Copyright (c) 1995-1996 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Object resolver server side class implementations. CServerOxid, CServerOid, CServerSet and CServerSetTable classes are implemented here.
Mario Goertzel [MarioGo]
Revision History:
MarioGo 04-03-95 Combined many smaller .cxx files MarioGo 01-12-96 Locally unique IDs
// ScanForOrphanedPinnedOids
// This function is called from CServerOxid::ProcessRelease when
// the soxid is deregistered or the server dies.
void ScanForOrphanedPinnedOids(CServerOxid* pDeadOxid) { CListElement* pLE; CServerOid* pOid; CServerOid* pNextOid;
// Walk the list, unpinning oids which were owned by the
// dead soxid.
pLE = gpServerPinnedOidList->First(); pOid = pLE ? CServerOid::ContainingRecord2(pLE) : NULL; while (pOid) { pLE = pLE->Next(); pNextOid = pLE ? CServerOid::ContainingRecord2(pLE) : NULL;
if (pOid->GetOxid() == pDeadOxid) { // This will remove it from the pinned list
pOid->SetPinned(FALSE); }
pOid = pNextOid; }
return; }
// CServerOid methods
void CServerOid::Reference() { ASSERT(gpServerLock->HeldExclusive());
BOOL fRemove = (this->References() == 0);
// We may remove something from a PList more then once; this won't
// hurt anything. fRemove is used to avoid trying to remove it more
// often then necessary without taking lock.
if (fRemove) { CPListElement * t = Remove(); ASSERT(t == &this->_plist || t == 0); } }
DWORD CServerOid::Release() { ASSERT(gpServerLock->HeldExclusive());
DWORD c = this->CReferencedObject::Dereference();
if (0 == c) { // If another thread is already running this down it
// means we got referenced and released during the rundown
// callback. That thread will figure out what to do.
if (IsRunningDown()) { KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_DCOMSS_ID, DPFLTR_WARNING_LEVEL, "OR: Oid running down in release: %p\n", this)); } else if (IsFreed() || this->_pOxid->IsRunning() == FALSE) { // Server freed this OID already; no need to run it down
KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_DCOMSS_ID, DPFLTR_INFO_LEVEL, "OR: OID %p freed by server so not rundown\n", this));
SetRundown(TRUE); delete this; } else { // All serverset (or pinned) references have been released. Put
// ourselves into the oid plist so we can be rundown.
ASSERT(!IsPinned()); Insert(); } }
// this pointer maybe invalid.
return(c); }
CServerOid::~CServerOid() { ASSERT(gpServerLock->HeldExclusive()); ASSERT(_pOxid); ASSERT(_fRunningDown); ASSERT(!IsPinned());
gpServerOidTable->Remove(this); }
void CServerOid::KeepAlive() // A client has removed this oid from its set. This keeps
// the oid alive for another timeout period.
{ ASSERT(gpServerLock->HeldExclusive());
if (IsRunningDown() == FALSE && References() == 0) { // It's in the rundown list, move it to the end.
CPListElement *pT = Remove(); ASSERT(pT == &this->_plist); Insert(); } }
void CServerOid::SetPinned(BOOL fPinned) { ASSERT(gpServerLock->HeldExclusive()); // Assert that this is a state switch.
ASSERT(_fPinned ? !fPinned : fPinned);
// Set new state
_fPinned = fPinned;
// When we are pinned, we take an extra reference to avoid further
// rundown attempts. When unpinned, we remove the reference.
if (_fPinned) { this->Reference();
// Now we should not be in any list
ASSERT(_list.NotInList()); ASSERT(_plist.NotInList()); gpServerPinnedOidList->Insert(&_list); } else { // We should be in the gpServerPinnedOidList list, but not the plist
ASSERT(_list.InList()); ASSERT(_plist.NotInList()); gpServerPinnedOidList->Remove(&_list);
// This Release call may put us in the oidplist
this->Release(); }
return; }
// CServerOidPList method
CServerOid * CServerOidPList::MaybeRemoveMatchingOxid( IN CTime &when, IN CServerOid *pOid ) { CPListElement *ple; CServerOid *poid;
CMutexLock lock(&this->_lock);
ple = (CPListElement *)CPList::First();
while( ple != 0 && *ple->GetTimeout() < when) {
poid = CServerOid::ContainingRecord(ple);
if (poid->Match(pOid)) { Remove(ple); return(poid); }
ple = ple->Next(); } return(0); }
// CServerOxid methods
void CServerOxid::ProcessRelease() /*++
Routine Desciption
The server process owning this OXID has either died or deregistered this oxid. Releases the oxid and nulls the pProcess pointer.
