#include "stdinc.h"
#include "debmacro.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include "fusionbuffer.h"
#include "setupapi.h"
#include "shlwapi.h"
#if !defined(NT_INCLUDED)
#define PRINTABLE(_ch) (isprint((_ch)) ? (_ch) : '.')
#define FUSION_DEFAULT_DBG_LEVEL_MASK (0x00000000)
extern "C" DWORD kd_fusion_mask = (FUSION_DEFAULT_DBG_LEVEL_MASK & ~DPFLTR_MASK); extern "C" DWORD kd_kernel_fusion_mask = 0; extern "C" bool g_FusionEnterExitTracingEnabled = false;
typedef ULONG (NTAPI* RTL_V_DBG_PRINT_EX_FUNCTION)( IN ULONG ComponentId, IN ULONG Level, IN PCH Format, va_list arglist );
typedef ULONG (*RTL_V_DBG_PRINT_EX_WITH_PREFIX_FUNCTION)( IN PCH Prefix, IN ULONG ComponentId, IN ULONG Level, IN PCH Format, va_list arglist );
VOID FusionpvDbgPrintToSetupLog( IN LogSeverity Severity, IN PCSTR Format, IN va_list ap );
bool FusionpReportConditionAndBreak( PCSTR pszFormat, ... ) { char rgach[128], rgach2[128]; FRAME_INFO FrameInfo; bool f = true;
va_list ap; va_start(ap, pszFormat);
::_vsnprintf(rgach, NUMBER_OF(rgach), pszFormat, ap); rgach[NUMBER_OF(rgach) - 1] = '\0';
::_snprintf( rgach2, NUMBER_OF(rgach2), "%s(%d): Break-in requested:\n" " %s\n", FrameInfo.pszFile, FrameInfo.nLine, rgach);
rgach2[NUMBER_OF(rgach2) - 1] = '\0';
if (::IsDebuggerPresent()) { ::OutputDebugStringA(rgach2); f = true; } else { #if DBG
::FusionpRtlAssert( const_cast<PVOID>(reinterpret_cast<const void*>("Break-in requested")), const_cast<PVOID>(reinterpret_cast<const void*>(FrameInfo.pszFile)), FrameInfo.nLine, const_cast<PSTR>(rgach)); #endif
f = false; }
va_end(ap); return f; }
#if DBG
bool FusionpAssertionFailed( const FRAME_INFO &rFrameInfo, PCSTR pszExpression, PCSTR pszText ) { CSxsPreserveLastError ple;
if (::IsDebuggerPresent()) { char rgach[512]; // c:\foo.cpp(35): Assertion Failure. Expression: "m_cch != 0". Text: "Must have nonzero length"
static const char szFormatWithText[] = "%s(%d): Assertion failure in %s. Expression: \"%s\". Text: \"%s\"\n"; static const char szFormatNoText[] = "%s(%d): Assertion failure in %s. Expression: \"%s\".\n"; PCSTR pszFormat = ((pszText == NULL) || (pszText == pszExpression)) ? szFormatNoText : szFormatWithText;
::_snprintf( rgach, NUMBER_OF(rgach), pszFormat, rFrameInfo.pszFile, rFrameInfo.nLine, rFrameInfo.pszFunction, pszExpression, pszText); rgach[NUMBER_OF(rgach) - 1] = '\0'; ::OutputDebugStringA(rgach);
ple.Restore(); return true; }
::FusionpRtlAssert( const_cast<PVOID>(reinterpret_cast<const void*>(pszExpression)), const_cast<PVOID>(reinterpret_cast<const void*>(rFrameInfo.pszFile)), rFrameInfo.nLine, const_cast<PSTR>(pszText));
ple.Restore(); return false; }
bool FusionpAssertionFailed( PCSTR pszFile, PCSTR pszFunctionName, INT nLine, PCSTR pszExpression, PCSTR pszText ) { FRAME_INFO FrameInfo; ::FusionpPopulateFrameInfo(FrameInfo, pszFile, pszFunctionName, nLine); return ::FusionpAssertionFailed(FrameInfo, pszExpression, pszText); }
#endif // DBG
VOID FusionpSoftAssertFailed( const FRAME_INFO &rFrameInfo, PCSTR pszExpression, PCSTR pszMessage ) { CSxsPreserveLastError ple; char rgach[256]; // c:\foo.cpp(35): [Fusion] Soft Assertion Failure. Expression: "m_cch != 0". Text: "Must have nonzero length"
