Copyright (c) 1996 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Implements apis for managing accessible drives (Drives that are usable both on win9x side an NT side) and for managing the space on those drives.
Marc R. Whitten (marcw) 03-Jul-1997
Revision History:
marcw 16-Sep-1998 Revamped disk space usage. marcw 04-Dec-1997 Don't warn the user about obvious things (CD-Roms and Floppys not migrating..)
#include "pch.h"
#include "sysmigp.h"
#include "drives.h"
//#include "..\migapp\maioctl.h"
The following APIs are defined in this file.
InitAccessibleDrives() CleanUpAccessibleDrives() GetFirstAccessibleDriveEx() GetNextAccessibleDrive()
QuerySpace() UseSpace() FindSpace() OutOfSpaceMsg() */
// Win95Upg uninstall paramters
#define S_COMPRESSIONFACTOR TEXT("CompressionFactor")
#define S_BOOTCABIMAGEPADDING TEXT("BootCabImagePadding")
#define S_BACKUPDISKSPACEPADDING TEXT("BackupDiskSpacePadding")
typedef struct _ACCESSIBLE_DRIVES {
#define MAX_NUM_DRIVES 26
UINT g_DriveTypes [MAX_NUM_DRIVES]; ULARGE_INTEGER g_SpaceNeededForSlowBackup = {0, 0}; ULARGE_INTEGER g_SpaceNeededForFastBackup = {0, 0}; ULARGE_INTEGER g_SpaceNeededForUpgrade = {0, 0};
// List of accessible drives.
ACCESSIBLE_DRIVES g_AccessibleDrives; DWORD g_ExclusionValue = 0; TCHAR g_ExclusionValueString[20]; POOLHANDLE g_DrivePool; PCTSTR g_NotEnoughSpaceMessage = NULL;
BOOL g_NotEnoughDiskSpace; LONGLONG g_OriginalDiskSpace = 0l;
LONGLONG pRoundToNearestCluster ( IN LONGLONG Space, IN UINT ClusterSize )
Routine Description:
This routine performs the correct rounding to the nearest cluster, given an amount of space in bytes and a cluster size.
Space - Contains the number of bytes to be rounded. ClusterSize - Contains the size in bytes of a cluster on the disk.
Return Value:
the number of bytes rounded to the next cluster.
{ LONGLONG rRoundedSize;
if (Space % ClusterSize) {
rRoundedSize = Space + (ClusterSize - (Space % ClusterSize));
} else {
rRoundedSize = Space; }
return rRoundedSize; }
BOOL IsDriveExcluded ( IN PCTSTR DriveOrPath ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine tests whether a specified drive is excluded in memdb.
DriveOrPath - Contains the path in question (e.g. "c:\")
Return Value:
TRUE if the drive is found in the exclusion list in memdb, FALSE otherwise.
--*/ { TCHAR key[MEMDB_MAX]; PSTR drive; BOOL rDriveIsExcluded = FALSE; TCHAR rootDir[] = TEXT("?:\\");
rootDir[0] = DriveOrPath[0];
MemDbBuildKey( key, MEMDB_CATEGORY_FILEENUM, g_ExclusionValueString, MEMDB_FIELD_FE_PATHS, rootDir );
rDriveIsExcluded = MemDbGetValue (key, NULL);
if (!rDriveIsExcluded) { drive = JoinPaths (rootDir, TEXT("*")); MemDbBuildKey( key, MEMDB_CATEGORY_FILEENUM, g_ExclusionValueString, MEMDB_FIELD_FE_PATHS, drive );
FreePathString(drive); rDriveIsExcluded = MemDbGetValue (key, NULL); }
return rDriveIsExcluded; }
BOOL pBuildInitialExclusionsList ( VOID )
Routine Description:
This routine is responsible for constructing the initial exclusion list in memdb. This list will contain the contents of the exclude.inf file if it exists.
As a side effect, the g_ExclusionValue and g_ExclusionValueString global variables will be initialized.
Return Value:
TRUE if the exclusion list was successfully built, FALSE otherwise.
--*/ { BOOL rSuccess = TRUE; EXCLUDEINF excludeInf; TCHAR excludeInfPath[] = TEXT("?:\\exclude.inf");
// Fill in exclude inf structre.
excludeInfPath[0] = g_BootDriveLetter;
excludeInf.ExclusionInfPath = excludeInfPath; excludeInf.PathSection = TEXT("Paths"); excludeInf.FileSection = TEXT("Files");
// Build a enumeration ID for the exclude.inf.
g_ExclusionValue = GenerateEnumID(); wsprintf(g_ExclusionValueString,TEXT("%X"),g_ExclusionValue);
if (DoesFileExist (excludeInf.ExclusionInfPath)) { rSuccess = BuildExclusionsFromInf(g_ExclusionValue,&excludeInf); } ELSE_DEBUGMSG((DBG_VERBOSE,"No exclude.inf file. There are no initial exclusions."));
return rSuccess; }
BOOL pFindDrive ( IN PCTSTR DriveString, OUT PACCESSIBLE_DRIVE_ENUM AccessibleDriveEnum ) /*++
Routine Description:
This private routine searches the internal list of accessible drives looking for the specified drive.
