#include "stdinc.h"
HRESULT SxspExtractPathPieces( _bstr_t bstSourceName, _bstr_t &bstPath, _bstr_t &bstName ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
PCWSTR cwsOriginal = static_cast<PCWSTR>(bstSourceName); PWSTR cwsSlashSpot;
cwsSlashSpot = wcsrchr( cwsOriginal, L'\\' ); if ( cwsSlashSpot ) { *cwsSlashSpot = L'\0'; bstName = _bstr_t( cwsSlashSpot + 1 ); bstPath = cwsSlashSpot; } else { bstPath = L""; bstName = bstSourceName; }
return hr; }
HRESULT SxspSimplifyPutAttribute( ATL::CComPtr<IXMLDOMDocument> Document, ATL::CComPtr<IXMLDOMNamedNodeMap> Attributes, const string AttribName, const string Value, const string NamespaceURI ) { ATL::CComPtr<IXMLDOMNode> pAttribNode; ATL::CComPtr<IXMLDOMAttribute> pAttribActual; ATL::CComPtr<IXMLDOMNode> pTempNode; HRESULT hr;
// Get the attribute from our namespace
hr = Attributes->getQualifiedItem( _bstr_t(AttribName.c_str()), _bstr_t(NamespaceURI.c_str()), &pAttribNode);
if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { //
// If we had success, but the attribute node is null, then we have to
// go create one, which is tricky.
if ( pAttribNode == NULL ) { VARIANT vt; vt.vt = VT_INT; vt.intVal = NODE_ATTRIBUTE;
// Do the actual creation part
hr = Document->createNode( vt, _bstr_t(AttribName.c_str()), _bstr_t(NamespaceURI.c_str()), &pTempNode);
if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { stringstream ss; ss << "Can't create the new attribute node " << AttribName; ReportError( ErrorFatal, ss ); goto lblGetOut; }
// Now we go and put that item into the map.
if ( FAILED( hr = Attributes->setNamedItem( pTempNode, &pAttribNode ) ) ) goto lblGetOut; }
hr = pAttribNode->put_text( _bstr_t(Value.c_str()) ); }
lblGetOut: // SAFERELEASE( pAttribNode );
// SAFERELEASE( pTempNode );
return hr; }
HRESULT SxspSimplifyGetAttribute( ATL::CComPtr<IXMLDOMNamedNodeMap> Attributes, string AttribName, string &Destination, string NamespaceURI ) { ATL::CComPtr<IXMLDOMNode> NodeValue; HRESULT hr = S_OK; BSTR _bst_pretemp;
Destination = "";
if ( FAILED( hr = Attributes->getNamedItem( _bstr_t(AttribName.c_str()), // _bstr_t(NamespaceURI.c_str()),
&NodeValue ) ) ) { goto lblBopOut; } else if ( NodeValue == NULL ) { goto lblBopOut; } else { if ( FAILED( hr = NodeValue->get_text( &_bst_pretemp ) ) ) { goto lblBopOut; } Destination = (char*)_bstr_t(_bst_pretemp,FALSE); }
lblBopOut: return hr; }
ostream& operator<<( ostream& ost, const CPostbuildProcessListEntry& thing ) { ost << "(path=" << thing.manifestFullPath.c_str() << " name=" << thing.name.c_str() << " version=" << thing.version.c_str() << " language=" << thing.language.c_str() << ")"; return ost; }
bool g_bDisplaySpew = false, g_bDisplayWarnings = true;
bool FileExists( const string& str ) { return ( GetFileAttributesA( str.c_str() ) != -1 ); }
string JustifyPath( const string& str ) { vector<CHAR> vec; DWORD dwCount = GetLongPathNameA( str.c_str(), NULL, 0 );
if ( dwCount == 0 ) dwCount = ::GetLastError(); vec.resize( dwCount ); GetLongPathNameA( str.c_str(), &vec.front(), vec.size() );
return string( &vec.front() ); }
string FudgePath( const string& path, const string& asmsroot ) { string temp = path;
// At the moment, fudging doesn't do anything useful.
return temp; }
void CPostbuildProcessListEntry::setManifestLocation( string root, string where ) { manifestFullPath = root + "\\" + where; manifestPathOnly = manifestFullPath.substr( 0, manifestFullPath.find_last_of( '\\' ) ); manifestFileName = manifestFullPath.substr( manifestFullPath.find_last_of( '\\' ) + 1 );
if ( !FileExists( manifestFullPath ) ) { stringstream ss; ss << "Referenced manifest " << where << " does not exist."; ReportError(ErrorSpew, ss); } }
string g_AsmsBuildRootPath;
// Converts a series of strings, foo=bar chunklets, space-seperated, into a map
// from 'foo' to 'bar'
StringStringMap MapFromDefLine( const wstring& source ) { wstring::const_iterator here = source.begin(); StringStringMap rvalue;
// The tricky bit is that there could be spaces in quoted strings...
while ( here != source.end() ) { wstring tag, value; wchar_t end_of_value = L' '; wstring::const_iterator equals;
// Look for an equals first
equals = find( here, source.end(), '=' );
// If there is no equals sign, stop.
if (equals == source.end()) break;
tag.assign( here, equals );
// Hop over the equals
here = equals; here++;
// If the equals sign was the last character in the string, stop.
if (here == source.end()) break;
// Is 'here' at an open quote? Then extract everything to the next
// quote, remembering to skip this quote as well
if ( *here == L'\"' ) { end_of_value = L'\"'; here++;
// If the quote was the last character in the string, stop.
if (here == source.end()) break; }
// Now go and look for the end of the string, or a quote or a space.
wstring::const_iterator fullstring = find( here, source.end(), end_of_value );
value.assign( here, fullstring );
// If it was a quote or a space, skip it. If end of string, stay put.
if (fullstring != source.end()) here = fullstring + 1;
rvalue.insert( pair<wstring,wstring>( tag, value ) );
// Skip whitespace, but stop if we hit the end of the string.
while (here != source.end() && (*here == L' ' || *here == L'\t' || *here == '\n' || *here == '\r' || iswspace(*here))) here++; }
return rvalue; }
wstring SwitchStringRep( const string& source ) { vector<WCHAR> wch; wch.resize( MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, source.c_str(), source.size(), NULL, 0 ) ); MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, source.c_str(), source.size(), &wch.front(), wch.size() );
return wstring( wch.begin(), wch.end() ); }
string SwitchStringRep( const wstring& source ) { vector<CHAR> wch; wch.resize( WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, source.c_str(), source.size(), NULL, 0, NULL, NULL ) ); WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, source.c_str(), source.size(), &wch.front(), wch.size(), NULL, NULL );
return string( wch.begin(), wch.end() ); }