Copyright (c) 1991-1999, Microsoft Corporation All rights reserved.
Module Name:
Test module for NLS API.
NOTE: This code was simply hacked together quickly in order to test the different code modules of the NLS component. This is NOT meant to be a formal regression test.
Revision History:
06-14-91 JulieB Created.
// Include Files.
#include "nlstest.h"
// Global Variables.
BOOL Verbose = 0; // verbose flag
LCID pAllLocales[] = // all supported locale ids
{ 0x0402, 0x0404, 0x0804, 0x0c04, 0x1004, 0x0405, 0x0406, 0x0407, 0x0807, 0x0c07, 0x0408, 0x0409, 0x0809, 0x0c09, 0x1009, 0x1409, 0x1809, 0x040a, 0x080a, 0x0c0a, 0x040b, 0x040c, 0x080c, 0x0c0c, 0x100c, 0x040e, 0x040f, 0x0410, 0x0810, 0x0411, 0x0412, 0x0413, 0x0813, 0x0414, 0x0814, 0x0415, 0x0416, 0x0816, 0x0418, 0x0419, 0x041a, 0x041b, 0x041d, 0x041f, 0x0424 };
int NumLocales = ( sizeof(pAllLocales) / sizeof(LCID) );
// Buffer used in GetUnicodeString()/GetAnsiString()
CHAR TempStringBuffer[1024];
// main
// Main Routine.
// 06-14-91 JulieB Created.
int _cdecl main( int argc, char *argv[]) { int NumErrs = 0; // number of errors
// Check for verbose switch.
if ( (argc > 1) && (_stricmp(argv[1], "-v") == 0) ) { Verbose = 1; }
// Print out what's being done.
printf("\nTesting NLS Component.\n");
// Test MultiByteToWideChar.
NumErrs += TestMBToWC();
// Test WideCharToMultiByte.
NumErrs += TestWCToMB();
// Test GetCPInfo.
NumErrs += TestGetCPInfo();
// Test CompareString.
NumErrs += TestCompareString();
// Test GetStringType.
NumErrs += TestGetStringType();
// Test FoldString.
NumErrs += TestFoldString();
// Test LCMapString.
NumErrs += TestLCMapString();
// Test GetLocaleInfo.
NumErrs += TestGetLocaleInfo();
// Test SetLocaleInfo.
NumErrs += TestSetLocaleInfo();
// Test GetCalendarInfo.
NumErrs += TestGetCalendarInfo();
// Test SetCalendarInfo.
NumErrs += TestSetCalendarInfo();
// Test GetGeoInfo.
NumErrs += TestGetGeoInfo();
// Test GetTimeFormat.
NumErrs += TestGetTimeFormat();
// Test GetDateFormat.
NumErrs += TestGetDateFormat();
// Test GetNumberFormat.
NumErrs += TestGetNumberFormat();
// Test GetCurrencyFormat.
NumErrs += TestGetCurrencyFormat();
// Test IsDBCSLeadByte.
NumErrs += TestIsDBCSLeadByte();
// Test IsValidCodePage.
NumErrs += TestIsValidCodePage();
// Test IsValidLanguageGroup.
NumErrs += TestIsValidLanguageGroup();
// Test IsValidLocale.
NumErrs += TestIsValidLocale();
// Test GetACP, GetOEMCP,
// GetSystemDefaultUILanguage, GetUserDefaultUILanguage,
// GetSystemDefaultLangID, GetUserDefaultLangID,
// GetSystemDefaultLCID, GetUserDefaultLCID,
// GetThreadLocale, SetThreadLocale
NumErrs += TestUtilityAPIs();
// Test EnumUILanguages.
NumErrs += TestEnumUILanguages();
// Test EnumSystemLanguageGroups.
NumErrs += TestEnumSystemLanguageGroups();
// Test EnumLanguageGroupLocales.
NumErrs += TestEnumLanguageGroupLocales();
// Test EnumSystemLocales.
NumErrs += TestEnumSystemLocales();
// Test EnumSystemCodePages.
NumErrs += TestEnumSystemCodePages();
// Test EnumCalendarInfo.
NumErrs += TestEnumCalendarInfo();
// Test EnumTimeFormats.
