// StartTrace.cpp : Defines the entry point for the DLL application.
// judyp May 1999
#include "stdafx.h"
#pragma warning (disable : 4786)
#pragma warning (disable : 4275)
#include <iostream>
#include <strstream>
#include <fstream>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <io.h>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <map>
#include <list>
using namespace std;
#include <malloc.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include <windows.h>
#ifdef NONNT5
typedef unsigned long ULONG_PTR; #endif
#include <wmistr.h>
#include <guiddef.h>
#include <initguid.h>
#include <evntrace.h>
#include <WTYPES.H>
#include "t_string.h"
#include "Persistor.h"
#include "Logger.h"
#include "TCOData.h"
#include "Utilities.h"
#include "StructureWrappers.h"
#include "StructureWapperHelpers.h"
#include "ConstantMap.h"
#include "CollectionControl.h"
extern CConstantMap g_ConstantMap;
#define MAX_LINE 2048
int ParseGuids ( TCHAR *ptcBuffer, TCOData *pstructTCOData, LPTSTR *plptstrErrorDesc );
int ParseExeData ( t_string &tsData, int &nExes, LPTSTR *&lptstrArray, LPTSTR *plptstrErrorDesc );
// If an error occurs you users of this function must delete
// plptstrErrorDesc. It will contain a string describing
// the error.
int GetAllTCOData ( IN LPCTSTR lpctstrFile, OUT TCOData **pstructTCOData, OUT TCOFunctionalData **pstructTCOFunctionalData, OUT LPTSTR *plptstrErrorDesc, // Any error we had.
IN bool bGetFunctionalData ) { *pstructTCOData = (TCOData *) malloc (sizeof(TCOData)); RtlZeroMemory(*pstructTCOData , sizeof(TCOData));
if (bGetFunctionalData) { *pstructTCOFunctionalData = (TCOFunctionalData *) malloc(sizeof(TCOFunctionalData)); RtlZeroMemory(*pstructTCOFunctionalData , sizeof(TCOFunctionalData)); }
LPSTR lpstrFile; #ifdef UNICODE
lpstrFile = NewLPSTR(lpctstrFile); #else
lpstrFile = NewTCHAR(lpctstrFile); #endif
CPersistor PersistorIn (lpstrFile, ios::in | 0x20, // ios::nocreate = 0x20 - cannot get to compile!!!
true );
HRESULT hr = PersistorIn.Open();
if (FAILED(hr)) { t_string tsTemp; tsTemp = _T("TCOData error: Could not open file or file was not in correct character set (Unicode or ANSI) for file "); t_string tsFile; #ifdef _UNICODE
LPWSTR lpwstrTemp = NewLPWSTR(lpstrFile); tsFile = lpwstrTemp; free(lpwstrTemp); #else
tsFile = lpstrFile; #endif
tsTemp += tsFile; free (lpstrFile); lpstrFile = NULL; tsTemp += _T("."); *plptstrErrorDesc = NewTCHAR(tsTemp.c_str()); return -1; }
free (lpstrFile); lpstrFile = NULL;
int nReturn = GetTCOData ( PersistorIn, *pstructTCOData, plptstrErrorDesc // Any error we had.
if (nReturn != ERROR_SUCCESS) { PersistorIn.Close(); return nReturn; }
if (bGetFunctionalData) { nReturn = TCOFunctionalObjects ( PersistorIn, *pstructTCOFunctionalData, plptstrErrorDesc // Describes error this function had.
); }
PersistorIn.Close(); return nReturn;
// If an error occurs you users of this function must delete
// plptstrErrorDesc. It will contain a string describing
// the error.
int GetTCOData ( IN CPersistor &PersistorIn, OUT TCOData *pstructTCOData, OUT LPTSTR *plptstrErrorDesc // Any error we had.
) { RtlZeroMemory(pstructTCOData , sizeof(TCOData));
// We are doing line oriented serailization and assume that
// a line in the stream is 1024 or less TCHARS.
TCHAR *ptcBuffer = (TCHAR *) malloc(MAX_LINE * sizeof(TCHAR));
*plptstrErrorDesc = NULL;
// Short description
GetALine(PersistorIn.Stream(),ptcBuffer, MAX_LINE); pstructTCOData->m_lptstrShortDesc = NewTCHAR(ptcBuffer);
// Long description.
GetALine(PersistorIn.Stream(),ptcBuffer, MAX_LINE); pstructTCOData->m_lptstrLongDesc = NewTCHAR(ptcBuffer);
// Expected result had better be in the Constant map.
// Constant map is used to map a string to an undsigned int.