static const char szFormatWithText[] = "%s(%d): Soft Assertion Failure in %s! Log a bug!\n Expression: %s\n Message: %s\n"; static const char szFormatNoText[] = "%s(%d): Soft Assertion Failure in %s! Log a bug!\n Expression: %s\n"; PCSTR pszFormat = ((pszMessage == NULL) || (pszMessage == pszExpression)) ? szFormatNoText : szFormatWithText;
::_snprintf(rgach, NUMBER_OF(rgach), pszFormat, rFrameInfo.pszFile, rFrameInfo.nLine, rFrameInfo.pszFunction, pszExpression, pszMessage); rgach[NUMBER_OF(rgach) - 1] = '\0';
ple.Restore(); }
VOID FusionpSoftAssertFailed( PCSTR pszFile, PCSTR pszFunction, INT nLine, PCSTR pszExpression, PCSTR pszMessage ) { FRAME_INFO FrameInfo;
::FusionpPopulateFrameInfo(FrameInfo, pszFile, pszFunction, nLine); ::FusionpSoftAssertFailed(FrameInfo, pszExpression, pszMessage); }
VOID FusionpSoftAssertFailed( PCSTR pszExpression, PCSTR pszMessage ) { FRAME_INFO FrameInfo; ::FusionpGetActiveFrameInfo(FrameInfo); ::FusionpSoftAssertFailed(FrameInfo, pszExpression, pszMessage); }
ULONG FusionpvDbgPrintExNoNTDLL( IN ULONG ComponentId, IN ULONG Level, IN PCH Format, va_list arglist ) { if ((ComponentId == DPFLTR_FUSION_ID) && (((Level < 32) && (((1 << Level) & kd_fusion_mask) != 0)) || ((Level >= 32) && ((Level & kd_fusion_mask) != 0)))) { CSxsPreserveLastError ple; CHAR rgchBuffer[512]; ULONG n = ::_vsnprintf(rgchBuffer, NUMBER_OF(rgchBuffer), Format, arglist); rgchBuffer[NUMBER_OF(rgchBuffer) - 1] = '\0'; ::OutputDebugStringA(rgchBuffer); ple.Restore(); return n; }
return 0; }
HMODULE g_setupapiDll = NULL;
BOOL WINAPI DllStartup_SetupLog( HINSTANCE Module, DWORD Reason, PVOID Reserved ) { BOOL fAnyWrong = FALSE; if ((Reason == DLL_PROCESS_DETACH) && (g_setupapiDll != NULL)) { PSETUPCLOSELOG_ROUTINE pfnSetupCloseLog = (PSETUPCLOSELOG_ROUTINE) ::GetProcAddress(g_setupapiDll, "SetupCloseLog"); if (pfnSetupCloseLog == NULL) { ::FusionpDbgPrint("SXS.DLL : SetupCloseLog failed to be located in setupapi.dll with LastError = %d\n", ::FusionpGetLastWin32Error()); fAnyWrong = TRUE; } else { (*pfnSetupCloseLog)(); // void func
} if ( ! FreeLibrary(g_setupapiDll)) { ::FusionpDbgPrint("SXS.DLL : FreeLibrary failed to free setupapi.dll with LastError = %d\n", ::FusionpGetLastWin32Error()); fAnyWrong = TRUE; } else g_setupapiDll = NULL; }
return (!fAnyWrong); }
typedef BOOL (WINAPI * PSETUPLOGERRORA_ROUTINE)( IN LPCSTR MessageString, IN LogSeverity Severity );
typedef BOOL (WINAPI * PSETUPLOGERRORW_ROUTINE)( IN LPCWSTR MessageString, IN LogSeverity Severity );
VOID FusionpvDbgPrintToSetupLog( IN LogSeverity Severity, IN PCSTR Format, IN va_list ap ) { //
// first, let us check whether this is ActCtxGen (by csrss.exe) or Setup Installation(by setup.exe)
// during GUI mode setup; do not log for ActCtxGen, only setup
if (::GetModuleHandleW(L"csrss.exe") != NULL) return;
typedef BOOL (WINAPI * PSETUPLOGERRORA_ROUTINE)(PCSTR MessageString, LogSeverity Severity); static PSETUPLOGERRORA_ROUTINE s_pfnSetupLogError = NULL; static BOOL s_fEverBeenCalled = FALSE;
if ((s_pfnSetupLogError == NULL) && !s_fEverBeenCalled) { g_setupapiDll = ::LoadLibraryW(L"SETUPAPI.DLL"); if (g_setupapiDll == NULL) { ::FusionpDbgPrint("SXS.DLL : Loadlibrary Failed to load setupapi.dll with LastError = %d\n", ::FusionpGetLastWin32Error()); goto Exit; }
PSETUPOPENLOG_ROUTINE pfnOpenSetupLog = (PSETUPOPENLOG_ROUTINE) ::GetProcAddress(g_setupapiDll, "SetupOpenLog"); if (pfnOpenSetupLog == NULL) { ::FusionpDbgPrint("SXS.DLL : SetupOpenLog failed to be located in setupapi.dll with LastError = %d\n", ::FusionpGetLastWin32Error()); goto Exit; }