NumErrs += TestEnumTimeFormats();
// Test EnumDateFormats.
NumErrs += TestEnumDateFormats();
// Test EnumSystemGeoID.
NumErrs += TestEnumSystemGeoID();
// Print out final result.
if (NumErrs == 0) printf("\n\n\nNO Errors Found.\n\n"); else printf("\n\n\n%d ERRORS FOUND.\n\n", NumErrs);
// Return number of errors found.
return (NumErrs);
argc; argv; }
// CompStringsW
// Compares a wide character string to another wide character string.
// 06-14-91 JulieB Created.
int CompStringsW( WCHAR *WCStr1, WCHAR *WCStr2, int size) { int ctr; // loop counter
for (ctr = 0; WCStr1[ctr] == WCStr2[ctr]; ctr++) { if (ctr == (size - 1)) return (0); }
return (1); }
// CompStringsA
// Compares a multibyte string to another multibyte character string.
// 06-14-91 JulieB Created.
int CompStringsA( BYTE *MBStr1, BYTE *MBStr2, int size) { int ctr; // loop counter
for (ctr = 0; MBStr1[ctr] == MBStr2[ctr]; ctr++) { if (ctr == (size - 1)) return (0); }
return (1); }
// PrintWC
// Prints out a wide character string to the screen.
// Need the size parameter because the string may not be zero terminated.
// 06-14-91 JulieB Created.
void PrintWC( WCHAR *WCStr, int size) { int ctr; // loop counter
// Print the wide character string.
printf(" WC String => [%s]\n", GetUnicodeString(WCStr, size)); }
// PrintMB
// Prints out a multibyte character string to the screen.
// Need the size parameter because the string may not be zero terminated.
// 06-14-91 JulieB Created.
void PrintMB( BYTE *MBStr, int size) { int ctr; // loop counter
// Print the multibyte character string.
printf(" MB String => ["); for (ctr = 0; ctr < size; ctr++) { printf(((MBStr[ctr] < 0x21) || (MBStr[ctr] > 0x7e)) ? "(0x%x)" : "%c", MBStr[ctr]); } printf("]\n"); }
LPSTR GetUnicodeString(LPWSTR wstr, int count) { int i; LPSTR lpResult = TempStringBuffer; if (count == -1) { count = wcslen(wstr) + 1; }
for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { lpResult += sprintf(lpResult, "\\x%04x", (int)wstr[i]); } lpResult = L'\0';
return (TempStringBuffer); }
LPSTR GetAnsiString(LPSTR str, int count) { int i; LPSTR lpResult = TempStringBuffer; if (count == -1) { count = strlen(str); }
for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { lpResult += sprintf(lpResult, "\\x%02x", (unsigned char)str[i]); } lpResult = L'\0';
return (TempStringBuffer); }
// CheckLastError
// Checks the last error value.
// 06-14-91 JulieB Created.
void CheckLastError( DWORD ExpectedLastError, LPSTR pErrString, int *pNumErrors) { DWORD CurrentLastError; // last error
WCHAR Buffer[512];
if ((CurrentLastError = GetLastError()) != ExpectedLastError) { printf(">>>>ERROR: %s - \n", pErrString); FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, NULL, CurrentLastError, 0, Buffer, 512, NULL); wprintf(L" LastError = %x, String: %s\n", CurrentLastError, Buffer); FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, NULL, ExpectedLastError, 0, Buffer, 512, NULL); wprintf(L" Expected = %x, String: %s\n", ExpectedLastError, Buffer);
(*pNumErrors)++; } }
// CheckReturnBadParam
// Checks the return code from a call with a bad parameter. It prints out
// the appropriate error if either the return code or the last error is
// incorrect.
// 06-14-91 JulieB Created.
void CheckReturnBadParam( int CurrentReturn, int ExpectedReturn, DWORD ExpectedLastError, LPSTR pErrString, int *pNumErrors) { DWORD CurrentLastError; // last error
if ( (CurrentReturn != ExpectedReturn) || ((CurrentLastError = GetLastError()) != ExpectedLastError) ) { printf("ERROR: %s - \n", pErrString); printf(" Return = %d, Expected = %d\n", CurrentReturn, ExpectedReturn); printf(" LastError = %d, Expected = %d\n", CurrentLastError, ExpectedLastError); (*pNumErrors)++; } }
// CheckReturnBadParamEnum
// Checks the return code from an enumeration call with a bad parameter.
