Copyright (C) 2000 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This compatibility dll is used by winnt32.exe in order to decide whether the installation process should be aborted because of FT sets present in the system.
Cristian Teodorescu (cristiat) 6-July-2000 Environment:
compatibility dll for winnt32.exe
Revision History:
#include <initguid.h>
#include <winnt32.h>
#include <ntddft.h>
#include <ntddft2.h>
#include "ftcomp.h"
#include "ftcomprc.h"
HINSTANCE g_hinst; WCHAR g_FTCOMP50_ERROR_HTML_FILE[] = L"compdata\\ftcomp1.htm"; WCHAR g_FTCOMP50_ERROR_TEXT_FILE[] = L"compdata\\ftcomp1.txt"; WCHAR g_FTCOMP40_ERROR_HTML_FILE[] = L"compdata\\ftcomp2.htm"; WCHAR g_FTCOMP40_ERROR_TEXT_FILE[] = L"compdata\\ftcomp2.txt"; WCHAR g_FTCOMP40_WARNING_HTML_FILE[] = L"compdata\\ftcomp3.htm"; WCHAR g_FTCOMP40_WARNING_TEXT_FILE[] = L"compdata\\ftcomp3.txt";
extern "C" BOOL WINAPI DllMain( HINSTANCE hInstance, DWORD dwReasonForCall, LPVOID lpReserved ) { BOOL status = TRUE; switch( dwReasonForCall ) { case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: g_hinst = hInstance; DisableThreadLibraryCalls(hInstance); break;
return status; }
BOOL WINAPI FtCompatibilityCheckError( IN PCOMPAIBILITYCALLBACK CompatibilityCallback, IN LPVOID Context )
Routine Description:
This routine is called by winnt32.exe in order to decide whether the installation process should be aborted because of FT sets present in a Windows 2000 system or later. It also aborts the installation on NT 4.0 systems if the boot/system/pagefile volumes are FT sets
CompatibilityCallback - Supplies the winnt32 callback
Context - Supplies the compatibility context
Return Value:
FALSE if the installation can continue TRUE if the installation must be aborted
{ OSVERSIONINFO osvi; BOOL ftPresent; BOOL result; COMPATIBILITY_ENTRY ce; WCHAR description[100]; osvi.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO); if (!GetVersionEx(&osvi)) { return FALSE; }
if (osvi.dwPlatformId != VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT || osvi.dwMajorVersion < 4) { return FALSE; }
if (osvi.dwMajorVersion == 4) {
// On NT 4.0 look for boot/system/pagefile FT sets
result = FtBootSystemPagefilePresent40(&ftPresent);
} else {
// On Windows 2000 or later look for any FT sets.
result = FtPresent50(&ftPresent); } if (result && !ftPresent) {
// The setup can continue.
return FALSE; } //
// FT sets are present in the system or a fatal error occured.
// Queue the incompatibility error
ZeroMemory((PVOID) &ce, sizeof(COMPATIBILITY_ENTRY)); if (osvi.dwMajorVersion == 4) { if (!LoadString(g_hinst, FTCOMP_STR_ERROR40_DESCRIPTION, description, 100)) { description[0] = 0; } ce.HtmlName = g_FTCOMP40_ERROR_HTML_FILE; ce.TextName = g_FTCOMP40_ERROR_TEXT_FILE; } else { if (!LoadString(g_hinst, FTCOMP_STR_ERROR50_DESCRIPTION, description, 100)) { description[0] = 0; } ce.HtmlName = g_FTCOMP50_ERROR_HTML_FILE; ce.TextName = g_FTCOMP50_ERROR_TEXT_FILE; } ce.Description = description; ce.RegKeyName = NULL; ce.RegValName = NULL; ce.RegValDataSize = 0; ce.RegValData = NULL; ce.SaveValue = NULL; ce.Flags = 0; CompatibilityCallback(&ce, Context);
return TRUE; }
BOOL WINAPI FtCompatibilityCheckWarning( IN PCOMPAIBILITYCALLBACK CompatibilityCallback, IN LPVOID Context )
Routine Description:
This routine is called by winnt32.exe in order to decide whether the user should be warned about the presence of FT sets in a Windows NT 4.0 system Arguments:
CompatibilityCallback - Supplies the winnt32 callback
Context - Supplies the compatibility context
Return Value:
FALSE if the installation can continue TRUE if the installation must be aborted
{ OSVERSIONINFO osvi; BOOL ftPresent; BOOL result; COMPATIBILITY_ENTRY ce; WCHAR description[100]; //
// This function is supposed to work only on Windows NT 4.0
osvi.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO); if (!GetVersionEx(&osvi)) { return FALSE; }
if (osvi.dwPlatformId != VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT || osvi.dwMajorVersion != 4) { return FALSE; } result = FtPresent40(&ftPresent); if (result && !ftPresent) {
// No FT sets are present in the system. The setup can continue.