Return Value:
--*/ { ASSERT(gpServerLock->HeldExclusive()); ASSERT(_pProcess); _fRunning = FALSE;
Release(); // This pointer may now be invalid, _pProcess pointer maybe invalid.
CServerOxid::~CServerOxid(void) { ASSERT(gpServerLock->HeldExclusive()); ASSERT(_pProcess); ASSERT(!IsRunning()); // implies that the oxid has been removed from the table
ASSERT(!_fRundownInProgress); _pProcess->Release(); }
ORSTATUS CServerOxid::GetInfo( OUT OXID_INFO *poxidInfo, IN BOOL fLocal ) // Server lock held shared.
if (!IsRunning()) { // Server crashed, info is not needed.
return(OR_NOSERVER); }
if (fLocal) { psa = _pProcess->GetLocalBindings(); } else { psa = _pProcess->GetRemoteBindings(); }
if (!psa) { return(OR_NOMEM); }
// copy the data
memcpy(poxidInfo, &_info, sizeof(_info)); poxidInfo->psa = psa;
return(OR_OK); }
void CServerOxid::RundownOids(ULONG cOids, CServerOid* aOids[]) // Note: Returns without the server lock held.
{ RPC_STATUS status = RPC_S_OK;
// We only issue the rundown call if a) we're still running
// and b) there isn't another rundown call to this oxid
// already in progress.
if (IsRunning() && !_fRundownInProgress) { // Note: The server lock is released during the callback.
// Since the OID hasn't rundown yet, it will keep a reference
// to this OXID which in turn keeps the process object alive.
// Ask our process object to issue an async call to try
// to rundown the specified oids. If call was sent ok,
// return. Otherwise fall thru and cleanup below.
_fRundownInProgress = TRUE;
status = _pProcess->RundownOids(this, cOids, aOids);
if (status == RPC_S_OK) { return; } else { // Re-take the lock
// No rundown in progress now
_fRundownInProgress = FALSE; } }
BYTE aRundownStatus[MAX_OID_RUNDOWNS_PER_CALL]; // If server died or apartment was unregistered, okay to run all
// oids down. Otherwise don't run any down (this is also the
// case for when we are still running but another rundown is already
// in progress).
for (ULONG i = 0; i < cOids; i++) { aRundownStatus[i] = IsRunning() ? ORS_DONTRUNDOWN : ORS_OK_TO_RUNDOWN; } // Call the notify function whih will do appropriate
// cleanup on the oids
ProcessRundownResultsInternal(FALSE, cOids, aOids, aRundownStatus);
gpServerLock->UnlockExclusive(); }
void CServerOxid::ProcessRundownResults(ULONG cOids, CServerOid* aOids[], BYTE aRundownStatus[]) /*++
Routine Desciption
Takes the appropriate action based on the result of trying to rundown one or more oids.
cOids -- # of oids in aOids
aOids -- array of CServerOid*'s that we tried to rundown
aRundownStatus -- array of status values from the OID_RUNDOWN_STATUS enumeration.
Return Value:
--*/ { ProcessRundownResultsInternal(TRUE, cOids, aOids, aRundownStatus);
return; }
void CServerOxid::ProcessRundownResultsInternal(BOOL fAsyncReturn, ULONG cOids, CServerOid* aOids[], BYTE aRundownStatus[]) /*++
Routine Desciption
Takes the appropriate action based on the result of trying to rundown one or more oids.
Arguments: fAsyncReturn -- TRUE if we are processing these results in response to a async rundown call returning, FALSE otherwise.
cOids -- # of oids in aOids
aOids -- array of CServerOid*'s that we tried to rundown
aRundownStatus -- array of status values from the OID_RUNDOWN_STATUS enumeration.
Return Value:
--*/ { ULONG i;
// Flip the "rundown in progress" flag as necessary.
if (fAsyncReturn) { ASSERT(_fRundownInProgress); _fRundownInProgress = FALSE; }
for(i = 0; i < cOids; i++) { CServerOid* pOid;
pOid = aOids[i]; ASSERT(pOid); ASSERT(this == pOid->GetOxid());
if (aRundownStatus[i] == ORS_OID_PINNED) { KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_DCOMSS_ID, DPFLTR_INFO_LEVEL, "OR: Randown OID %p but the client says it's pinned\n", pOid));
// Server says that particular oid is "pinned", ie cannot
// be rundown until we are told otherwise. Note that we
// check for this before we check # of references -- the
// ORS_OID_PINNED status takes precedence.
pOid->SetPinned(TRUE); pOid->SetRundown(FALSE); } else if (pOid->References() != 0) { // Added to a set while running down and still referenced.
pOid->SetRundown(FALSE); } else if (aRundownStatus[i] == ORS_OK_TO_RUNDOWN) { delete pOid; } else { ASSERT(aRundownStatus[i] == ORS_DONTRUNDOWN);
KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_DCOMSS_ID, DPFLTR_INFO_LEVEL, "OR: Randown OID %p but the client kept it alive\n", pOid));
// Client want us to keep it alive and is still running.
pOid->SetRundown(FALSE); pOid->Insert(); } } }
ORSTATUS CServerOxid::GetRemoteInfo( OUT OXID_INFO *pInfo, IN USHORT cClientProtseqs, IN USHORT aClientProtseqs[] ) // Server lock held shared.
