#include "stdinc.h"
static const char File[] = __FILE__; #include "Handle.h"
#include <functional>
#include <set>
#include "rpc.h"
// std::binary_search lamely only returns a bool, not an iterator
// it is a simple layer over std::lower_bound
template<class Iterator_t, class T> inline Iterator_t BinarySearch(Iterator_t First, Iterator_t Last, const T& t) { Iterator_t Iterator = std::lower_bound(First, Last, t); if (Iterator != Last && !(t < *Iterator) // this is a way to check for equality actually
) return Iterator; return Last; }
// This is just like remove_copy_if, but it is missing an exclamation point
template<class InputIterator_t, class OutputIterator_t, class Predicate_t> inline OutputIterator_t CopyIf(InputIterator_t First, InputIterator_t Last, OutputIterator_t Out, Predicate_t Predicate) { for (; First != Last; ++First) if (/*!*/Predicate(*First)) *Out++ = *First; return (Out); }
// get msvcrt.dll wildcard processing on the command line
extern "C" { int _dowildcard = 1; }
#define RESOURCE_NAME_INDEX 1 /* aka ID, but also each index is also called an id */
#define NUMBER_OF(x) (sizeof(x)/sizeof((x)[0]))
class Resource_t; class ResourceId_t; class BuiltinResourceId_t;
#include "MyString.h"
typedef std::vector<String_t> StringVector_t; typedef StringVector_t::iterator StringVectorIterator_t; typedef StringVector_t::const_iterator StringVectorConstIterator_t;
typedef std::set<String_t> StringSet_t; typedef StringSet_t::iterator StringSetIterator_t; typedef StringSet_t::const_iterator StringSetConstIterator_t;
#if 0
template <typename T, size_t N> class FixedSizeArray_t { public: typedef T* iterator; typedef const T* const_iterator; typedef T& reference; typedef const T& const_reference; typedef size_t size_type; typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;
iterator begin() { return data; } const_iterator begin() const { return data; } size_type size() const { return N; } iterator end() { return begin() + size(); } const_iterator end() const { return begin() + size(); } reference operator[](size_type n) { return *(begin() + n); } const_reference operator[](size_type n) const { return *(begin() + n); }
T data[N]; }; #else
template <typename T, size_t N> class FixedSizeArray_t : public std::vector<T> { public: ~FixedSizeArray_t() { } FixedSizeArray_t() { reserve(N); } }; #endif
String_t NormalizeResourceId(const String_t&); String_t NormalizeResourceId(PCWSTR);
class BuiltinResourceId_t { public: friend bool operator<(const BuiltinResourceId_t& x, const String_t& y) { return _wcsicmp(x.Name, y) < 0; } friend bool operator<(const BuiltinResourceId_t& x, const BuiltinResourceId_t& y) { return _wcsicmp(x.Name, y.Name) < 0; } friend bool operator<(const String_t& x, const BuiltinResourceId_t& y) { return _wcsicmp(x, y.Name) < 0; }
PCWSTR Name; ULONG_PTR Number; };
class ResourceId_t : public String_t { private: typedef String_t Base; public: ResourceId_t() { } ~ResourceId_t() { }
ResourceId_t(PCWSTR x) : Base(NormalizeResourceId(x)) { } ResourceId_t(const ResourceId_t& x) : Base(x) { } ResourceId_t(const String_t& x) : Base(NormalizeResourceId(x)) { }
void operator=(PCWSTR x) { Base::operator=(NormalizeResourceId(x)); } void operator=(const ResourceId_t& x) { Base::operator=(x); } void operator=(const String_t& x) { Base::operator=(NormalizeResourceId(x)); }
#if 0
friend bool operator<(const BuiltinResourceId_t& x, const String_t& y) { return _wcsicmp(x.Name, y) < 0; } friend bool operator<(const BuiltinResourceId_t& x, const BuiltinResourceId_t& y) { return _wcsicmp(x.Name, y.Name) < 0; } friend bool operator<(const String_t& x, const BuiltinResourceId_t& y) { return _wcsicmp(x, y.Name) < 0; } #endif
String_t NumberToResourceId(ULONG Number) { WCHAR NumberAsString[BITS_OF(Number) + 5];
_snwprintf(NumberAsString, NUMBER_OF(NumberAsString), L"#%lu", Number); NumberAsString[NUMBER_OF(NumberAsString) - 1] = 0;
return NumberAsString; }
class ResourceIdTuple_t { public: ~ResourceIdTuple_t() { } ResourceIdTuple_t() { }
ResourceId_t Type; ResourceId_t Name; ResourceId_t Language;
bool operator==(const ResourceIdTuple_t& Right) const { return !(*this < Right) && !(Right < *this); }
static bool ResourceIdPointerLessThan(const ResourceId_t* x, const ResourceId_t* y) { return x->compare(*y) < 0; }
bool operator<(const ResourceIdTuple_t& Right) const { // the order is NOT arbitrary (er..it wasn't, but now we don't care even about sorting)
const ResourceId_t* LeftArray[] = { &this->Type, &this->Name, &this->Language }; const ResourceId_t* RightArray[] = { &Right.Type, &Right.Name, &Right.Language };
return std::lexicographical_compare( LeftArray, LeftArray + NUMBER_OF(LeftArray), RightArray, RightArray + NUMBER_OF(RightArray), ResourceIdPointerLessThan ); } };
bool Match(const ResourceId_t& Left, const ResourceId_t& Right); bool Match(const ResourceIdTuple_t& Left, const ResourceIdTuple_t& Right);
class Resource_t { public: ~Resource_t() { } Resource_t() { }
#if 0
bool EqualByIdTuple(const Resource_t& Right) const { return this->IdTuple == Right.IdTuple; }
bool LessThanByIdTuple(const Resource_t& Right) const { return this->IdTuple < Right.IdTuple; } #endif
#if 1
friend bool EqualByIdTuple(const Resource_t& Left, const Resource_t& Right) { return Left.IdTuple == Right.IdTuple; }
friend bool LessThanByIdTuple(const Resource_t& Left, const Resource_t& Right) { return Left.IdTuple < Right.IdTuple; } #endif
// controversial..