GetALine(PersistorIn.Stream(),ptcBuffer, MAX_LINE); t_string tsTemp; tsTemp = ptcBuffer;
CONSTMAP::iterator Iterator; Iterator = g_ConstantMap.m_Map.find(tsTemp);
// If you do not find your value in the map look in
// ConstantMap.cpp. You probably forgot to add it;->
if (Iterator == g_ConstantMap.m_Map.end()) { *plptstrErrorDesc = NewTCHAR(_T("TCOData error: Expected error is not in map")); free(ptcBuffer); return -1; } else { pstructTCOData->m_lptstrExpectedResult = NewTCHAR(ptcBuffer); pstructTCOData->m_ulExpectedResult = (*Iterator).second; }
// TraceHandle values are VALUE_VALID or VALUE_NULL
GetALine(PersistorIn.Stream(),ptcBuffer, MAX_LINE); tsTemp = ptcBuffer;
if (case_insensitive_compare(tsTemp,_T("VALUE_VALID")) == 0) { pstructTCOData->m_pTraceHandle = (TRACEHANDLE *) malloc (sizeof(TRACEHANDLE)); *pstructTCOData->m_pTraceHandle = NULL; } else if (case_insensitive_compare(tsTemp,_T("VALUE_NULL")) == 0) { pstructTCOData->m_pTraceHandle = (TRACEHANDLE *) NULL; } else { *plptstrErrorDesc = NewTCHAR (_T("TCOData error: Error in value of TraceHandle. Valid values are \"VALUE_VALID\" or \"VALUE_NULL\".")); free(ptcBuffer); return -1; }
GetALine(PersistorIn.Stream(),ptcBuffer, MAX_LINE); tsTemp = ptcBuffer; InitializeTCHARVar(tsTemp , (void *) &pstructTCOData->m_lptstrInstanceName);
// API test - valid values 0 - 6
// OtherTest = 0,
// StartTraceTest = 1,
// StopTraceTest = 2,
// EnableTraceTest = 3,
// QueryTraceTest = 4,
// UpdateTrace = 5,
// QueryAllTraces = 6
GetALine(PersistorIn.Stream(),ptcBuffer, MAX_LINE); tsTemp = ptcBuffer; InitializeULONGVar(tsTemp , (void *) &pstructTCOData->m_ulAPITest);
if (pstructTCOData->m_ulAPITest < 0 || pstructTCOData->m_ulAPITest > 6) { *plptstrErrorDesc = NewTCHAR (_T("TCOData error: Error in value of m_ulAPITest. Valid values are 0 - 6. See enum in TCOData.h")); free(ptcBuffer); return -1; }
GetALine(PersistorIn.Stream(),ptcBuffer, MAX_LINE); pstructTCOData->m_lptstrLoggerMode = NewTCHAR(ptcBuffer);
// Enable is used for EnableTrace.
GetALine(PersistorIn.Stream(),ptcBuffer, MAX_LINE); tsTemp = ptcBuffer; if (case_insensitive_compare(tsTemp.substr(0,7),_T("ENABLE:")) != 0) { *plptstrErrorDesc = NewTCHAR (_T("TCOData error: Enable: expected.")); free(ptcBuffer); return -1; } else { InitializeULONGVar(tsTemp.substr(7) , &pstructTCOData->m_ulEnable); }
// EnableFlag is used for EnableTrace and is passed to the provider.
GetALine(PersistorIn.Stream(),ptcBuffer, MAX_LINE); tsTemp = ptcBuffer; if (case_insensitive_compare(tsTemp.substr(0,11),_T("ENABLEFLAG:")) != 0) { *plptstrErrorDesc = NewTCHAR (_T("TCOData error: EnableFlag: expected.")); free(ptcBuffer); return -1; } else { InitializeHandleVar(tsTemp.substr(11) , &pstructTCOData->m_ulEnableFlag); }
// EnableLevel is used for EnableTrace and is passed to the provider.