DriveString - Contains the root directory of the drive in question. (e.g. "c:\"). May contain a complete path. This routine will only use the first three characters while searching.
AccessibleDriveEnum - Receives the ACCESSIBLE_DRIVE_ENUM structure associated with the drive if it is found.
Return Value:
TRUE if the drive was found in the list, FALSE otherwise.
--*/ { BOOL rFound = FALSE;
// Enumerate the list of drives, looking for the specified drive.
if (GetFirstAccessibleDrive(AccessibleDriveEnum)) { do {
if (StringIMatchCharCount (DriveString,(*AccessibleDriveEnum)->Drive,3)) { rFound = TRUE; break; }
} while(GetNextAccessibleDrive(AccessibleDriveEnum)); }
return rFound; }
BOOL pAddAccessibleDrive ( IN PTSTR Drive ) /*++
Routine Description:
pAddAccessibleDrive is a private routine to add a drive to the list of accessible drives. It is responsible for creation and initialization of the ACCESSIBLE_DRIVE_ENUM structure for the drive and for linking that structure into the list.
Drive - Contains the root directory of the drive to add.
Return Value:
TRUE if the drive was successfully added to the list, FALSE otherwise.
--*/ { BOOL rSuccess = TRUE; ACCESSIBLE_DRIVE_ENUM newDrive = NULL; DWORD SectorsPerCluster; DWORD BytesPerSector; ULARGE_INTEGER FreeClusters = {0, 0}; ULARGE_INTEGER TotalClusters = {0, 0};
// Create the list node for this drive.
newDrive = PoolMemGetMemory(g_DrivePool,sizeof(struct _ACCESSIBLE_DRIVE_ENUM)); ZeroMemory(newDrive, sizeof(struct _ACCESSIBLE_DRIVE_ENUM));
// Copy the drive string for this drive.
if (rSuccess) {
newDrive -> Drive = PoolMemDuplicateString(g_DrivePool,Drive); }
// Get the free space for this drive.
if (rSuccess) {
if (GetDiskFreeSpaceNew ( Drive, &SectorsPerCluster, &BytesPerSector, &FreeClusters, &TotalClusters )) {
// Initialize our count of the usable space for this drive.
newDrive -> UsableSpace = (LONGLONG) SectorsPerCluster * (LONGLONG) BytesPerSector * FreeClusters.QuadPart;
// Save the cluster size for this drive.
newDrive -> ClusterSize = BytesPerSector * SectorsPerCluster;
// also set the flag indicating if this is the system drive
MYASSERT (g_WinDir && g_WinDir[0]); newDrive -> SystemDrive = toupper (newDrive->Drive[0]) == toupper (g_WinDir[0]); } else {
LOG((LOG_ERROR,"Could not retrieve disk space for drive %s.",Drive)); rSuccess = FALSE;
} }
// Finally, link this into the list and update the count of accessible drives.
newDrive -> Next = NULL; if (g_AccessibleDrives.Tail) { g_AccessibleDrives.Tail -> Next = newDrive; } else { g_AccessibleDrives.Head = newDrive; }
g_AccessibleDrives.Tail = newDrive;
DEBUGMSG_IF((rSuccess,DBG_ACCESSIBLE_DRIVES,"Accessible Drive %s added to list.",Drive));
return rSuccess; }
Routine Description:
This private routine is responsible for excluding a drive from migration. This involves addding an incompatibility message for the drive and also adding that drive to the exclusion list in MEMDB.
Drive - Contains the root directory of the drive to exclude from migration. MsgId - Contains a Message Resource ID for the message to add to the incompatibility message. The message will be processed by ParseMessageID and will be passed Drive as an argument. If zero, no message will be displayed to the user.
Return Value:
--*/ VOID pExcludeDrive ( IN PTSTR Drive, IN DWORD MsgId OPTIONAL ) { PCTSTR excludedDriveGroup = NULL; PCTSTR excludedDriveArgs[2]; PCTSTR excludeString = NULL;
if (MsgId) { //
// Fill in the argument array for the excluded drive component string.
excludedDriveArgs[0] = Drive; excludedDriveArgs[1] = NULL;
excludedDriveGroup = BuildMessageGroup ( MSG_INSTALL_NOTES_ROOT, MsgId, Drive );
if (excludedDriveGroup) { //
// Report to the user that this drive will not be accessible during migration.
MsgMgr_ObjectMsg_Add( Drive, excludedDriveGroup, S_EMPTY );
FreeText (excludedDriveGroup); } } //
// Note it in the debug log as well.
DEBUGMSG(( DBG_ACCESSIBLE_DRIVES, "The Drive %s will be excluded from migration.\n\tReason: %s", Drive, S_EMPTY ));
// Now, add the drive to the excluded paths.
excludeString = JoinPaths(Drive,TEXT("*")); ExcludePath(g_ExclusionValue,excludeString); FreePathString(excludeString);
BOOL pGetAccessibleDrives ( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine is the private worker routine that attempts to build in the list of accessible drives. It searches through all drive strings returned through GetLogicalDriveStrings() and applies various tests to them to determine wether they are accessible or not. Accessible drives are added to the list of accessible drives while non-accessible drives are excluded from migration.