if (!(*pfnOpenSetupLog)(FALSE)) { ::FusionpDbgPrint("SXS.DLL : SetupOpenLog failed with LastError = %d\n", ::FusionpGetLastWin32Error()); goto Exit; }
PSETUPLOGERRORA_ROUTINE pfnTemp = (PSETUPLOGERRORA_ROUTINE) ::GetProcAddress(g_setupapiDll, "SetupLogErrorA"); if (pfnTemp == NULL) { ::FusionpDbgPrint("SXS.DLL : SetupLogErrorA failed to be located in setupapi.dll with LastError = %d\n", ::FusionpGetLastWin32Error()); goto Exit; }
s_pfnSetupLogError = pfnTemp; }
if (s_pfnSetupLogError != NULL) { CHAR rgchBuffer[512];
::_vsnprintf(rgchBuffer, NUMBER_OF(rgchBuffer), Format, ap);
rgchBuffer[NUMBER_OF(rgchBuffer) - 1] = '\0';
if (!(*s_pfnSetupLogError)(rgchBuffer, Severity)) { ::FusionpDbgPrint("SXS.DLL : SetupLogErrorA failed with LastError = %d\n", ::FusionpGetLastWin32Error()); } } return; Exit: s_fEverBeenCalled = TRUE; }
ULONG FusionpvDbgPrintEx( ULONG Level, PCSTR Format, va_list ap ) { CSxsPreserveLastError ple; ULONG ulResult = 0;
if (g_pfnvDbgPrintEx == NULL) { HINSTANCE hInstNTDLL = ::GetModuleHandleW(L"NTDLL.DLL"); if (hInstNTDLL != NULL) g_pfnvDbgPrintEx = (RTL_V_DBG_PRINT_EX_FUNCTION)(::GetProcAddress(hInstNTDLL, "vDbgPrintEx"));
if (g_pfnvDbgPrintEx == NULL) g_pfnvDbgPrintEx = &::FusionpvDbgPrintExNoNTDLL; }
if (g_pfnvDbgPrintEx) { ulResult = (*g_pfnvDbgPrintEx)( DPFLTR_FUSION_ID, Level, const_cast<PSTR>(Format), ap); }
if (::IsDebuggerPresent()) { ulResult = ::FusionpvDbgPrintExNoNTDLL(DPFLTR_FUSION_ID, Level, const_cast<PSTR>(Format), ap); // Gross, but msdev chokes under too much debug output
if (ulResult != 0) ::Sleep(10); }
// Special handling of reflection out to the setup log...
if (Level & FUSION_DBG_LEVEL_SETUPLOG & ~DPFLTR_MASK) ::FusionpvDbgPrintToSetupLog( (Level== FUSION_DBG_LEVEL_ERROR) || (Level & FUSION_DBG_LEVEL_ERROR & ~DPFLTR_MASK) ? LogSevError : LogSevInformation, Format, ap);
return ulResult; }
ULONG FusionpDbgPrintEx( ULONG Level, PCSTR Format, ... ) { ULONG rv = 0; va_list ap; va_start(ap, Format); if ((Level & FUSION_DBG_LEVEL_SETUPLOG) || (::FusionpDbgWouldPrintAtFilterLevel(Level))) { rv = ::FusionpvDbgPrintEx(Level, Format, ap); } va_end(ap); return rv; }
#if 0
BOOL FusionpDbgErrorListContainsCode( ULONG Error, ULONG ToPrintCodesCount ... ) { CSxsPreserveLastError preserveLastError; bool bPrint = false; va_list ap;
va_start(ap, ToPrintCodesCount);
// Now let's zip through the list of error codes that
// we should be printing on and see if we pass the filter.
while ((ToPrintCodesCount--) && !bPrint) { if (va_arg(ap, ULONG) == Error) { bPrint = true; } }
return bPrint; } #endif
// Finds out whether or not the given level would print, given our
// current mask. Knows to look at kd_fusion_mask both in nt as well
// as in the current process.
#define RECHECK_INTERVAL (1000)
#if DBG
EXTERN_C BOOL g_fIgnoreSystemLevelFilterMask = FALSE; #endif
bool FusionpDbgWouldPrintAtFilterLevel( ULONG Level ) { // The time quanta here is milliseconds (1000 per second)
#if DBG
if ( !g_fIgnoreSystemLevelFilterMask ) { #endif
static ULONG s_ulNextTimeToCheck; ULONG ulCapturedNextTimeToCheck = s_ulNextTimeToCheck;
ULONG ulCurrentTime = (USER_SHARED_DATA->TickCountLow * (USER_SHARED_DATA->TickCountMultiplier >> 24));
// Look for either the tick count to have wrapped or to be over the next time to check.
