// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1996.
// File: dbgdump.cpp
// Contents: contains APIs to dump structures (return a formatted string
// of structure dumps in a coherent fashion)
// Classes:
// Functions:
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 23-Jan-95 t-ScottH author
#include <le2int.h>
#include <memstm.h>
#include <dbgdump.h>
#ifdef _DEBUG
const char szDumpErrorMessage[] = "Dump Error - Out of Memory \n\0"; const char szDumpBadPtr[] = "Dump Error - NULL pointer \n\0"; #endif // _DEBUG
// Function: DumpADVFFlags, public (_DEBUG only)
// Synopsis: returns a char array with the set flags and hex value
// Effects:
// Arguments: [dwADVF] - flags
// Requires:
// Returns: character arry of string value of flags
// Signals:
// Modifies:
// Algorithm:
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 30-Jan-95 t-ScottH author
// Notes:
#ifdef _DEBUG
char *DumpADVFFlags(DWORD dwAdvf) { char *pszDump; dbgstream dstrDump(100);
if (dwAdvf & ADVF_NODATA) { dstrDump << "ADVF_NODATA "; } if (dwAdvf & ADVF_PRIMEFIRST) { dstrDump << "ADVF_PRIMEFIRST "; } if (dwAdvf & ADVF_ONLYONCE) { dstrDump << "ADVF_ONLYONCE "; } if (dwAdvf & ADVF_DATAONSTOP) { dstrDump << "ADVF_DATAONSTOP "; } if (dwAdvf & ADVFCACHE_NOHANDLER) { dstrDump << "ADVFCACHE_NOHANDLER "; } if (dwAdvf & ADVFCACHE_FORCEBUILTIN) { dstrDump << "ADVFCACHE_FORCEBUILTIN "; } if (dwAdvf & ADVFCACHE_ONSAVE) { dstrDump << "ADVFCACHE_ONSAVE "; } // see if there are any flags set
if ( ! (( dwAdvf & ADVF_NODATA ) | ( dwAdvf & ADVF_PRIMEFIRST ) | ( dwAdvf & ADVF_ONLYONCE ) | ( dwAdvf & ADVF_DATAONSTOP ) | ( dwAdvf & ADVFCACHE_NOHANDLER ) | ( dwAdvf & ADVFCACHE_FORCEBUILTIN ) | ( dwAdvf & ADVFCACHE_ONSAVE ))) { dstrDump << "No FLAGS SET! "; } // cast as void * for formatting (0x????????) with sign-extension for Sundown.
dstrDump << "(" << LongToPtr(dwAdvf) << ")";
pszDump = dstrDump.str();
if (pszDump == NULL) { return UtDupStringA(szDumpErrorMessage); }
return pszDump; }
#endif // _DEBUG
// Function: DumpATOM, public (_DEBUG only)
// Synopsis: returns the ATOM name using GetAtomName
// Effects:
// Arguments: [atm] - the ATOM to get name of
// Requires: GetAtomNameA API
// Returns: a pointer to character array containing
// Signals:
// Modifies:
// Algorithm:
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 27-Jan-95 t-ScottH author
// Notes:
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define MAX_ATOMNAME 256
char *DumpATOM(ATOM atm) { UINT nResult; char *pszAtom = (char *)CoTaskMemAlloc(MAX_ATOMNAME);
nResult = GetAtomNameA( atm, pszAtom, MAX_ATOMNAME);
if (nResult == 0) // GetAtomName failed
{ // try get GlobalAtomNameA
nResult = GlobalGetAtomNameA(atm, pszAtom, MAX_ATOMNAME);
if (nResult == 0) { CoTaskMemFree(pszAtom);
return DumpWIN32Error(GetLastError()); } }
return pszAtom; }
#endif // _DEBUG
// Function: DumpCLIPFORMAT, public (_DEBUG only)
// Synopsis: returns the CLIPFORMAT name using GetClipboardFormatName
// Effects:
// Arguments: [clipformat] - the CLIPFORMAT to get name of
// Requires: GetClipboardFormatName API
// Returns: a pointer to character array containing
// Signals:
