Copyright (c) 1991-1999, Microsoft Corporation All rights reserved.
Module Name:
Test module for NLS API EnumSystemGeoID.
NOTE: This code was simply hacked together quickly in order to test the different code modules of the NLS component. This is NOT meant to be a formal regression test.
Revision History:
09-12-2000 JulieB Created.
// Include Files.
#include "nlstest.h"
// Constant Declarations.
// Global Variables.
int GeoCtr; int EnumErrors;
// Forward Declarations.
BOOL InitEnumSystemGeoID();
int ESGI_BadParamCheck();
int ESGI_NormalCase();
// Callback function.
BOOL CALLBACK MyFuncGeo( GEOID GeoId) { TCHAR pData[128];
pData[0] = 0; if (GetGeoInfoW( GeoId, GEO_FRIENDLYNAME, pData, sizeof(pData) / sizeof(TCHAR), 0 ) == 0) { printf("GetGeoInfo failed during Enum for GeoId %d\n", GeoId); EnumErrors++; } else if (pData[0] == 0) { printf("GetGeoInfo returned null string during Enum for GeoId %d\n", GeoId); EnumErrors++; }
if (Verbose) { printf("%d - %ws\n", GeoId, pData); }
return (TRUE); }
// TestEnumSystemGeoID
// Test routine for EnumSystemGeoID API.
// 09-12-00 JulieB Created.
int TestEnumSystemGeoID() { int ErrCount = 0; // error count
// Print out what's being done.
printf("\n\nTESTING EnumSystemGeoID...\n\n");
// Initialize global variables.
if (!InitEnumSystemGeoID()) { printf("\nABORTED TestEnumSystemGeoID: Could not Initialize.\n"); return (1); }
// Test bad parameters.
ErrCount += ESGI_BadParamCheck();
// Test normal cases.
ErrCount += ESGI_NormalCase();
// Print out result.
printf("\nEnumSystemGeoID: ERRORS = %d\n", ErrCount);
// Return total number of errors found.
return (ErrCount); }
// InitEnumSystemGeoID
// This routine initializes the global variables. If no errors were
// encountered, then it returns TRUE. Otherwise, it returns FALSE.
// 09-12-00 JulieB Created.
BOOL InitEnumSystemGeoID() { //
// Initialize geo counter.
GeoCtr = 0;
// Initialize enum error counter.
EnumErrors = 0;
// Return success.
return (TRUE); }
// ESGI_BadParamCheck
// This routine passes in bad parameters to the API routines and checks to
// be sure they are handled properly. The number of errors encountered
// is returned to the caller.
// 09-12-00 JulieB Created.
int ESGI_BadParamCheck() { int NumErrors = 0; // error count - to be returned
int rc; // return code
// Invalid Function.
// Variation 1 - Function = invalid
GeoCtr = 0; EnumErrors = 0; rc = EnumSystemGeoID(GEOCLASS_NATION, 0, NULL); NumErrors += EnumErrors; CheckReturnBadParamEnum( rc, FALSE, ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Function invalid", &NumErrors, GeoCtr, 0 );
// Invalid Flag.
// Variation 1 - dwFlags = invalid
GeoCtr = 0; EnumErrors = 0; rc = EnumSystemGeoID(ESGI_INVALID_FLAG, 0, MyFuncGeo); NumErrors += EnumErrors; CheckReturnBadParamEnum( rc, FALSE, ERROR_INVALID_FLAGS, "Flag invalid", &NumErrors, GeoCtr, 0 );
// Variation 2 - dwFlags = invalid 2
GeoCtr = 0; EnumErrors = 0; rc = EnumSystemGeoID(GEOCLASS_REGION, 0, MyFuncGeo); NumErrors += EnumErrors; CheckReturnBadParamEnum( rc, FALSE, ERROR_INVALID_FLAGS, "Flag invalid 2", &NumErrors, GeoCtr, 0 );
// NOTE: There is no validation on ParentGeoId. This parameter
// isn't used.
// Return total number of errors found.
return (NumErrors); }
// ESGI_NormalCase
// This routine tests the normal cases of the API routine.
// 09-12-00 JulieB Created.
int ESGI_NormalCase() { int NumErrors = 0; // error count - to be returned
int rc; // return code
// Variation 1 - Installed
GeoCtr = 0; EnumErrors = 0; rc = EnumSystemGeoID(GEOCLASS_NATION, 0, MyFuncGeo); NumErrors += EnumErrors; CheckReturnValidEnum( rc, TRUE, GeoCtr, NUM_SUPPORTED_GEOIDS, "GeoClass Nation", &NumErrors );
// Return total number of errors found.
return (NumErrors); }