// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1995.
// File: defsrv.cpp
// Contents:
// Classes:
// Functions:
// History: 10-19-95 JohannP (Johann Posch) Created
#include <le2int.h>
#include <scode.h>
#include <objerror.h>
#include <olerem.h>
#include "defhndlr.h"
#include "defutil.h"
#include "ole1cls.h"
#ifdef _DEBUG
#include <dbgdump.h>
#endif // _DEBUG
// Method: CDefObject::SrvInitialize
// Synopsis:
// Arguments: [void] --
// Returns:
// History: 10-19-95 JohannP (Johann Posch) Created
// Notes:
HRESULT CDefObject::SrvInitialize(void) { HRESULT hresult = NOERROR; VDATEHEAP(); HdlDebugOut((DEB_SERVERHANDLER, "%p _IN CDefObject::Initialize\n", this));
CLSID clsidsrv = CLSID_ServerHandler; Assert (( CanUseServerHandler() )); Assert((m_pProxyMgr != NULL));
if (CanUseClientSiteHandler()) { hresult = CreateClientSiteHandler(m_pAppClientSite, &_pClientSiteHandler); if (FAILED(hresult)) { _pClientSiteHandler = NULL; } Assert((_pClientSiteHandler != NULL));
hresult = m_pProxyMgr->CreateServerWithHandler(m_clsidServer, CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER, NULL,clsidsrv, IID_IServerHandler, (void **) &_pSrvHndlr, IID_IClientSiteHandler, _pClientSiteHandler);
if (SUCCEEDED(hresult)) { // set up the server handler and call InitializeAndRun on it
Assert((_pSrvHndlr != NULL)); } else { // try to get server without server handler object
_dwClientSiteHandler = 0; _dwServerHandler = 0;
// release the client handler
if (_pClientSiteHandler) { _pClientSiteHandler->Release(); _pClientSiteHandler = NULL; } // Note: do not try to launch the server without handler here
// this will be done by the default handler
HdlDebugOut((DEB_SERVERHANDLER, "%p OUT CDefObject::SrvInitialize\n", this)); return hresult; }
// Method: CDefObject::SrvRun
// Synopsis:
// Arguments: [void] --
// Returns:
// History: 10-19-95 JohannP (Johann Posch) Created
// Notes:
HRESULT CDefObject::SrvRun(void) { HRESULT hresult = NOERROR; VDATEHEAP(); HdlDebugOut((DEB_SERVERHANDLER, "%p _IN CDefObject::SrvRun\n", this)); INSRVRUN InSrvRun; OUTSRVRUN *pOutSrvRun = NULL; BOOL fLockedContainer; IMoniker *pmk;
memset((void*)&InSrvRun, 0, sizeof(InSrvRun)); Assert((_pSrvHndlr));
// get the Container and lock it
// NOTE: the lock state of the proxy mgr is not changed; it remembers
// the state and sets up the connection correctly.
// server is running; normally this coincides with locking the
// container, but we keep a separate flag since locking the container
// may fail.
m_flags |= DH_FORCED_RUNNING; // Lock the container
fLockedContainer = m_flags & DH_LOCKED_CONTAINER; DuLockContainer(m_pAppClientSite, TRUE, &fLockedContainer ); if( fLockedContainer ) { m_flags |= DH_LOCKED_CONTAINER; } else { m_flags &= ~DH_LOCKED_CONTAINER; }
// PStgDelegate Load or InitNew
InSrvRun.dwInFlags = m_flags; InSrvRun.pStg = m_pStg;
if (NULL == m_pPSDelegate) { InSrvRun.dwOperation |= OP_NeedPersistStorage; } if (NULL == m_pDataDelegate) { InSrvRun.dwOperation |= OP_NeedDataObject; } if (NULL == m_pOleDelegate) { InSrvRun.dwOperation |= OP_NeedOleObject; InSrvRun.dwOperation |= OP_NeedUserClassID; }
// Set the clientsite
if (m_pAppClientSite) { InSrvRun.dwOperation |= OP_GotClientSite; }
// set the hostname
InSrvRun.pszContainerApp = (LPOLESTR)m_pHostNames; InSrvRun.pszContainerObj = (LPOLESTR)(m_pHostNames + m_ibCntrObj);
// adivse sink
Assert((m_dwConnOle == 0L)); InSrvRun.pAS = (IAdviseSink *) &m_AdviseSink; InSrvRun.dwConnOle = m_dwConnOle;
// Get the Moniker and call
if(m_pAppClientSite != NULL) { if (m_pAppClientSite->GetMoniker (OLEGETMONIKER_ONLYIFTHERE,OLEWHICHMK_OBJREL, &pmk) == NOERROR) { AssertOutPtrIface(NOERROR, pmk); InSrvRun.pMnk = pmk; } else { InSrvRun.pMnk = NULL; }
// QI for IMsoDocumentSite
IUnknown *pMsoDS = NULL;
hresult = m_pAppClientSite->QueryInterface( IID_IMsoDocumentSite, (void **)&pMsoDS); if (hresult == NOERROR) { // indicate we have MsoDocumentSite
InSrvRun.dwOperation |= OP_HaveMsoDocumentSite; pMsoDS->Release(); } }
hresult = _pSrvHndlr->RunAndInitialize(&InSrvRun, &pOutSrvRun);
if (SUCCEEDED(hresult)) { if (InSrvRun.dwOperation & OP_NeedPersistStorage) { Assert(NULL != pOutSrvRun->pPStg); m_pPSDelegate = pOutSrvRun->pPStg; } if (InSrvRun.dwOperation & OP_NeedDataObject) { Assert(NULL != pOutSrvRun->pDO); m_pDataDelegate = pOutSrvRun->pDO;
// inform cache that we are running
Assert(NULL != m_pCOleCache); m_pCOleCache->OnRun(m_pDataDelegate);
// Enumerate all the advises we stored while we were either not
// running or running the previous time, and send them to the
// now-running object.
