Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation 1997-1999 All rights reserved
// UTILS.CPP - Common non-class specific utility calls.
#include "pch.h"
#include <dsgetdc.h>
#include <lm.h>
#include "cenumsif.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include <dsadmin.h>
#define FILTER_GUID_QUERY L"(&(objectClass=computer)(netbootGUID=%ws))"
WCHAR g_wszLDAPPrefix[] = L"LDAP://"; const LONG SIZEOF_g_wszLDAPPrefix = sizeof(g_wszLDAPPrefix);
// AddPagesEx()
// Creates and adds a property page.
HRESULT AddPagesEx( ITab ** pTab, LPCREATEINST pfnCreateInstance, LPFNADDPROPSHEETPAGE lpfnAddPage, LPARAM lParam, LPUNKNOWN punk ) { TraceFunc( "AddPagesEx( ... )\n" );
HRESULT hr = S_OK; ITab * lpv;
if ( pTab == NULL ) { pTab = &lpv; }
*pTab = (LPTAB) pfnCreateInstance( ); if ( !*pTab ) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto Error; }
hr = THR( (*pTab)->AddPages( lpfnAddPage, lParam, punk ) ); if (hr) goto Error;
Cleanup: RETURN(hr);
Error: if ( *pTab ) { delete *pTab; *pTab = NULL; }
goto Cleanup; }
// CheckClipboardFormats( )
HRESULT CheckClipboardFormats( ) { TraceFunc( "CheckClipboardFormats( )\n" );
if ( !g_cfDsObjectNames && hr == S_OK ) { g_cfDsObjectNames = RegisterClipboardFormat( CFSTR_DSOBJECTNAMES ); if ( !g_cfDsObjectNames ) { hr = E_FAIL; } }
if ( !g_cfDsDisplaySpecOptions && hr == S_OK ) { g_cfDsDisplaySpecOptions = RegisterClipboardFormat( CFSTR_DS_DISPLAY_SPEC_OPTIONS ); if ( !g_cfDsDisplaySpecOptions ) { hr = E_FAIL; } }
if ( !g_cfDsPropetyPageInfo && hr == S_OK ) { g_cfDsPropetyPageInfo = RegisterClipboardFormat( CFSTR_DSPROPERTYPAGEINFO ); if ( !g_cfDsObjectNames ) { hr = E_FAIL; } }
if ( !g_cfMMCGetNodeType && hr == S_OK ) { g_cfMMCGetNodeType = RegisterClipboardFormat( CCF_NODETYPE ); if ( !g_cfMMCGetNodeType ) { hr = E_FAIL; } }
RETURN(hr); }
// DNtoFQDN( )
// Changes a MAO DN to and FQDN.
// Input: pszDN - string e.g cn=HP,cn=computers,dc=GPEASE,dc=DOM
// Output: *pszFQDN - LocalAlloc'ed string with the generated FQDN
HRESULT DNtoFQDN( LPWSTR pszDN, LPWSTR * pszFQDN ) { TraceFunc( "DNtoFQDN( " ); TraceMsg( TF_FUNC, "pszDN = '%s', *pszFQDN = 0x%08x )\n", pszDN, (pszFQDN ? *pszFQDN : NULL) );
HRESULT hr = S_OK; LPWSTR pszNext;
// skip the "cn=" and duplicate
*pszFQDN = (LPWSTR) TraceStrDup( &pszDN[3] ); if ( !*pszFQDN ) { hr = THR(E_OUTOFMEMORY); goto Error; }
