incompatibilities");
if (aPool) {
if (SetupFindFirstLine ( g_Win95UpgInf, S_CONDITIONAL_INCOMPATIBILITIES, NULL, &context ) ) {
// Load in the standard group name
do { //
// Get the group number
GroupString = pGetFieldUsingPool (aPool, &context, 1); if (!GroupString) { continue; }
GroupId = _tcstoul (GroupString, NULL, 10); GroupString = pTranslateGroupString (aPool, GroupId);
if (!GroupString) { DEBUGMSG ((DBG_WHOOPS, "Invalid group ID: %u", GroupId)); continue; }
// Get the subgroup string
SubGroupString = pGetFieldUsingPool (aPool, &context, 2); if (!SubGroupString) { DEBUGMSG ((DBG_WHOOPS, "Field 2 required in conditional message lines")); continue; }
if (*SubGroupString) { completeString = (PTSTR) PoolMemGetMemory ( aPool, SizeOfString (GroupString) + SizeOfString (SubGroupString) + 2 * sizeof (TCHAR) );
StringCopy (completeString, GroupString); StringCopy (AppendWack (completeString), SubGroupString); } else { completeString = (PTSTR) GroupString; }
// Get the object string
objectString = pGetFieldUsingPool (aPool, &context, 3); if (!objectString) { DEBUGMSG ((DBG_WHOOPS, "Field 3 required in conditional message lines")); continue; }
// Get the description
descriptionString = pGetFieldUsingPool (aPool, &context, 4); if (!descriptionString) { DEBUGMSG ((DBG_WHOOPS, "Field 4 required in conditional message lines")); continue; }
// If the field count is greater than two, there is a
// function string..
if (SetupGetFieldCount (&context) > 4) {
argumentString = NULL;
// Read in the functionString..
functionString = pGetFieldUsingPool (aPool, &context, 5); if (!functionString) { continue; } negate = *functionString == TEXT('!'); if (negate) { functionString++; }
if (SetupGetFieldCount(&context) > 5) {
// Read in the argument string.
argumentString = pGetFieldUsingPool(aPool,&context, 6); }
// Find the function to call..
Proc = pFindTestFunction (functionString); if (!Proc) { continue; } fr = Proc (objectString, completeString, descriptionString,argumentString); if (!negate && !fr || negate && fr) { continue; } }
if (!objectString[0]) { DEBUGMSG ((DBG_WARNING, "Manufacturing an object for %s message", completeString)); objectString = buffer; msgId++; wsprintf (buffer, "msg%u", msgId); }
MsgMgr_ObjectMsg_Add (objectString, completeString, descriptionString);
} while (SetupFindNextLine (&context,&context)); } else { DEBUGMSG ((DBG_VERBOSE,"SysMig: %s not found in win95upg.inf.", S_CONDITIONAL_INCOMPATIBILITIES)); } }
PoolMemDestroyPool(aPool); }
DWORD ConditionalIncompatibilities ( IN DWORD Request ) { switch (Request) { case REQUEST_QUERYTICKS: return TICKS_CONDITIONAL_INCOMPATIBILITIES; case REQUEST_RUN: pConditionalIncompatibilities (); return ERROR_SUCCESS; default: DEBUGMSG ((DBG_ERROR, "Bad parameter in ConditionalIncompatibilities")); } return 0; }
BOOL pIsDefaultSystemAgent ( PCTSTR SageSubKey ) { INFCONTEXT context;
if (SetupFindFirstLine ( g_Win95UpgInf, S_SAGE_EXCLUSIONS, SageSubKey, &context )) { return TRUE; }
return FALSE; }
BOOL SysAgentExtension ( IN PCTSTR Object, IN PCTSTR GroupBase, IN PCTSTR Description, IN PCTSTR Argument )
Routine Description:
Produces conditional incompatibilities based on the presense of the system agent extension, which is part of the Win95 plus pack but not supported by NT.
Object - Unused
GroupBase - A WIN95UPG.INF-specified group name that is used as the base of the message. The actual group name stored in the registry is appended for the UI.
Description - A WIN95UPG.INF-specified description
Argument - Unused
Return Value:
FALSE, because we add the incompatibility message ourself.