// Modifies:
// Algorithm:
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 27-Jan-95 t-ScottH author
// Notes:
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define MAX_FORMATNAME 256
char *DumpCLIPFORMAT(CLIPFORMAT clipformat) { int nResult; char *pszClipFormat;
// we have to do predefined formats by name
if ( clipformat > 0xC000 ) { pszClipFormat = (char *)CoTaskMemAlloc(MAX_FORMATNAME);
nResult = SSGetClipboardFormatNameA( clipformat, pszClipFormat, MAX_FORMATNAME);
if (nResult == 0) // GetClipboardFormatName failed
{ CoTaskMemFree(pszClipFormat);
return DumpWIN32Error(GetLastError()); } } else { switch (clipformat) { case CF_METAFILEPICT: pszClipFormat = UtDupStringA("CF_METAFILEPICT\0"); break; case CF_BITMAP: pszClipFormat = UtDupStringA("CF_BITMAP\0"); break; case CF_DIB: pszClipFormat = UtDupStringA("CF_DIB\0"); break; case CF_PALETTE: pszClipFormat = UtDupStringA("CF_PALETTE\0"); break; case CF_TEXT: pszClipFormat = UtDupStringA("CF_TEXT\0"); break; case CF_UNICODETEXT: pszClipFormat = UtDupStringA("CF_UNICODETEXT\0"); break; case CF_ENHMETAFILE: pszClipFormat = UtDupStringA("CF_ENHMETAFILE\0"); break; default: pszClipFormat = UtDupStringA("UNKNOWN Default Format\0"); break; } }
return pszClipFormat; }
#endif // _DEBUG
// Function: DumpCMutexSem, public (_DEBUG only)
// Synopsis: not implemented
// Effects:
// Arguments: [pMS] - pointer to a CMutexSem
// Requires:
// Returns: character array
// Signals:
// Modifies:
// Algorithm:
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 30-Jan-95 t-ScottH author
// Notes:
#ifdef _DEBUG
char *DumpCMutexSem(CMutexSem2 *pMS) { return UtDupStringA("Dump CMutexSem not implemented\0"); }
#endif // _DEBUG
// Function: DumpCLSID, public (_DEBUG only)
// Synopsis: dump a CLSID into a string using StringFromCLSID and
// ProgIDFromCLSID
// Effects:
// Arguments: [clsid] - pointer to a CLSID
// Requires: StringFromCLSID and ProgIDFromCLSID APIs
// Returns: character array of string (allocated by OLE)
// Signals:
// Modifies:
// Algorithm:
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 27-Jan-95 t-ScottH author
// Notes:
#ifdef _DEBUG
char *DumpCLSID(REFCLSID clsid) { int i; HRESULT hresult; LPOLESTR pszClsidString; LPOLESTR pszClsidID; char *pszDump;
hresult = StringFromCLSID(clsid, &pszClsidString);
if (hresult != S_OK) { CoTaskMemFree(pszClsidString);
return DumpHRESULT(hresult); }
hresult = ProgIDFromCLSID(clsid, &pszClsidID);
if ((hresult != S_OK)&&(hresult != REGDB_E_CLASSNOTREG)) { CoTaskMemFree(pszClsidString); CoTaskMemFree(pszClsidID);
return DumpHRESULT(hresult); }
pszDump = (char *)CoTaskMemAlloc(512);
if (hresult != REGDB_E_CLASSNOTREG) { i = wsprintfA(pszDump, "%ls %ls\0", pszClsidString, pszClsidID); } else { i = wsprintfA(pszDump, "%ls (CLSID not in registry)\0", pszClsidString); }
if (i == 0) { pszDump = UtDupStringA(szDumpErrorMessage); }
CoTaskMemFree(pszClsidString); CoTaskMemFree(pszClsidID);
return pszDump; }
#endif // _DEBUG
// Function: DumpDVAPECTFlags, public (_DEBUG only)
// Synopsis: returns a char array with the set flags and hex value
// Effects:
// Arguments: [dwAspect] - flags