Return Value:
TRUE if the list was successfully built, FALSE otherwise.
--*/ { BOOL rSuccess = TRUE; TCHAR drivesString[MAX_DRIVE_STRING]; PTSTR curDrive; DWORD rc; TCHAR volumeName[MAX_VOLUME_NAME]; TCHAR systemNameBuffer[MAX_FILE_SYSTEM_NAME]; DWORD volumeSerialNumber; DWORD maximumComponentLength; DWORD fileSystemFlags; BOOL remoteDrive; BOOL substitutedDrive; DWORD driveType; UINT Count; UINT u; MULTISZ_ENUM e;
// Add user-supplied drives to the list
if (g_ConfigOptions.ReportOnly) { if (EnumFirstMultiSz (&e, g_ConfigOptions.ScanDrives)) { do { curDrive = (PTSTR) e.CurrentString;
if (_istalpha(*curDrive) && *(curDrive + 1) == TEXT(':')) { pAddAccessibleDrive (curDrive); } } while (EnumNextMultiSz (&e)); } }
// Get the list of drives on the system.
rc = GetLogicalDriveStrings(MAX_DRIVE_STRING,drivesString);
if (rc == 0 || rc > MAX_DRIVE_STRING) { LOG((LOG_ERROR,"Could not build list of accessible drives. GetLogicalDriveStrings failed.")); rSuccess = FALSE; } else {
for (curDrive = drivesString;*curDrive;curDrive = GetEndOfString (curDrive) + 1) {
if (!SafeModeActionCrashed (SAFEMODEID_DRIVE, curDrive)) {
SafeModeRegisterAction(SAFEMODEID_DRIVE, curDrive);
__try {
// Test cancel
if (*g_CancelFlagPtr) { __leave; }
// ensure that the drive is not excluded in the exclude.inf.
if (IsDriveExcluded (curDrive)) { pExcludeDrive(curDrive,MSG_DRIVE_EXCLUDED_SUBGROUP); __leave; }
if (!GetVolumeInformation ( curDrive, volumeName, MAX_VOLUME_NAME, &volumeSerialNumber, &maximumComponentLength, &fileSystemFlags, systemNameBuffer, MAX_FILE_SYSTEM_NAME )) {
pExcludeDrive(curDrive,0); __leave; }
// GetVolumeInformation succeeded, now, determine if this drive will be accessible.
// Skip drives that are compressed
if (fileSystemFlags & FS_VOL_IS_COMPRESSED) { pExcludeDrive(curDrive, MSG_DRIVE_INACCESSIBLE_SUBGROUP); __leave; }
driveType = GetDriveType(curDrive);
OurSetDriveType (toupper(_mbsnextc(curDrive)), driveType);
// Skip cdroms.
if (driveType == DRIVE_CDROM) { //
// Is this drive the same as a local source drive?
Count = SOURCEDIRECTORYCOUNT(); for (u = 0 ; u < Count ; u++) { if (_tcsnextc (SOURCEDIRECTORY(u)) == (CHARTYPE) curDrive) { break; } }
if (u == Count) { pExcludeDrive(curDrive,0); }
__leave; }
// Skip ramdisks.
if (driveType == DRIVE_RAMDISK) { pExcludeDrive(curDrive,MSG_DRIVE_RAM_SUBGROUP); __leave; }
// Skip any drive that does not begin "<alpha>:" (i.e. UNC drives.)
if (*curDrive == TEXT('\\') || !_istalpha(*curDrive) || *(curDrive + 1) != TEXT(':')) {
pExcludeDrive(curDrive,MSG_DRIVE_INACCESSIBLE_SUBGROUP); __leave; }
// Skip floppy drives.
if (IsFloppyDrive(toupper(*curDrive) - TEXT('A') + 1)) { __leave; }
// Skip drive if it is substituted or remote.
if (!IsDriveRemoteOrSubstituted( toupper(*curDrive) - TEXT('A') + 1, &remoteDrive, &substitutedDrive )) {
// Special cases: ignore floppy drives and boot drive
if (ISPC98()) { if (IsFloppyDrive(toupper(*curDrive) - TEXT('A') + 1)) { __leave; } if (toupper (*curDrive) == g_BootDriveLetter) { __leave; } } else { if (toupper (*curDrive) == TEXT('A') || toupper (*curDrive) == TEXT('C') ) { __leave; } }
pExcludeDrive(curDrive,MSG_DRIVE_INACCESSIBLE_SUBGROUP); __leave; }
if (remoteDrive) { pExcludeDrive(curDrive,MSG_DRIVE_NETWORK_SUBGROUP); __leave; }
if (substitutedDrive) { pExcludeDrive(curDrive,MSG_DRIVE_SUBST_SUBGROUP); __leave; }
// If we have gotten to this point, then this drive is accessible. Add it to our list.
if (!pAddAccessibleDrive(curDrive)) { pExcludeDrive(curDrive,MSG_DRIVE_INACCESSIBLE_SUBGROUP); }
} __finally { }
} else {
if (*g_CancelFlagPtr) { rSuccess = FALSE; DEBUGMSG((DBG_VERBOSE, "Cancel flag is set. Accessible drives not initialized.")); break; } } }
return rSuccess; }
BOOL InitAccessibleDrives ( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
Init accessible drives is responsible for building the list of accessible drives and for determining the amount of free space on them.