// There's some opportunity for loss here if we only run this function every 49 days but
// that's pretty darned unlikely.
if ((ulCurrentTime >= ulCapturedNextTimeToCheck) || ((ulCapturedNextTimeToCheck > RECHECK_INTERVAL) && (ulCurrentTime < (ulCapturedNextTimeToCheck - RECHECK_INTERVAL)))) { DWORD dwNewFusionMask = 0; ULONG i;
// Time to check again...
for (i=0; i<31; i++) { if (::FusionpNtQueryDebugFilterState(DPFLTR_FUSION_ID, (DPFLTR_MASK | (1 << i))) == TRUE) dwNewFusionMask |= (1 << i); }
if (s_ulNextTimeToCheck == ulCapturedNextTimeToCheck) { // Check again in 1000ms (1 second)
s_ulNextTimeToCheck = (ulCurrentTime + RECHECK_INTERVAL);
// Nobody got in before us. Let's write it...
kd_kernel_fusion_mask = dwNewFusionMask;
g_FusionEnterExitTracingEnabled = (((kd_fusion_mask | kd_kernel_fusion_mask) & FUSION_DBG_LEVEL_ENTEREXIT) != 0); } } #if DBG
} #endif
ULONG mask = Level; // If level < 32, it's actually a single-bit test
if (Level < 32) mask = (1 << Level);
// Are these bits set in our mask?
return (((kd_fusion_mask | kd_kernel_fusion_mask) & mask) != 0); }
VOID FusionppDbgPrintBlob( ULONG Level, PVOID Data, SIZE_T Length, PCWSTR PerLinePrefix ) { ULONG Offset = 0;
if (PerLinePrefix == NULL) PerLinePrefix = L"";
// we'll output in 8-byte chunks as shown:
// [prefix] 00000000: xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx (........)
// [prefix] 00000008: xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx (........)
// [prefix] 00000010: xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx (........)
while (Length >= 16) { BYTE *pb = (BYTE *) (((ULONG_PTR) Data) + Offset);
::FusionpDbgPrintEx( Level, "%S%08lx: %02x-%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x (%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c)\n", PerLinePrefix, Offset, pb[0], pb[1], pb[2], pb[3], pb[4], pb[5], pb[6], pb[7], pb[8], pb[9], pb[10], pb[11], pb[12], pb[13], pb[14], pb[15], PRINTABLE(pb[0]), PRINTABLE(pb[1]), PRINTABLE(pb[2]), PRINTABLE(pb[3]), PRINTABLE(pb[4]), PRINTABLE(pb[5]), PRINTABLE(pb[6]), PRINTABLE(pb[7]), PRINTABLE(pb[8]), PRINTABLE(pb[9]), PRINTABLE(pb[10]), PRINTABLE(pb[11]), PRINTABLE(pb[12]), PRINTABLE(pb[13]), PRINTABLE(pb[14]), PRINTABLE(pb[15]));
Offset += 16; Length -= 16; }
if (Length != 0) { WCHAR wchLeft[64], wchRight[64]; WCHAR rgTemp2[16]; // arbitrary big enough size
bool First = true; ULONG i; BYTE *pb = (BYTE *) (((ULONG_PTR) Data) + Offset);
// init output buffers
wchLeft[0] = 0; ::wcscpy( wchRight, L" (" );
for (i=0; i<16; i++) { if (Length > 0) { // left
::_snwprintf(rgTemp2, NUMBER_OF(rgTemp2), L"%ls%02x", First ? L" " : L"-", pb[i]); First = false; ::wcscat(wchLeft, rgTemp2);
// right
::_snwprintf(rgTemp2, NUMBER_OF(rgTemp2), L"%c", PRINTABLE(pb[i])); wcscat(wchRight, rgTemp2); Length--; } else { ::wcscat(wchLeft, L" "); } }
::wcscat(wchRight, L")");
::FusionpDbgPrintEx( Level, "%S %08lx:%ls%ls\n", PerLinePrefix, Offset, wchLeft, wchRight);
} }
VOID FusionpDbgPrintBlob( ULONG Level, PVOID Data, SIZE_T Length, PCWSTR PerLinePrefix ) { //
// This extra function reduces stack usage when the data
// isn't actually printed (and increases stack usage slightly otherwise).
if (!::FusionpDbgWouldPrintAtFilterLevel(Level)) return; ::FusionppDbgPrintBlob(Level, Data, Length, PerLinePrefix); }