bool operator<(const Resource_t& Right) const { return LessThanByIdTuple(*this, Right); }
bool Match(const ResourceIdTuple_t/*&*/ IdTuple) /*const*/ { return ::Match(this->IdTuple, IdTuple); }
// For example, you may want to sort by size if looking for equal resources independent of resourceid tuple.
operator ResourceIdTuple_t&() { return IdTuple; } operator const ResourceIdTuple_t&() const { return IdTuple; }
ResourceIdTuple_t IdTuple; PVOID Address; // DllHandle is assumed
ULONG Size; };
class LessThanByIdTuple_t { public: bool operator()(const Resource_t& Left, const ResourceIdTuple_t& Right) { return Left.IdTuple < Right; }
bool operator()(const ResourceIdTuple_t& Left, const Resource_t& Right) { return Left < Right.IdTuple; } };
bool Match(const ResourceId_t& Left, const ResourceId_t& Right) { if (Left == L"*" || Right == L"*" || Left == Right || (Left.Length() > 1 && Right.Length() > 1 && Left[0] == '!' && Right[0] != '!' && Left.substr(1) != Right) || (Left.Length() > 1 && Right.Length() > 1 && Right[0] == '!' && Left[0] != '!' && Right.substr(1) != Left) ) return true; return false; }
bool Match(const ResourceIdTuple_t& Left, const ResourceIdTuple_t& Right) { return Match(Left.Type, Right.Type) && Match(Left.Name, Right.Name) && Match(Left.Language, Right.Language) ; }
typedef std::map<ResourceIdTuple_t, std::map<ResourceIdTuple_t, std::set<ResourceIdTuple_t> > > ResourceIdTree_t; void TransformTuplesToTree() //
// transform the array of triples into a 3 level deep map..nope..
{ }
class ResourceTool_t { private: typedef ResourceTool_t This_t; ResourceTool_t(const ResourceTool_t&); void operator=(const ResourceTool_t&); public: ~ResourceTool_t() { }
class Print_t { public: Print_t() : UnequalContents(false), UnequalSize(false), Equal(true), Keep(false), Delete(true), Success(false), Unchanged(false), LeftOnly(false), RightOnly(false) { }
void SetAll(bool Value) { UnequalSize = UnequalContents = UnequalSize = Keep = Delete = Success = Unchanged = LeftOnly = RightOnly = Equal = Value; }
bool UnequalContents; bool UnequalSize; bool Equal; bool Keep; bool Delete; bool Success; bool Unchanged; bool LeftOnly; bool RightOnly; };
Print_t Print;
ResourceTool_t() : Argv0base_cstr(L""), ShouldPrint(true) { }
static BOOL __stdcall Sxid12EnumResourcesNameCallbackW_static(HMODULE hModule, PCWSTR lpszType, LPWSTR lpszName, LONG_PTR lParam); bool Sxid12EnumResourcesNameCallbackW(HMODULE hModule, PCWSTR lpszType, LPWSTR lpszName, LONG_PTR lParam);
int Sxid12Tool1(const StringVector_t args);
void Query(); void Dump(); void FindDuplicates(); void FindAndDeleteDuplicates(); void Delete(); void Diff(); // same analysis as FindDuplicates, but prints more
void Explode() { } // not implemented
void ChangeEmptyQueryToAllQuery();
typedef void (This_t::*Operation_t)();
int Main(const StringVector_t& args);
static bool IsWildcard(const String_t& s) { return (s == L"*"); }
static bool IsPathSeperator(wchar_t ch) { return (ch == '\\' || ch == '/'); }
static bool IsAbsolutePath(const String_t& s) { return (s.length() > 2 && (s[1] == ':' || (IsPathSeperator(s[0] && IsPathSeperator(s[1]))))); }
// This transform lets LoadLibrary's search be more like CreateFile's search.
static String_t PrependDotSlashToRelativePath(const String_t& Path) { if (!IsAbsolutePath(Path)) return L".\\" + Path; else return Path; }
bool OpenResourceFile(ULONG Flags, CDynamicLinkLibrary& dll, String_t Path);
String_t Argv0; String_t Argv0base; PCWSTR Argv0base_cstr;
typedef String_t File_t; typedef std::vector<File_t> Files_t; typedef std::set<ResourceIdTuple_t> Tuples_t;
Files_t Files; Tuples_t Tuples; bool ShouldPrint; };
typedef String_t::const_iterator StringConstIterator_t;
void ResourceToolAssertFailed(const char* Expression, const char* File, unsigned long Line) { fprintf(stderr, "ASSERTION FAILURE: File %s, Line %lu, Expression %s\n", File, Line, Expression); abort(); }
void ResourceToolInternalErrorCheckFailed(const char* Expression, const char* File, unsigned long Line) { fprintf(stderr, "INTERNAL ERROR: File %s, Line %lu, Expression %s\n", File, Line, Expression); abort(); }
struct Sxid12EnumResourcesNameCallbackWParam_t { ResourceTool_t* This; String_t dllName; std::vector<ULONG> integralResourceIds; StringVector_t stringResourceIds; };
BOOL __stdcall ResourceTool_t::Sxid12EnumResourcesNameCallbackW_static( HMODULE hModule, PCWSTR lpszType, LPWSTR lpszName, LONG_PTR lParam ) { Sxid12EnumResourcesNameCallbackWParam_t* param = reinterpret_cast<Sxid12EnumResourcesNameCallbackWParam_t*>(lParam); return param->This->Sxid12EnumResourcesNameCallbackW(hModule, lpszType, lpszName, lParam); }
bool ResourceTool_t::Sxid12EnumResourcesNameCallbackW( HMODULE hModule, PCWSTR lpszType, LPWSTR lpszName, LONG_PTR lParam ) { Sxid12EnumResourcesNameCallbackWParam_t* param = reinterpret_cast<Sxid12EnumResourcesNameCallbackWParam_t*>(lParam);
if (IS_INTRESOURCE(lpszName)) { ULONG iType = static_cast<ULONG>(reinterpret_cast<LONG_PTR>(lpszName)); printf("%ls note: %ls contains RT_MANIFEST with id %u\n", Argv0base_cstr, param->dllName.c_str(), iType); param->integralResourceIds.insert(param->integralResourceIds.end(), iType); } else { printf("%ls note: %ls contains RT_MANIFEST with id \"%ls\"\n", Argv0base_cstr, param->dllName.c_str(), lpszName); param->stringResourceIds.insert(param->stringResourceIds.end(), lpszName); } return true; }
String_t NumberToString(ULONG Number, PCWSTR Format = L"0x%lx") { // the size needed is really dependent on Format..