Return Value:
TRUE if initialization succeeded, FALSE otherwise.
BOOL rSuccess = TRUE;
// Zero out the accessible drive structure.
ZeroMemory(&g_AccessibleDrives, sizeof(ACCESSIBLE_DRIVES));
// Initialize our pool memory.
g_DrivePool = PoolMemInitNamedPool ("Drive Pool");
// Disable tracking on this pool.
PoolMemDisableTracking (g_DrivePool);
// Build the exclusion list.
if (!pBuildInitialExclusionsList()) { rSuccess = FALSE; LOG ((LOG_ERROR, (PCSTR)MSG_ERROR_UNEXPECTED_ACCESSIBLE_DRIVES)); }
// Get the list of accessible drives.
} else if(g_AccessibleDrives.Count == 0) {
// If there are no accessible drives, then, we fail, except that we will allow
// the NOFEAR option to disable this--in the checked build.
#ifdef DEBUG
if (!g_ConfigOptions.NoFear) { #endif DEBUG
rSuccess = FALSE; #ifdef DEBUG
} #endif
#ifdef DEBUG
// Dump the accessible drive list to the log if this is the debug version.
else { ACCESSIBLE_DRIVE_ENUM e; if (GetFirstAccessibleDrive(&e)) { do { DEBUGMSG(( DBG_ACCESSIBLE_DRIVES, "Drive %s has %I64u free space. %s", e->Drive, e->UsableSpace, ((DWORD) (toupper(*(e->Drive)) - TEXT('A')) == *g_LocalSourceDrive) ? "This is the LS drive." : "" )); } while (GetNextAccessibleDrive(&e)); } } #endif
return rSuccess; }
VOID CleanUpAccessibleDrives ( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
CleanUpAccessibleDrives is a simple clean up routine.
Return Value:
--*/ { //
// Nothing to do except clean up our pool memory.
if (g_DrivePool) { PoolMemDestroyPool(g_DrivePool); }
FreeStringResource (g_NotEnoughSpaceMessage); g_NotEnoughSpaceMessage = NULL; }
Routine Description:
GetFirstAccessibleDriveEx and GetNextAccessibleDrive are the two enumerator routines for the list of accessible drives.
AccessibleDriveEnum - Recieves an updated ACCESSIBLE_DRIVE_ENUM structure containing the information for the current drive in the enumeration.
Return Value:
TRUE if the enumeration operation succeeded (i.e. there are more drives to enumerate) FALSE otherwise.
--*/ BOOL GetFirstAccessibleDriveEx ( OUT PACCESSIBLE_DRIVE_ENUM AccessibleDriveEnum, IN BOOL SystemDriveOnly )
{ *AccessibleDriveEnum = g_AccessibleDrives.Head; if (!*AccessibleDriveEnum) { return FALSE; }
(*AccessibleDriveEnum)->EnumSystemDriveOnly = SystemDriveOnly; if (!SystemDriveOnly || (*AccessibleDriveEnum)->SystemDrive) { return TRUE; } return GetNextAccessibleDrive (AccessibleDriveEnum); }
BOOL GetNextAccessibleDrive ( IN OUT PACCESSIBLE_DRIVE_ENUM AccessibleDriveEnum ) { BOOL bEnumSystemDriveOnly; while (*AccessibleDriveEnum) { bEnumSystemDriveOnly = (*AccessibleDriveEnum)->EnumSystemDriveOnly; *AccessibleDriveEnum = (*AccessibleDriveEnum) -> Next; if (*AccessibleDriveEnum) { (*AccessibleDriveEnum)->EnumSystemDriveOnly = bEnumSystemDriveOnly; if (!bEnumSystemDriveOnly || (*AccessibleDriveEnum)->SystemDrive) { break; } } }
return *AccessibleDriveEnum != NULL; }
BOOL IsDriveAccessible ( IN PCTSTR DriveString ) /*++
Routine Description:
IsDriveAccessible tests wether the provided drive is in the accessible list. Note that only the first three characters of the DriveString will be used to determine if the drive is accessible so a complete path can be passed into this routine. (Thus determining wether that path is on an accessible drive.)
DriveString - Contains the root path of the drive in question. May contain extra information also, Only the first three characters are relevant.
Return Value:
TRUE if the drive is in the accessible drives list, FALSE otherwise.
return pFindDrive(DriveString,&e); }
UINT QueryClusterSize ( IN PCTSTR DriveString ) /*++
Routine Description:
QueryClusterSize returns the cluster size for a particular drive.
DriveString - Contains the root path of the drive in question. May contain extra information also, Only the first three characters are relevant.
