Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1997 - 1999
Module Name:
Code to keep track of reachability of the list destinations specified in Event System's Reachability Event subscriptions.
Gopal Parupudi <GopalP>
Revision History:
GopalP 10/31/1997 Start.
#include <precomp.hxx>
// Constants
#define SENS_REACHABILITY_POLLING_INTERVAL 5*60*1000 // 5 minutes
#define SENS_REACHABILITY_FIRST_SCAN_TIME 5*60*1000 // 5 minutes
// Globals
LIST *gpReachList; HANDLE ghReachTimer;
BOOL StartReachabilityEngine( void ) /*++
Routine Description:
Start the Destination reachability engine.
Return Value:
TRUE, if successful.
FALSE, otherwise.
--*/ { BOOL bRetVal;
bRetVal = TRUE; // Note it is TRUE, by default.
SensPrintA(SENS_INFO, ("StartReachabilityEngine(): Starting...\n"));
if (ghReachTimer != NULL) { SensPrintA(SENS_INFO, ("StartReachabilityEngine(): Engine " "already started!\n")); goto Cleanup; }
// Create a timer object to poll for destination reachability
SensSetTimerQueueTimer( bRetVal, // Bool return on NT5
ghReachTimer, // Handle return on IE5
NULL, // Use default process timer queue
ReachabilityPollingRoutine, // Callback
NULL, // Parameter
SENS_REACHABILITY_FIRST_SCAN_TIME, // Time from now when timer should fire
SENS_REACHABILITY_POLLING_INTERVAL,// Time inbetween firings of this timer
0x0 // No Flags.
); if (SENS_TIMER_CREATE_FAILED(bRetVal, ghReachTimer)) { SensPrintA(SENS_INFO, ("StartReachabilityEngine(): SensCancelTimerQueueTimer(" "Reachability) failed!\n")); bRetVal = FALSE; goto Cleanup; }
Cleanup: //
// Cleanup
SensPrintA(SENS_INFO, ("StartReachabilityEngine(): Returning %s\n", bRetVal ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"));
return bRetVal; }
BOOL StopReachabilityEngine( void ) /*++
Routine Description:
Start the Destination reachability engine.
Return Value:
TRUE, if successful.
FALSE, otherwise.
--*/ { BOOL bStatus;
bStatus = TRUE; // Note it is TRUE, by default.
SensPrintA(SENS_INFO, ("StopReachabilityEngine(): Stopping...\n"));
// Remove Reachability polling timer
if (NULL != ghReachTimer) { bStatus = SensCancelTimerQueueTimer(NULL, ghReachTimer, NULL); ghReachTimer = NULL;
SensPrintA(SENS_INFO, ("StopReachabilityEngine(): SensCancelTimerQueueTimer(" "Reachability) %s\n", bStatus ? "succeeded" : "failed!")); }
SensPrintA(SENS_INFO, ("StopReachabilityEngine(): Returning %s\n", bStatus ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"));
return bStatus; }
BOOL InitReachabilityEngine( void ) /*++
Routine Description:
Initialize the Reachability polling mechanism.
Return Value:
TRUE, if successful.
FALSE, otherwise.
--*/ { BOOL bRetVal;
bRetVal = FALSE;
// Initialize the list of destinations
gpReachList = new LIST(); if (NULL == gpReachList) { goto Cleanup; }
bRetVal = StartReachabilityEngine();
Cleanup: //
// Cleanup
return bRetVal; }
SENS_TIMER_CALLBACK_RETURN ReachabilityPollingRoutine( PVOID pvIgnore, BOOLEAN bIgnore ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine is called periodically to walk through the reachability list to see if the destinations are reachable.
pvIgnore - Ignored.
bIgnore - Ignored.
Return Value:
--*/ { PNODE pTemp; DWORD OldState; QOCINFO DestQOCInfo; DWORD dwLastError; char *DestinationA; static BOOL bGotDestinations = FALSE;
// Get the list of destinations, if necessary.
if (FALSE == bGotDestinations) { HRESULT hr;
hr = GetDestinationsFromSubscriptions(); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { bGotDestinations = TRUE; } else { SensPrintA(SENS_ERR, ("InitReachabilityPolling(): GetDestinations" "FromSubscriptions() failed with 0x%x.\n", hr)); } }
SensPrintA(SENS_INFO, ("ReachabilityPollingRoutine(): Checking " "Destinations for reachability.\n"));
// PERF NOTE: Critsec held too long!
if (gpReachList->IsEmpty() == TRUE) { StopReachabilityEngine(); gpReachList->ReleaseLock(); return; }
// Loop through all destinations checking for reachability.
pTemp = gpReachList->pHead; while (pTemp != NULL) { error_status_t status;
// Save old reachability state.