{ ORSTATUS status; USHORT protseq;
status = GetInfo(pInfo, FALSE);
if (OR_OK == status) { protseq = FindMatchingProtseq(cClientProtseqs, aClientProtseqs, pInfo->psa->aStringArray ); if (0 == protseq) { MIDL_user_free(pInfo->psa); pInfo->psa = 0; status = OR_I_NOPROTSEQ; } }
ORSTATUS CServerOxid::LazyUseProtseq( IN USHORT cClientProtseqs, IN USHORT *aClientProtseqs ) // Server lock held shared, returns with the server lock exclusive.
// Note: It is possible, that after this call the OXID has been deleted.
{ ORSTATUS status;
if (IsRunning()) { // Keep this OXID process alive while making the callback. If the process
// crashes and this OXID has no OIDs it could be released by everybody
// else. This keeps the OXID and process alive until we finish.
status = _pProcess->UseProtseqIfNeeded(cClientProtseqs, aClientProtseqs);
this->Release(); } else { gpServerLock->ConvertToExclusive(); status = OR_NOSERVER; }
// Note: The this poiner maybe BAD now.
return(status); }
// CServerSet methods.
ORSTATUS CServerSet::AddObject(OID &oid) { ORSTATUS status = OR_OK; CServerOid *pOid;
CIdKey key(oid);
pOid = (CServerOid *)gpServerOidTable->Lookup(key);
if (pOid) { ASSERT(_blistOids.Member(pOid) == FALSE); // Don't add duplicate IDs to the set
if (_blistOids.Member(pOid) == FALSE) { status = _blistOids.Insert(pOid); if (status == OR_OK) { pOid->Reference(); } } } else status = OR_BADOID;
return(status); }
void CServerSet::RemoveObject(OID &oid) { CServerOid *pOid;
CIdKey key(oid);
pOid = (CServerOid *)gpServerOidTable->Lookup(key);
if (pOid) { CServerOid *pOidTmp = (CServerOid *)_blistOids.Remove(pOid);
if (pOid == pOidTmp) { pOid->Release(); } else { // Set doesn't contain the specified oid, treat this as an
// add and delete by keeping the oid alive for another timeout
// period.
ASSERT(pOidTmp == 0);
pOid->KeepAlive(); } } }
BOOL CServerSet::ValidateObjects(BOOL fShared) // fShared - Indicates if the server lock is held
// shared (TRUE) or exclusive (FALSE).
// Return - TRUE the lock is still shared, false
// the lock is held exclusive.
{ CServerOid *pOid; CBListIterator oids(&_blistOids);
// Since we own a reference on all the Oids they must still exist.
// No need to lock exclusive until we find something to delete.
while(pOid = (CServerOid *)oids.Next()) { if (!pOid->IsRunning()) { if (fShared) { KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_DCOMSS_ID, DPFLTR_WARNING_LEVEL, "OR: Cleanup in set (%p), removing dead oids.\n", this, pOid));
gpServerLock->ConvertToExclusive(); fShared = FALSE; oids.Reset(&_blistOids); continue; }
CServerOid *pOidTmp = (CServerOid *)_blistOids.Remove(pOid);
ASSERT(pOidTmp == pOid); ASSERT(pOid->IsRunning() == FALSE);
pOid->Release(); } }
return(fShared); }
BOOL CServerSet::Rundown() // Rundown the whole set.
{ CServerOid *poid; CTime now;
if (_timeout > now) { // Don't rundown if we've recieved a late ping.
return(FALSE); }
if (_fLocal && _blistOids.Size() != 0) { KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_DCOMSS_ID, DPFLTR_WARNING_LEVEL, "OR: Premature rundown of local set ignored.\n"));
return(FALSE); }
KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_DCOMSS_ID, DPFLTR_WARNING_LEVEL, "OR: Set %p's client appears to have died\n", this));
CBListIterator oids(&_blistOids);
while(poid = (CServerOid *)oids.Next()) { poid->Release(); }
return(TRUE); }
// CServerSetTable implementation
CServerSet * CServerSetTable::Allocate( IN USHORT sequence, IN PSID psid, IN BOOL fLocal, OUT ID &setid ) /*++
Routine Description:
Allocates a new CServerSet and returns the setid for the new set.
sequence - initial sequence number for the new set.
psid - pointer to an NT SID structure for the new set.
fLocal - TRUE : set is for the local client, FALSE : set is for a remote client
setid - the setid of the set returned. Unchanged if return value 0.