Return Value:
a UINT value representing the cluster size for this drive.
if (pFindDrive(DriveString,&e)) { cSize = e -> ClusterSize; } ELSE_DEBUGMSG((DBG_ACCESSIBLE_DRIVES,"QueryClusterSize: %s is not in the list of accessible drives.",DriveString));
return cSize; }
LONGLONG QuerySpace ( IN PCTSTR DriveString ) /*++
Routine Description:
QuerySpace returns the number of bytes available on a particular drive. Note that this number may be different than that returned by a call to GetDiskFreeSpace.
The value returned by this function will include any space committed by setup but not actually used yet.
DriveString - Contains the root path of the drive in question. May contain extra information also, Only the first three characters are relevant.
Return Value:
a LONGLONG value representing the number of bytes available for use. It will return 0 if asked to QuerySpace for a non-accessible drive.
if (pFindDrive(DriveString,&e)) { rSpace = e -> UsableSpace; } ELSE_DEBUGMSG((DBG_ACCESSIBLE_DRIVES,"QuerySpace: %s is not in the list of accessible drives.",DriveString));
return rSpace; }
BOOL FreeSpace ( IN PCTSTR DriveString, IN LONGLONG SpaceToUse )
Routine Description:
The FreeSpace function allows the caller to tag some number of bytes on a drive as free even though they do not plan to free that space immediately. The number of bytes thus tagged will be added to the amount available on that drive.
DriveString - Contains the root path of the drive in question. May contain extra information also, Only the first three characters are relevant.
SpaceToUse - Contains the number of bytes to tag for use.
Return Value:
TRUE if the space was successfully tagged, FALSE otherwise. The function will return FALSE if asked to tag space on a non-accessible drive.
--*/ {
if (pFindDrive(DriveString,&e)) {
e -> UsableSpace += pRoundToNearestCluster (SpaceToUse, e -> ClusterSize); e->MaxUsableSpace = max (e->MaxUsableSpace, e -> UsableSpace); } else { rSuccess = FALSE; DEBUGMSG((DBG_ACCESSIBLE_DRIVES,"UseSpace: %s is not in the list of accessible drives.",DriveString)); }
return rSuccess; }
BOOL UseSpace ( IN PCTSTR DriveString, IN LONGLONG SpaceToUse )
Routine Description:
The UseSpace function allows the caller to tag some number of bytes on a drive for use even though they do not plan to use that space immediately. The number of bytes thus tagged will be subtracted from the amount available on that drive.
DriveString - Contains the root path of the drive in question. May contain extra information also, Only the first three characters are relevant.
SpaceToUse - Contains the number of bytes to tag for use.
Return Value:
TRUE if the space was successfully tagged, FALSE otherwise. The function will return FALSE if asked to tag space on a non-accessible drive or on an accessible drive that does not have enough space remaining.
if (pFindDrive(DriveString,&e)) {
if (SpaceToUse > e -> UsableSpace) {
rSuccess = FALSE; DEBUGMSG(( DBG_ACCESSIBLE_DRIVES, "UseSpace: Not Enough space on drive %s to handle request. Need %u bytes, have %u bytes.", DriveString, (UINT) SpaceToUse, (UINT) e->UsableSpace )); }
e -> UsableSpace -= pRoundToNearestCluster (SpaceToUse, e -> ClusterSize);
} else { rSuccess = FALSE; DEBUGMSG((DBG_ACCESSIBLE_DRIVES,"UseSpace: %s is not in the list of accessible drives.",DriveString)); }
return rSuccess; }
PCTSTR FindSpace ( IN LONGLONG SpaceNeeded ) /*++
Routine Description:
FindSpace will attempt to find a drive with enough space to hold the requested number of bytes using a 'FirstFit' algorithm -- It will search sequentially through the list of drives returning the first such drive with enough space.
SpaceNeeded - Contains the number of bytes required.
Return Value:
NULL if no accessible drive has enough space remaining, otherwise a buffer containing the root directory of a drive that can handle the request.
if (GetFirstAccessibleDrive(&e)) { do { if (e->UsableSpace >= SpaceNeeded) { rDrive = e->Drive; break; } } while (GetNextAccessibleDrive(&e)); }
return rDrive; }
VOID OutOfSpaceMessage ( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine Logs a generic OutOfSpace message. A caller should use this message only if there is no other message that would convey more information.
Return Value:
BOOL OurSetDriveType ( IN UINT Drive, IN UINT DriveType ) { INT localDrive;
localDrive = Drive - 'A'; if ((localDrive >= 0) && (localDrive < MAX_NUM_DRIVES)) { g_DriveTypes [localDrive] = DriveType; return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
UINT OurGetDriveType ( IN UINT Drive ) { INT localDrive;
localDrive = Drive - 'A'; if ((localDrive >= 0) && (localDrive < MAX_NUM_DRIVES)) { return g_DriveTypes [localDrive]; } return 0; }
VOID pGenerateLackOfSpaceMessage ( IN BOOL AddToReport ) { TCHAR mbString[20]; TCHAR lsSpaceString[20]; TCHAR altMbString[20]; TCHAR backupMbString[20]; TCHAR drive[20]; BOOL lsOnWinDirDrive; UINT driveCount = 0; ACCESSIBLE_DRIVE_ENUM drives; UINT msgId; PCTSTR args[5]; PCTSTR group; PCTSTR message;
// The user does not have enough space to continue. Let him know about it.