GetALine(PersistorIn.Stream(),ptcBuffer, MAX_LINE); tsTemp = ptcBuffer; if (case_insensitive_compare(tsTemp.substr(0,12),_T("ENABLELEVEL:")) != 0) { *plptstrErrorDesc = NewTCHAR (_T("TCOData error: EnableLevel: expected.")); free(ptcBuffer); return -1; } else { InitializeHandleVar(tsTemp.substr(12) , &pstructTCOData->m_ulEnableLevel); }
CEventTraceProperties cPropsIn;
// This has to be mofified to allow a NULL strucutre.
cPropsIn.Persist( PersistorIn); pstructTCOData->m_pProps = cPropsIn.GetEventTracePropertiesInstance(); if (pstructTCOData->m_pProps && case_insensitive_compare(tsTemp,_T("PRIVATE_LOGGER")) == 0) { pstructTCOData->m_pProps->LogFileMode = pstructTCOData->m_pProps->LogFileMode | EVENT_TRACE_PRIVATE_LOGGER_MODE; } GetALine(PersistorIn.Stream(),ptcBuffer, MAX_LINE); int nReturn = ParseGuids(ptcBuffer, pstructTCOData, plptstrErrorDesc);
if(nReturn != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return nReturn; }
// Validator
if (PersistorIn.Stream().eof() == false) { GetALine(PersistorIn.Stream(),ptcBuffer, MAX_LINE); pstructTCOData->m_lptstrValidator = NewTCHAR(ptcBuffer); }
free(ptcBuffer); return 0; }
// If an error occurs you users of this function must delete
// plptstrErrorDesc. It will contain a string describing
// the error.
int TCOFunctionalObjects ( IN CPersistor &PersistorIn, IN OUT TCOFunctionalData *pstructTCOFunctionalData, OUT LPTSTR *plptstrErrorDesc // Describes error this function had.
) { // We are doing line oriented serailization and assume that
// a line in the stream is 1024 or less TCHARS.
TCHAR *ptcBuffer = (TCHAR *) malloc(MAX_LINE * sizeof(TCHAR));
*plptstrErrorDesc = NULL;
t_string tsTemp; t_string tsError; t_string tsSubstr;
if (PersistorIn.Stream().eof() == false) { GetALine(PersistorIn.Stream(),ptcBuffer, MAX_LINE); tsTemp = ptcBuffer; tsSubstr = tsTemp.substr(0,9); if (case_insensitive_compare(tsSubstr,_T("provider:")) == 0) { tsSubstr = tsTemp.substr(9); int nReturn = ParseExeData ( tsSubstr, pstructTCOFunctionalData->m_nProviders, pstructTCOFunctionalData->m_lptstrProviderArray, plptstrErrorDesc );
if (nReturn != ERROR_SUCCESS) { tsError = _T("Invalid providers argument: "); tsError += tsTemp; tsError += _T("."); *plptstrErrorDesc = NewTCHAR(tsError.c_str()); free(ptcBuffer); return -1; } } else { tsError = _T("Invalid providers argument: "); tsError += tsTemp; tsError += _T("."); *plptstrErrorDesc = NewTCHAR(tsError.c_str()); free(ptcBuffer); return -1; } }
// We may have a DataProvider. If not we us our default.
if (PersistorIn.Stream().eof() == false) { GetALine(PersistorIn.Stream(),ptcBuffer, MAX_LINE); tsTemp = ptcBuffer; tsSubstr = tsTemp.substr(0,9); if (case_insensitive_compare(tsSubstr,_T("consumer:")) == 0) { tsSubstr = tsTemp.substr(9); int nReturn = ParseExeData ( tsSubstr, pstructTCOFunctionalData->m_nConsumers, pstructTCOFunctionalData->m_lptstrConsumerArray, plptstrErrorDesc );
if (nReturn != ERROR_SUCCESS) { tsError = _T("Invalid consumers argument: "); tsError += tsTemp; tsError += _T("."); *plptstrErrorDesc = NewTCHAR(tsError.c_str()); free(ptcBuffer); return -1; } } else { tsError = _T("Invalid consumers argument: "); tsError += tsTemp; tsError += _T("."); *plptstrErrorDesc = NewTCHAR(tsError.c_str()); free(ptcBuffer); return -1; } }
free(ptcBuffer); return 0; }
void FreeTCOData (TCOData *pstructTCOData) { if (!pstructTCOData) { return; }
free(pstructTCOData->m_lptstrShortDesc); free(pstructTCOData->m_lptstrLongDesc); free(pstructTCOData->m_lptstrExpectedResult); free(pstructTCOData->m_pTraceHandle); free(pstructTCOData->m_lptstrInstanceName); free(pstructTCOData->m_lptstrLoggerMode); free(pstructTCOData->m_lpguidArray); if (pstructTCOData->m_pProps) { free(pstructTCOData->m_pProps->LoggerName); free(pstructTCOData->m_pProps->LogFileName); } free(pstructTCOData->m_pProps); free(pstructTCOData->m_lptstrValidator);
free(pstructTCOData); }
void FreeTCOFunctionalData (TCOFunctionalData *pstructTCOFunctionalData) { if (!pstructTCOFunctionalData) { return; }
int i; TCHAR *pTemp;
for (i = 0; i < pstructTCOFunctionalData->m_nProviders; i++) { pTemp = pstructTCOFunctionalData->m_lptstrProviderArray[i]; free (pTemp); } free (pstructTCOFunctionalData->m_lptstrProviderArray);
for (i = 0; i < pstructTCOFunctionalData->m_nConsumers; i++) { pTemp = pstructTCOFunctionalData->m_lptstrConsumerArray[i]; free (pTemp); } free (pstructTCOFunctionalData->m_lptstrConsumerArray);
free(pstructTCOFunctionalData); }
int ParseExeData ( t_string &tsData, int &nExes, LPTSTR *&lptstrArray, LPTSTR *plptstrErrorDesc ) { // Embedded " are not allowed in the command line. Had to draw
// the line somewhere.