pszNext = *pszFQDN; while ( pszNext && *pszNext ) { LPWSTR psz;
psz = StrChr( pszNext, L',' ); if ( !psz ) break;
*psz = L'.'; pszNext = psz; pszNext++;
psz = StrStrI( pszNext, L"dc=" ); Assert( psz ); // this shouldn't happen
if (!psz) break;
psz += 3; StrCpy( pszNext, psz ); }
Error: HRETURN(hr); }
// PopulateListView( )
HRESULT PopulateListView( HWND hwndList, IEnumIMSIFs * penum ) { TraceFunc( "PopulateListView( ... )\n" );
HRESULT hr = S_OK; INT iCount; LV_ITEM lvI;
if ( !penum ) HRETURN(E_POINTER);
ListView_DeleteAllItems( hwndList );
iCount = 0; while ( hr == S_OK ) { WIN32_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DATA fda; WCHAR szBuf[ MAX_PATH ]; LPSIFINFO pSIF; LPWSTR pszFilePath; LPWSTR pszBegin; INT i; // general purpose
hr = penum->Next( 1, &pszFilePath, NULL ); if ( hr ) { if ( pszFilePath ) TraceFree( pszFilePath ); break; // abort
// Create private storage structure
pSIF = (LPSIFINFO) TraceAlloc( LPTR, sizeof(SIFINFO) ); if ( !pSIF ) { if ( pszFilePath ) TraceFree( pszFilePath ); continue; // oh well, try again next OS
// Save this
pSIF->pszFilePath = pszFilePath;
// Get the description
pSIF->pszDescription = (LPWSTR) TraceAllocString( LMEM_FIXED, REMOTE_INSTALL_MAX_DESCRIPTION_CHAR_COUNT ); if ( !pSIF->pszDescription ) goto Cleanup; GetPrivateProfileString( OSCHOOSER_SIF_SECTION, OSCHOOSER_DESCRIPTION_ENTRY, L"??", pSIF->pszDescription, REMOTE_INSTALL_MAX_DESCRIPTION_CHAR_COUNT, // doesn't need -1
pszFilePath );
// Grab any help text
pSIF->pszHelpText = (LPWSTR) TraceAllocString( LMEM_FIXED, REMOTE_INSTALL_MAX_HELPTEXT_CHAR_COUNT ); if ( !pSIF->pszHelpText ) goto Cleanup; GetPrivateProfileString( OSCHOOSER_SIF_SECTION, OSCHOOSER_HELPTEXT_ENTRY, L"", pSIF->pszHelpText, REMOTE_INSTALL_MAX_HELPTEXT_CHAR_COUNT, // doesn't need -1
pszFilePath );
// Grab the OS Version
pSIF->pszVersion= (LPWSTR) TraceAllocString( LMEM_FIXED, OSVERSION_SIZE ); if ( !pSIF->pszVersion ) goto Cleanup; GetPrivateProfileString( OSCHOOSER_SIF_SECTION, OSCHOOSER_VERSION_ENTRY, L"", pSIF->pszVersion, OSVERSION_SIZE, pszFilePath );
// Grab the last modified Time/Date stamp
if ( GetFileAttributesEx( pszFilePath, GetFileExInfoStandard, &fda ) ) { pSIF->ftLastWrite = fda.ftLastWriteTime; } else { ZeroMemory( &pSIF->ftLastWrite, sizeof(pSIF->ftLastWrite) ); }
// Figure out the language and architecture.
// These are retrieved from the FilePath.