SAGE-aware programs declare themselves as such by creating a key in HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Plus!\System Agent\SAGE. The name of the key can be anything the program wants, but it should contain the following values:
Program= Name of the program's .EXE file. This must be the same .EXE name under which the program's PerApp path is registered. You may append a command line parameter indicating unattended operation (see Settings=, below).
Friendly Name= Display name that System Agent will use in populating the drop-down list in its "Schedule a program" dialog box. Settings= 1-bit binary field indicating whether program has a Settings dialog box. If "Settings = "Settings = 0", but the application supports an interactive mode, then the "Program=" value should contain a command-line parameter that tells your program it's being run by SAGE, so that it knows to run in an unattended fashion, for example, "DRVSPACE.EXE /noprompt" or "MyApp.EXE /SAGERUN". Result Codes Optional key containing a set of value pairs mapping an exit code to a string describing the meaning of that exit code. For example, for SCANDSKW, the Result Codes key may contain a value such as: 0="ScanDisk completed successfully; no errors were found." This is to allow SAGE to keep a human-comprehensible log of the results of the programs it runs. In addition to the value pairs, this key should also contain a String value named "Success", which indicates the highest value for an exit code that designates that the program completed successfully. The value names should be string values, specified in decimal; the allowable range is 0�32767.
HKEY ExtensionKey; HKEY AppPathsKey;
// Scan HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Plus!\System Agent\SAGE for
// subkeys, then throw messages out for each friendly name.
if (EnumFirstRegKeyStr (&e, S_SAGE)) { do { ExtensionKey = OpenRegKey (e.KeyHandle, e.SubKeyName); if (ExtensionKey) { Data = GetRegValueData (ExtensionKey, S_SAGE_FRIENDLY_NAME); if (Data && *Data) { // Create full object string
wsprintf (FullKey, TEXT("%s\\%s"), S_SAGE, e.SubKeyName);
// Test win95upg.inf to see if this is a standard agent
if (!pIsDefaultSystemAgent (e.SubKeyName)) {
// Generate group string
Group = JoinPaths (GroupBase, Data);
// Get the full path for this EXE
FullPath = NULL; Module = GetRegValueData (ExtensionKey, S_SAGE_PROGRAM);
if (Module && *Module) {
FullPathKeyStr = JoinPaths (S_SKEY_APP_PATHS, Module); AppPathsKey = OpenRegKeyStr (FullPathKeyStr);
if (AppPathsKey) { FullPath = GetRegValueData (AppPathsKey, S_EMPTY); if (!(*FullPath)) { MemFree (g_hHeap, 0, FullPath); FullPath = NULL; } CloseRegKey (AppPathsKey); }
FreePathString (FullPathKeyStr); MemFree (g_hHeap, 0, Module); }
// Add message
if ((!FullPath) || (!IsFileMarkedForAnnounce (FullPath))) { MsgMgr_ObjectMsg_Add (FullPath?FullPath:FullKey, Group, Description); }
// Cleanup
FreePathString (Group);
if (FullPath) { MemFree (g_hHeap, 0 , FullPath); FullPath = NULL; } }
MemFree (g_hHeap, 0, Data); }
CloseRegKey (ExtensionKey); } } while (EnumNextRegKey (&e)); }
return FALSE; // pretend like it's not installed
BOOL DoesRegKeyExist ( IN PCTSTR Object, IN PCTSTR GroupBase, IN PCTSTR Description, IN PCTSTR Argument )
Routine Description:
Returns TRUE if the registry key specified in Argument exists, forcing an incompatibility message to be generated.
Object - Specifies the registry key to examine
GroupBase - A WIN95UPG.INF-specified group name
Description - A WIN95UPG.INF-specified description
Argument - Unused
Return Value:
TRUE if the registry key exists, or FALSE if it is not. TRUE forces the message to be added to the report.
{ BOOL rKeyExists = FALSE; HKEY key = NULL;
if (Object) { key = OpenRegKeyStr (Object); }
if (key) { rKeyExists = TRUE; CloseRegKey (key); }
return rKeyExists;
BOOL DoRegKeyValuesExist ( IN PCTSTR Object, IN PCTSTR GroupBase, IN PCTSTR Description, IN PCTSTR Argument )
Routine Description:
Returns TRUE if the registry key specified in Argument exists, and has at least one named value, forcing an incompatibility message to be generated.