// It prints out the appropriate error if either the return code, the last
// error, or the enumeration counter is incorrect.
// 06-14-91 JulieB Created.
void CheckReturnBadParamEnum( int CurrentReturn, int ExpectedReturn, DWORD ExpectedLastError, LPSTR pErrString, int *pNumErrors, int CurrentEnumCtr, int ExpectedEnumCtr) { DWORD CurrentLastError; // last error
if ( (CurrentReturn != ExpectedReturn) || ((CurrentLastError = GetLastError()) != ExpectedLastError) || (CurrentEnumCtr != ExpectedEnumCtr) ) { printf("ERROR: %s - \n", pErrString); printf(" Return = %d, Expected = %d\n", CurrentReturn, ExpectedReturn); printf(" LastError = %d, Expected = %d\n", CurrentLastError, ExpectedLastError); printf(" EnumCtr = %d, Expected = %d\n", CurrentEnumCtr, ExpectedEnumCtr); (*pNumErrors)++; } }
// CheckReturnEqual
// Checks the return code from the valid NLS api "A" call to be sure that
// it does NOT equal a particular value. If it does equal that value,
// then it prints out the appropriate error.
// 06-14-91 JulieB Created.
void CheckReturnEqual( int CurrentReturn, int NonExpectedReturn, LPSTR pErrString, int *pNumErrors) { if (CurrentReturn == NonExpectedReturn) { printf("ERROR: %s - \n", pErrString); printf(" Unexpected Return = %d\n", CurrentReturn); printf(" Last Error = %d\n", GetLastError());
(*pNumErrors)++; } }
// CheckReturnValidEnumLoop
// Checks the return code from the valid NLS api "Enum" call. It prints out
// the appropriate error if the incorrect result is found.
// 06-14-91 JulieB Created.
void CheckReturnValidEnumLoop( int CurrentReturn, int ExpectedReturn, int CurrentCtr, int ExpectedCtr, LPSTR pErrString, DWORD ItemValue, int *pNumErrors) { if ( (CurrentReturn != ExpectedReturn) || (CurrentCtr != ExpectedCtr) ) { printf("ERROR: %s %x - \n", pErrString, ItemValue); printf(" Return = %d, Expected = %d\n", CurrentReturn, ExpectedReturn); printf(" Counter = %d, Expected = %d\n", CurrentCtr, ExpectedCtr);
(*pNumErrors)++; }
if (Verbose) { printf("\n"); } }
// CheckReturnValidEnum
// Checks the return code from the valid NLS api "Enum" call. It prints out
// the appropriate error if the incorrect result is found.
// 06-14-91 JulieB Created.
void CheckReturnValidEnum( int CurrentReturn, int ExpectedReturn, int CurrentCtr, int ExpectedCtr, LPSTR pErrString, int *pNumErrors) { if ( (CurrentReturn != ExpectedReturn) || (CurrentCtr != ExpectedCtr) ) { printf("ERROR: %s - \n", pErrString); printf(" Return = %d, Expected = %d\n", CurrentReturn, ExpectedReturn); printf(" Counter = %d, Expected = %d\n", CurrentCtr, ExpectedCtr);
(*pNumErrors)++; }
if (Verbose) { printf("\n"); } }
// CheckReturnValidLoopW
// Checks the return code from the valid NLS api "W" call. It prints out
// the appropriate error if the incorrect result is found.
// 06-14-91 JulieB Created.
void CheckReturnValidLoopW( int CurrentReturn, int ExpectedReturn, LPWSTR pCurrentString, LPWSTR pExpectedString, LPSTR pErrString, DWORD ItemValue, int *pNumErrors) { if ((ExpectedReturn == -1) && (pExpectedString != NULL)) { ExpectedReturn = WC_STRING_LEN_NULL(pExpectedString); }
if ( (CurrentReturn != ExpectedReturn) || ( (pCurrentString != NULL) && (CompStringsW(pCurrentString, pExpectedString, CurrentReturn)) ) ) { printf("ERROR: %s %x - \n", pErrString, ItemValue); printf(" Return = %d, Expected = %d\n", CurrentReturn, ExpectedReturn);
if (pCurrentString != NULL) { PrintWC(pCurrentString, CurrentReturn); }
(*pNumErrors)++; } }
// CheckReturnValidLoopA
// Checks the return code from the valid NLS api "A" call. It prints out
// the appropriate error if the incorrect result is found.