// \\machine\REMINST\Setup\English\Images\nt50.wks\i386\templates\rbstndrd.sif
pszBegin = pSIF->pszFilePath; for( i = 0; i < 5; i ++ ) { pszBegin = StrChr( pszBegin, L'\\' ); if ( !pszBegin ) break; pszBegin++; } if ( pszBegin ) { LPWSTR pszEnd = StrChr( pszBegin, L'\\' ); if ( pszEnd ) { *pszEnd = L'\0'; // terminate
pSIF->pszLanguage = (LPWSTR) TraceStrDup( pszBegin ); *pszEnd = L'\\'; // restore
} }
for( ; i < 7; i ++ ) { pszBegin = StrChr( pszBegin, L'\\' ); if ( !pszBegin ) break; pszBegin++; } if ( pszBegin ) { LPWSTR pszEnd = StrChr( pszBegin, L'\\' ); if ( pszEnd ) { *pszEnd = L'\0'; pSIF->pszDirectory = (LPWSTR) TraceStrDup( pszBegin ); *pszEnd = L'\\'; } }
for( ; i < 8; i ++ ) { pszBegin = StrChr( pszBegin, L'\\' ); if ( !pszBegin ) break; pszBegin++; } if ( pszBegin ) { LPWSTR pszEnd = StrChr( pszBegin, L'\\' ); if ( pszEnd ) { *pszEnd = L'\0'; pSIF->pszArchitecture = (LPWSTR) TraceStrDup( pszBegin ); *pszEnd = L'\\'; } }
// Figure out what kind of image it is
pSIF->pszImageType = (LPWSTR) TraceAllocString( LMEM_FIXED, IMAGETYPE_SIZE ); if ( !pSIF->pszImageType ) goto Cleanup; GetPrivateProfileString( OSCHOOSER_SIF_SECTION, OSCHOOSER_IMAGETYPE_ENTRY, L"??", pSIF->pszImageType, IMAGETYPE_SIZE, pszFilePath );
// Figure out what image it uses
GetPrivateProfileString( OSCHOOSER_SIF_SECTION, OSCHOOSER_LAUNCHFILE_ENTRY, L"??", szBuf, ARRAYSIZE( szBuf ), pszFilePath );
pszBegin = StrRChr( szBuf, &szBuf[wcslen(szBuf)], L'\\' ); if ( pszBegin ) { pszBegin++; pSIF->pszImageFile = (LPWSTR) TraceStrDup( pszBegin ); }
// Add the item to list view
lvI.lParam = (LPARAM) pSIF; lvI.iItem = iCount; lvI.pszText = pSIF->pszDescription; iCount = ListView_InsertItem( hwndList, &lvI ); Assert( iCount != -1 ); if ( iCount == -1 ) goto Cleanup; if ( pSIF->pszArchitecture ) { ListView_SetItemText( hwndList, iCount, 1, pSIF->pszArchitecture ); } if ( pSIF->pszLanguage ) { ListView_SetItemText( hwndList, iCount, 2, pSIF->pszLanguage ); } if ( pSIF->pszVersion ) { ListView_SetItemText( hwndList, iCount, 3, pSIF->pszVersion ); }
continue; // next!
Cleanup: if ( pSIF ) { if (pSIF->pszDescription != NULL) { TraceFree( pSIF->pszDescription ); }
TraceFree( pSIF->pszFilePath );
if (pSIF->pszHelpText != NULL) { TraceFree( pSIF->pszHelpText ); }
if (pSIF->pszImageType != NULL) { TraceFree( pSIF->pszImageType ); }
TraceFree( pSIF->pszLanguage ); if (pSIF->pszVersion != NULL) { TraceFree( pSIF->pszVersion ); } TraceFree( pSIF->pszImageFile ); TraceFree( pSIF ); } }
HRETURN(hr); }
// LDAPPrefix( )
// Returns:
// E_OUTOFMEMORY - if out of memory
// S_OK - added LDAP:// to the pszObjDN
// S_FALSE - didn't have to add anything and copied the pszObjDN
// into ppszObjLDAPPath
HRESULT LDAPPrefix( PWSTR pszObjDN, PWSTR * ppszObjLDAPPath) { TraceFunc( "LDAPPrefix( ... )\n" );
const LONG cchPrefix = ARRAYSIZE(g_wszLDAPPrefix) - 1; LONG cch = wcslen(pszObjDN);
if (wcsncmp(pszObjDN, g_wszLDAPPrefix, cchPrefix)) { LPWSTR psz; psz = (LPWSTR) TraceAllocString( LPTR, cch + cchPrefix + 1 ); if ( !psz ) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto Error; }
wcscpy(psz, g_wszLDAPPrefix); wcscat(psz, pszObjDN);
*ppszObjLDAPPath = psz; hr = S_OK; } else { *ppszObjLDAPPath = pszObjDN; hr = S_FALSE; }
Error: HRETURN(hr); }
// Create a message box from resource strings.