WCHAR NumberAsString[BITS_OF(Number) + 5];
_snwprintf(NumberAsString, NUMBER_OF(NumberAsString), Format, Number); NumberAsString[NUMBER_OF(NumberAsString) - 1] = 0;
return NumberAsString; }
LONG StringToNumber(PCWSTR s) { int Base = 0; if (s == NULL || s[0] == 0) return 0; if (s[0] == '#') { Base = 10; ++s; } return wcstol(s, NULL, Base); }
PCWSTR StringToResourceString(PCWSTR s) { if (s == NULL || s[0] == 0) return 0; if (s[0] == '#') { return reinterpret_cast<PCWSTR>(static_cast<ULONG_PTR>(StringToNumber(s))); } else { return s; } }
String_t GetLastErrorString() { PWSTR s = NULL; DWORD Error = GetLastError(); String_t ErrorString = NumberToString(Error, L"%lu"); PWSTR FormatMessageAllocatedBuffer = NULL;
if (!FormatMessageW( FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS, NULL, Error, 0, reinterpret_cast<PWSTR>(&FormatMessageAllocatedBuffer), 100, NULL ) || FormatMessageAllocatedBuffer == NULL ) { goto Exit; } if (FormatMessageAllocatedBuffer[0] == 0) { goto Exit; }
// Error messages often end with vertical whitespce, remove it.
s = FormatMessageAllocatedBuffer + StringLength(FormatMessageAllocatedBuffer) - 1; while (s != FormatMessageAllocatedBuffer && (*s == '\n' || *s == '\r')) *s-- = 0; ErrorString = ErrorString + L" (" + FormatMessageAllocatedBuffer + L")"; Exit: LocalFree(FormatMessageAllocatedBuffer); return ErrorString; }
bool GetFileSize(PCWSTR Path, __int64& Size) { CFindFile FindFile; WIN32_FIND_DATAW wfd; LARGE_INTEGER liSize;
if (!FindFile.Win32Create(Path, &wfd)) return false;
liSize.HighPart = wfd.nFileSizeHigh; liSize.LowPart = wfd.nFileSizeLow; Size = liSize.QuadPart;
return true; }
// This is the original sxid2rtool1, preserved
int ResourceTool_t::Sxid12Tool1(const StringVector_t args) { int ret = EXIT_SUCCESS; typedef StringVector_t args_t; __int64 FileSize = 0;
for (args_t::const_iterator i = args.begin() ; i != args.end() ; ++i) { CDynamicLinkLibrary dll; String_t betterPath;
// prepend .\ so that LoadLibrary acts more like CreateFile.
betterPath = PrependDotSlashToRelativePath(*i); PCWSTR cstr = betterPath.c_str();
// skip empty files to avoid STATUS_MAPPED_FILE_SIZE_ZERO -> ERROR_FILE_INVALID,
if (!GetFileSize(cstr, FileSize)) { String_t ErrorString = GetLastErrorString(); printf("%ls : WARNING: %ls skipped : Error %ls\n", Argv0base_cstr, cstr, ErrorString.c_str()); } if (FileSize == 0) { printf("%ls : WARNING: empty file %ls skipped\n", Argv0base_cstr, cstr); continue; }
if (!dll.Win32Create(cstr, LOAD_LIBRARY_AS_DATAFILE)) { DWORD Error = GetLastError(); String_t ErrorString = GetLastErrorString(); switch (Error) { case ERROR_BAD_EXE_FORMAT: // 16bit or not an .exe/.dll at all
break; case ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED: // could be directory (should support sd ... syntax)
{ DWORD fileAttributes = GetFileAttributesW(cstr); if (fileAttributes != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES && (fileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) != 0) break; } // FALLTHROUGH
default: printf("%ls : WARNING: %ls skipped : Error %ls\n", Argv0base_cstr, cstr, ErrorString.c_str()); break; } continue; } Sxid12EnumResourcesNameCallbackWParam_t callbackParam; callbackParam.This = this; callbackParam.dllName = betterPath; EnumResourceNamesW(dll, MAKEINTRESOURCEW(RT_MANIFEST), Sxid12EnumResourcesNameCallbackW_static, reinterpret_cast<LONG_PTR>(&callbackParam));
if (callbackParam.integralResourceIds.size() > 1) { printf("%ls WARNING: %ls contains multiple RT_MANIFESTs with integral ids\n", Argv0base_cstr, cstr); unsigned numberOfReservedManifests = 0; for (unsigned i = 0 ; i != callbackParam.integralResourceIds.size() ; ++i) { if (callbackParam.integralResourceIds[i] >= 1 && callbackParam.integralResourceIds[i] <= 16 ) { numberOfReservedManifests += 1; if (numberOfReservedManifests > 1) { printf("%ls ERROR: %ls contains RT_MANIFESTs with multiple RESERVED integral ids\n", Argv0base_cstr, cstr); } } } ret = EXIT_FAILURE; } if (callbackParam.stringResourceIds.size() > 0) { printf("%ls WARNING: %ls contains RT_MANIFEST with string ids\n", Argv0base_cstr, cstr); ret = EXIT_FAILURE; } if ((callbackParam.integralResourceIds.size() + callbackParam.stringResourceIds.size()) > 1) { printf("%ls WARNING: %ls contains multiple RT_MANIFESTs\n", Argv0base_cstr, cstr); ret = EXIT_FAILURE; } } return ret; }
String_t RemoveOptionChar(const String_t& s) { if (s.Length() != 0) { if (s[0] == '-') return s.substr(1); else if (s[0] == '/') return s.substr(1); else if (s[0] == ':') // hacky..
return s.substr(1); else if (s[0] == '=') // hacky..
return s.substr(1); } return s; }
// String_t has specialized find_first_not_of that uses integral positions,
// and globally there is only find_first_of. Here we provide the expected
// iterator-based find_first_not_of, based on the std::string code.
