This is cleanri */ #include <windows.h>
#include <winldap.h>
#include <dsgetdc.h>
#define SECURITY_WIN32
#include <security.h>
#include "resource.h"
HINSTANCE g_hInstance = NULL;
#ifdef DBG
#define DebugOut OutputDebugString
#define DebugOut 1 ? (void)0 : (void)
#define ARRAYSIZE( array ) sizeof( array ) / sizeof(( array )[ 0 ] )
// Ldap_InitializeConnection( )
DWORD Ldap_InitializeConnection( PLDAP * LdapHandle ) { PLDAPMessage OperationalAttributeLdapMessage; PLDAPMessage CurrentEntry;
DebugOut( L"Initializing LDAP connection.\n" );
*LdapHandle = ldap_init( NULL, LDAP_PORT);
if ( !*LdapHandle ) { DebugOut( L"ldap_init() failed.\n" ); LdapError = LDAP_UNAVAILABLE; goto e0; }
ldap_set_option( *LdapHandle, LDAP_OPT_GETDSNAME_FLAGS, &temp );
temp = LDAP_VERSION3; ldap_set_option( *LdapHandle, LDAP_OPT_VERSION, &temp );
LdapError = ldap_connect( *LdapHandle, 0 ); if ( LdapError != LDAP_SUCCESS ) { DebugOut( L"ldap_connect() failed.\n" ); goto e1; }
LdapError = ldap_bind_s( *LdapHandle, NULL, NULL, LDAP_AUTH_SSPI ); if ( LdapError != LDAP_SUCCESS ) { DebugOut( L"ldap_bind_s() failed.\n" ); goto e1; } }
DebugOut( L"LDAP initialization succeeded.\n" );
e0: return LdapError;
e1: ldap_unbind( *LdapHandle ); *LdapHandle = NULL; goto e0; }
void ErrorMessage( ULONG LdapError ) { WCHAR szTmp[ 512 ]; WCHAR szText[ 512 ]; WCHAR szTitle[ 64 ];
LoadString( g_hInstance, IDS_UNABLE_TITLE, szTitle, ARRAYSIZE(szTitle) ); LoadString( g_hInstance, IDS_UNABLE_TEXT, szTmp, ARRAYSIZE(szTmp) );
wsprintf( szText, szTmp, LdapError );
MessageBox( NULL, szText, szTitle, MB_OK ); }
// WinMain()
int APIENTRY WinMain( HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow) { LPWSTR pszDN = NULL; LPWSTR *ppszDN = NULL; PLDAP LdapHandle = NULL; PLDAPMessage LdapMessage = NULL; int iErr = -1;
ULONG nSize; ULONG LdapError; LPWSTR pszAttributes[ 2 ]; DWORD dwCount; PLDAPMessage LdapCurrent;
g_hInstance = hInstance;
if ( !GetComputerObjectName( NameFullyQualifiedDN, NULL, &nSize ) ) { DebugOut( L"GetComputerObjectName() failed.\n" ); iErr = -2; goto Cleanup; } DebugOut( L"Got GetComputerObjectName() nSize.\n" );
pszDN = (LPWSTR) LocalAlloc( LMEM_FIXED, nSize * sizeof(WCHAR) ); if ( !pszDN ) { DebugOut( L"Out of memory.\n" ); iErr = -3; goto Cleanup; } DebugOut( L"Allocated memory.\n" );
if ( !GetComputerObjectName( NameFullyQualifiedDN, pszDN, &nSize ) ) { DebugOut( L"GetComputerObjectName() failed.\n" ); iErr = -4; goto Cleanup; } DebugOut( L"Got GetComputerObjectName().\n" ); DebugOut( L"Computer DN: " ); DebugOut( pszDN ); DebugOut( L"\n" );
if ( Ldap_InitializeConnection( &LdapHandle ) ) { DebugOut( L"Ldap failed to initialize.\n" ); iErr = -5; goto Cleanup; } DebugOut( L"Ldap initialized.\n" );
pszAttributes[0] = L"netbootSCPBL"; pszAttributes[1] = NULL;