int MessageBoxFromStrings( HWND hParent, UINT idsCaption, UINT idsText, UINT uType ) { TCHAR szText[ SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE * 2 ]; TCHAR szCaption[ SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE ]; DWORD dw;
szCaption[0] = TEXT('\0'); szText[0] = TEXT('\0'); dw = LoadString( g_hInstance, idsCaption, szCaption, ARRAYSIZE(szCaption) ); Assert( dw ); dw = LoadString( g_hInstance, idsText, szText, ARRAYSIZE(szText)); Assert( dw );
return MessageBox( hParent, szText, szCaption, uType ); }
// MessageBoxFromError( )
// Creates a error message box
void MessageBoxFromError( HWND hParent, UINT idsCaption, DWORD dwErr ) { WCHAR szTitle[ SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE ]; LPTSTR lpMsgBuf = NULL; DWORD dw;
if ( dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { AssertMsg( dwErr, "Why was MessageBoxFromError() called when the dwErr == ERROR_SUCCES?" ); return; }
if ( !idsCaption ) { idsCaption = IDS_ERROR; }
szTitle[0] = TEXT('\0'); dw = LoadString( g_hInstance, idsCaption, szTitle, ARRAYSIZE(szTitle) ); Assert( dw );
(LPTSTR) &lpMsgBuf, 0, NULL );
if (lpMsgBuf == NULL) { AssertMsg( (lpMsgBuf != NULL), "MessageBoxFromError() called with unknown message." ); return; }
MessageBox( hParent, lpMsgBuf, szTitle, MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR ); LocalFree( lpMsgBuf ); }
// MessageBoxFromError( )
// Creates a error message box
void MessageBoxFromHResult( HWND hParent, UINT idsCaption, HRESULT hr ) { WCHAR szTitle[ SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE ]; LPTSTR lpMsgBuf = NULL; DWORD dw;
if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { AssertMsg( SUCCEEDED( hr ), "Why was MessageBoxFromHResult() called when the HR succeeded?" ); return; }
if ( !idsCaption ) { idsCaption = IDS_ERROR; }
szTitle[0] = TEXT('\0'); dw = LoadString( g_hInstance, idsCaption, szTitle, ARRAYSIZE(szTitle) ); Assert( dw );
(LPTSTR) &lpMsgBuf, 0, NULL );
if (lpMsgBuf == NULL) { AssertMsg( (lpMsgBuf != NULL), "MessageBoxFromHResult() called with unknown message." ); return; }
MessageBox( hParent, lpMsgBuf, szTitle, MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR ); LocalFree( lpMsgBuf ); }
// VerifySIFText( )
BOOL VerifySIFText( LPWSTR pszText ) { TraceFunc( "VerifySIFText()\n" ); BOOL fReturn = FALSE;
if ( !pszText ) RETURN(fReturn);
while ( *pszText >= 32 && *pszText < 128 ) pszText++;
if ( *pszText == L'\0' ) { fReturn = TRUE; }
RETURN(fReturn); }
// Ldap_InitializeConnection( )
DWORD Ldap_InitializeConnection( PLDAP * LdapHandle ) { TraceFunc( "Ldap_InitializeConnection( ... )\n" );
PLDAPMessage OperationalAttributeLdapMessage; PLDAPMessage CurrentEntry;
*LdapHandle = ldap_init( NULL, 3268);
if ( !*LdapHandle ) { LdapError = LDAP_UNAVAILABLE; goto e0; }
ldap_set_option( *LdapHandle, LDAP_OPT_GETDSNAME_FLAGS, &temp );
temp = LDAP_VERSION3; ldap_set_option( *LdapHandle, LDAP_OPT_VERSION, &temp );
LdapError = ldap_connect( *LdapHandle, 0 );
if ( LdapError != LDAP_SUCCESS ) goto e1;
LdapError = ldap_bind_s( *LdapHandle, NULL, NULL, LDAP_AUTH_SSPI );
if ( LdapError != LDAP_SUCCESS ) goto e1; }
e0: RETURN( LdapError );
e1: ldap_unbind( *LdapHandle ); *LdapHandle = NULL; goto e0; }
// ValidateGuid( )
// Returns: S_OK if a complete, valid GUID is in pszGuid.
// S_FALSE if an valid but incomplete GUID is in pszGuid. "Valid but
// incomplete" is defined below.
