Copy a build from a vbl share to the local machine, in order to PopulateFromVBL from the local copy.
Usage: popcopy -option popcopy -nooption popcopy -option:value popcopy -option=value
Options: -from (required) -to (required) -nosym (default) -symonly -sym -bat (prints a .bat file instead of running commands) -nocopy (hack so to simulate "-localuncomponly" so I can debug it)
Jay Krell May 3, 2001 */ #pragma warning(disable:4786) // identifier was truncated to '255' character
#include "stdinc.h"
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <iterator>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <set>
#include <fstream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <time.h>
#include "windows.h"
#include "setupapi.h"
const std::string::size_type npos = std::string::npos;
class String_t : public std::string //
// 1) comparison is case insensitive
// 2) MAYBE slashes sort like \1, but not currently
{ typedef std::string Base_t; public: String_t() { } ~String_t() { }
String_t(const Base_t& s) : Base_t(s) { } String_t(const char* s) : Base_t(s) { } void operator=(const char* s) { Base_t::operator=(s); } void operator=(const std::string& s) { Base_t::operator=(s); }
//operator const char*() const { return c_str(); }
bool operator<(const char* t) const { return _stricmp(c_str(), t) < 0; }
bool operator==(const char* t) const { return _stricmp(c_str(), t) == 0; }
bool operator<(const std::string& t) const { return operator<(t.c_str()); }
bool operator==(const std::string& t) const { return operator==(t.c_str()); }
void MakeLower() { for (iterator i = begin() ; i != end() ; ++i) { *i = static_cast<char>(tolower(*i)); } } };
typedef std::vector<String_t> StringVector_t; typedef std::set<String_t> StringSet_t; typedef std::map<String_t, String_t> StringToStringMap_t;
bool IsTrue(const String_t& s) { return (s == "1" || s == "true" || s == "True" || s == "TRUE"); }
bool IsFalse(const String_t& s) { return (s == "" || s == "0" || s == "false" || s == "False" || s == "FALSE"); }
void CommandLineError( const String_t& e ) { fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", e.c_str()); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); }
class Binlist_t { public: Binlist_t() { } ~Binlist_t() { }
StringVector_t m_files; StringVector_t m_directories; StringVector_t m_symdirectories; StringVector_t m_symfiles; };
class Decompression_t { public: String_t m_from; String_t m_to; }; typedef std::vector<Decompression_t> Decompressions_t;
class Popcopy_t { public: ~Popcopy_t() { }
Popcopy_t() : m_bat(false), m_copy(true) { }
void Main(const StringVector_t& args);
void ReadBinlist();
void CreateDirectory(const std::string& partial); void CopyFile(const std::string& partial); void CopyFile(const String_t& from, const String_t& to);
void DoQueuedDecompressions(); void QueueDecompression(const String_t& from, const String_t& to);
Binlist_t m_binlist;
StringToStringMap_t m_options;
String_t m_from; String_t m_fromcomp; // m_from + "\\comp"
String_t m_to; String_t m_tocomp; // m_to + "\\comp"
bool m_bat; bool m_copy;
// compressions are all recorded, to be done last, after all the copies
Decompressions_t m_decompressions; };
String_t RemoveTrailingChars(const String_t& s, const char* set) { String_t::size_type pos = s.find_last_not_of(set); if (pos != npos) return s.substr(0, 1 + pos); return s; }
String_t RemoveTrailingSlashes(const String_t& s) { return RemoveTrailingChars(s, " \\/"); }
String_t RemoveLastPathElement(const String_t& s) { String_t t = RemoveTrailingSlashes(s); return RemoveTrailingSlashes(t.substr(0, t.find_last_of("\\/"))); }
String_t RemoveTrailingWhitespace(String_t s) { return RemoveTrailingChars(s, " \r\t\n\v"); }