wsprintf (mbString, TEXT("%d"), (g_OriginalDiskSpace + (QuerySpace (g_WinDir) * -1)) / (1024*1024)); wsprintf (lsSpaceString, TEXT("%d"), *g_LocalSourceSpace / (1024*1024)); wsprintf (altMbString, TEXT("%d"), ((QuerySpace (g_WinDir) * -1) - *g_LocalSourceSpace + g_OriginalDiskSpace) / (1024*1024)); wsprintf (backupMbString, TEXT("%d"), g_SpaceNeededForSlowBackup.LowPart / (1024*1024));
g_NotEnoughDiskSpace = TRUE;
drive[0] = (TCHAR) _totupper ((CHARTYPE) g_WinDir[0]); drive[1] = TEXT(':'); drive[2] = TEXT('\\'); drive[3] = 0;
args[0] = drive; args[1] = mbString; args[2] = lsSpaceString; args[3] = altMbString; args[4] = backupMbString;
lsOnWinDirDrive = ((DWORD)(toupper(*g_WinDir) - TEXT('A'))) == *g_LocalSourceDrive;
if (GetFirstAccessibleDrive (&drives)) { do { driveCount++; } while (GetNextAccessibleDrive (&drives)); }
// If the local source is still stuck on the windir drive, that means we couldn't find a
// drive where it would fit. If the user has more than one drive, and it would make a difference,
// let them know that they can copy
if (lsOnWinDirDrive && driveCount > 1) { if ((QuerySpace (g_WinDir) * -1) < *g_LocalSourceSpace) { if (g_ConfigOptions.EnableBackup != TRISTATE_NO && (UNATTENDED() || REPORTONLY()) && g_ConfigOptions.PathForBackup && g_ConfigOptions.PathForBackup[0]) { msgId = MSG_NOT_ENOUGH_DISK_SPACE_WITH_LOCALSOURCE_AND_BACKUP; } else { msgId = MSG_NOT_ENOUGH_DISK_SPACE_WITH_LOCALSOURCE; } } else { if (g_ConfigOptions.EnableBackup != TRISTATE_NO && (UNATTENDED() || REPORTONLY()) && g_ConfigOptions.PathForBackup && g_ConfigOptions.PathForBackup[0]) { msgId = MSG_NOT_ENOUGH_DISK_SPACE_WITH_LOCALSOURCE_AND_WINDIR_AND_BACKUP; } else { msgId = MSG_NOT_ENOUGH_DISK_SPACE_WITH_LOCALSOURCE_AND_WINDIR; } } } else { if (g_ConfigOptions.EnableBackup != TRISTATE_NO && (UNATTENDED() || REPORTONLY()) && g_ConfigOptions.PathForBackup && g_ConfigOptions.PathForBackup[0]) { msgId = MSG_NOT_ENOUGH_DISK_SPACE_WITH_BACKUP; } else { msgId = MSG_NOT_ENOUGH_DISK_SPACE; } }
// Add to upgrade report.
FreeStringResource (g_NotEnoughSpaceMessage); g_NotEnoughSpaceMessage = ParseMessageID (msgId, args);
if (AddToReport) { group = BuildMessageGroup (MSG_BLOCKING_ITEMS_ROOT, MSG_NOT_ENOUGH_DISKSPACE_SUBGROUP, NULL); if (group && g_NotEnoughSpaceMessage) { MsgMgr_ObjectMsg_Add (TEXT("*DiskSpace"), group, g_NotEnoughSpaceMessage); } FreeText (group); }
return; }
VOID pDetermineSpaceUsagePreReport ( VOID ) { LONGLONG bytes; ALL_FILEOPS_ENUM e; HANDLE h; PTSTR p; BOOL enoughSpace = TRUE; TCHAR drive[20]; LONG totalSpaceSaved = 0; WIN32_FIND_DATA fd; ACCESSIBLE_DRIVE_ENUM drives; DWORD SectorsPerCluster; DWORD BytesPerSector; ULARGE_INTEGER FreeClusters = {0, 0}; ULARGE_INTEGER TotalClusters = {0, 0}; UINT driveCount = 0; BOOL lsOnWinDirDrive = FALSE; DWORD count = 0; PCTSTR fileString; ACCESSIBLE_DRIVE_ENUM driveAccessibleEnum; UINT backupImageSpace = 0; PCTSTR backupImagePath = NULL; PCTSTR args[3]; PCTSTR group; PCTSTR message;
g_NotEnoughDiskSpace = FALSE;
// First, take out the amount of space that the ~ls directory will use.
drive[0] = ((CHAR) *g_LocalSourceDrive) + TEXT('A'); drive[1] = TEXT(':'); drive[2] = TEXT('\\'); drive[3] = 0;
DEBUGMSG ((DBG_VERBOSE, "Using space for ~ls")); UseSpace (drive, *g_LocalSourceSpace);
TickProgressBar ();
// Compute size of files to be deleted that aren't being moved.