Object - A WIN95UPG.INF-specified registry key
GroupBase - A WIN95UPG.INF-specified group name
Description - A WIN95UPG.INF-specified description
Argument - Unused
Return Value:
TRUE if the registry key exists, or FALSE if it is not. TRUE forces the message to be added to the report.
{ BOOL ValuesExists = FALSE; HKEY key = NULL; REGVALUE_ENUM e;
if (Argument) { key = OpenRegKeyStr (Argument); }
if (key) { if (EnumFirstRegValue (&e, key)) { do { if (e.ValueName[0]) { ValuesExists = TRUE; break; } } while (EnumNextRegValue (&e)); }
CloseRegKey (key); }
return ValuesExists;
BOOL IsWin95Osr2 ( IN PCTSTR Object, IN PCTSTR GroupBase, IN PCTSTR Description, IN PCTSTR Argument ) {
return ISWIN95_OSR2(); }
BOOL IsMSNInstalled ( IN PCTSTR Object, IN PCTSTR GroupBase, IN PCTSTR Description, IN PCTSTR Argument ) { HKEY key = NULL; PCTSTR Data = NULL; BOOL installed = FALSE;
if (Object) { key = OpenRegKeyStr (Object); }
if (key) {
Data = (PCTSTR) GetRegKeyData (key, S_EMPTY);
if (Data) { if (DoesFileExist (Data)) { installed = TRUE; } MemFree (g_hHeap, 0, Data); } CloseRegKey (key); }
// Special cases
if (installed) { //
// Win98 -- make sure setup GUID was deleted
key = OpenRegKeyStr (TEXT("HKLM\\Software\\Classes\\CLSID\\{4b876a40-11d1-811e-00c04fb98eec}"));
if (key) { installed = FALSE; CloseRegKey (key); } }
if (installed) { //
// Win95 -- make sure SignUpDone flag is written
key = OpenRegKeyStr (TEXT("HKLM\\Software\\Microsoft\\MOS\\SoftwareInstalled"));
if (key) { CloseRegKey (key); } else { installed = FALSE; } }
return installed; }
BOOL IsRasServerEnabled ( IN PCTSTR Object, IN PCTSTR GroupBase, IN PCTSTR Description, IN PCTSTR Argument ) { BOOL rAddMessage = FALSE; HKEY key; PBYTE data;
if (!Object) { return FALSE; }
key = OpenRegKeyStr (Object);
if (key) {
data = GetRegValueData (key, TEXT("Enabled"));
if (data) {
if ((*(PDWORD)data) == 1) { rAddMessage = TRUE; }
MemFree (g_hHeap, 0, data); }
CloseRegKey (key); }
return rAddMessage;
BOOL ArePasswordProvidersPresent ( IN PCTSTR Object, IN PCTSTR GroupBase, IN PCTSTR Description, IN PCTSTR Argument )
Routine Description:
Adds incompatibility messages for all password providers, excluding password providers of known components such as the Microsoft Networking Client or the Microsoft Client for NetWare.
Object - Unused
GroupBase - A WIN95UPG.INF-specified group name
Description - A WIN95UPG.INF-specified description
Argument - Unused
Return Value:
Always FALSE.
{ REGKEY_ENUM e; PCTSTR data; HKEY key; INFCONTEXT ic; TCHAR FullKey[MAX_REGISTRY_KEY]; PCTSTR FullGroup; PCTSTR IncompatibleSoftware;
IncompatibleSoftware = GetStringResource (MSG_INCOMPATIBLE_ROOT); if (!IncompatibleSoftware) { return FALSE; }
if (EnumFirstRegKeyStr (&e, S_PASSWORDPROVIDER)) { do {
// See if this is a known password provider.
if (SetupFindFirstLine ( g_Win95UpgInf, S_SUPPORTED_PASSWORD_PROVIDERS, e.SubKeyName, &ic )) { continue; }
// This is an unsupported password provider key. Add a message.
key = OpenRegKey (e.KeyHandle, e.SubKeyName); if (key) { data = GetRegValueData (key, S_PASSWORDPROVIDER_DESCRIPTION); if (data) { wsprintf (FullKey, TEXT("%s\\%s"), S_PASSWORDPROVIDER, e.SubKeyName); FullGroup = JoinPaths (IncompatibleSoftware, data);
MsgMgr_ObjectMsg_Add( FullKey, // Object name
FullGroup, // Message title
Description // Message text
FreePathString (FullGroup);
MemFree (g_hHeap, 0, data); }
CloseRegKey (key); } } while (EnumNextRegKey (&e)); }
FreeStringResource (IncompatibleSoftware);
// Since we build the message ourselves, just return FALSE. This will
// keep the ConditionalMessage function from adding this twice.