// Find the first occurence in [first1, last1) of an element in [first2, last).
// eg:
// find_first_not_of("abc":"12;3", ":;");
// ^
// find_first_not_of(":12;3", ":;");
// ^
// find_first_not_of("3", ":;");
// ^
template <typename Iterator> Iterator FindFirstNotOf(Iterator first1, Iterator last1, Iterator first2, Iterator last2) { if (first2 == last2) return last1; for ( ; first1 != last1 ; ++first1) { if (std::find(first2, last2, *first1) == last2) { break; } } return first1; }
// consistent style..
template <typename Iterator> Iterator FindFirstOf(Iterator first1, Iterator last1, Iterator first2, Iterator last2) { return std::find_first_of(first1, last1, first2, last2); }
template <typename String_t> void SplitString(const String_t& String, const String_t& Delim, std::vector<String_t>& Fields) { String_t::const_iterator FieldBegin; String_t::const_iterator FieldEnd = String.begin();
while ((FieldBegin = FindFirstNotOf(FieldEnd, String.end(), Delim.begin(), Delim.end())) != String.end()) { FieldEnd = FindFirstOf(FieldBegin, String.end(), Delim.begin(), Delim.end()); Fields.push_back(String_t(FieldBegin, FieldEnd)); } }
BuiltinResourceId_t BuiltinResourceIds[] = { #define X(x) {L## #x, reinterpret_cast<ULONG_PTR>(x)},
X(RT_HTML) #endif
String_t NormalizeResourceId(PCWSTR id) { if (IS_INTRESOURCE(id)) return NumberToResourceId(static_cast<ULONG>(reinterpret_cast<ULONG_PTR>(id))); else return NormalizeResourceId(String_t(id)); }
String_t NormalizeResourceId(const String_t& id) { //
// This code should be aware of leading "!" as well.
// RT_MANIFEST => #24
// 24 => #24
if (id.Length() == 0) return id; if (id[0] == '#') return id; if (iswdigit(id[0])) return L"#" + id;
// We should support stuff like JPN, en-us, etc.
BuiltinResourceId_t* a = BinarySearch(BuiltinResourceIds, BuiltinResourceIds + NUMBER_OF(BuiltinResourceIds), id); if (a != BuiltinResourceIds + NUMBER_OF(BuiltinResourceIds)) { return NumberToResourceId(static_cast<ULONG>(a->Number)); } return id; }
void __cdecl Error(const wchar_t* s, ...) { printf("%s\n", s); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); }
void SplitResourceTupleString(const String_t& s, std::set<ResourceIdTuple_t>& ResourceTuples) { //
// semicolon delimited list of dotted triples
// wildcards are allowed, * only
// missing elements are assumed be *
// RT_* are known (RT_MANIFEST, etc.)
std::vector<String_t> ResourceTuplesInStringContainer; std::vector<String_t> OneResourceTupleInStringVector; ResourceIdTuple_t ResourceIdTuple;
SplitString(s, String_t(L";"), ResourceTuplesInStringContainer);
for (std::vector<String_t>::const_iterator Iterator = ResourceTuplesInStringContainer.begin(); Iterator != ResourceTuplesInStringContainer.end(); ++Iterator ) { OneResourceTupleInStringVector.resize(0); SplitString(*Iterator, String_t(L"."), OneResourceTupleInStringVector); switch (OneResourceTupleInStringVector.size()) { default: Error((String_t(L"bad query string '") + s + L"' bad.").c_str()); case 1: OneResourceTupleInStringVector.push_back(L"*"); // FALLTHROUGH
case 2: OneResourceTupleInStringVector.push_back(L"*"); // FALLTHROUGH
case 3: break; } ResourceIdTuple.Type = NormalizeResourceId(OneResourceTupleInStringVector[0]); ResourceIdTuple.Name = NormalizeResourceId(OneResourceTupleInStringVector[1]); ResourceIdTuple.Language = NormalizeResourceId(OneResourceTupleInStringVector[2]); ResourceTuples.insert(ResourceTuples.end(), ResourceIdTuple); } }
// This class is important.
// It does the three level nested Enum/callback pattern that is required
// to enumerate all the resources in a .dll.
// By default, it requires all the tripls, as well as the size and address
// of the resource, but you can alter this by overriding the virtual functions.
