Copyright (c) 1990 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module implements the _l and l compatability functions like _lread, lstrlen...
Mark Lucovsky (markl) 13-Mar-1991
Revision History:
#include "basedll.h"
int WINAPI _lopen( LPCSTR lpPathName, int iReadWrite ) {
HANDLE hFile; DWORD DesiredAccess; DWORD ShareMode; DWORD CreateDisposition;
SetLastError(0); //
// Compute Desired Access
if ( iReadWrite & OF_WRITE ) { DesiredAccess = GENERIC_WRITE; } else { DesiredAccess = GENERIC_READ; } if ( iReadWrite & OF_READWRITE ) { DesiredAccess |= (GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE); }
// Compute ShareMode
ShareMode = BasepOfShareToWin32Share((DWORD)iReadWrite);
CreateDisposition = OPEN_EXISTING;
// Open the file
hFile = CreateFile( lpPathName, DesiredAccess, ShareMode, NULL, CreateDisposition, 0, NULL );
return (HFILE)HandleToUlong(hFile); }
HFILE WINAPI _lcreat( LPCSTR lpPathName, int iAttribute ) { HANDLE hFile; DWORD DesiredAccess; DWORD ShareMode; DWORD CreateDisposition;
// Compute Desired Access
// Compute Create Disposition
CreateDisposition = CREATE_ALWAYS;
// Open the file
hFile = CreateFile( lpPathName, DesiredAccess, ShareMode, NULL, CreateDisposition, iAttribute & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_VALID_FLAGS, NULL );
return (HFILE)HandleToUlong(hFile); }
UINT WINAPI _lread( HFILE hFile, LPVOID lpBuffer, UINT uBytes ) { DWORD BytesRead; BOOL b;
b = ReadFile((HANDLE)IntToPtr(hFile),lpBuffer,(DWORD)uBytes,&BytesRead,NULL); if ( b ) { return BytesRead; } else { return (DWORD)0xffffffff; } }
UINT WINAPI _lwrite( HFILE hFile, LPCSTR lpBuffer, UINT uBytes ) { DWORD BytesWritten; BOOL b;
if ( uBytes ) { b = WriteFile((HANDLE)IntToPtr(hFile),(CONST VOID *)lpBuffer,(DWORD)uBytes,&BytesWritten,NULL); } else { BytesWritten = 0; b = SetEndOfFile((HANDLE)IntToPtr(hFile)); }
if ( b ) { return BytesWritten; } else { return (DWORD)0xffffffff; } }
HFILE WINAPI _lclose( HFILE hFile ) { BOOL b;
b = CloseHandle((HANDLE)IntToPtr(hFile)); if ( b ) { return (HFILE)0; } else { return (HFILE)-1; } }
LONG WINAPI _llseek( HFILE hFile, LONG lOffset, int iOrigin ) { DWORD SeekType;
switch ( iOrigin ) { case 0: SeekType = FILE_BEGIN; break; case 1: SeekType = FILE_CURRENT; break; case 2: SeekType = FILE_END; break; default: return -1; }
return (int)SetFilePointer((HANDLE)IntToPtr(hFile), lOffset, NULL, SeekType); }
#if defined(_AMD64_) || defined(_IA64_)
int WINAPI MulDiv ( int nNumber, int nNumerator, int nDenominator )
LONG Negate; union { LARGE_INTEGER Product; struct { ULONG Quotient; ULONG Remainder; }; } u;
// Compute the size of the result.
Negate = nNumber ^ nNumerator ^ nDenominator;
// Get the absolute value of the operand values.
if (nNumber < 0) { nNumber = - nNumber; }
if (nNumerator < 0) { nNumerator = - nNumerator; }
if (nDenominator < 0) { nDenominator = - nDenominator; }
// Compute the 64-bit product of the multiplier and multiplicand
// values and round.
u.Product.QuadPart = Int32x32To64(nNumber, nNumerator) + ((ULONG)nDenominator / 2);
// If there are any high order product bits, then the quotient has
// overflowed.
if ((ULONG)nDenominator > u.Remainder) {
// Divide the 64-bit product by the 32-bit divisor forming a 32-bit
// quotient and a 32-bit remainder.
u.Quotient = RtlEnlargedUnsignedDivide(*(PULARGE_INTEGER)&u.Product, (ULONG)nDenominator, &u.Remainder);
// Compute the final signed result.
if ((LONG)u.Quotient >= 0) { if (Negate >= 0) { return (LONG)u.Quotient;
} else { return - (LONG)u.Quotient; } } }
return - 1; }
int APIENTRY lstrcmpA( LPCSTR lpString1, LPCSTR lpString2 ) { int retval;
retval = CompareStringA( GetThreadLocale(), LOCALE_USE_CP_ACP, lpString1, -1, lpString2, -1 ); if (retval == 0) { //
// The caller is not expecting failure. Try the system
// default locale id.