return FALSE; }
BOOL IsDefValueEqual ( IN PCTSTR Object, IN PCTSTR GroupBase, IN PCTSTR Description, IN PCTSTR Argument ) { HKEY key = NULL; PCTSTR Data = NULL; BOOL equal = FALSE;
if (Object) { key = OpenRegKeyStr (Object); }
if (key) {
Data = (PCTSTR) GetRegKeyData (key, S_EMPTY);
if (Data) { if (StringIMatch (Data, Argument)) { equal = TRUE; } MemFree (g_hHeap, 0, Data); } CloseRegKey (key); }
return equal; }
VOID pHardwareProfileWarning ( VOID )
Routine Description:
Produces incompatibility messages for all hardware profiles that have different hardware configurations. The upgrade cannot maintain the list of disabled hardware in a hardware profile, so a warning is generated.
Return Value:
{ REGKEY_ENUM e; REGKEY_ENUM e2; HKEY ProfileKey; HKEY EnumKey; HKEY ConfigDbKey; DWORD Config; TCHAR FriendlyName[MAX_PATH]; PCTSTR MsgGroup; PCTSTR RootGroup; PCTSTR HwProfiles; PCTSTR Data; TCHAR FullKey[MAX_REGISTRY_KEY]; UINT Profiles;
// How many hardware profiles? If just one, don't give a warning.
Profiles = 0; if (EnumFirstRegKeyStr (&e, S_CONFIG_KEY)) { do { Profiles++; } while (EnumNextRegKey (&e)); }
if (Profiles < 2) { DEBUGMSG ((DBG_VERBOSE, "Hardware profiles: %u, suppressed all warnings", Profiles)); return; }
// Enumerate the hardware profiles in HKLM\Config
if (EnumFirstRegKeyStr (&e, S_CONFIG_KEY)) { do { //
// Determine if profile has an Enum key
ProfileKey = OpenRegKey (e.KeyHandle, e.SubKeyName);
if (ProfileKey) { EnumKey = OpenRegKey (ProfileKey, S_ENUM_SUBKEY);
if (EnumKey) { //
// Determine if Enum key is empty
if (EnumFirstRegKey (&e2, EnumKey)) { AbortRegKeyEnum (&e2);
// Obtain friendly name for config
ConfigDbKey = OpenRegKeyStr (S_FRIENDLYNAME_KEY); if (ConfigDbKey) {
Config = _ttoi (e.SubKeyName);
wsprintf (FriendlyName, S_FRIENDLYNAME_SPRINTF, Config);
Data = GetRegValueData (ConfigDbKey, FriendlyName); if (Data) { //
// Put message in incompatibility report
wsprintf (FullKey, TEXT("%s\\%s"), S_CONFIG_KEY, e.SubKeyName);
// Generate Msg and MsgGroup
RootGroup = GetStringResource (MSG_INSTALL_NOTES_ROOT); MYASSERT (RootGroup);
HwProfiles = GetStringResource (MSG_HWPROFILES_SUBGROUP); MYASSERT (HwProfiles);
MsgGroup = JoinPaths (RootGroup, HwProfiles); MYASSERT (MsgGroup);
FreeStringResource (RootGroup); FreeStringResource (HwProfiles);
RootGroup = MsgGroup; MsgGroup = JoinPaths (RootGroup, Data); MYASSERT (MsgGroup);
FreePathString (RootGroup);
// Add the message and clean up
MsgMgr_ObjectMsg_Add (FullKey, MsgGroup, S_EMPTY);
FreePathString (MsgGroup); MemFree (g_hHeap, 0, Data); } ELSE_DEBUGMSG ((DBG_ERROR, "Hardware profile lacks friendly name"));
CloseRegKey (ConfigDbKey); } ELSE_DEBUGMSG ((DBG_ERROR, "Hardware profile lacks config DB key"));
if (!ConfigDbKey) { LOG ((LOG_ERROR, "Hardware profile lacks config DB key")); } }
CloseRegKey (EnumKey); } CloseRegKey (ProfileKey); }
} while (EnumNextRegKey (&e)); } }
DWORD HardwareProfileWarning ( IN DWORD Request ) { switch (Request) { case REQUEST_QUERYTICKS: return TICKS_HARDWARE_PROFILE_WARNING; case REQUEST_RUN: pHardwareProfileWarning (); return ERROR_SUCCESS; default: DEBUGMSG ((DBG_ERROR, "Bad parameter in HardwareProfileWarning")); } return 0; }
VOID pUnsupportedProtocolsWarning ( VOID )
Routine Description:
Produces incompatibility messages for network protocols that do not ship with equivalent versions on NT.