return FALSE; }
// FT sets are present in the system or a fatal error occured.
// Queue the incompatibility warning
if (!LoadString(g_hinst, FTCOMP_STR_WARNING40_DESCRIPTION, description, 100)) { description[0] = 0; }
ZeroMemory((PVOID) &ce, sizeof(COMPATIBILITY_ENTRY)); ce.Description = description; ce.HtmlName = g_FTCOMP40_WARNING_HTML_FILE; ce.TextName = g_FTCOMP40_WARNING_TEXT_FILE; ce.RegKeyName = NULL; ce.RegValName = NULL; ce.RegValDataSize = 0; ce.RegValData = NULL; ce.SaveValue = NULL; ce.Flags = 0; CompatibilityCallback(&ce, Context);
return TRUE; }
BOOL FtPresent50( PBOOL FtPresent )
Routine Description:
This routine looks for FT volumes on a Window 2000 or later system.
FtPresent - is set to true if FT sets are detected in the system
Return Value:
TRUE if the function is successful FALSE if some fatal error occured
{ HANDLE handle; FT_ENUMERATE_LOGICAL_DISKS_OUTPUT output; BOOL result; DWORD bytes; *FtPresent = FALSE;
handle = CreateFile(L"\\\\.\\FtControl", GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_DELETE | FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE); if (handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { return FALSE; } memset(&output, 0, sizeof(output)); result = DeviceIoControl(handle, FT_ENUMERATE_LOGICAL_DISKS, NULL, 0, &output, sizeof(output), &bytes, NULL); CloseHandle(handle);
if (!result && GetLastError() != ERROR_MORE_DATA) { return FALSE; } if (output.NumberOfRootLogicalDisks > 0) { *FtPresent = TRUE; }
return TRUE; }
BOOL FtPresent40( PBOOL FtPresent )
Routine Description:
This routine looks for NTFT partitions on a Window NT 4.0 system
FtPresent - is set to true if FT sets are detected in the system
Return Value:
TRUE if the function is successful FALSE if some fatal error occured
{ HKEY hkey; DWORD registrySize; PDISK_CONFIG_HEADER registry; PDISK_REGISTRY diskRegistry; ULONG i; WCHAR devicePath[50]; NTSTATUS status; HANDLE hdev;
*FtPresent = FALSE;
// Get the ftdisk database from registry.