retval = CompareStringA( GetSystemDefaultLCID(), LOCALE_USE_CP_ACP, lpString1, -1, lpString2, -1 ); }
if (retval == 0) { if (lpString1 && lpString2) { //
// The caller is not expecting failure. We've never had a
// failure indicator before. We'll do a best guess by calling
// the C runtimes to do a non-locale sensitive compare.
return strcmp(lpString1, lpString2); } else if (lpString1) { return (1); } else if (lpString2) { return (-1); } else { return (0); } }
return (retval - 2); }
int APIENTRY lstrcmpiA( LPCSTR lpString1, LPCSTR lpString2 ) { int retval;
retval = CompareStringA( GetThreadLocale(), LOCALE_USE_CP_ACP | NORM_IGNORECASE, lpString1, -1, lpString2, -1 ); if (retval == 0) { //
// The caller is not expecting failure. Try the system
// default locale id.
retval = CompareStringA( GetSystemDefaultLCID(), LOCALE_USE_CP_ACP | NORM_IGNORECASE, lpString1, -1, lpString2, -1 ); } if (retval == 0) { if (lpString1 && lpString2) { //
// The caller is not expecting failure. We've never had a
// failure indicator before. We'll do a best guess by calling
// the C runtimes to do a non-locale sensitive compare.
return ( _stricmp(lpString1, lpString2) ); } else if (lpString1) { return (1); } else if (lpString2) { return (-1); } else { return (0); } }
return (retval - 2); }
LPSTR APIENTRY lstrcpyA( LPSTR lpString1, LPCSTR lpString2 ) { __try { return strcpy(lpString1, lpString2); } __except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { return NULL; } }
LPSTR APIENTRY lstrcpynA( LPSTR lpString1, LPCSTR lpString2, int iMaxLength ) { LPSTR src,dst;
__try { src = (LPSTR)lpString2; dst = lpString1;
if ( iMaxLength ) { while(iMaxLength && *src){ *dst++ = *src++; iMaxLength--; } if ( iMaxLength ) { *dst = '\0'; } else { dst--; *dst = '\0'; } } } __except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { return NULL; }
return lpString1; }
LPSTR APIENTRY lstrcatA( LPSTR lpString1, LPCSTR lpString2 ) { __try { return strcat(lpString1, lpString2); } __except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { return NULL; } }
int APIENTRY lstrlenA( LPCSTR lpString ) { if (!lpString) return 0; __try { return strlen(lpString); } __except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { return 0; } }
int APIENTRY lstrcmpW( LPCWSTR lpString1, LPCWSTR lpString2 ) { int retval;
retval = CompareStringW( GetThreadLocale(), 0, lpString1, -1, lpString2, -1 ); if (retval == 0) { //
// The caller is not expecting failure. Try the system
// default locale id.
retval = CompareStringW( GetSystemDefaultLCID(), 0, lpString1, -1, lpString2, -1 ); } if (retval == 0) { if (lpString1 && lpString2) { //
// The caller is not expecting failure. We've never had a
// failure indicator before. We'll do a best guess by calling
// the C runtimes to do a non-locale sensitive compare.
return ( wcscmp(lpString1, lpString2) ); } else if (lpString1) { return (1); } else if (lpString2) { return (-1); } else { return (0); } }
return (retval - 2); }
int APIENTRY lstrcmpiW( LPCWSTR lpString1, LPCWSTR lpString2 ) { int retval;
retval = CompareStringW( GetThreadLocale(), NORM_IGNORECASE, lpString1, -1, lpString2, -1 ); if (retval == 0) { //
// The caller is not expecting failure. Try the system
// default locale id.
retval = CompareStringW( GetSystemDefaultLCID(), NORM_IGNORECASE, lpString1, -1, lpString2, -1 ); } if (retval == 0) { if (lpString1 && lpString2) { //
// The caller is not expecting failure. We've never had a
// failure indicator before. We'll do a best guess by calling
// the C runtimes to do a non-locale sensitive compare.
return ( _wcsicmp(lpString1, lpString2) ); } else if (lpString1) { return (1); } else if (lpString2) { return (-1); } else { return (0); } }
return (retval - 2); }
LPWSTR APIENTRY lstrcpyW( LPWSTR lpString1, LPCWSTR lpString2 ) { __try { return wcscpy(lpString1, lpString2); } __except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { return NULL; } }
LPWSTR APIENTRY lstrcpynW( LPWSTR lpString1, LPCWSTR lpString2, int iMaxLength ) { LPWSTR src,dst;
__try { src = (LPWSTR)lpString2; dst = lpString1;
if ( iMaxLength ) { while(iMaxLength && *src){ *dst++ = *src++; iMaxLength--; } if ( iMaxLength ) { *dst = '\0'; } else { dst--; *dst = '\0'; } } } __except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { return NULL; }
return lpString1; }
LPWSTR APIENTRY lstrcatW( LPWSTR lpString1, LPCWSTR lpString2 ) { __try { return wcscat(lpString1, lpString2); } __except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { return NULL; } }
int APIENTRY lstrlenW( LPCWSTR lpString ) { if (!lpString) return 0; __try { return wcslen(lpString); } __except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { return 0; } }