#include "pch.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include "compat.h"
BOOL pIsDomainController( IN PWSTR Server, OUT PBOOL DomainControllerFlag )
Routine Description:
Queries if the machine is a server or workstation via the NetServerGetInfo API.
Server - The machine to query, or NULL for the local machine
DomainControllerFlag - Receives TRUE if the machine is a domain controller, or FALSE if the machine is a workstation.
Return value:
TRUE if the API was successful, or FALSE if not. GetLastError gives failure code.
nas = NetServerGetInfo( Server, 101, // info-level
(PBYTE *) &si101 );
if (nas != NO_ERROR) { SetLastError (nas); return FALSE; }
if ((si101->sv101_type & SV_TYPE_DOMAIN_CTRL) || (si101->sv101_type & SV_TYPE_DOMAIN_BAKCTRL)) { //
// We are dealing with a DC
*DomainControllerFlag = TRUE; } else { *DomainControllerFlag = FALSE; }
NetApiBufferFree (si101);
return TRUE; }
BOOL DCCheck( PCOMPATIBILITYCALLBACK CompatibilityCallback, LPVOID Context )
Routine Description:
Check if the machine is a DC. If so, then we add a compatibility entry. DC's currently cannot be duplicated by RIPREP.
CompatibilityCallback - pointer to call back function Context - context pointer
Return Value:
Returns always TRUE.
{ BOOL IsDC; if (!pIsDomainController(NULL, &IsDC) || (IsDC == TRUE)) { RIPREP_COMPATIBILITY_ENTRY CompEntry; WCHAR Text[100]; LoadString(g_hinstance, IDS_CANT_BE_DC_TITLE, Text, ARRAYSIZE(Text)); ZeroMemory(&CompEntry, sizeof(CompEntry)); CompEntry.SizeOfStruct= sizeof(RIPREP_COMPATIBILITY_ENTRY); CompEntry.Description = Text; CompEntry.TextName = L"dummy.txt"; CompEntry.MsgResourceId = IDS_CANT_BE_DC_TEXT; CompatibilityCallback(&CompEntry,Context);
BOOL GetProfileDirectory( OUT PWSTR OutputBuffer ) /*++
Routine Description:
Retrieves the local profiles directory. We query the registry to retreive this.
OutputBuffer - buffer to receive the profiles directory. Assumed to be MAX_PATH elements large.
Return Value:
Returns TRUE on success.
--*/ { HKEY hKey; WCHAR Buffer[MAX_PATH],ProfilePath[MAX_PATH]; DWORD Type,Size; LONG rslt; BOOL retval = FALSE;
*OutputBuffer = NULL;
rslt = RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, L"Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\ProfileList", 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hKey);
if (rslt == NO_ERROR) { Size = sizeof(Buffer); rslt = RegQueryValueEx( hKey, L"ProfilesDirectory", NULL, &Type, (LPBYTE)Buffer, &Size);
if (rslt == NO_ERROR) { if (ExpandEnvironmentStrings(Buffer,ProfilePath,ARRAYSIZE(ProfilePath))) { wcscpy( OutputBuffer, ProfilePath ); retval = TRUE; } } }
BOOL MultipleProfileCheck( PCOMPATIBILITYCALLBACK CompatibilityCallback, LPVOID Context ) /*++
Routine Description:
Check if the machine has multiple user profiles. If so, add a compatibility entry. If the machine has multiple user profiles, we want to warn the user as there may be sensitive data under the profiles that may make it onto a public server.
CompatibilityCallback - pointer to call back function Context - context pointer
Return Value:
Returns TRUE.
--*/ { WCHAR ProfilePath[MAX_PATH]; WIN32_FIND_DATA FindData; DWORD DirectoryCount = 0; BOOL DoWarning = TRUE; if (GetProfileDirectory( ProfilePath )) { HANDLE hFind;
wcscat( ProfilePath, L"\\*.*" ); hFind =FindFirstFile(ProfilePath,&FindData); if (hFind != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { do { if (FindData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { DirectoryCount += 1; }
} while ( FindNextFile( hFind, &FindData));
FindClose( hFind ); } }
// if there are more than 5 directories, make a warning. These directories
// are:
// "."
// ".."
// "Administrator"
// "All Users"
// "Default User"
// "LocalService"
// "NetworkService"
if (DirectoryCount <= 7 && DirectoryCount != 0) { DoWarning = FALSE; }
if (DoWarning) { RIPREP_COMPATIBILITY_ENTRY CompEntry; WCHAR Text[100]; LoadString(g_hinstance, IDS_MULTIPLE_PROFILES, Text, ARRAYSIZE(Text)); ZeroMemory(&CompEntry, sizeof(CompEntry)); CompEntry.SizeOfStruct= sizeof(RIPREP_COMPATIBILITY_ENTRY); CompEntry.Description = Text; CompEntry.MsgResourceId = IDS_MULTIPLE_PROFILES_DESC; CompEntry.TextName = L"dummy.txt"; CompatibilityCallback(&CompEntry,Context); }
return(TRUE); }