// Key: HKLM\System\Disk
// Value: Information
if (RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, L"System\\Disk", 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hkey) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return TRUE; }
if (RegQueryValueEx(hkey, L"Information", NULL, NULL, NULL, ®istrySize) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { RegCloseKey(hkey); return TRUE; } registry = (PDISK_CONFIG_HEADER) LocalAlloc(0, registrySize); if (!registry) { RegCloseKey(hkey); return FALSE; } if (RegQueryValueEx(hkey, L"Information", NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE) registry, ®istrySize) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { LocalFree(registry); RegCloseKey(hkey); return TRUE; }
// If no FT volume info is present in the registry database we are done
if (registry->FtInformationSize == 0) { LocalFree(registry); return TRUE; }
diskRegistry = (PDISK_REGISTRY) ((PUCHAR) registry + registry->DiskInformationOffset); //
// Enumerate all disks present in the system by opening \Device\HarddiskX\Partition0
// in sequence starting with disk 0. Stop when getting STATUS_OBJECT_PATH_NOT_FOUND
for (i = 0;; i++) { //
// Open the device
swprintf(devicePath, L"\\Device\\Harddisk%lu\\Partition0", i); status = OpenDevice(devicePath, &hdev); if (status == STATUS_OBJECT_PATH_NOT_FOUND) { break; }
if (!NT_SUCCESS(status) || hdev == NULL || hdev == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { // inaccessible device
continue; }
// Look for FT partitions on disk
if (!FtPresentOnDisk40(hdev, diskRegistry, FtPresent)) { CloseHandle(hdev); return FALSE; } CloseHandle(hdev);
if (*FtPresent) { break; } }
LocalFree(registry); return TRUE; }
BOOL FtBootSystemPagefilePresent40( PBOOL FtPresent )
Routine Description:
This routine looks for FT sets that are boot/system/pagefile volumes on a NT 4.0 system
FtPresent - is set to true if boot/system/pagefile FT sets are detected in the system
Return Value:
TRUE if the function is successful FALSE if some fatal error occured
{ HKEY hkey; DWORD registrySize; PDISK_CONFIG_HEADER registry; PDISK_REGISTRY diskRegistry; WCHAR buffer[MAX_PATH + 1]; NTSTATUS status; UCHAR genericBuffer[0x10000]; PSYSTEM_PAGEFILE_INFORMATION pageFileInfo; PWCHAR p; WCHAR bootDL = 0, systemDL = 0; WCHAR dl;
*FtPresent = FALSE;
// Get the ftdisk database from registry.
// Key: HKLM\System\Disk
// Value: Information
if (RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, L"System\\Disk", 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hkey) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return TRUE; }
if (RegQueryValueEx(hkey, L"Information", NULL, NULL, NULL, ®istrySize) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { RegCloseKey(hkey); return TRUE; } registry = (PDISK_CONFIG_HEADER) LocalAlloc(0, registrySize); if (!registry) { RegCloseKey(hkey); return FALSE; } if (RegQueryValueEx(hkey, L"Information", NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE) registry, ®istrySize) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { LocalFree(registry); RegCloseKey(hkey); return TRUE; }
// If no FT volume info is present in the registry database we are done
if (registry->FtInformationSize == 0) { LocalFree(registry); return TRUE; }
diskRegistry = (PDISK_REGISTRY) ((PUCHAR) registry + registry->DiskInformationOffset);
// Check the boot volume
if (!GetSystemDirectory(buffer, MAX_PATH)) { goto system; }
if (buffer[1] != L':') { goto system; } bootDL = (WCHAR) tolower(buffer[0]); if (IsFtSet40(bootDL, diskRegistry)) { *FtPresent = TRUE; goto exit; }
system: //
// Check the system volume
if (RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, L"System\\Setup", 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hkey) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { goto paging; }
registrySize = MAX_PATH * sizeof(WCHAR); if (RegQueryValueEx(hkey, L"SystemPartition", NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE) buffer, ®istrySize) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { RegCloseKey(hkey); goto paging; }
RegCloseKey(hkey); if (!GetDeviceDriveLetter(buffer, &systemDL)) { goto paging; }
systemDL = (WCHAR) tolower(systemDL); if (systemDL == bootDL) { // already checked this drive letter
goto paging; } if (IsFtSet40(systemDL, diskRegistry)) { *FtPresent = TRUE; goto exit; } paging: //
// Check the paging volumes
if (!NT_SUCCESS(NtQuerySystemInformation( SystemPageFileInformation, genericBuffer, sizeof(genericBuffer), NULL))) { goto exit; }
pageFileInfo = (PSYSTEM_PAGEFILE_INFORMATION) genericBuffer;
while (TRUE) {
// Since the format of the pagefile name generally
// looks something like "\DosDevices\x:\pagefile.sys",
// just use the first character before the column
// and assume that's the drive letter.