class EnumResources_t { typedef EnumResources_t This_t; public: virtual ~EnumResources_t() { } EnumResources_t() { }
static BOOL CALLBACK StaticTypeCallback(HMODULE hModule, LPWSTR lpType, LONG_PTR lParam) { return reinterpret_cast<This_t*>(lParam)->TypeCallback(hModule, lpType) ? TRUE : FALSE; }
static BOOL CALLBACK StaticNameCallback(HMODULE hModule, PCWSTR lpType, LPWSTR lpName, LONG_PTR lParam) { return reinterpret_cast<This_t*>(lParam)->NameCallback(hModule, lpType, lpName) ? TRUE : FALSE; }
static BOOL CALLBACK StaticLanguageCallback(HMODULE hModule, PCWSTR lpType, PCWSTR lpName, WORD wLanguage, LONG_PTR lParam) { return reinterpret_cast<This_t*>(lParam)->LanguageCallback(hModule, lpType, lpName, wLanguage) ? TRUE : FALSE; }
virtual bool TypeCallback(HMODULE hModule, PCWSTR lpType) { if (EnumResourceNamesW(hModule, lpType, &This_t::StaticNameCallback, reinterpret_cast<LONG_PTR>(this))) return true; //if (GetLastError() == ERROR_RESOURCE_TYPE_NOT_FOUND)
//return true;
return false; }
virtual bool NameCallback(HMODULE hModule, PCWSTR lpType, PCWSTR lpName) { if (EnumResourceLanguagesW(hModule, lpType, lpName, &This_t::StaticLanguageCallback, reinterpret_cast<LONG_PTR>(this))) return true; //if (GetLastError() == ERROR_RESOURCE_TYPE_NOT_FOUND)
//return true;
return false; }
virtual bool LanguageCallback(HMODULE Module, PCWSTR lpType, PCWSTR lpName, WORD wLanguage) { Resource_t Resource; Resource.IdTuple.Type = lpType; Resource.IdTuple.Name = lpName; Resource.IdTuple.Language = NumberToResourceId(wLanguage); HRSRC ResourceHandle = FindResourceExW(Module, lpType, lpName, wLanguage); if (ResourceHandle == NULL) return false; HGLOBAL GlobalHandle = LoadResource(Module, ResourceHandle); if (GlobalHandle == NULL) return false; Resource.Address = LockResource(GlobalHandle); if (Resource.Address == 0) return false; Resource.Size = SizeofResource(Module, ResourceHandle);
this->Resources.insert(Resources.end(), Resource); return true; }
std::set<Resource_t> Resources; bool operator()(HMODULE DllHandle) { bool Result = EnumResourceTypesW(DllHandle, &This_t::StaticTypeCallback, reinterpret_cast<LONG_PTR>(this)) ? true : false; //std::sort(Resources.begin(), Resources.end(), std::ptr_fun(&LessThanByIdTuple));
return Result; } };
//#define OPEN_RESOURCE_FILE_MAKE_TEMP (0x00000001)
bool ResourceTool_t::OpenResourceFile(ULONG Flags, CDynamicLinkLibrary& dll, String_t Path) { __int64 FileSize = 0; Path = PrependDotSlashToRelativePath(Path);
// skip empty files to avoid STATUS_MAPPED_FILE_SIZE_ZERO -> ERROR_FILE_INVALID,
if (!GetFileSize(Path, FileSize)) { String_t ErrorString = GetLastErrorString(); printf("%ls : WARNING: %ls skipped : Error %ls\n", Argv0base_cstr, Path.c_str(), ErrorString.c_str()); return false; } if (FileSize == 0) { printf("%ls : WARNING: empty file %ls skipped\n", Argv0base_cstr, Path.c_str()); return false; }
if (!dll.Win32Create(Path, LOAD_LIBRARY_AS_DATAFILE)) { DWORD Error = GetLastError(); String_t ErrorString = GetLastErrorString(); switch (Error) { case ERROR_BAD_EXE_FORMAT: // 16bit or not an .exe/.dll at all
break; case ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED: // could be directory (should support sd ... syntax)
{ DWORD fileAttributes = GetFileAttributesW(Path); if (fileAttributes != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES && (fileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) != 0) break; } // FALLTHROUGH
default: printf("%ls : WARNING: %ls skipped, Error %ls\n", Argv0base_cstr, Path.c_str(), ErrorString.c_str()); break; } return false; } return true; }
void ResourceTool_t::Query() { ChangeEmptyQueryToAllQuery();
for (Files_t::iterator File = Files.begin() ; File != Files.end() ; ++File) { CDynamicLinkLibrary dll; if (!OpenResourceFile(0, dll, *File)) continue;
EnumResources_t EnumResources; EnumResources(dll);
for ( std::set<Resource_t>::iterator EnumIterator = EnumResources.Resources.begin(); EnumIterator != EnumResources.Resources.end(); ++EnumIterator ) { for ( Tuples_t::iterator QueryIterator = Tuples.begin(); QueryIterator != Tuples.end(); ++QueryIterator ) { if (Match(*EnumIterator, *QueryIterator)) { printf("%ls: %ls: %ls.%ls.%ls\n", Argv0base_cstr, File->c_str(), static_cast<PCWSTR>(EnumIterator->IdTuple.Type), static_cast<PCWSTR>(EnumIterator->IdTuple.Name), static_cast<PCWSTR>(EnumIterator->IdTuple.Language) ); break; } } } } }
void ResourceTool_t::Dump() { for (Files_t::iterator File = Files.begin() ; File != Files.end() ; ++File) { CDynamicLinkLibrary dll; if (!OpenResourceFile(0, dll, *File)) continue;
EnumResources_t EnumResources; EnumResources(dll);
for ( std::set<Resource_t>::iterator EnumIterator = EnumResources.Resources.begin(); EnumIterator != EnumResources.Resources.end(); ++EnumIterator ) { for ( Tuples_t::iterator QueryIterator = Tuples.begin(); QueryIterator != Tuples.end(); ++QueryIterator ) { if (Match(*EnumIterator, *QueryIterator)) { //
// should hex dump, but for now assume it is easily printed..