TrySearchAgain: LdapError = ldap_search_ext_s( LdapHandle, pszDN, LDAP_SCOPE_BASE, L"objectClass=Computer", pszAttributes, FALSE, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, &LdapMessage ); switch( LdapError ) { case LDAP_SUCCESS: break;
case LDAP_BUSY: case LDAP_TIMEOUT: DebugOut( L"ldap_search_ext_s() failed. Trying again.\n" ); goto TrySearchAgain;
default: DebugOut( L"ldap_search_ext_s() failed. Displaying pop-up.\n" ); ErrorMessage( LdapError ); iErr = -6; goto Cleanup; } DebugOut( L"ldap_search_ext_s() succeeded.\n" );
dwCount = ldap_count_entries( LdapHandle, LdapMessage ); if ( dwCount == 0 ) { DebugOut( L"ldap_search_ext_s() returned a count of zero. Nothing to do.\n" ); iErr = -7; goto Cleanup; // NOP
} DebugOut( L"ldap_search_ext_s() found an SCP.\n" );
LdapCurrent = ldap_first_entry( LdapHandle, LdapMessage ); if ( !LdapCurrent ) { DebugOut( L"Couldn't retrieve the first entry. Aborting...\n" ); iErr = -8; goto Cleanup; }
ppszDN = ldap_get_values( LdapHandle, LdapCurrent, L"netbootSCPBL"); if ( !ppszDN ) { DebugOut( L"No DN to SCP. How did we did we get here then?\n" ); iErr = -9; goto Cleanup; } DebugOut( L"SCP DN: " ); DebugOut( *ppszDN ); DebugOut( L"\n" );
TryDeleteAgain: LdapError = ldap_delete_s( LdapHandle, *ppszDN ); switch ( LdapError ) { case LDAP_SUCCESS: break;
case LDAP_BUSY: case LDAP_TIMEOUT: DebugOut( L"ldap_delete_s() failed. Trying again.\n" ); goto TryDeleteAgain;
default: { LPWSTR pszExtendedError; DebugOut( L"ldap_delete_s() failed. Displaying pop-up.\n" );
ldap_get_option(LdapHandle, LDAP_OPT_SERVER_ERROR, (void *) &pszExtendedError); DebugOut( L"Extended Error: " ); DebugOut( pszExtendedError ); DebugOut( L"\n" );
ErrorMessage( LdapError ); iErr = -9; goto Cleanup; } }
DebugOut( L"SCP deletion succeeded.\n" ); iErr = ERROR_SUCCESS;
Cleanup: DebugOut( L"Cleaning up...\n" ); if ( ppszDN ) ldap_value_free( ppszDN );
if ( LdapMessage ) ldap_msgfree( LdapMessage );
if ( LdapHandle ) ldap_unbind( LdapHandle );
if ( pszDN ) LocalFree( pszDN );
return iErr; }
// stolen from the CRT, used to shrink our working set
int _stdcall ModuleEntry(void) { int i; STARTUPINFOA si; LPSTR pszCmdLine = GetCommandLineA();
if ( *pszCmdLine == '\"' ) { /*
* Scan, and skip over, subsequent characters until * another double-quote or a null is encountered. */ while ( *++pszCmdLine && (*pszCmdLine != '\"') ); /*
* If we stopped on a double-quote (usual case), skip * over it. */ if ( *pszCmdLine == '\"' ) pszCmdLine++; } else { while (*pszCmdLine > ' ') pszCmdLine++; }
* Skip past any white space preceeding the second token. */ while (*pszCmdLine && (*pszCmdLine <= ' ')) { pszCmdLine++; }
si.dwFlags = 0; GetStartupInfoA(&si);
i = WinMain(GetModuleHandle(NULL), NULL, pszCmdLine, si.dwFlags & STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW ? si.wShowWindow : SW_SHOWDEFAULT); ExitProcess(i); return i; // We never come here.