// E_FAIL if an invalid character is encountered while parsing.
// Valid characters are 0-9, A-F, a-f and "{-}"s. All spaces are ignored.
// The GUID must appear in one of the following forms:
// 1. 00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff
// This corresponds to the actual in-memory storage order of a GUID.
// For example, it is the order in which GUID bytes appear in a
// network trace.
// 2. {33221100-5544-7766-8899-aabbccddeeff}
// This corresponds to the "standard" way of printing GUIDs. Note
// that the "pretty" GUID shown here is the same as the GUID shown
// above.
// Note that the DEFINE_GUID macro (see sdk\inc\objbase.h) for the above
// GUID would look like this:
// DEFINE_GUID(name,0x33221100,0x5544,0x7766,0x88,0x99,0xaa,0xbb,0xcc,0xdd,0xee,0xff)
// "Valid but incomplete" means that the input consists of an even number
// of hex characters (no lone nibbles), and if the input is in "pretty"
// format, the input must terminate at one of the dashes or after the
// second-to-the-last dash.
// The following are valid but incomplete entries:
// 001122
// {33221100
// {33221100-5544
// {33221100-5544-7766-88
// The following are invalid incomplete entries:
// 00112
// {332211
// {33221100-5544-77
// In the xxxGuidCharacters arrays, values [0,31] indicate nibble positions within
// the in-memory representation of the GUID. Value 32 indicates the end of the
// GUID string. Values 33 and up indicate special characters (nul,'-','{','}') and
// are used to index into an array containing those characters.
#define VG_DONE 32
#define VG_NULL 33
#define VG_DASH 34
#define VG_LBRACK 35
#define VG_RBRACK 36
CHAR InMemoryFormatGuidCharacters[] = { 1, 0, 3, 2, 5, 4, 7, 6, 9, 8, 11, 10, 13, 12, 15, 14, 17, 16, 19, 18, 21, 20, 23, 22, 25, 24, 27, 26, 29, 28, 31, 30, VG_NULL, VG_DONE };
CHAR PrettyFormatGuidCharacters[] = { VG_LBRACK, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, VG_DASH, 11, 10, 9, 8, VG_DASH, 15, 14, 13, 12, VG_DASH, 17, 16, 19, 18, VG_DASH, 21, 20, 23, 22, 25, 24, 27, 26, 29, 28, 31, 30, VG_RBRACK, VG_NULL, VG_DONE };
WCHAR SpecialCharacters[] = { 0, // VG_NULL
L'-', // VG_DASH
L'{', // VG_LBRACK
L'}', // VG_RBRACK
PWSTR ByteToHex = L"0123456789ABCDEF";
HRESULT ValidateGuid( IN LPWSTR pszGuid, OUT LPBYTE uGuid OPTIONAL, OUT LPDWORD puGuidLength OPTIONAL ) { TraceFunc( "ValidateGuid( " ); TraceMsg( TF_FUNC, "pszGuid = '%s'\n", pszGuid );
HRESULT hr; PCHAR expectedCharacter; CHAR e; WCHAR g; BOOL parsingPrettyFormat; DWORD numberOfHexDigitsParsed;
#ifdef DEBUG
if ( uGuid != NULL ) { for ( e = 0; e < 16; e++ ) { uGuid[e] = 0; } } #endif
if ( *pszGuid == L'{' ) { expectedCharacter = PrettyFormatGuidCharacters; parsingPrettyFormat = TRUE; } else { expectedCharacter = InMemoryFormatGuidCharacters; parsingPrettyFormat = FALSE; }
numberOfHexDigitsParsed = 0;
do {
e = *expectedCharacter++; do { g = *pszGuid++; } while (iswspace(g));
switch ( e ) { case VG_NULL: case VG_DASH: case VG_LBRACK: case VG_RBRACK: if ( g != SpecialCharacters[e - VG_NULL] ) { if ( g == 0 ) { // valid but incomplete