if (EnumIterator->IdTuple.Type == L"#24" // VC resource editor adds these
//|| EnumIterator->IdTuple.Type == L"#255"
) { std::vector<StringA_t> Lines;
StringA_t ResourceAsString( reinterpret_cast<PCSTR>(EnumIterator->Address), reinterpret_cast<PCSTR>(reinterpret_cast<const BYTE*>(EnumIterator->Address) + EnumIterator->Size) );
SplitString(ResourceAsString, StringA_t("\r\n"), Lines);
for (std::vector<StringA_t>::iterator Line = Lines.begin(); Line != Lines.end() ; ++Line) { printf("%ls: %ls.%ls.%ls.%ls: %s\n", Argv0base_cstr, File->c_str(), static_cast<PCWSTR>(EnumIterator->IdTuple.Type), static_cast<PCWSTR>(EnumIterator->IdTuple.Name), static_cast<PCWSTR>(EnumIterator->IdTuple.Language), static_cast<PCSTR>(*Line) ); } } else { printf("%ls: %ls.%ls.%ls.%ls\n", Argv0base_cstr, File->c_str(), static_cast<PCWSTR>(EnumIterator->IdTuple.Type), static_cast<PCWSTR>(EnumIterator->IdTuple.Name), static_cast<PCWSTR>(EnumIterator->IdTuple.Language) ); } break; } } } } }
void ResourceTool_t::Delete() { for (Files_t::iterator File = Files.begin() ; File != Files.end() ; ++File) { WCHAR Temp[MAX_PATH * 2]; Temp[0] = 0; { CDynamicLinkLibrary dll; if (!OpenResourceFile(0, dll, *File)) continue;
EnumResources_t EnumResources; EnumResources(dll);
std::set<Resource_t> Delete;
for ( std::set<Resource_t>::iterator EnumIterator = EnumResources.Resources.begin(); EnumIterator != EnumResources.Resources.end(); ++EnumIterator ) { for ( Tuples_t::iterator QueryIterator = Tuples.begin(); QueryIterator != Tuples.end(); ++QueryIterator ) { if (Match(*EnumIterator, *QueryIterator)) { Delete.insert(Delete.end(), *EnumIterator); } } }
if (Delete.size() != 0) {
std::set<Resource_t> Keep;
std::set_difference( EnumResources.Resources.begin(), EnumResources.Resources.end(), Delete.begin(), Delete.end(), std::inserter(Keep, Keep.end()) );
union { UUID Uuid; __int64 Int64s[2]; } u; ZeroMemory(&u, sizeof(u)); typedef RPC_STATUS (RPC_ENTRY * UuidCreateSequential_t)(UUID *Uuid);
UuidCreateSequential_t UuidCreateSequential = NULL;
HMODULE Rpcrt4Dll = LoadLibraryW(L"Rpcrt4.dll"); if (Rpcrt4Dll != NULL) UuidCreateSequential = reinterpret_cast<UuidCreateSequential_t>(GetProcAddress(Rpcrt4Dll, "UuidCreateSequential")); if (UuidCreateSequential != NULL) UuidCreateSequential(&u.Uuid); else UuidCreate(&u.Uuid); WCHAR Original[MAX_PATH]; PWSTR FilePart = NULL; Original[0] = 0; if (!GetFullPathNameW(*File, MAX_PATH, Original, &FilePart)) { String_t ErrorString = GetLastErrorString(); wprintf((String_t(L"GetFullPathName(") + *File + L") FAILED: " + ErrorString + L"\n").c_str()); goto NextFile; } swprintf(Temp, L"%ls.%I64x%I64x", Original, u.Int64s[0], u.Int64s[1]); if (!MoveFileW(Original, Temp)) { String_t ErrorString = GetLastErrorString(); wprintf((String_t(L"MoveFile(") + Original + L", " + Temp + L") FAILED: " + ErrorString + L"\n").c_str()); goto NextFile; } if (!CopyFileW(Temp, Original, TRUE)) { String_t ErrorString = GetLastErrorString(); if (!MoveFileW(Temp, Original)) { String_t ErrorString2 = GetLastErrorString(); // THIS IS BAD.
wprintf((String_t(L"ROLLBACK MoveFile(") + Temp + L", " + Original + L") FAILED: " + ErrorString2 + L"\n").c_str()); goto NextFile; } wprintf((String_t(L"CopyFile(") + Temp + L", " + Original + L") FAILED: " + ErrorString + L"\n").c_str()); goto NextFile; }
CResourceUpdateHandle ResourceUpdateHandle; if (!ResourceUpdateHandle.Win32Create(*File, TRUE)) { String_t ErrorString = GetLastErrorString(); wprintf((String_t(Argv0base + L": ResourceUpdateHandle(") + *File + L" FAILED: " + ErrorString + L"\n").c_str()); break; } for ( std::set<Resource_t>::iterator KeepIterator = Keep.begin(); KeepIterator != Keep.end(); ++KeepIterator ) { PCWSTR ResourceType = StringToResourceString(KeepIterator->IdTuple.Type); PCWSTR ResourceName = StringToResourceString(KeepIterator->IdTuple.Name); if (!ResourceUpdateHandle.UpdateResource( ResourceType, ResourceName, static_cast<WORD>(StringToNumber(KeepIterator->IdTuple.Language)), KeepIterator->Address, KeepIterator->Size)) { String_t ErrorString = GetLastErrorString(); wprintf((String_t(Argv0base + L": ResourceUpdateHandle.UpdateResource(") + *File + L" FAILED: " + ErrorString + L"\n").c_str()); goto NextFile; } if (Print.Keep) printf("%ls: KEEP: %ls.%ls.%ls.%ls\n", Argv0base_cstr, File->c_str(), static_cast<PCWSTR>(KeepIterator->IdTuple.Type), static_cast<PCWSTR>(KeepIterator->IdTuple.Name), static_cast<PCWSTR>(KeepIterator->IdTuple.Language) ); } if (Print.Delete) { for ( std::set<Resource_t>::iterator DeleteIterator = Delete.begin(); DeleteIterator != Delete.end(); ++DeleteIterator ) { printf("%ls: DELETE: %ls.%ls.%ls.%ls\n", Argv0base_cstr, File->c_str(), static_cast<PCWSTR>(DeleteIterator->IdTuple.Type), static_cast<PCWSTR>(DeleteIterator->IdTuple.Name), static_cast<PCWSTR>(DeleteIterator->IdTuple.Language) ); } } if (!ResourceUpdateHandle.Win32Close(false)) { String_t ErrorString = GetLastErrorString(); wprintf((String_t(Argv0base + L" : ResourceUpdateHandle.Win32Close(") + *File + L") FAILED: " + ErrorString + L"\n").c_str()); } else { if (Print.Success) wprintf((Argv0base + L" : SUCCESS: " + *File + L"\n").c_str()); } } else { if (Print.Unchanged) wprintf((Argv0base + L": UNCHANGED: " + *File + L"\n").c_str()); } } // FreeLibrary, so we can delete the temp