OldState = pTemp->State;
// Is it Reachable?
dwLastError = ERROR_SUCCESS; DestQOCInfo.dwSize = sizeof(QOCINFO);
status = RPC_IsDestinationReachableW( NULL, pTemp->Destination, &DestQOCInfo, (LPBOOL) &pTemp->State, &dwLastError );
ASSERT(status == RPC_S_OK);
if ( (pTemp->State != OldState) && (dwLastError == ERROR_SUCCESS)) { // Fire the Event!
Data.eType = SENS_EVENT_REACH; Data.bReachable = pTemp->State; Data.Destination = pTemp->Destination; memcpy(&Data.QocInfo, &DestQOCInfo, DestQOCInfo.dwSize); // NOTE: Set the following field appropriately. This is the best we can do.
SensFireEvent((PVOID)&Data); }
if (dwLastError != ERROR_SUCCESS) { SensPrintW(SENS_INFO, (L"ReachabilityPollingRoutine(): %s is not reachable - %d\n", pTemp->Destination, dwLastError));
if (ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER == dwLastError) { // Remove the destination from further reachability checks.
gpReachList->DeleteByDest(pTemp->Destination); } }
pTemp = pTemp->Next; } // while()
// Dump the list
HRESULT GetDestinationsFromSubscriptions( void ) /*++
Routine Description:
Retrieve the names of destinations from Reachability subscriptions and insert into the Reachability List.
Return Value:
S_OK, on success.
HRESULT, on failure.
--*/ { HRESULT hr; int errorIndex; LONG lCount; BSTR bstrPropertyName; BSTR bstrEventClassID; VARIANT variantPropertyValue; WCHAR wszQuery[MAX_QUERY_SIZE]; LPOLESTR strGuid; IEventSystem *pIEventSystem; IEventSubscription *pIEventSubscription; IEventObjectCollection *pSubscriptionCollection; IEnumEventObject *pIEnumEventObject;
hr = S_OK; lCount = 0; errorIndex = 0; strGuid = NULL; bstrPropertyName = NULL; bstrEventClassID = NULL; pIEventSystem = NULL; pIEventSubscription = NULL; pSubscriptionCollection = NULL; pIEnumEventObject = NULL;
// Get a new IEventSystem object to play with.
hr = CoCreateInstance( CLSID_CEventSystem, NULL, CLSCTX_SERVER, IID_IEventSystem, (LPVOID *) &pIEventSystem ); if (FAILED(hr)) { SensPrint(SENS_ERR, (SENS_STRING("GetDestinationsFromSubscriptions(): failed to create ") SENS_STRING("IEventSystem - hr = <%x>\n"), hr)); goto Cleanup; }
// Form the query.
