Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
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#pragma once
class CStressJobManager;
class CBarrier { CEvent m_hBarrierEvent; LONG m_lBarrierSize; LONG m_lWaitingThreads;
CBarrier() : m_lBarrierSize(0), m_lWaitingThreads(0) { }
// Start up, with the given barrier size and name (if any)
BOOL Initialize( DWORD lBarrierSize, PCWSTR pcwszBarrierName = NULL ) { FN_PROLOG_WIN32 m_lBarrierSize = lBarrierSize; m_lWaitingThreads = 0; IFW32FALSE_EXIT(m_hBarrierEvent.Win32CreateEvent(TRUE, FALSE, pcwszBarrierName)); FN_EPILOG }
// This thread is to join the barrier. It's possible that this call will be
// the one that "breaks" the barrier..
BOOL WaitForBarrier() { FN_PROLOG_WIN32
LONG LatestValue = ::InterlockedIncrement(&m_lWaitingThreads);
if ( LatestValue >= m_lBarrierSize ) { IFW32FALSE_EXIT(::SetEvent(m_hBarrierEvent)); } else { IFW32FALSE_EXIT(::WaitForSingleObject(m_hBarrierEvent, INFINITE) == WAIT_OBJECT_0); }
// In case someone wants to wait on us without actually joining in to count
// for breaking the barrier (why??)
BOOL WaitForBarrierNoJoin() { FN_PROLOG_WIN32 IFW32FALSE_EXIT(::WaitForSingleObject(m_hBarrierEvent, INFINITE) == WAIT_OBJECT_0); FN_EPILOG }
// A thread has a reason to break the barrier early? Fine, let them.
BOOL EarlyRelease() { FN_PROLOG_WIN32 IFW32FALSE_EXIT(::SetEvent(m_hBarrierEvent)); FN_EPILOG } };
class CStressJobEntry { DWORD InternalThreadProc(); BOOL WaitForStartingGun();
public: CDequeLinkage m_dlLinkage; CThread m_hThread; bool m_fStop; ULONG m_ulRuns; ULONG m_ulFailures; DWORD m_dwSleepBetweenRuns; CStringBuffer m_buffTestName; CStringBuffer m_buffTestDirectory; CStressJobManager *m_pManager; //
// Override these three to provide functionality
virtual BOOL RunTest( bool &rfTestPasses ) = 0; virtual BOOL SetupSelfForRun() = 0; virtual BOOL Cleanup(); virtual BOOL LoadFromSettingsFile( PCWSTR pcwszSettingsFile );
// These are not to be overridden!
BOOL Stop( BOOL fWaitForCompletion = TRUE ); BOOL WaitForCompletion(); static DWORD ThreadProc( PVOID pv );
CStressJobEntry( CStressJobManager *pManager ); virtual ~CStressJobEntry(); };
typedef CDeque<CStressJobEntry, offsetof(CStressJobEntry, m_dlLinkage)> CStressEntryDeque; typedef CDequeIterator<CStressJobEntry, offsetof(CStressJobEntry, m_dlLinkage)> CStressEntryDequeIterator;
class CStressJobManager { PRIVATIZE_COPY_CONSTRUCTORS(CStressJobManager);
friend CStressJobEntry;
CEvent m_hStartingGunEvent; ULONG m_ulThreadsCreated; ULONG m_ulThreadsReady;
BOOL SignalAnotherJobReady(); BOOL SignalThreadWorking(); BOOL SignalThreadDone(); BOOL WaitForStartEvent();
public: CStressEntryDeque m_JobsListed; ULONG m_ulThreadsWorking;
BOOL LoadFromDirectory( PCWSTR pcwszDirectoryName, PULONG pulJobsFound = NULL ); BOOL CreateWorkerThreads( PULONG pulThreadsCreated = NULL ); BOOL StopJobs( BOOL fWithWaitForComplete = TRUE ); BOOL CleanupJobs(); BOOL StartJobs(); BOOL WaitForAllJobsComplete();
// This returns the directory name that the manager will use to find
// data files/directories.
virtual PCWSTR GetGroupName() = 0; virtual PCWSTR GetIniFileName() = 0;
CStressJobManager(); ~CStressJobManager();
protected: virtual BOOL CreateJobEntry( CStressJobEntry* &pJobEntry ) = 0;