template <typename T> void SortUnique(T& t) { std::sort(t.begin(), t.end()); t.resize(std::unique(t.begin(), t.end()) - t.begin()); }
String_t JoinPaths(const std::string& s, const std::string& t) { std::string u = s;
if (u.length() == 0 || (u[u.length() - 1] != '\\' && u[u.length() - 1] != '/')) u += "\\"; if (t.length() != 0 && (t[0] == '\\' || t[0] == '/')) u += t.substr(1); else u += t; //printf("%s + %s = %s\n", s.c_str(), t.c_str(), u.c_str());
return u; }
void Popcopy_t::ReadBinlist() { std::ifstream in(JoinPaths(m_from, "build_logs\\build.binlist").c_str()); String_t line; while (std::getline(in, line)) { line = RemoveTrailingWhitespace(line); line.MakeLower();
// x:\binaries.x86chk\foo -> foo
line = line.substr(1 + line.find_first_of("\\/")); line = line.substr(1 + line.find_first_of("\\/")); //line = line.substr(1 + line.find_first_of("\\/", line.find_first_of("\\/")));
String_t::size_type lastPathSeperator = line.find_last_of("\\/"); bool issyms = (line.find("symbols\\") != npos || line.find("symbols.pri\\") != npos); if (issyms) { if (lastPathSeperator != npos) { String_t dir = JoinPaths(m_to, line.substr(0, lastPathSeperator)); while (dir != m_to) { m_binlist.m_directories.push_back(dir); dir = RemoveLastPathElement(dir); } } m_binlist.m_symfiles.push_back(line); } else { if (lastPathSeperator != npos) { String_t dir = JoinPaths(m_to, line.substr(0, lastPathSeperator)); while (dir != m_to) { m_binlist.m_directories.push_back(dir); dir = RemoveLastPathElement(dir); } dir = JoinPaths(m_tocomp, line.substr(0, lastPathSeperator)); while (dir != m_to) { m_binlist.m_directories.push_back(dir); dir = RemoveLastPathElement(dir); } } m_binlist.m_files.push_back(line); } } m_binlist.m_directories.push_back(m_to); m_binlist.m_directories.push_back(JoinPaths(m_to, "comp")); SortUnique(m_binlist.m_symfiles); SortUnique(m_binlist.m_symdirectories); SortUnique(m_binlist.m_files); SortUnique(m_binlist.m_directories); }
void Popcopy_t::CreateDirectory( const std::string& full ) { unsigned long Error;
if (m_bat) printf("%s\n", ("mkdir " + full).c_str()); else { if (!::CreateDirectory(full.c_str(), NULL) && (Error = GetLastError()) != ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) { printf(("CreateDirectory(" + full + ") failed, error %lu\n").c_str(), Error); } } }
void Popcopy_t::QueueDecompression( const String_t& from, const String_t& to ) { Decompression_t d; d.m_from = from; d.m_to = to; m_decompressions.push_back(d); }
UINT CALLBACK CabinetCallback( void* Context, unsigned Notification, UINT Param1, UINT Param2 ) { PFILE_IN_CABINET_INFO FileInCabinetInfo;
switch (Notification) { case SPFILENOTIFY_FILEINCABINET: FileInCabinetInfo = reinterpret_cast<PFILE_IN_CABINET_INFO>(Param1); strcpy(FileInCabinetInfo->FullTargetName, reinterpret_cast<const String_t*>(Context)->c_str()); return FILEOP_DOIT;
void Popcopy_t::DoQueuedDecompressions( ) { unsigned long Error;
for (Decompressions_t::const_iterator i = m_decompressions.begin() ; i != m_decompressions.end(); ++i ) { if (m_bat) { printf("expand %s %s\n", i->m_from.c_str(), i->m_to.c_str()); } else { if (!SetupIterateCabinet(i->m_from.c_str(), 0, CabinetCallback, const_cast<void*>(static_cast<const void*>((&i->m_to))))) { Error = GetLastError(); fprintf(stderr, ("SetupIterateCabinet(" + i->m_from + ", " + i->m_to + ") failed, error %lu\n").c_str(), Error); } } } }
void Popcopy_t::CopyFile( const String_t& from, const String_t& to ) { unsigned long Error; if (m_copy) { if (GetFileAttributes(from.c_str()) == -1) { Error = GetLastError(); if (Error == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND || Error == ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND ) { return; } fprintf(stderr, ("CopyFile(" + from + ", " + to + ") failed, error %lu\n").c_str(), Error); } if (!::CopyFile(from.c_str(), to.c_str(), FALSE)) { Error = GetLastError(); fprintf(stderr, ("CopyFile(" + from + ", " + to + ") failed, error %lu\n").c_str(), Error); } } }