Return Value:
{ PCTSTR NetworkProtocols; PCTSTR Message; PCTSTR ArgArray[2]; REGKEY_ENUM e; HKEY ProtocolKey, BindingKey, DriverKey; REGKEY_ENUM ProtocolEnum; INFCONTEXT ic; PCTSTR Driver, DriverDesc, Mfg; DWORD MsgId; TCHAR DriverKeyStr[MAX_REGISTRY_KEY]; TCHAR FullKey[MAX_REGISTRY_KEY];
// Enumerate the HKLM\Enum\Network key
if (EnumFirstRegKeyStr (&e, S_ENUM_NETWORK_KEY)) { do { //
// Check win95upg.inf to see if the network protocol is known
if (SetupFindFirstLine ( g_Win95UpgInf, S_SUPPORTED_PROTOCOLS, e.SubKeyName, &ic )) { // It is, skip to next protocol
continue; }
// A warning message must be generated. We must take the first
// subkey of the protocol, query its Driver value, and look up
// the DriverDesc in HKLM\System\CCS\Services\Class\<driver>.
ProtocolKey = OpenRegKey (e.KeyHandle, e.SubKeyName);
if (ProtocolKey) { if (EnumFirstRegKey (&ProtocolEnum, ProtocolKey)) { BindingKey = OpenRegKey (ProtocolKey, ProtocolEnum.SubKeyName); if (BindingKey) { Driver = (PCTSTR) GetRegValueDataOfType ( BindingKey, S_DRIVER, REG_SZ ); if (Driver) { //
// We now know the driver... let's get the
// driver description.
wsprintf (DriverKeyStr, S_CLASS_KEY TEXT("\\%s"), Driver); MemFree (g_hHeap, 0, Driver);
DriverKey = OpenRegKeyStr (DriverKeyStr); if (DriverKey) { DriverDesc = (PCTSTR) GetRegValueDataOfType ( DriverKey, S_DRIVERDESC, REG_SZ );
if (DriverDesc) { //
// Obtain the manufacturer for use in message.
// If the manufacturer is not known, display
// a generic message.
Mfg = (PCTSTR) GetRegValueDataOfType ( BindingKey, S_MFG, REG_SZ );
ArgArray[0] = DriverDesc; ArgArray[1] = Mfg;
NetworkProtocols = ParseMessageID (MSG_NETWORK_PROTOCOLS, ArgArray);
if(Mfg && StringIMatch(Mfg, TEXT("Microsoft"))){ Message = ParseMessageID (MSG_UNSUPPORTED_PROTOCOL_FROM_MICROSOFT, ArgArray); } else { Message = ParseMessageID (MsgId, ArgArray); }
MYASSERT (NetworkProtocols && Message);
wsprintf (FullKey, TEXT("%s\\%s"), S_ENUM_NETWORK_KEY, e.SubKeyName);
MsgMgr_ObjectMsg_Add (FullKey, NetworkProtocols, Message);
if (Mfg) { MemFree (g_hHeap, 0, Mfg); }
MemFree (g_hHeap, 0, DriverDesc); } }
CloseRegKey (DriverKey); }
CloseRegKey (BindingKey); } }
CloseRegKey (ProtocolKey); } } while (EnumNextRegKey (&e)); } }
DWORD UnsupportedProtocolsWarning ( IN DWORD Request ) { switch (Request) { case REQUEST_QUERYTICKS: return TICKS_UNSUPPORTED_PROTOCOLS_WARNING; case REQUEST_RUN: pUnsupportedProtocolsWarning (); return ERROR_SUCCESS; default: DEBUGMSG ((DBG_ERROR, "Bad parameter in UnsupportedProtocolWarning")); } return 0; }