// Tokenize on "," and " at end of line.
list <t_string> listExes;
bool bDone = false; int nBeg = 0; int nFind = tsData.find(_T(","), nBeg); t_string tsExe;
while (!bDone) { if (nFind != t_string::npos) { tsExe = tsData.substr(nBeg,nFind - nBeg); listExes.push_back(tsExe); tsExe.erase(); } else { tsExe = tsData.substr(nBeg,t_string::npos); listExes.push_back(tsExe); bDone = true; tsExe.erase(); } nBeg = nFind + 1; nFind = tsData.find(_T(","), nBeg); }
// Allocate the Exe array
nExes = listExes.size(); lptstrArray = (TCHAR **) malloc (sizeof(TCHAR *) * nExes); RtlZeroMemory (lptstrArray, sizeof(sizeof(TCHAR *) * nExes));
list<t_string>::iterator pListExes;
int i = 0;
for (pListExes = listExes.begin(); pListExes != listExes.end() ; ++pListExes) { tsExe = (*pListExes); lptstrArray[i++] = NewTCHAR(tsExe.c_str()); }
int ParseGuids ( TCHAR *ptcBuffer, TCOData *pstructTCOData, LPTSTR *plptstrErrorDesc ) {
// Is Wnode does not have a GUID put the first one from list in it.
t_string tsTemp; tsTemp = ptcBuffer;
if (case_insensitive_compare(tsTemp.substr(0,6),_T("guids:")) != 0) { tsTemp.erase(); tsTemp = _T("Invalid Guids entry: "); tsTemp += ptcBuffer; tsTemp += _T("."); *plptstrErrorDesc = NewTCHAR(tsTemp.c_str()); return -1; }
// Count the commas
int nFind = tsTemp.find(_T(','));
t_string tsGuid; int nBeg = 6;
if(nBeg == tsTemp.length()) { pstructTCOData->m_nGuids = 0; pstructTCOData->m_lpguidArray = NULL; return 0; }
// We only have one GUID.
if (nFind == t_string::npos) { tsGuid = tsTemp.substr(nBeg,nFind - nBeg); // Allocate the GUID array
pstructTCOData->m_nGuids = 1; pstructTCOData->m_lpguidArray = (GUID *) malloc (sizeof(GUID) * pstructTCOData->m_nGuids); RtlZeroMemory (pstructTCOData->m_lpguidArray , sizeof(sizeof(GUID) * pstructTCOData->m_nGuids)); // Just one GUID, thank you.
wGUIDFromString(tsGuid.c_str(), &pstructTCOData->m_lpguidArray[0]); return 0; }
// We have more than one GUID.
bool bDone = false;
list <t_string> listGuids;
while (!bDone) { if (nFind != t_string::npos) { tsGuid = tsTemp.substr(nBeg,nFind - nBeg); listGuids.push_back(tsGuid); tsGuid.erase(); } else { tsGuid = tsTemp.substr(nBeg,t_string::npos); listGuids.push_back(tsGuid); bDone = true; tsGuid.erase(); } nBeg = nFind + 1; nFind = tsTemp.find(',', nBeg); }
// Allocate the GUID array
pstructTCOData->m_nGuids = listGuids.size(); pstructTCOData->m_lpguidArray = (GUID *) malloc (sizeof(GUID) * pstructTCOData->m_nGuids); RtlZeroMemory (pstructTCOData->m_lpguidArray , sizeof(sizeof(GUID) * pstructTCOData->m_nGuids));
list<t_string>::iterator pListGuids;
int i = 0;
for (pListGuids = listGuids.begin(); pListGuids != listGuids.end() ; ++pListGuids) { tsGuid = (*pListGuids); wGUIDFromString(tsGuid.c_str(), &pstructTCOData->m_lpguidArray[i++]); }
return 0;