for (p = pageFileInfo->PageFileName.Buffer; p < pageFileInfo->PageFileName.Buffer + pageFileInfo->PageFileName.Length && *p != L':'; p++); if (p < pageFileInfo->PageFileName.Buffer + pageFileInfo->PageFileName.Length && p > pageFileInfo->PageFileName.Buffer) {
p--; dl = (WCHAR) tolower(*p); if (dl >= L'a' && dl <= L'z') {
// Found the drive letter of a paging volume
if (dl != bootDL && dl != systemDL) { if (IsFtSet40(dl, diskRegistry)) { *FtPresent = TRUE; goto exit; } } } }
if (!pageFileInfo->NextEntryOffset) { break; }
pageFileInfo = (PSYSTEM_PAGEFILE_INFORMATION)((PCHAR) pageFileInfo + pageFileInfo->NextEntryOffset); }
exit: LocalFree(registry); return TRUE; }
NTSTATUS OpenDevice( PWSTR DeviceName, PHANDLE Handle )
Routine Description:
This routine opens a device for read
DeviceName - supplies the device name
Handle - returns a handle to the open device
Return Value:
{ OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES oa; NTSTATUS status; IO_STATUS_BLOCK statusBlock; UNICODE_STRING unicodeName; int i; status = RtlCreateUnicodeString(&unicodeName, DeviceName); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { return status; }
memset(&statusBlock, 0, sizeof(IO_STATUS_BLOCK)); memset(&oa, 0, sizeof(OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES)); oa.Length = sizeof(OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES); oa.ObjectName = &unicodeName; oa.Attributes = OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE;
// If a sharing violation occurs, retry it for
// max. 10 seconds
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { status = NtOpenFile(Handle, SYNCHRONIZE | GENERIC_READ, &oa, &statusBlock, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, FILE_SYNCHRONOUS_IO_ALERT); if (status == STATUS_SHARING_VIOLATION) { Sleep(2000); } else { break; } }
RtlFreeUnicodeString(&unicodeName); return status; }
PDISK_PARTITION FindPartitionInRegistry40( PDISK_REGISTRY DiskRegistry, ULONG Signature, LONGLONG Offset )
Routine Description:
This routine looks for a gicen partition into the NT 4.0 ftdisk registry database
DiskRegistry - supplies the ftdisk registry database
Signature - supplies the signature of the disk where the partition resides
Offset - supplies the offset of the partition
Return Value:
The partition structure in the registry database. NULL if the partition is not there.
{ PDISK_DESCRIPTION diskDescription; USHORT i, j; PDISK_PARTITION diskPartition; LONGLONG tmp;
diskDescription = &DiskRegistry->Disks[0]; for (i = 0; i < DiskRegistry->NumberOfDisks; i++) { if (diskDescription->Signature == Signature) { for (j = 0; j < diskDescription->NumberOfPartitions; j++) { diskPartition = &diskDescription->Partitions[j]; memcpy(&tmp, &diskPartition->StartingOffset.QuadPart, sizeof(LONGLONG)); if (tmp == Offset) { return diskPartition; } } }
diskDescription = (PDISK_DESCRIPTION) &diskDescription-> Partitions[diskDescription->NumberOfPartitions]; }
return NULL; }
BOOL FtPresentOnDisk40( HANDLE Handle, PDISK_REGISTRY DiskRegistry, PBOOL FtPresent )
Routine Description:
This routine looks for FT partitions on a disk
Handle - supplies a handle to the open disk
DiskRegistry - supplies the ftdisk registry database
FtPresent - is set to true if FT partitions are detected on the disk
Return Value:
TRUE if the function is successful FALSE if some fatal error occured
// Allocate memory for IOCTL_GET_DRIVE_LAYOUT
layoutSize = FIELD_OFFSET(DRIVE_LAYOUT_INFORMATION, PartitionEntry) + 32 * sizeof(PARTITION_INFORMATION); layout = (PDRIVE_LAYOUT_INFORMATION) LocalAlloc(0, layoutSize); if (!layout) { return FALSE; } //