// (EventClassID = NetEventClassID) AND
// ( (MethodName = 'DestinationReachable')
// OR (MethodName = 'DestinationReachableNoQocInfo'))
AllocateBstrFromGuid(bstrEventClassID, SENSGUID_EVENTCLASS_NETWORK); wcscpy(wszQuery, SENS_BSTR("(EventClassID")); wcscat(wszQuery, SENS_BSTR("=")); wcscat(wszQuery, bstrEventClassID); wcscat(wszQuery, SENS_BSTR(") AND ((")); wcscat(wszQuery, SENS_BSTR("MethodName = \'")); wcscat(wszQuery, DESTINATION_REACHABLE_METHOD); wcscat(wszQuery, SENS_BSTR("\') OR (")); wcscat(wszQuery, SENS_BSTR("MethodName = \'")); wcscat(wszQuery, DESTINATION_REACHABLE_NOQOC_METHOD); wcscat(wszQuery, SENS_BSTR("\'))"));
hr = pIEventSystem->Query( PROGID_EventSubscriptionCollection, wszQuery, &errorIndex, (LPUNKNOWN *) &pSubscriptionCollection ); if (FAILED(hr)) { SensPrint(SENS_ERR, (SENS_STRING("GetDestinationsFromSubscriptions(): failed to Query() ") SENS_STRING("- hr = <%x>\n"), hr)); SensPrint(SENS_ERR, (SENS_STRING("errorIndex = %d\n"), errorIndex)); goto Cleanup; } SensPrint(SENS_ERR, (SENS_STRING("Query = %s, hr = 0x%x\n"), wszQuery, hr));
#if DBG
hr = pSubscriptionCollection->get_Count(&lCount); if (FAILED(hr)) { SensPrint(SENS_ERR, (SENS_STRING("GetDestinationsFromSubscriptions(): ") SENS_STRING("get_Count() returned hr = <%x>\n"), hr)); goto Cleanup; } SensPrint(SENS_ERR, (SENS_STRING("GetDestinationsFromSubscriptions(): ") SENS_STRING("Found %d Reachability subscriptions.\n"), lCount));
if (0 == lCount) { goto Cleanup; } #endif // DBG
// Get a new Enum object to play with.
hr = pSubscriptionCollection->get_NewEnum( (IEnumEventObject **) &pIEnumEventObject ); if (FAILED(hr)) { SensPrint(SENS_ERR, (SENS_STRING("GetDestinationsFromSubscriptions(): ") SENS_STRING("get_NewEnum() returned hr = <%x>\n"), hr)); goto Cleanup; }
hr = S_OK; hr = pIEnumEventObject->Reset();
// Extract each destination name and insert into list.
while (S_OK == hr) { ULONG cElements = 1;
hr = pIEnumEventObject->Next( cElements, (LPUNKNOWN *) &pIEventSubscription, &cElements ); if ( (S_OK != hr) || (1 != cElements)) { SensPrint(SENS_ERR, (SENS_STRING("GetDestinationsFromSubscriptions(): ") SENS_STRING("Next() failed hr = <%x>, count = %d\n"), hr, cElements)); goto Cleanup; }
// Try to get the value for Publisher property - bstrDestination
VariantInit(&variantPropertyValue); AllocateBstrFromString(bstrPropertyName, PROPERTY_DESTINATION);
hr = pIEventSubscription->GetPublisherProperty( bstrPropertyName, &variantPropertyValue ); if (hr == S_OK) { // Found the property!
gpReachList->InsertByDest(variantPropertyValue.bstrVal); SensPrint(SENS_ERR, (SENS_STRING("GetDestinationsFromSubscriptions(): ") SENS_STRING("Added to Reachability List: %s\n"), variantPropertyValue.bstrVal)); goto ProcessNextSubscription; }
// Now, try to get the value for Publisher property - bstrDestinationNoQOC
FreeBstr(bstrPropertyName); VariantInit(&variantPropertyValue); AllocateBstrFromString(bstrPropertyName, PROPERTY_DESTINATION_NOQOC);
hr = pIEventSubscription->GetPublisherProperty( bstrPropertyName, &variantPropertyValue ); if (hr == S_OK) { // Found the property!
gpReachList->InsertByDest(variantPropertyValue.bstrVal); SensPrint(SENS_ERR, (SENS_STRING("GetDestinationsFromSubscriptions(): ") SENS_STRING("Added to Reachability List: %s\n"), variantPropertyValue.bstrVal)); goto ProcessNextSubscription; }
SensPrint(SENS_ERR, (SENS_STRING("GetDestinationsFromSubscriptions(): failed to get ") SENS_STRING("PublisherProperty - hr = <%x>\n"), hr));
VariantClear(&variantPropertyValue); FreeBstr(bstrPropertyName);
pIEventSubscription->Release(); pIEventSubscription = NULL; hr = S_OK; } // while()
Cleanup: //
// Cleanup
if (pIEventSystem) { pIEventSystem->Release(); } if (pIEventSubscription) { pIEventSubscription->Release(); } if (pSubscriptionCollection) { pSubscriptionCollection->Release(); } if (pIEnumEventObject) { pIEnumEventObject->Release(); }
FreeBstr(bstrEventClassID); FreeStr(strGuid);
return (hr); }