hr = S_FALSE; } else { hr = E_FAIL; } goto done; } break;
default: Assert( (e >= 0) && (e < VG_DONE) ); g = towlower( g ); if ( ((g >= L'0') && (g <= L'9')) || ((g >= L'a') && (g <= L'f')) ) { if ( uGuid != NULL ) { BYTE n = (BYTE)((g > L'9') ? (g - L'a' + 10) : (g - '0')); if ( e & 1 ) { Assert( uGuid[e/2] == 0 ); uGuid[e/2] = n << 4; } else { uGuid[e/2] += n; } } numberOfHexDigitsParsed++; } else { if ( (g == 0) && (!parsingPrettyFormat || (parsingPrettyFormat && (numberOfHexDigitsParsed >= 16))) ) { hr = S_FALSE; } else { hr = E_FAIL; } goto done; } break; }
} while ( *expectedCharacter != VG_DONE );
hr = S_OK;
if ( puGuidLength != NULL ) { *puGuidLength = numberOfHexDigitsParsed / 2; }
HRETURN(hr); }
// PrettyPrintGuid( )
LPWSTR PrettyPrintGuid( LPBYTE uGuid ) { TraceFunc( "PrettyPrintGuid( " );
LPWSTR pszPrettyString = (LPWSTR) TraceAlloc( LMEM_FIXED, PRETTY_GUID_STRING_BUFFER_SIZE ); if ( pszPrettyString ) { PCHAR characterType = PrettyFormatGuidCharacters; LPWSTR pszDest = pszPrettyString; CHAR ct; BYTE n;
do { ct = *characterType++; switch ( ct ) { case VG_NULL: case VG_DASH: case VG_LBRACK: case VG_RBRACK: *pszDest = SpecialCharacters[ct - VG_NULL]; break; default: if ( ct & 1 ) { n = uGuid[ct/2] >> 4; } else { n = uGuid[ct/2] & 0xf; } *pszDest = ByteToHex[n]; break; }
} while ( *characterType != VG_DONE ); }
RETURN(pszPrettyString); }
// CheckForDuplicateGuid( )
// Returns: S_OK if no duplicates found
// S_FALSE if a duplicate was found
// E_FAIL if the query failed
HRESULT CheckForDuplicateGuid( LPBYTE uGuid ) { TraceFunc( "CheckForDuplicateGuid( " );
HRESULT hr = S_OK; WCHAR szGuid[ MAX_INPUT_GUID_STRING * 2 ]; // room for escaped GUID
WCHAR szFilter[ARRAYSIZE(szGuid)+ARRAYSIZE(FILTER_GUID_QUERY)]; PLDAP LdapHandle = NULL; LPWSTR ComputerAttrs[2]; DWORD LdapError; DWORD count; PLDAPMessage LdapMessage; LdapError = Ldap_InitializeConnection( &LdapHandle ); Assert( LdapError == LDAP_SUCCESS ); if ( LdapError != LDAP_SUCCESS ) { hr = THR( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( LdapMapErrorToWin32( LdapError ) ) ); goto e0; }
ZeroMemory( szGuid, sizeof(szGuid) ); ldap_escape_filter_element( (PCHAR)uGuid, 16, szGuid, sizeof(szGuid) );
wsprintf( szFilter, FILTER_GUID_QUERY, szGuid ); DebugMsg( "Dup Guid Filter: %s\n", szFilter );
ComputerAttrs[0] = DISTINGUISHEDNAME; ComputerAttrs[1] = NULL;
LdapError = ldap_search_ext_s( LdapHandle, NULL, LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE, szFilter, ComputerAttrs, FALSE, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, &LdapMessage); Assert( LdapError == LDAP_SUCCESS ); if ( LdapError != LDAP_SUCCESS ) { hr = THR( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( LdapMapErrorToWin32( LdapError ) ) ); goto e1; }
count = ldap_count_entries( LdapHandle, LdapMessage ); if ( count != 0 ) { hr = S_FALSE; } else { hr = S_OK; }
ldap_msgfree( LdapMessage );
e1: ldap_unbind( LdapHandle );
e0: HRETURN(hr); }
// AddWizardPage( )
// Adds a page to the wizard.
