#include "stdinc.h"
Fusion Thread Local Storage (aka Per Thread Data) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "ntrtl.h"
#include "fusiontls.h"
#include "FusionDequeLinkage.h"
#include "FusionDeque.h"
#include "FusionEventLog.h"
#include "FusionHeap.h"
#include "SxsExceptionHandling.h"
// Don't use the FusionTrace functionality in this file.
// #include "fusiontracelight.h"
static DWORD s_dwFusionpThreadLocalIndex = TLS_OUT_OF_INDEXES;
// typedef CDeque<CFusionPerThreadData, offsetof( CFusionPerThreadData, m_Linkage )> CFusionTlsList;
static CRITICAL_SECTION s_TlsCriticalSection; static LIST_ENTRY * g_FusionTlsList = NULL; static __int64 storage_g_FusionTlsList[sizeof(LIST_ENTRY)/sizeof(__int64) + 1];
template <typename T> T* PlacementNew(T* p) { (void) (new (reinterpret_cast<PVOID>(p)) T); return p; }
BOOL FusionpPerThreadDataMain( HINSTANCE hInst, DWORD dwReason ) { BOOL fResult = FALSE;
switch ( dwReason ) { case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH:
__try { if ( !::InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount( &s_TlsCriticalSection, INITIALIZE_CRITICAL_SECTION_AND_SPIN_COUNT_ALLOCATE_NOW ) ) { ::FusionpDbgPrintEx( FUSION_DBG_LEVEL_ERROR, "SXS: %s - Failed creating TLS critical section, LastError=%08x\n", __FUNCTION__, ::FusionpGetLastWin32Error()); goto Exit; } } __except( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER ) { //
// The exception code is interesting. However, we don't have access
// (directly) to SxspSetLastNTError yet - this is a hotfix.
// REVIEW: Move SxspSetLastNTError into one of the fusion\utils\*.cpp files
// because it seems like a relatively good idea.
::SetLastError(::FusionpNtStatusToDosError(GetExceptionCode())); goto Exit; }
s_dwFusionpThreadLocalIndex = TlsAlloc(); if ( s_dwFusionpThreadLocalIndex == TLS_OUT_OF_INDEXES ) { ::FusionpDbgPrintEx( FUSION_DBG_LEVEL_ERROR, "SXS.DLL: %s(): TlsAlloc failed: last error %d\n", __FUNCTION__, FusionpGetLastWin32Error()); goto Exit; }
g_FusionTlsList = PlacementNew(reinterpret_cast<LIST_ENTRY *>(&storage_g_FusionTlsList)); if ( g_FusionTlsList == NULL ) { ::FusionpDbgPrintEx( FUSION_DBG_LEVEL_ERROR, "SXS.DLL: %s(): Really bad things: placement new of CFusionTlsList failed, 0x%08x\n", __FUNCTION__, ::FusionpGetLastWin32Error()); ::SetLastError(ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR); goto Exit; }
if ( s_dwFusionpThreadLocalIndex != TLS_OUT_OF_INDEXES ) { ::EnterCriticalSection( &s_TlsCriticalSection ); __try { LIST_ENTRY *ple = g_FusionTlsList->Flink;
while (ple != g_FusionTlsList) { CFusionPerThreadData *pptd = CONTAINING_RECORD(ple, CFusionPerThreadData, m_Linkage); ple = ple->Flink; FUSION_DELETE_SINGLETON(pptd); } } __finally { ::LeaveCriticalSection( &s_TlsCriticalSection ); } ::TlsFree( s_dwFusionpThreadLocalIndex ); s_dwFusionpThreadLocalIndex = TLS_OUT_OF_INDEXES; }
// Re-entrance intelligence
if (g_FusionTlsList != NULL) { InitializeListHead(g_FusionTlsList); g_FusionTlsList = NULL; }
::DeleteCriticalSection( &s_TlsCriticalSection );
break; }
fResult = TRUE;
Exit: return fResult; }
VOID FusionpClearPerThreadData( VOID ) { CFusionPerThreadData *pPerThread; PVOID pvPerThread;
ASSERT_NTC(s_dwFusionpThreadLocalIndex != TLS_OUT_OF_INDEXES);
// Acquire, then clear, this thread's per-thread data
pvPerThread = ::TlsGetValue(s_dwFusionpThreadLocalIndex);
// If the TlsSetValue failed with STATUS_NO_MEMORY, that's just dandy.