Return Value:
0 - Unable to allocate a resource
non-zero - A pointer to the newly created set.
--*/ { ASSERT(gpServerLock->HeldExclusive()); UINT i; LARGE_INTEGER li;
ASSERT(_cAllocated <= _cMax);
if (_cAllocated == _cMax) { // Table is full, realloc
// Do this first, if it succeeds great even if
// a later allocation fails. If not, fail now.
IndexElement *pNew = new IndexElement[_cMax * 2];
if (!pNew) { return(0); }
for (i = 0; i < _cMax; i++) { pNew[i] = _pElements[i]; }
for(i = _cMax; i < _cMax*2; i++) { pNew[i]._sequence = GetTickCount(); pNew[i]._pSet = 0; }
delete _pElements; _pElements = pNew; _cMax *= 2; }
CServerSet *pSet = new CServerSet(sequence, psid, fLocal);
if (0 == pSet) { return(0); }
ASSERT(_pElements); ASSERT(_cMax > _cAllocated);
for(i = _iFirstFree; i < _cMax; i++) { if (0 == _pElements[i]._pSet) { _pElements[i]._sequence++; _pElements[i]._pSet = pSet; li.HighPart = i + 1; li.LowPart = _pElements[i]._sequence; setid = li.QuadPart; _iFirstFree = i + 1; _cAllocated++; return pSet; } }
ASSERT(0); return(0); }
CServerSet * CServerSetTable::Lookup( IN ID setid ) /*++
Routine Description:
Looks up an a set given the sets ID.
Server lock held shared.
setid - the ID of the set to lookup
Return Value:
0 - set doesn't exist
non-zero - the set.
--*/ { LARGE_INTEGER li; li.QuadPart = setid; LONG i = li.HighPart - 1; DWORD sequence = (DWORD)(setid & ~((ID)0));
if (i >= 0 && (DWORD) i < _cMax) { if (_pElements[i]._sequence == sequence) { // May still be null if it is free and has not yet be reused.
return(_pElements[i]._pSet); } } return(0); }
ID CServerSetTable::CheckForRundowns( ) /*++
Routine Description:
Used by ping and worker threads to monitor for sets that should be rundown. It is called with the server lock held shared.
Return Value:
0 - Didn't find a set to rundown
non-zero - ID of a set which may need to be rundown.
--*/ { UINT i, end; LARGE_INTEGER id; id.QuadPart = 0; ASSERT(_iRundown < _cMax);
if (_cAllocated == 0) { return(0); }
i = _iRundown; do { ASSERT(_cAllocated); // loop assumes one or more allocated elements.
i = (i + 1) % _cMax; } while(0 == _pElements[i]._pSet);
if (_pElements[i]._pSet->ShouldRundown()) { id.HighPart = i + 1; id.LowPart = _pElements[i]._sequence; }
_iRundown = i;
return(id.QuadPart); }
BOOL CServerSetTable::RundownSetIfNeeded( IN ID setid ) /*++
Routine Description:
Rundowns down a set (or sets) if needed. Called by ping and worker threads. Server lock held exclusive.
setid - An ID previously returned from CheckForRundowns.
Return Value:
TRUE - A set was actually rundown
FALSE - No sets actually rundown
--*/ { ASSERT(gpServerLock->HeldExclusive());
CServerSet *pSet = Lookup(setid);
if (0 == pSet || FALSE == pSet->ShouldRundown()) { // Set already randown or has been pinged in the meantime.
return(FALSE); }
// PERF REVIEW this function has the option of running multiple sets,
// saving the worker thread from taking and leaving the lock many times
// when a bunch of sets all rundown. This feature is not used.
LARGE_INTEGER li; li.QuadPart = setid;
UINT i = li.HighPart - 1;
if (pSet->Rundown()) { delete pSet; _cAllocated--; if (i < _iFirstFree) _iFirstFree = i; _pElements[i]._pSet = 0; return(TRUE); }
return(FALSE); }
void CServerSetTable::PingAllSets() /*++
Routine Description:
Performs a ping of all sets currently in the table.
Return Value:
--*/ { ASSERT(gpServerLock->HeldExclusive());
ULONG i; for(i = 0; i < _cMax; i++) { if (_pElements[i]._pSet) { _pElements[i]._pSet->Ping(FALSE); } } }