void AddWizardPage( LPPROPSHEETHEADER ppsh, UINT id, DLGPROC pfn, UINT idTitle, UINT idSubtitle, LPARAM lParam ) { PROPSHEETPAGE psp; TCHAR szTitle[ SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE ]; TCHAR szSubTitle[ SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE ];
ZeroMemory( &psp, sizeof(psp) ); psp.dwSize = sizeof(psp); psp.dwFlags = PSP_DEFAULT | PSP_USETITLE; psp.pszTitle = MAKEINTRESOURCE( IDS_ADD_DOT_DOT_DOT ); psp.hInstance = ppsh->hInstance; psp.pszTemplate = MAKEINTRESOURCE(id); psp.pfnDlgProc = pfn; psp.lParam = lParam;
if ( idTitle ) { DWORD dw; dw = LoadString( g_hInstance, idTitle, szTitle, ARRAYSIZE(szTitle) ); Assert( dw ); psp.pszHeaderTitle = szTitle; psp.dwFlags |= PSP_USEHEADERTITLE; } else { psp.pszHeaderTitle = NULL; }
if ( idSubtitle ) { DWORD dw; dw = LoadString( g_hInstance, idSubtitle , szSubTitle, ARRAYSIZE(szSubTitle) ); Assert( dw ); psp.pszHeaderSubTitle = szSubTitle; psp.dwFlags |= PSP_USEHEADERSUBTITLE; } else { psp.pszHeaderSubTitle = NULL; } ppsh->phpage[ ppsh->nPages ] = CreatePropertySheetPage( &psp ); if ( ppsh->phpage[ ppsh->nPages ] ) ppsh->nPages++; }
// borrowed from shell\inc\shsemip.h
// unsafe macros
#define _ILSkip(pidl, cb) ((LPITEMIDLIST)(((BYTE*)(pidl))+cb))
#define _ILNext(pidl) _ILSkip(pidl, (pidl)->mkid.cb)
// BrowseForRIServersCallback( )
INT CALLBACK BrowseForRIServersCallback( HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, LPARAM lParam, LPARAM lpData ) { TraceFunc( "BrowseForRIServersCallback( ... )\n" );
if ( uMsg == BFFM_SELCHANGED ) { HRESULT hr; LPSHARE_INFO_1 psi; LPWSTR pszComputerName; WCHAR szStatusText[ 256 ]; // random
LPITEMIDLIST pidl = (LPITEMIDLIST) lParam; IShellFolder * psf = NULL; DWORD dw; SHORT cbTmp; STRRET strret;
dw = LoadString( g_hInstance, IDC_NOT_A_BINL_SERVER, szStatusText, ARRAYSIZE(szStatusText) ); Assert( dw );
if (!dw) { szStatusText[0] = '\0'; }
hr = THR( SHGetDesktopFolder( &psf ) ); if ( FAILED(hr) ) goto Error;
hr = THR( psf->GetDisplayNameOf( pidl, SHGDN_NORMAL | SHGDN_FORPARSING, &strret ) ); if ( FAILED(hr) ) goto Error;
switch( strret.uType ) { case STRRET_WSTR: pszComputerName = strret.pOleStr; break;
case STRRET_OFFSET: AssertMsg( 0, "I dunno if this is right!\n" ); pszComputerName = (LPWSTR) ((LPBYTE) pidl) + strret.uOffset; break;
case STRRET_CSTR: pszComputerName = (LPWSTR) &strret.cStr[0]; break; }
if ( pszComputerName[0] != L'\\' || pszComputerName[1] != L'\\' ) goto Error;
DebugMsg( "Checking Server: %s\n", pszComputerName );
if ( NERR_Success == NetShareGetInfo( &pszComputerName[2], REMINST_SHARE, 1, (LPBYTE *) &psi ) ) { szStatusText[0] = L'\0'; NetApiBufferFree( psi ); } Error: SendMessage(hwnd, BFFM_ENABLEOK, 0, (LPARAM)( szStatusText[0] == '\0' ) ); SendMessage(hwnd, BFFM_SETSTATUSTEXT, 0, (LPARAM) szStatusText ); }
RETURN(0); }