// 06-14-91 JulieB Created.
void CheckReturnValidLoopA( int CurrentReturn, int ExpectedReturn, LPSTR pCurrentString, LPSTR pExpectedString, LPSTR pErrString, DWORD ItemValue, int *pNumErrors) { if ((ExpectedReturn == -1) && (pExpectedString != NULL)) { ExpectedReturn = MB_STRING_LEN_NULL(pExpectedString); }
if ( (CurrentReturn != ExpectedReturn) || ( (pCurrentString != NULL) && (CompStringsA(pCurrentString, pExpectedString, CurrentReturn)) ) ) { printf("ERROR: %s %x - \n", pErrString, ItemValue); printf(" Return = %d, Expected = %d\n", CurrentReturn, ExpectedReturn);
if (pCurrentString != NULL) { PrintMB(pCurrentString, CurrentReturn); }
(*pNumErrors)++; } }
// CheckReturnValidW
// Checks the return code from the valid NLS api "W" call. It prints out
// the appropriate error if the incorrect result is found.
// 06-14-91 JulieB Created.
void CheckReturnValidW( int CurrentReturn, int ExpectedReturn, LPWSTR pCurrentString, LPWSTR pExpectedString, LPSTR pErrString, int *pNumErrors) { if ((ExpectedReturn == -1) && (pExpectedString != NULL)) { ExpectedReturn = WC_STRING_LEN_NULL(pExpectedString); }
if ( (CurrentReturn != ExpectedReturn) || ( (pCurrentString != NULL) && (CompStringsW(pCurrentString, pExpectedString, CurrentReturn)) ) ) { printf(">>>>ERROR: %s - \n", pErrString); printf(" Return = %d\n", CurrentReturn); printf(" Expected = %d\n", ExpectedReturn);
if (pCurrentString != NULL) { PrintWC(pCurrentString, CurrentReturn); }
(*pNumErrors)++; } }
// CheckReturnValidA
// Checks the return code from the valid NLS api "A" call. It prints out
// the appropriate error if the incorrect result is found.
// 06-14-91 JulieB Created.
void CheckReturnValidA( int CurrentReturn, int ExpectedReturn, LPSTR pCurrentString, LPSTR pExpectedString, LPBOOL pUsedDef, LPSTR pErrString, int *pNumErrors) { if ((ExpectedReturn == -1) && (pExpectedString != NULL)) { ExpectedReturn = MB_STRING_LEN_NULL(pExpectedString); }
if ( (CurrentReturn != ExpectedReturn) || ( (pCurrentString != NULL) && (CompStringsA(pCurrentString, pExpectedString, CurrentReturn)) ) || ( (pUsedDef != NULL) && (*pUsedDef != TRUE) ) ) { printf("ERROR: %s - \n", pErrString); printf(" Return = %d, Expected = %d\n", CurrentReturn, ExpectedReturn);
if (pUsedDef != NULL) { printf(" UsedDef = %d\n", *pUsedDef); }
if (pCurrentString != NULL) { PrintMB(pCurrentString, CurrentReturn); }
(*pNumErrors)++; } }
// CheckReturnValidInt
// Checks the return code from the valid NLS api "W" call. It prints out
// the appropriate error if the incorrect result is found.
// 06-14-91 JulieB Created.
void CheckReturnValidInt( int CurrentReturn, int ExpectedReturn, DWORD CurrentInt, DWORD ExpectedInt, LPSTR pErrString, int *pNumErrors) { if ( (CurrentReturn != ExpectedReturn) || (CurrentInt != ExpectedInt) ) { printf("ERROR: %s - \n", pErrString); printf(" Return = %d, Expected = %d\n", CurrentReturn, ExpectedReturn); printf(" Return Int = %d, Expected Int = %d\n", CurrentInt, ExpectedInt);
(*pNumErrors)++; } }