Copyright (c) 1991-1999, Microsoft Corporation All rights reserved.
Module Name:
Test module for NLS API IsDBCSLeadByte and IsDBCSLeadByteEx.
NOTE: This code was simply hacked together quickly in order to test the different code modules of the NLS component. This is NOT meant to be a formal regression test.
Revision History:
06-14-91 JulieB Created.
// Include Files.
#include "nlstest.h"
// Forward Declarations.
int DB_BadParamCheck();
int DB_NormalCase();
void CheckReturnIsDBCS( int CurrentReturn, int ExpectedReturn, LPSTR pErrString, int *pNumErrors);
// TestIsDBCSLeadByte
// Test routine for IsDBCSLeadByte API.
// 06-14-91 JulieB Created.
int TestIsDBCSLeadByte() { int ErrCount = 0; // error count
// Print out what's being done.
printf("\n\nTESTING IsDBCSLeadByte and IsDBCSLeadByteEx...\n\n");
// Test bad parameters.
ErrCount += DB_BadParamCheck();
// Test normal cases.
ErrCount += DB_NormalCase();
// Print out result.
printf("\nIsDBCSLeadByte: ERRORS = %d\n", ErrCount);
// Return total number of errors found.
return (ErrCount); }
// DB_BadParamCheck
// This routine passes in bad parameters to the API routine and checks to
// be sure they are handled properly. The number of errors encountered
// is returned to the caller.
// 06-14-91 JulieB Created.
int DB_BadParamCheck() { int NumErrors = 0; // error count - to be returned
BYTE ch; // character to check
BOOL rc; // return code
// Invalid Code Page.
// Variation 1 - CodePage = invalid
ch = 0x00; rc = IsDBCSLeadByteEx(5, ch); CheckReturnBadParam( rc, FALSE, ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, "CodePage invalid", &NumErrors );
// Return total number of errors found.
return (NumErrors); }
// DB_NormalCase
// This routine tests the normal cases of the API routine.
// 06-14-91 JulieB Created.
int DB_NormalCase() { int NumErrors = 0; // error count - to be returned
BYTE ch; // character to check
BOOL rc; // return code
#ifdef PERF
// IsDBCSLeadByte //
// Different values for ch.
// Variation 1 - ch = 0x00
ch = 0x00; rc = IsDBCSLeadByte(ch); CheckReturnIsDBCS( rc, FALSE, "ch = 0x00", &NumErrors );
// Variation 2 - ch = 0x23
ch = 0x23; rc = IsDBCSLeadByte(ch); CheckReturnIsDBCS( rc, FALSE, "ch = 0x23", &NumErrors );
// Variation 3 - ch = 0xb3
ch = 0xb3; rc = IsDBCSLeadByte(ch); CheckReturnIsDBCS( rc, FALSE, "ch = 0xb3", &NumErrors );
// Variation 4 - ch = 0xff
ch = 0xff; rc = IsDBCSLeadByte(ch); CheckReturnIsDBCS( rc, FALSE, "ch = 0xff", &NumErrors );
#ifdef JDB
// DBCS Chars for Japanese - cp 932.
// Variation 1 - DBCS lead byte 0x81
rc = IsDBCSLeadByte(0x81); CheckReturnIsDBCS( rc, TRUE, "DBCS 0x81", &NumErrors );
// Variation 2 - DBCS lead byte 0x85
rc = IsDBCSLeadByte(0x85); CheckReturnIsDBCS( rc, TRUE, "DBCS 0x85", &NumErrors );
// Variation 3 - DBCS lead byte 0x9f
rc = IsDBCSLeadByte(0x9f); CheckReturnIsDBCS( rc, TRUE, "DBCS 0x9f", &NumErrors );
// Variation 4 - DBCS lead byte 0xe0
rc = IsDBCSLeadByte(0xe0); CheckReturnIsDBCS( rc, TRUE, "DBCS 0xe0", &NumErrors );
// Variation 5 - DBCS lead byte 0xfb
rc = IsDBCSLeadByte(0xfb); CheckReturnIsDBCS( rc, TRUE, "DBCS 0xfb", &NumErrors );
// Variation 6 - DBCS lead byte 0xfc
rc = IsDBCSLeadByte(0xfc); CheckReturnIsDBCS( rc, TRUE, "DBCS 0xfc", &NumErrors );
// Non DBCS Chars for Japanese - cp 932.