void Popcopy_t::CopyFile( const std::string& partial ) { //unsigned long Error;
bool comp = false;
String_t fromfull = JoinPaths(m_from, partial); String_t tofull = JoinPaths(m_to, partial);
String_t partialcomp = partial; // if no extension, append "._"
// if extension shorter than three chars, append "_"
// if extension is three or more chars, change last char to "_"
std::string::size_type dot = partial.find_last_of("."); std::string::size_type sep = partial.find_last_of("\\/"); if (dot == npos || (sep != npos && dot < sep)) { partialcomp = partial + "._"; } else if (partialcomp.length() - dot < 4) { partialcomp = partial + "_"; } else { partialcomp = partial.substr(0, partial.length() - 1) + "_"; } //printf("partial=%s, partialcomp=%s\n", partial.c_str(), partialcomp.c_str());
// check for the comp file
String_t fromcompfull = JoinPaths(m_fromcomp, partialcomp); String_t tocompfull; if (GetFileAttributes(fromcompfull.c_str()) != -1) { fromfull = fromcompfull; comp = true; tocompfull = JoinPaths(m_tocomp, partialcomp); }
if (m_bat) { if (comp) { printf("copy %s %s\n", fromcompfull.c_str(), tocompfull.c_str()); QueueDecompression(tocompfull, tofull); } else { printf("copy %s %s\n", fromfull.c_str(), tofull.c_str()); } } else { if (comp) { CopyFile(fromcompfull, tocompfull); QueueDecompression(tocompfull, tofull); } else { CopyFile(fromfull, tofull); } } }
void Popcopy_t::Main( const StringVector_t& args ) { const String_t::size_type npos = String_t::npos; StringVector_t::const_iterator i; time_t time1; time_t time2;
::time(&time1); printf("start time %s\n", ctime(&time1));
for ( i = args.begin(); i != args.end(); ++i ) { String_t arg = *i; if (arg[0] == '-' || arg[0] == '/') { arg = arg.substr(1); String_t value = "true"; String_t::size_type equals; if ( (arg[0] == 'n' || arg[0] == 'N') && (arg[1] == 'o' || arg[1] == 'O') ) { value = "false"; arg = arg.substr(2); } else if ( (equals = arg.find_first_of('=')) != npos || (equals = arg.find_first_of(':')) != npos ) { value = arg.substr(1 + equals); arg = arg.substr(0, equals); } m_options[arg] = value; } } m_from = RemoveTrailingSlashes(m_options["from"]); if (IsFalse(m_from) || IsTrue(m_from)) { CommandLineError("missing required parameter \"from\""); } m_fromcomp = JoinPaths(m_from, "comp");
m_to = RemoveTrailingSlashes(m_options["to"]); if (IsFalse(m_to) || IsTrue(m_to)) { CommandLineError("missing required parameter \"to\""); } m_tocomp = JoinPaths(m_to, "comp");
m_copy = !IsFalse(m_options["copy"]);
m_bat = IsTrue(m_options["bat"]);
if (IsFalse(m_options["symonly"])) { for (i = m_binlist.m_directories.begin() ; i != m_binlist.m_directories.end() ; ++i) this->CreateDirectory(*i); for (i = m_binlist.m_files.begin() ; i != m_binlist.m_files.end() ; ++i) this->CopyFile(*i);
DoQueuedDecompressions(); //
// we make a bunch of extra empty comp directories, so delete any empty directories
for (i = m_binlist.m_directories.begin() ; i != m_binlist.m_directories.end() ; ++i) ::RemoveDirectory(i->c_str()); } if (IsTrue(m_options["symonly"]) || IsTrue(m_options["sym"]) || IsTrue(m_options["symbols"])) { for (i = m_binlist.m_symdirectories.begin() ; i != m_binlist.m_symdirectories.end() ; ++i) this->CreateDirectory(*i); for (i = m_binlist.m_symfiles.begin() ; i != m_binlist.m_symfiles.end() ; ++i) this->CopyFile(*i); }
::time(&time2); printf("start time %s\n", ctime(&time1)); printf("ending time %s\n", ctime(&time2)); }
int __cdecl main(int argc, char** argv) { Popcopy_t popcopy; StringVector_t args; std::copy(argv + 1, argv + argc, std::back_inserter(args)); popcopy.Main(args); return 0; }