// Requires:
// Returns: character arry of string value of flags
// Signals:
// Modifies:
// Algorithm:
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 30-Jan-95 t-ScottH author
// Notes:
#ifdef _DEBUG
char *DumpDVASPECTFlags(DWORD dwAspect) { char *pszDump; dbgstream dstrDump(100);
if (dwAspect & DVASPECT_CONTENT) { dstrDump << "DVASPECT_CONTENT "; } if (dwAspect & DVASPECT_THUMBNAIL) { dstrDump << "DVASPECT_THUMBNAIL "; } if (dwAspect & DVASPECT_ICON) { dstrDump << "DVASPECT_ICON "; } if (dwAspect & DVASPECT_DOCPRINT) { dstrDump << "DVASPECT_DOCPRINT "; } if ( ! ((dwAspect & DVASPECT_CONTENT) | (dwAspect & DVASPECT_THUMBNAIL) | (dwAspect & DVASPECT_ICON) | (dwAspect & DVASPECT_DOCPRINT))) { dstrDump << "No FLAGS SET! "; } dstrDump << "(" << LongToPtr(dwAspect) << ")";
pszDump = dstrDump.str();
if (pszDump == NULL) { return UtDupStringA(szDumpErrorMessage); }
return pszDump; }
#endif // _DEBUG
// Function: DumpFILETIME, public (_DEBUG only)
// Synopsis: Dumps a filetime structure
// Effects:
// Arguments: [pFT] - pointer to a FILETIME structure
// Requires:
// Returns: character array of structure dump
// Signals:
// Modifies:
// Algorithm:
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 30-Jan-95 t-ScottH author
// Notes:
#ifdef _DEBUG
char *DumpFILETIME(FILETIME *pFT) { char *pszDump; dbgstream dstrDump(100);
if (pFT == NULL) { return UtDupStringA(szDumpBadPtr);; }
dstrDump << "Low: " << pFT->dwLowDateTime; dstrDump << "\tHigh: " << pFT->dwHighDateTime;
pszDump = dstrDump.str();
if (pszDump == NULL) { return UtDupStringA(szDumpErrorMessage); }
return pszDump; }
#endif // _DEBUG
// Function: DumpHRESULT
// Synopsis: Takes an HRESULT and builds a character array with a
// string version of the error and a hex version
// Effects:
// Arguments: [hresult] - the error which we are looking up
// Requires:
// Returns: character array
// Signals:
// Modifies:
// Algorithm:
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 27-Jan-95 t-ScottH author
// Notes:
#ifdef _DEBUG
char *DumpHRESULT(HRESULT hresult) { dbgstream dstrDump(100); char *pszDump; char *pszMessage = NULL; int cMsgLen;
if (cMsgLen == 0) // FormatMessage failed
{ delete[] pszMessage; return UtDupStringA(szDumpErrorMessage); }
dstrDump << "Error Code: " << pszMessage; dstrDump << "(" << hresult << ")";
pszDump = dstrDump.str();
if (pszDump == NULL) { pszDump = UtDupStringA(szDumpErrorMessage); }
delete[] pszMessage;
return pszDump; }
#endif // _DEBUG
// Function: DumpMonikerDisplayName
// Synopsis: dumps a meaningful moniker name
// Effects:
// Arguments: [pMoniker] - pointer to IMoniker interface
// Requires:
// Returns: character array of display name (ANSI)
// Signals:
// Modifies:
// Algorithm:
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 09-Feb-95 t-ScottH author
// Notes:
#ifdef _DEBUG
char *DumpMonikerDisplayName(IMoniker *pMoniker) { int i; HRESULT hresult; LPOLESTR pszMoniker; char *pszDump; LPBC pBC;
if (pMoniker == NULL) { return UtDupStringA(szDumpBadPtr); }
hresult = CreateBindCtx(0, &pBC); if (hresult != S_OK) { return DumpHRESULT(hresult); }