if (Temp[0] != 0) { BOOL DeleteSuccess = DeleteFileW(Temp); if (!DeleteSuccess) { if (GetLastError() == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED) { Sleep(100); DeleteSuccess = DeleteFileW(Temp); } } if (!DeleteSuccess) { String_t ErrorString = GetLastErrorString(); wprintf(((Argv0base + L" : WARNING: DeleteFile(") + Temp + L") FAILED: " + ErrorString + L"\n").c_str()); if (!MoveFileExW(Temp, NULL, MOVEFILE_DELAY_UNTIL_REBOOT)) { String_t ErrorString = GetLastErrorString(); wprintf((Argv0base + L" : WARNING: MoveFileExW(" + Temp + L") FAILED: " + ErrorString + L"\n").c_str()); } } } NextFile: ; } }
void ResourceTool_t::FindAndDeleteDuplicates() { if (this->Files.size() != 2) { printf("%ls : ERROR : Usage...\n", Argv0base_cstr); return; } this->ShouldPrint = false; this->FindDuplicates(); File_t File = this->Files[1]; this->Files.clear(); this->Files.push_back(File); this->ShouldPrint = true; this->Delete(); }
void ResourceTool_t::ChangeEmptyQueryToAllQuery() { if (Tuples.size() == 0) { ResourceIdTuple_t Tuple; Tuple.Language = L"*"; Tuple.Name = L"*"; Tuple.Type = L"*"; Tuples.insert(Tuples.end(), Tuple); } }
void ResourceTool_t::FindDuplicates() { if (Files.size() != 2) { printf("%ls : ERROR : Usage...\n", Argv0base_cstr); return; } EnumResources_t EnumResources[2]; CDynamicLinkLibrary dll[2]; if (!OpenResourceFile(0, dll[0], Files[0])) { return; } if (!OpenResourceFile(0, dll[1], Files[1])) { return; } EnumResources[0](dll[0]); EnumResources[1](dll[1]);
std::set<Resource_t> Matched[2]; std::set<Resource_t>::const_iterator Iterators[2];
Tuples_t DeleteTuples;
Tuples_t::iterator QueryIterator;
for (QueryIterator = Tuples.begin(); QueryIterator != Tuples.end(); ++QueryIterator) { for (Iterators[0] = EnumResources[0].Resources.begin() ; Iterators[0] != EnumResources[0].Resources.end() ; ++Iterators[0] ) { if (Match(*Iterators[0], *QueryIterator)) { Matched[0].insert(Matched[0].end(), *Iterators[0]); } } for (Iterators[1] = EnumResources[1].Resources.begin() ; Iterators[1] != EnumResources[1].Resources.end() ; ++Iterators[1] ) { if (Match(*Iterators[1], *QueryIterator)) { Matched[1].insert(Matched[1].end(), *Iterators[1]); } } } std::set<Resource_t> Only[2]; // leftonly, rightonly
Only[0] = Matched[0]; Only[1] = Matched[1]; for (QueryIterator = Tuples.begin(); QueryIterator != Tuples.end(); ++QueryIterator) { for (Iterators[0] = Matched[0].begin() ; Iterators[0] != Matched[0].end() ; ++Iterators[0]) { for (Iterators[1] = Matched[1].begin(); Iterators[1] != Matched[1].end(); ++Iterators[1]) { if ( Iterators[0]->IdTuple.Type == Iterators[1]->IdTuple.Type // hack
&& Iterators[0]->IdTuple.Name == Iterators[1]->IdTuple.Name // hack
&& Match(*Iterators[1], *QueryIterator) // kind of hacky..we don't query iterator[0]
) { Only[0].erase(*Iterators[0]); Only[1].erase(*Iterators[1]); if (Iterators[0]->Size != Iterators[1]->Size) { if (ShouldPrint && Print.UnequalSize ) printf("%ls : UNEQUAL_SIZE : %ls.%ls.%ls.%ls, %ls.%ls.%ls.%ls\n", Argv0base_cstr, static_cast<PCWSTR>(Files[0]), static_cast<PCWSTR>(Iterators[0]->IdTuple.Type), static_cast<PCWSTR>(Iterators[0]->IdTuple.Name), static_cast<PCWSTR>(Iterators[0]->IdTuple.Language), static_cast<PCWSTR>(Files[1]), static_cast<PCWSTR>(Iterators[1]->IdTuple.Type), static_cast<PCWSTR>(Iterators[1]->IdTuple.Name), static_cast<PCWSTR>(Iterators[1]->IdTuple.Language) ); //UnequalSize.insert(UnequalSize.end(), Iterators[1]->IdTuple);
} else if (memcmp(Iterators[0]->Address, Iterators[1]->Address, Iterators[0]->Size) == 0) { if (ShouldPrint && Print.Equal) printf("%ls : EQUAL : %ls.%ls.%ls.%ls, %ls.%ls.%ls.%ls\n", Argv0base_cstr, static_cast<PCWSTR>(Files[0]), static_cast<PCWSTR>(Iterators[0]->IdTuple.Type), static_cast<PCWSTR>(Iterators[0]->IdTuple.Name), static_cast<PCWSTR>(Iterators[0]->IdTuple.Language), static_cast<PCWSTR>(Files[1]), static_cast<PCWSTR>(Iterators[1]->IdTuple.Type), static_cast<PCWSTR>(Iterators[1]->IdTuple.Name), static_cast<PCWSTR>(Iterators[1]->IdTuple.Language) ); DeleteTuples.insert(DeleteTuples.end(), Iterators[1]->IdTuple); } else { if (ShouldPrint && Print.UnequalContents) printf("%ls : UNEQUAL_CONTENTS : %ls.%ls.%ls.%ls, %ls.%ls.%ls.%ls\n", Argv0base_cstr, static_cast<PCWSTR>(Files[0]), static_cast<PCWSTR>(Iterators[0]->IdTuple.Type), static_cast<PCWSTR>(Iterators[0]->IdTuple.Name), static_cast<PCWSTR>(Iterators[0]->IdTuple.Language), static_cast<PCWSTR>(Files[1]), static_cast<PCWSTR>(Iterators[1]->IdTuple.Type), static_cast<PCWSTR>(Iterators[1]->IdTuple.Name), static_cast<PCWSTR>(Iterators[1]->IdTuple.Language) ); //UnequalContents.insert(UnequalSize.end(), Iterators[1]->IdTuple);