// Read the drive layout
while (1) {
status = NtDeviceIoControlFile(Handle, 0, NULL, NULL, &statusBlock, IOCTL_DISK_GET_DRIVE_LAYOUT, NULL, 0, layout, layoutSize); if (status != STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL) { break; } layoutSize += 32 * sizeof(PARTITION_INFORMATION); if (layout) { LocalFree(layout); } layout = (PDRIVE_LAYOUT_INFORMATION) LocalAlloc(0, layoutSize); if (!layout) { return FALSE; } }
if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { // inaccessible device. Act like it has no FT volumes
LocalFree(layout); return TRUE; }
// Look for FT partitions
for (i = 0; i < layout->PartitionCount; i++) { //
// We're looking after recognized partitions marked
// with the 0x80 flag
partInfo = &(layout->PartitionEntry[i]); if (!IsFTPartition(partInfo->PartitionType)) { continue; } //
// Check whether the partition is marked as a member
// of an FT volume in the registry database
diskPartition = FindPartitionInRegistry40( DiskRegistry, layout->Signature, partInfo->StartingOffset.QuadPart); if (!diskPartition) { continue; } if (diskPartition->FtType != NotAnFtMember) { *FtPresent = TRUE; break; } }
LocalFree(layout); return TRUE; }
BOOL IsFtSet40( WCHAR DriveLetter, PDISK_REGISTRY DiskRegistry )
Routine Description:
This routine cheks whether the given drive letter belongs to an FT set
DriveLetter - supplies a drive letter
DiskRegistry - supplies the ftdisk registry database
Return Value:
TRUE if the function is the drive letter belongs to an FT set
{ HANDLE handle; NTSTATUS status; WCHAR deviceName[20]; PARTITION_INFORMATION partInfo; BOOL b; DWORD bytes; PDISK_DESCRIPTION diskDescription; PDISK_PARTITION diskPartition; USHORT i, j;
// Open the volume and get its "partition" type
// If the NTFT flag is not set the volume is not an FT set
wsprintf(deviceName, L"\\DosDevices\\%c:", DriveLetter); status = OpenDevice(deviceName, &handle); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { return FALSE; }
b = DeviceIoControl(handle, IOCTL_DISK_GET_PARTITION_INFO, NULL, 0, &partInfo, sizeof(partInfo), &bytes, NULL); CloseHandle(handle);
if (!b) { return FALSE; } if (!IsFTPartition(partInfo.PartitionType)) { return FALSE; }
// Look for the drive letter in the FT registry. See if it belongs
// to an FT set
diskDescription = &DiskRegistry->Disks[0]; for (i = 0; i < DiskRegistry->NumberOfDisks; i++) { for (j = 0; j < diskDescription->NumberOfPartitions; j++) { diskPartition = &diskDescription->Partitions[j]; if (diskPartition->AssignDriveLetter && tolower(diskPartition->DriveLetter) == tolower(DriveLetter) && diskPartition->FtType != NotAnFtMember) { return TRUE; } } diskDescription = (PDISK_DESCRIPTION) &diskDescription-> Partitions[diskDescription->NumberOfPartitions]; } return FALSE; }
BOOL GetDeviceDriveLetter( PWSTR DeviceName, PWCHAR DriveLetter )
Routine Description:
This routine returns the drive letter (if any) of a device given the device name (like \Device\HarddiskVolume1)
DeviceName - supplies the device name
DriveLetter - returns the drive letter
Return Value:
TRUE if the device has a drive letter
{ DWORD cch; WCHAR dosDevices[4096]; WCHAR target[4096]; PWCHAR dosDevice;
*DriveLetter = 0;
if (!QueryDosDevice(NULL, dosDevices, 4096)) { return FALSE; } dosDevice = dosDevices; while (*dosDevice) {
if (wcslen(dosDevice) == 2 && dosDevice[1] == L':' && QueryDosDevice(dosDevice, target, 4096)) {
if (!wcscmp(target, DeviceName)) { *DriveLetter = (WCHAR) tolower(dosDevice[0]); return TRUE; } }
while (*dosDevice++); }
return FALSE; }