hresult = pMoniker->GetDisplayName(pBC, NULL, &pszMoniker);
if (hresult != S_OK) { CoTaskMemFree(pszMoniker);
return DumpHRESULT(hresult); }
pszDump = (char *)CoTaskMemAlloc(512);
i = wsprintfA(pszDump, "%ls \0", pszMoniker);
if (i == 0) { pszDump = UtDupStringA(szDumpErrorMessage); }
return pszDump; }
#endif // _DEBUG
// Function: DumpWIN32Error
// Synopsis: Takes an WIN32 error and builds a character array with a
// string version of the error and a hex version
// Effects:
// Arguments: [dwError] - the error which we are looking up
// Requires:
// Returns: character array
// Signals:
// Modifies:
// Algorithm:
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 27-Jan-95 t-ScottH author
// Notes:
#ifdef _DEBUG
char *DumpWIN32Error(DWORD dwError) { HRESULT hresult;
hresult = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dwError);
return DumpHRESULT(hresult); }
#endif // _DEBUG
// Function: DumpCACHELIST_ITEM, public (_DEBUG only)
// Synopsis: returns a string containing the contents of the data members
// Effects:
// Arguments: [pCLI] - a pointer to a CACHELIST_ITEM object
// [ulFlag] - a flag determining the prefix of all newlines of
// the out character array(default is 0 -no prefix)
// [nIndentLevel] - will add an indent prefix after the other prefix
// for all newlines(include those with no prefix)
// Requires:
// Returns: character array of structure dump or error (null terminated)
// Signals:
// Modifies:
// Algorithm:
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 23-Jan-95 t-ScottH author
// Notes:
#ifdef _DEBUG
/* char *DumpCACHELIST_ITEM(CACHELIST_ITEM *pCLI, ULONG ulFlag, int nIndentLevel)
{ int i; char *pszPrefix; char *pszDump; char *pszCCacheNode; dbgstream dstrPrefix; dbgstream dstrDump(1500);
if (pCLI == NULL) { return UtDupStringA(szDumpBadPtr); }
// determine prefix
if ( ulFlag & DEB_VERBOSE ) { dstrPrefix << pCLI << " _VB "; }
// determine indentation prefix
for (i = 0; i < nIndentLevel; i++) { dstrPrefix << DUMPTAB; }
pszPrefix = dstrPrefix.str();
// put data members in stream
dstrDump << pszPrefix << "Cache Node ID = " << pCLI->dwCacheId << endl;
if (pCLI->lpCacheNode != NULL) { pszCCacheNode = DumpCCacheNode(pCLI->lpCacheNode, ulFlag, nIndentLevel + 1); dstrDump << pszPrefix << "Cache Node:" << endl; dstrDump << pszCCacheNode; CoTaskMemFree(pszCCacheNode); } else { dstrDump << pszPrefix << "lpCacheNode = " << pCLI->lpCacheNode << endl; }
// cleanup and provide pointer to character array
pszDump = dstrDump.str();
if (pszDump == NULL) { pszDump = UtDupStringA(szDumpErrorMessage); }
return pszDump; } */ #endif // _DEBUG
// Function: DumpCMapDwordDword, public (_DEBUG only)
// Synopsis: not implemented
// Effects:
// Arguments: [pMDD] - pointer to a CMapDwordDword
// Requires:
// Returns: character array
// Signals:
// Modifies:
// Algorithm:
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 30-Jan-95 t-ScottH author
// Notes:
#ifdef _DEBUG
char *DumpCMapDwordDword(CMapDwordDword *pMDD, ULONG ulFlag, int nIndentLevel) { return UtDupStringA(" DumpCMapDwordDword is not implemented\n"); }
#endif // _DEBUG
// Function: DumpFORMATETC, public (_DEBUG only)