if (EnumFirstFileOp (&e, OPERATION_FILE_DELETE, NULL)) {
do {
h = FindFirstFile (e.Path, &fd);
if (h == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { DEBUGMSG((DBG_WARNING, "DetermineSpaceUsage: Could not open %s. (%u)", e.Path, GetLastError())); continue; }
bytes = ((LONGLONG) fd.nFileSizeHigh << 32) | (LONGLONG) fd.nFileSizeLow;
FindClose (h);
totalSpaceSaved += (LONG) bytes;
FreeSpace (e.Path, bytes);
count++; if (!(count % 128)) { TickProgressBar (); } } while (EnumNextFileOp (&e)); } ELSE_DEBUGMSG ((DBG_WARNING, "No files marked for deletion!"));
// Add in the space that the windir will grow by.
// (This information was gathered earlier by winnt32.)
DEBUGMSG ((DBG_VERBOSE, "Using space for windir")); UseSpace (g_WinDir, *g_WinDirSpace);
StringCopy (drive, g_WinDir); p = _tcschr (drive, TEXT('\\')); if (p) { p = _tcsinc(p); *p = 0; }
// Add in the backup image size
if(UNATTENDED() || REPORTONLY()){ if (g_ConfigOptions.EnableBackup != TRISTATE_NO && g_ConfigOptions.PathForBackup && g_ConfigOptions.PathForBackup[0]) { backupImagePath = g_ConfigOptions.PathForBackup;
backupImageSpace = g_SpaceNeededForSlowBackup.LowPart; MYASSERT (backupImageSpace);
DEBUGMSG ((DBG_VERBOSE, "Using space for backup")); UseSpace (backupImagePath, backupImageSpace); } }
lsOnWinDirDrive = ((DWORD)(toupper(*g_WinDir) - TEXT('A'))) == *g_LocalSourceDrive;
// Check to see if we can move the ~ls if there isn't enough space.
enoughSpace = QuerySpace (g_WinDir) > 0;
if (!enoughSpace && lsOnWinDirDrive) {
DEBUGMSG ((DBG_VERBOSE, "Trying to find new home for ~ls"));
if (GetFirstAccessibleDrive (&drives)) {
do {
// If it isn't the windir drive, and it has enough space, use it!
if (QuerySpace (drives->Drive) > *g_LocalSourceSpace) {
*g_LocalSourceDrive = (DWORD) (toupper(*drives->Drive) - TEXT('A')); FreeSpace (g_WinDir, *g_LocalSourceSpace); UseSpace (drives->Drive, *g_LocalSourceSpace);
enoughSpace = QuerySpace (g_WinDir) > 0;
DEBUGMSG ((DBG_WARNING, "Moving the local source drive from %c to %c.", *g_WinDir, *drives->Drive)); break; }
} while (GetNextAccessibleDrive (&drives)); } }
// Undo the space reserved for the backup image. The upcoming
// wizard pages will update space use.
if (backupImagePath) { DEBUGMSG ((DBG_VERBOSE, "Removing backup space")); FreeSpace (backupImagePath, backupImageSpace); enoughSpace = QuerySpace (g_WinDir) > 0; }
// Get the amount of diskspace currently used (real use) on the drive.
// we'll need this to figure out how much the user has cleaned up.
if (GetDiskFreeSpaceNew ( drive, &SectorsPerCluster, &BytesPerSector, &FreeClusters, &TotalClusters )) {
// Initialize our count of the usable space for this drive.
g_OriginalDiskSpace = (LONGLONG) SectorsPerCluster * (LONGLONG) BytesPerSector * FreeClusters.QuadPart; }
// We should have a fairly accurate description of the space needed by NT at this time.
if (!enoughSpace) {
pGenerateLackOfSpaceMessage (TRUE);
if (pFindDrive(g_WinDir, &driveAccessibleEnum)) { g_SpaceNeededForUpgrade.QuadPart = driveAccessibleEnum->MaxUsableSpace - driveAccessibleEnum->UsableSpace; }
// This is a good place to add the "not enough ram" message if necessary.
if (*g_RamNeeded && *g_RamAvailable) {
TCHAR mbAvail[20]; TCHAR mbNeeded[20]; TCHAR mbMore[20];
wsprintf (mbAvail, TEXT("%d"), *g_RamAvailable); wsprintf (mbNeeded, TEXT("%d"), *g_RamNeeded); wsprintf (mbMore, TEXT("%d"), *g_RamNeeded - *g_RamAvailable);
args[0] = mbNeeded; args[1] = mbAvail; args[2] = mbMore;
group = BuildMessageGroup (MSG_BLOCKING_ITEMS_ROOT, MSG_NOT_ENOUGH_RAM_SUBGROUP, NULL); message = ParseMessageID (MSG_NOT_ENOUGH_RAM, args);
if (message && group) { MsgMgr_ObjectMsg_Add (TEXT("*Ram"), group, message); }
FreeText (group); FreeStringResource (message); }
return; }
VOID DetermineSpaceUsagePostReport ( VOID ) { DWORD SectorsPerCluster; DWORD BytesPerSector; ULARGE_INTEGER FreeClusters = {0, 0}; ULARGE_INTEGER TotalClusters = {0, 0}; LONGLONG curSpace; TCHAR drive[20]; PTSTR p;
StringCopy (drive, g_WinDir); p = _tcschr (drive, TEXT('\\')); if (p) { p = _tcsinc(p); *p = 0; } //
// Get the amount of diskspace currently used (real use) on the drive.