// Variation 1 - Non DBCS lead byte 0x80
CheckReturnIsDBCS( rc, FALSE, "Non DBCS lead byte 0x80", &NumErrors );
// Variation 2 - Non DBCS lead byte 0xfd
rc = IsDBCSLeadByte(0xfd); CheckReturnIsDBCS( rc, FALSE, "Non DBCS lead byte 0xfd", &NumErrors );
// Variation 3 - Non DBCS lead byte 0xa0
rc = IsDBCSLeadByte(0xa0); CheckReturnIsDBCS( rc, FALSE, "Non DBCS lead byte 0xa0", &NumErrors );
// Variation 4 - Non DBCS lead byte 0xdf
rc = IsDBCSLeadByte(0xdf); CheckReturnIsDBCS( rc, FALSE, "Non DBCS lead byte 0xdf", &NumErrors );
// IsDBCSLeadByteEx //
// Different values for ch.
// Variation 1 - ch = 0x00
ch = 0x00; rc = IsDBCSLeadByteEx(1252, ch); CheckReturnIsDBCS( rc, FALSE, "Ex ch = 0x00", &NumErrors );
// Variation 2 - ch = 0x23
ch = 0x23; rc = IsDBCSLeadByteEx(1252, ch); CheckReturnIsDBCS( rc, FALSE, "Ex ch = 0x23", &NumErrors );
// Variation 3 - ch = 0xb3
ch = 0xb3; rc = IsDBCSLeadByteEx(1252, ch); CheckReturnIsDBCS( rc, FALSE, "Ex ch = 0xb3", &NumErrors );
// Variation 4 - ch = 0xff
ch = 0xff; rc = IsDBCSLeadByteEx(1252, ch); CheckReturnIsDBCS( rc, FALSE, "Ex ch = 0xff", &NumErrors );
// DBCS Chars for Japanese - cp 932.
// Variation 1 - DBCS lead byte 0x81
rc = IsDBCSLeadByteEx(932, 0x81); CheckReturnIsDBCS( rc, TRUE, "Ex DBCS 0x81", &NumErrors );
// Variation 2 - DBCS lead byte 0x85
rc = IsDBCSLeadByteEx(932, 0x85); CheckReturnIsDBCS( rc, TRUE, "Ex DBCS 0x85", &NumErrors );
// Variation 3 - DBCS lead byte 0x9f
rc = IsDBCSLeadByteEx(932, 0x9f); CheckReturnIsDBCS( rc, TRUE, "Ex DBCS 0x9f", &NumErrors );
// Variation 4 - DBCS lead byte 0xe0
rc = IsDBCSLeadByteEx(932, 0xe0); CheckReturnIsDBCS( rc, TRUE, "Ex DBCS 0xe0", &NumErrors );
// Variation 5 - DBCS lead byte 0xfb
rc = IsDBCSLeadByteEx(932, 0xfb); CheckReturnIsDBCS( rc, TRUE, "Ex DBCS 0xfb", &NumErrors );
// Variation 6 - DBCS lead byte 0xfc
rc = IsDBCSLeadByteEx(932, 0xfc); CheckReturnIsDBCS( rc, TRUE, "Ex DBCS 0xfc", &NumErrors );
// Non DBCS Chars for Japanese - cp 932.
// Variation 1 - Non DBCS lead byte 0x80
rc = IsDBCSLeadByteEx(932, 0x80); CheckReturnIsDBCS( rc, FALSE, "Ex Non DBCS lead byte 0x80", &NumErrors );
// Variation 2 - Non DBCS lead byte 0xfd
rc = IsDBCSLeadByteEx(932, 0xfd); CheckReturnIsDBCS( rc, FALSE, "Ex Non DBCS lead byte 0xfd", &NumErrors );
// Variation 3 - Non DBCS lead byte 0xa0
rc = IsDBCSLeadByteEx(932, 0xa0); CheckReturnIsDBCS( rc, FALSE, "Ex Non DBCS lead byte 0xa0", &NumErrors );
// Variation 4 - Non DBCS lead byte 0xdf
rc = IsDBCSLeadByteEx(932, 0xdf); CheckReturnIsDBCS( rc, FALSE, "Ex Non DBCS lead byte 0xdf", &NumErrors );
// Return total number of errors found.
return (NumErrors); }
// CheckReturnIsDBCS
// Checks the return code from the IsDBCSLeadByte call. It prints out
// the appropriate error if the incorrect result is found.
// 06-14-91 JulieB Created.
void CheckReturnIsDBCS( int CurrentReturn, int ExpectedReturn, LPSTR pErrString, int *pNumErrors) { if ( (CurrentReturn != ExpectedReturn) || ( (CurrentReturn == FALSE) && (GetLastError() == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) ) ) { printf("ERROR: %s - \n", pErrString); printf(" Return = %d, Expected = %d\n", CurrentReturn, ExpectedReturn);
(*pNumErrors)++; } }