} } } } } if (ShouldPrint && Print.LeftOnly) { for (Iterators[0] = Only[0].begin() ; Iterators[0] != Only[0].end() ; ++Iterators[0]) { printf("%ls : LEFT_ONLY : %ls.%ls.%ls.%ls, %ls.%ls.%ls.%ls\n", Argv0base_cstr, static_cast<PCWSTR>(Files[0]), static_cast<PCWSTR>(Iterators[0]->IdTuple.Type), static_cast<PCWSTR>(Iterators[0]->IdTuple.Name), static_cast<PCWSTR>(Iterators[0]->IdTuple.Language), static_cast<PCWSTR>(Files[1]), static_cast<PCWSTR>(Iterators[0]->IdTuple.Type), static_cast<PCWSTR>(Iterators[0]->IdTuple.Name), static_cast<PCWSTR>(Iterators[0]->IdTuple.Language) ); } } if (ShouldPrint && Print.RightOnly) { for (Iterators[1] = Only[1].begin() ; Iterators[1] != Only[1].end() ; ++Iterators[1]) { printf("%ls : RIGHT_ONLY : %ls.%ls.%ls.%ls, %ls.%ls.%ls.%ls\n", Argv0base_cstr, static_cast<PCWSTR>(Files[0]), static_cast<PCWSTR>(Iterators[1]->IdTuple.Type), static_cast<PCWSTR>(Iterators[1]->IdTuple.Name), static_cast<PCWSTR>(Iterators[1]->IdTuple.Language), static_cast<PCWSTR>(Files[1]), static_cast<PCWSTR>(Iterators[1]->IdTuple.Type), static_cast<PCWSTR>(Iterators[1]->IdTuple.Name), static_cast<PCWSTR>(Iterators[1]->IdTuple.Language) ); } } Tuples = DeleteTuples; }
int ResourceTool_t::Main(const StringVector_t& args) { StringVectorConstIterator_t i; Operation_t Operation = NULL;
for (i = args.begin() ; i != args.end() ; ++i) { String_t s; String_t t; bool PrintAll = false; bool PrintNone = false; bool PrintValue = true; bool PrintUnequal = false;
s = *i; s = RemoveOptionChar(s);
if (s == L"Sxid12Tool1") { StringVector_t restArgs(i + 1, args.end()); return Sxid12Tool1(restArgs); } else if (GetFileAttributesW(s) != 0xFFFFFFFF) { goto FileLabel; } else if (s.Starts(t = L"Query")) Operation = &This_t::Query; else if (s.Starts(t = L"FindDuplicates")) Operation = &This_t::FindDuplicates; else if (s.Starts(t = L"Explode")) Operation = &This_t::Explode; else if (s.Starts(t = L"Diff")) { Operation = &This_t::FindDuplicates; Print.LeftOnly = true; Print.RightOnly = true; Print.Equal = true; Print.UnequalContents = true; Print.UnequalSize = true; } else if (s.Starts(t = L"Delete")) Operation = &This_t::Delete; else if (s.Starts(t = L"Dump")) Operation = &This_t::Dump; else if (s.Starts(t = L"FindAndDeleteDuplicates")) Operation = &This_t::FindAndDeleteDuplicates; else if (s.Starts(t = L"NoPrint")) { PrintValue = !PrintValue; goto PrintCommonLabel; } else if (s.Starts(t = L"Print")) { PrintCommonLabel: s = RemoveOptionChar(s.substr(t.Length())); bool* Member = NULL; if (s == (t = L"UnequalSize")) Member = &this->Print.UnequalSize; else if (s == (t = L"UnequalContents")) Member = &this->Print.UnequalContents; else if (s == (t = L"UnequalSize")) Member = &this->Print.UnequalSize; else if (s == (t = L"Keep")) Member = &this->Print.Keep; else if (s == (t = L"Delete")) Member = &this->Print.Delete; else if (s == (t = L"Success")) Member = &this->Print.Success; else if (s == (t = L"Unchanged")) Member = &this->Print.Unchanged; else if (s == (t = L"Equal")) Member = &this->Print.Equal; else if (s == (t = L"LeftOnly")) Member = &this->Print.LeftOnly; else if (s == (t = L"RightOnly")) Member = &this->Print.RightOnly; else if (s == L"All") { PrintAll = true; Print.SetAll(true); } else if (s == L"None") { PrintNone = true; Print.SetAll(false); } else if (s == L"Unequal") { PrintUnequal = true; this->Print.UnequalContents = true; this->Print.UnequalSize = true; } if (PrintAll || PrintNone || PrintUnequal) { // nothing
} else if (Member == NULL) { printf("%ls : WARNING: unknown print option \"%ls\" ignored\n", Argv0base_cstr, static_cast<PCWSTR>(s)); continue; } else { bool knownValue = true; s = RemoveOptionChar(s.substr(t.Length())); if (s != L"") { //
// This doesn't work because of the equality comparisons above. They need
// ignore whatever follows the colon.
if (s == L"No" || s == L"False") PrintValue = !PrintValue; else if (s == L"Yes" || s == L"True") { /* nothing */ } else { knownValue = false; printf("%ls : WARNING: unknown print option \"%ls\" ignored\n", Argv0base_cstr, static_cast<PCWSTR>(s)); continue; } } if (knownValue) *Member = PrintValue; } continue; } else if (s.Starts(t = L"File")) { FileLabel: s = RemoveOptionChar(s.substr(t.Length())); Files.push_back(s); continue; } else { Files.push_back(s); continue; } s = RemoveOptionChar(s.substr(t.Length())); SplitResourceTupleString(s, Tuples); } //std::sort(Tuples.begin(), Tuples.end());
if (Operation == NULL) { printf("Usage...\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } (this->*Operation)(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
extern "C" { //void __cdecl mainCRTStartup(void);
void __cdecl wmainCRTStartup(void); }
int __cdecl main(int argc, char** argv) { wmainCRTStartup(); return 0; }
extern "C" int __cdecl wmain(int argc, wchar_t** argv) { ResourceTool_t rtool; StringVector_t args; args.reserve(argc); rtool.Argv0 = argv[0]; String_t::size_type p = rtool.Argv0.find_last_of(L"\\/"); if (p != rtool.Argv0.npos) rtool.Argv0base = rtool.Argv0.substr(1 + p); else rtool.Argv0base = rtool.Argv0; p = rtool.Argv0base.find_last_of(L"."); if (p != rtool.Argv0base.npos) rtool.Argv0base = rtool.Argv0base.substr(0, p); rtool.Argv0base_cstr = rtool.Argv0base.c_str(); std::copy(argv + 1, argv + argc, std::back_inserter(args)); int ret = rtool.Main(args); return ret; }