// we'll need this to figure out how much the user has cleaned up.
if (g_NotEnoughDiskSpace && GetDiskFreeSpaceNew ( drive, &SectorsPerCluster, &BytesPerSector, &FreeClusters, &TotalClusters )) {
curSpace = (LONGLONG) SectorsPerCluster * (LONGLONG) BytesPerSector * FreeClusters.QuadPart;
// Mark the amount freed up as freed.
FreeSpace (g_WinDir, curSpace - g_OriginalDiskSpace); g_OriginalDiskSpace = curSpace;
if (QuerySpace (g_WinDir) > 0) {
// User freed up enough disk space.
g_NotEnoughDiskSpace = FALSE;
} else {
pGenerateLackOfSpaceMessage (FALSE); } }
PCTSTR GetNotEnoughSpaceMessage ( VOID ) {
return g_NotEnoughSpaceMessage; }
BOOL GetUninstallMetrics ( OUT PINT OutCompressionFactor, OPTIONAL OUT PINT OutBootCabImagePadding, OPTIONAL OUT PINT OutBackupDiskPadding OPTIONAL ) { INFSTRUCT is = INITINFSTRUCT_GROWBUFFER; PCTSTR parametersName[] = { S_COMPRESSIONFACTOR, S_BOOTCABIMAGEPADDING, S_BACKUPDISKSPACEPADDING }; PINT parametersValue[] = {OutCompressionFactor, OutBootCabImagePadding, OutBackupDiskPadding}; BOOL result = FALSE; PCTSTR data; INT i;
// Read all of the disk space metrics from win95upg.inf
for (i = 0 ; i < ARRAYSIZE(parametersName) ; i++) {
if(!parametersValue[i]){ continue; }
*(parametersValue[i]) = 0;
if (InfFindFirstLine (g_Win95UpgInf, S_UNINSTALL_DISKSPACEESTIMATION, parametersName[i], &is)) { data = InfGetStringField (&is, 1);
if (data) { *(parametersValue[i]) = _ttoi(data); result = TRUE; } } }
InfCleanUpInfStruct (&is);
return result; }
DWORD ComputeBackupLayout ( IN DWORD Request ) { PCTSTR fileString; INT compressionFactor; // % of compression * 100
INT bootCabImagePadding; ULARGE_INTEGER spaceNeededForFastBackupClusterAligned;
if (Request == REQUEST_QUERYTICKS) { if (g_ConfigOptions.EnableBackup == TRISTATE_NO) { return 0; }
if (g_ConfigOptions.EnableBackup == TRISTATE_NO) { return ERROR_SUCCESS; }
// Create the backup file lists. The output will provide disk
// space info for use by DetermineSpaceUse.
fileString = JoinPaths (g_TempDir, TEXT("uninstall")); CreateDirectory (fileString, NULL);
GetUninstallMetrics (&compressionFactor, &bootCabImagePadding, NULL);
spaceNeededForFastBackupClusterAligned.QuadPart = 0;
WriteBackupFilesA ( TRUE, g_TempDir, &g_SpaceNeededForSlowBackup, &g_SpaceNeededForFastBackup, compressionFactor, bootCabImagePadding, NULL, &spaceNeededForFastBackupClusterAligned );
spaceNeededForFastBackupClusterAligned.QuadPart >>= 20; spaceNeededForFastBackupClusterAligned.LowPart += 1; MemDbSetValueEx ( MEMDB_CATEGORY_STATE, MEMDB_ITEM_ROLLBACK_SPACE, NULL, NULL, spaceNeededForFastBackupClusterAligned.LowPart, NULL );
DEBUGMSG ((DBG_VERBOSE, "Space aligned by cluster needed for fast backup: %u MB", spaceNeededForFastBackupClusterAligned.LowPart)); LOG ((LOG_INFORMATION, "Win95UpgDiskSpace: Space needed for upgrade without backup: %uMB", g_SpaceNeededForUpgrade.QuadPart>>20)); LOG ((LOG_INFORMATION, "Win95UpgDiskSpace: Space needed for backup with compression: %uMB", g_SpaceNeededForSlowBackup.QuadPart>>20)); LOG ((LOG_INFORMATION, "Win95UpgDiskSpace: Space needed for backup without compression: %uMB", g_SpaceNeededForFastBackup.QuadPart>>20));
FreePathString (fileString);
DWORD DetermineSpaceUsage ( IN DWORD Request ) { if (Request == REQUEST_QUERYTICKS) { return TICKS_SPACECHECK; }