// Synopsis: returns a string containing the contents of the data members
// Effects:
// Arguments: [pFE] - a pointer to a FORMATETC object
// [ulFlag] - a flag determining the prefix of all newlines of
// the out character array(default is 0 -no prefix)
// [nIndentLevel] - will add an indent prefix after the other prefix
// for all newlines(include those with no prefix)
// Requires:
// Returns: character array of structure dump or error (null terminated)
// Signals:
// Modifies:
// Algorithm:
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 23-Jan-95 t-ScottH author
// Notes:
#ifdef _DEBUG
char *DumpFORMATETC(FORMATETC *pFE, ULONG ulFlag, int nIndentLevel) { int i; char *pszPrefix; char *pszDump; char *pszClipFormat; char *pszDVASPECT; dbgstream dstrPrefix; dbgstream dstrDump;
if (pFE == NULL) { return UtDupStringA(szDumpBadPtr); }
// determine prefix
if ( ulFlag & DEB_VERBOSE ) { dstrPrefix << pFE << " _VB "; }
// determine indentation prefix
for (i = 0; i < nIndentLevel; i++) { dstrPrefix << DUMPTAB; }
pszPrefix = dstrPrefix.str();
// put data members in stream
pszClipFormat = DumpCLIPFORMAT(pFE->cfFormat); dstrDump << pszPrefix << "CLIPFORMAT = " << pszClipFormat << endl; CoTaskMemFree(pszClipFormat);
dstrDump << pszPrefix << "pDVTARGETDEVICE = " << pFE->ptd << endl;
pszDVASPECT = DumpDVASPECTFlags(pFE->dwAspect); dstrDump << pszPrefix << "Aspect Flags = " << pszDVASPECT << endl; CoTaskMemFree(pszDVASPECT);
dstrDump << pszPrefix << "Tymed Flags = "; if (pFE->tymed & TYMED_HGLOBAL) { dstrDump << "TYMED_HGLOBAL "; } if (pFE->tymed & TYMED_FILE) { dstrDump << "TYMED_FILE "; } if (pFE->tymed & TYMED_ISTREAM) { dstrDump << "TYMED_ISTREAM "; } if (pFE->tymed & TYMED_ISTORAGE) { dstrDump << "TYMED_ISTORAGE "; } if (pFE->tymed & TYMED_GDI) { dstrDump << "TYMED_GDI "; } if (pFE->tymed & TYMED_MFPICT) { dstrDump << "TYMED_MFPICT "; } if (pFE->tymed & TYMED_ENHMF) { dstrDump << "TYMED_ENHMF "; } if (pFE->tymed == TYMED_NULL) { dstrDump << "TYMED_NULL "; } // if none of the flags are set there is an error
if ( !( (pFE->tymed & TYMED_HGLOBAL ) | (pFE->tymed & TYMED_FILE ) | (pFE->tymed & TYMED_ISTREAM ) | (pFE->tymed & TYMED_ISTORAGE ) | (pFE->tymed & TYMED_GDI ) | (pFE->tymed & TYMED_MFPICT ) | (pFE->tymed & TYMED_ENHMF ) | (pFE->tymed == TYMED_NULL ))) { dstrDump << "Error in FLAG!!!! "; } dstrDump << "(" << LongToPtr(pFE->tymed) << ")" << endl;
// cleanup and provide pointer to character array
pszDump = dstrDump.str();
if (pszDump == NULL) { pszDump = UtDupStringA(szDumpErrorMessage); }
return pszDump; }
#endif // _DEBUG
// Function: DumpIOlePresObj, public (_DEBUG only)
// Synopsis: calls the IOlePresObj::Dump method, takes care of errors and
// returns the zero terminated string
// Effects:
// Arguments: [pOPO] - pointer to IOlePresObj
// [ulFlag] - flag determining prefix of all newlines of the
// out character array (default is 0 - no prefix)
// [nIndentLevel] - will add a indent prefix after the other prefix
// for ALL newlines (including those with no prefix)
// Requires:
// Returns: character array of structure dump or error (null terminated)
// Signals:
// Modifies:
// Algorithm:
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 31-Jan-95 t-ScottH author
// Notes:
#ifdef _DEBUG
char *DumpIOlePresObj(IOlePresObj *pOPO, ULONG ulFlag, int nIndentLevel) { HRESULT hresult; char *pszDump;
if (pOPO == NULL) { return UtDupStringA(szDumpBadPtr); }
// defers to CMfObject, CEMfObject, CGenObject
hresult = pOPO->Dump(&pszDump, ulFlag, nIndentLevel);
if (hresult != NOERROR) { CoTaskMemFree(pszDump);
return DumpHRESULT(hresult); }
return pszDump; }
#endif // _DEBUG
// Function: DumpMEMSTM, public (_DEBUG only)
// Synopsis: returns a string containing the contents of the data members
// Effects:
// Arguments: [pMS] - a pointer to a MEMSTM object
// [ulFlag] - a flag determining the prefix of all newlines of
// the out character array(default is 0 -no prefix)
// [nIndentLevel] - will add an indent prefix after the other prefix
// for all newlines(include those with no prefix)
// Requires:
// Returns: character array of structure dump or error (null terminated)
// Signals:
// Modifies:
// Algorithm:
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 23-Jan-95 t-ScottH author
// Notes:
#ifdef _DEBUG
char *DumpMEMSTM(MEMSTM *pMS, ULONG ulFlag, int nIndentLevel) { int i; char *pszPrefix; char *pszDump; dbgstream dstrPrefix; dbgstream dstrDump;
if (pMS == NULL) { return UtDupStringA(szDumpBadPtr); }
// determine prefix
if ( ulFlag & DEB_VERBOSE ) { dstrPrefix << pMS << " _VB "; }
// determine indentation prefix
for (i = 0; i < nIndentLevel; i++) { dstrPrefix << DUMPTAB; }
pszPrefix = dstrPrefix.str();
// put data members in stream
dstrDump << pszPrefix << "Size of Global Memory = " << pMS->cb << endl; dstrDump << pszPrefix << "References = " << pMS->cRef << endl; dstrDump << pszPrefix << "hGlobal = " << pMS->hGlobal << endl; dstrDump << pszPrefix << "DeleteOnRelease? = "; if (pMS->fDeleteOnRelease == TRUE) { dstrDump << "TRUE" << endl; } else { dstrDump << "FALSE" << endl; }
// cleanup and provide pointer to character array
pszDump = dstrDump.str();
if (pszDump == NULL) { pszDump = UtDupStringA(szDumpErrorMessage); }
return pszDump; }
#endif // _DEBUG
// Function: DumpSTATDATA, public (_DEBUG only)
// Synopsis: returns a string containing the contents of the data members
// Effects:
// Arguments: [pSD] - a pointer to a STATDATA object
// [ulFlag] - a flag determining the prefix of all newlines of
// the out character array(default is 0 -no prefix)
// [nIndentLevel] - will add an indent prefix after the other prefix
// for all newlines(include those with no prefix)
// Requires:
// Returns: character array of structure dump or error (null terminated)
// Signals:
// Modifies:
// Algorithm:
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 23-Jan-95 t-ScottH author
// Notes:
#ifdef _DEBUG
char *DumpSTATDATA(STATDATA *pSD, ULONG ulFlag, int nIndentLevel) { int i; char *pszPrefix; char *pszDump; char *pszFORMATETC; char *pszADVF; dbgstream dstrPrefix; dbgstream dstrDump(500);
if (pSD == NULL) { return UtDupStringA(szDumpBadPtr); }
// determine prefix
if ( ulFlag & DEB_VERBOSE ) { dstrPrefix << pSD << " _VB "; }
// determine indentation prefix