// Otherwise, something wierd has happened along the line, and maybe
// people care to know.
if ( !::TlsSetValue( s_dwFusionpThreadLocalIndex, NULL ) ) { SOFT_ASSERT_NTC(::FusionpGetLastWin32Error() != ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); }
// If we got something interesting back from TlsGetValue, then cast it
// to the Right Thing and delete it.
pPerThread = reinterpret_cast<CFusionPerThreadData*>(pvPerThread); if (pPerThread != NULL) FUSION_DELETE_SINGLETON(pPerThread); }
CFusionPerThreadData* FusionpGetPerThreadData( EFusionpTls e ) { const DWORD dwLastError = ::FusionpGetLastWin32Error(); CFusionPerThreadData* pTls = NULL;
__try {
// the use of "temp" here mimics what you would do with a destructor;
// have a temp that is unconditionally freed, unless it is nulled by commiting it
// into the return value "return pt.Detach();"
CFusionPerThreadData* pTlsTemp = reinterpret_cast<CFusionPerThreadData*>(::TlsGetValue(s_dwFusionpThreadLocalIndex)); if ((pTlsTemp == NULL) && ((e & eFusionpTlsCreate) != 0)) { if (::FusionpGetLastWin32Error() != NO_ERROR) { ::FusionpDbgPrintEx( FUSION_DBG_LEVEL_ERROR, "SXS.DLL: %s() called TlsGetValue() which failed; win32 error = %d\n", __FUNCTION__, ::FusionpGetLastWin32Error());
return NULL; }
pTlsTemp = reinterpret_cast<CFusionPerThreadData*>(FUSION_RAW_ALLOC(sizeof(*pTlsTemp), 'tsxs')); if (pTlsTemp == NULL) { ::FusionpDbgPrintEx( FUSION_DBG_LEVEL_ERROR, "SXS.DLL: TLS allocation failed in %s()\n", __FUNCTION__);
return NULL; }
if (!::TlsSetValue(s_dwFusionpThreadLocalIndex, pTlsTemp)) { ::FusionpDbgPrintEx( FUSION_DBG_LEVEL_ERROR, "SXS.DLL: TlsSetValue failed in %s(), lastError: %d\n", __FUNCTION__, FusionpGetLastWin32Error());
return NULL; }
::EnterCriticalSection( &s_TlsCriticalSection ); __try { InsertTailList(g_FusionTlsList, &pTlsTemp->m_Linkage); } __finally { ::LeaveCriticalSection( &s_TlsCriticalSection ); } }
pTls = pTlsTemp; pTlsTemp = NULL; } __finally { ::SetLastError(dwLastError); }
return pTls; }
CFusionPerThreadData * FusionpSetPerThreadData( CFusionPerThreadData *pNewTls, EFusionSetTls Action ) { CSxsPreserveLastError ple; CFusionPerThreadData *pExisting = NULL;
if (s_dwFusionpThreadLocalIndex == TLS_OUT_OF_INDEXES) { ::FusionpDbgPrintEx( FUSION_DBG_LEVEL_ERROR, "SXS.DLL: Attempt to set per thread data when TLS index was not allocated.");
FUSION_DEBUG_BREAK(); ple.Restore(); return NULL; }
if ( ( Action != eFusionpTlsSetReplaceExisting ) && ( Action != eFusionpTlsSetIfNull ) && ( Action != 0 ) ) { ::FusionpDbgPrintEx( FUSION_DBG_LEVEL_ERROR, "SXS.DLL: Invalid action parameter passed to %s\n", __FUNCTION__);
FUSION_DEBUG_BREAK(); ple.Restore(); return NULL; } else if (Action == 0) { Action = eFusionpTlsSetIfNull; }
pExisting = ::FusionpGetPerThreadData();
// If the existing one is null, and we're supposed to set it
// if it's null, then set it. Or, if we're suppose to set it
// anyhow, then that's fine.
if ((Action == eFusionpTlsSetReplaceExisting) || ((Action == eFusionpTlsSetIfNull) && (pExisting == NULL))) { if ( !::TlsSetValue(s_dwFusionpThreadLocalIndex, pNewTls)) { ple.Restore(); return NULL; }
pExisting = pNewTls; }
return pExisting; }