for (i = 0; i < nIndentLevel; i++) { dstrPrefix << DUMPTAB; }
pszPrefix = dstrPrefix.str();
// put data members in stream
pszFORMATETC = DumpFORMATETC( &(pSD->formatetc), ulFlag, nIndentLevel + 1); dstrDump << pszPrefix << "FORMATETC:" << endl; dstrDump << pszFORMATETC; CoTaskMemFree(pszFORMATETC);
pszADVF = DumpADVFFlags( pSD->advf ); dstrDump << pszPrefix << "Advise flag = " << pszADVF << endl; CoTaskMemFree(pszADVF);
dstrDump << pszPrefix << "pIAdviseSink = " << pSD->pAdvSink << endl;
dstrDump << pszPrefix << "Connection ID = " << pSD->dwConnection << endl;
// cleanup and provide pointer to character array
pszDump = dstrDump.str();
if (pszDump == NULL) { pszDump = UtDupStringA(szDumpErrorMessage); }
return pszDump; }
#endif // _DEBUG
// Function: DumpSTGMEDIUM, public (_DEBUG only)
// Synopsis: returns a string containing the contents of the data members
// Effects:
// Arguments: [pFE] - a pointer to a STGMEDIUM object
// [ulFlag] - a flag determining the prefix of all newlines of
// the out character array(default is 0 -no prefix)
// [nIndentLevel] - will add an indent prefix after the other prefix
// for all newlines(include those with no prefix)
// Requires:
// Returns: character array of structure dump or error (null terminated)
// Signals:
// Modifies:
// Algorithm:
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 23-Jan-95 t-ScottH author
// Notes:
#ifdef _DEBUG
char *DumpSTGMEDIUM(STGMEDIUM *pSM, ULONG ulFlag, int nIndentLevel) { int i; char *pszPrefix; char *pszDump; dbgstream dstrPrefix; dbgstream dstrDump;
if (pSM == NULL) { return UtDupStringA(szDumpBadPtr); }
// determine prefix
if ( ulFlag & DEB_VERBOSE ) { dstrPrefix << pSM << " _VB "; }
// determine indentation prefix
for (i = 0; i < nIndentLevel; i++) { dstrPrefix << DUMPTAB; }
pszPrefix = dstrPrefix.str();
// put data members in stream
dstrDump << pszPrefix << "Tymed Flags = "; if (pSM->tymed & TYMED_HGLOBAL) { dstrDump << "TYMED_HGLOBAL "; } if (pSM->tymed & TYMED_FILE) { dstrDump << "TYMED_FILE "; } if (pSM->tymed & TYMED_ISTREAM) { dstrDump << "TYMED_ISTREAM "; } if (pSM->tymed & TYMED_ISTORAGE) { dstrDump << "TYMED_ISTORAGE "; } if (pSM->tymed & TYMED_GDI) { dstrDump << "TYMED_GDI "; } if (pSM->tymed & TYMED_MFPICT) { dstrDump << "TYMED_MFPICT "; } if (pSM->tymed & TYMED_ENHMF) { dstrDump << "TYMED_ENHMF "; } if (pSM->tymed == TYMED_NULL) { dstrDump << "TYMED_NULL "; } // if none of the flags are set there is an error
if ( !( (pSM->tymed & TYMED_HGLOBAL ) | (pSM->tymed & TYMED_FILE ) | (pSM->tymed & TYMED_ISTREAM ) | (pSM->tymed & TYMED_ISTORAGE ) | (pSM->tymed & TYMED_GDI ) | (pSM->tymed & TYMED_MFPICT ) | (pSM->tymed & TYMED_ENHMF ) | (pSM->tymed == TYMED_NULL ))) { dstrDump << "Error in FLAG!!!! "; } dstrDump << "(" << LongToPtr(pSM->tymed) << ")" << endl;
dstrDump << pszPrefix << "Union (handle or pointer) = " << pSM->hBitmap << endl;
dstrDump << pszPrefix << "pIUnknown for Release = " << pSM->pUnkForRelease << endl;
// cleanup and provide pointer to character array
pszDump = dstrDump.str();
if (pszDump == NULL) { pszDump = UtDupStringA(szDumpErrorMessage); }
return pszDump; }
#endif // _DEBUG