Assert(NULL != m_pDataAdvCache); m_pDataAdvCache->EnumAndAdvise(m_pDataDelegate, TRUE); } if (InSrvRun.dwOperation & OP_NeedOleObject) { Assert(NULL != pOutSrvRun->pOO); m_pOleDelegate = pOutSrvRun->pOO; } if (InSrvRun.dwOperation & OP_NeedUserClassID) { Assert(NULL != pOutSrvRun->pUserClassID); m_clsidUser = *(pOutSrvRun->pUserClassID); }
m_dwConnOle = pOutSrvRun->dwOutFlag;
if (InSrvRun.pMnk != NULL) { InSrvRun.pMnk->Release(); }
// release the pUnkOuter for all marshald pointers
if (m_pPSDelegate && m_pUnkOuter) { m_pUnkOuter->Release(); } if (m_pOleDelegate && m_pUnkOuter) { m_pUnkOuter->Release(); } if (m_pDataDelegate && m_pUnkOuter) { m_pUnkOuter->Release(); } } else // Server Handler RunAndInitialize has failed... now clean up.
{ Stop();
// if for some reason we did not unlock the container by now,
// do it (e.g., app crashed or failed during InitNew).
fLockedContainer = (m_flags & DH_LOCKED_CONTAINER);
DuLockContainer(m_pAppClientSite, FALSE, &fLockedContainer );
if( fLockedContainer ) { m_flags |= DH_LOCKED_CONTAINER; } else { m_flags &= ~DH_LOCKED_CONTAINER; }
if (InSrvRun.pMnk != NULL) { InSrvRun.pMnk->Release(); } }
if (pOutSrvRun != NULL) { PubMemFree(pOutSrvRun->pUserClassID); // OK to free NULL;
PubMemFree(pOutSrvRun); }
HdlDebugOut((DEB_SERVERHANDLER, "%p OUT CDefObject::SrvRun( %lx )\n", this, hresult)); return hresult; }
// Method: CDefObject::SrvRunAndDoVerb
// Synopsis:
// Arguments: [iVerb] --
// [lpmsg] --
// [pActiveSite] --
// [lindex] --
// [hwndParent] --
// [lprcPosRect] --
// Returns:
// History: 10-19-95 JohannP (Johann Posch) Created
// Notes: This is not implemented yet.
HRESULT CDefObject::SrvRunAndDoVerb( LONG iVerb, LPMSG lpmsg, LPOLECLIENTSITE pActiveSite, LONG lindex, HWND hwndParent, const RECT * lprcPosRect) { HRESULT hresult = NOERROR; VDATEHEAP(); HdlDebugOut((DEB_SERVERHANDLER, "%p _IN CDefObject::SrvRunAndDoVerb\n", this));
HdlDebugOut((DEB_SERVERHANDLER, "%p OUT CDefObject::SrvRunAndDoVerb\n", this)); return hresult; }
// Method: CDefObject::SrvDoVerb
// Synopsis: 1. gathers information on the client site
// 2. calls the serverhandler with SrvDoverb with collected information
// 3. serverhandler sets up connections and calls
// OleObject::DoVerb on reall object
// 4. release objects which did not get used
// Arguments: [iVerb] -- OleObject DoVerb parameter
// [lpmsg] -- detto
// [pActiveSite] -- detto
// [lindex] -- detto
// [hwndParent] -- detto
// [lprcPosRect] -- detto
// Returns:
// History: 10-19-95 JohannP (Johann Posch) Created
// Notes:
HRESULT CDefObject::SrvDoVerb( LONG iVerb, LPMSG lpmsg, LPOLECLIENTSITE pActiveSite, LONG lindex, HWND hwndParent, const RECT * lprcPosRect) { HRESULT hresult = NOERROR; VDATEHEAP(); HdlDebugOut((DEB_SERVERHANDLER, "%p _IN CDefObject::SrvDoVerb\n", this)); CInSrvRun InSrvRun; OUTSRVRUN *pOutSrvRun = NULL; IOleContainer *pOCont = NULL; IOleObject *pOOCont = NULL; IOleClientSite *pOContCS; IOleInPlaceSite *pOIPS;
// set up the DoVerb parametes
InSrvRun.dwOperation = 0; InSrvRun.iVerb = iVerb; InSrvRun.lpmsg = lpmsg; InSrvRun.lindex = lindex; InSrvRun.hwndParent = hwndParent; InSrvRun.lprcPosRect = (RECT *)lprcPosRect;
// Step 1: set up OleClientSiteActive
if (pActiveSite) { // Currently this Assert goes off with LE test = deflink-1854 (bchapman Mar'96)
Assert(NULL != _pClientSiteHandler);
_pClientSiteHandler->SetClientSiteDelegate(ID_ClientSiteActive, pActiveSite); InSrvRun.dwOperation |= OP_GotClientSiteActive; }
// Step 2: IOleClientSite::GetContainer
// Note: this call might cause a GetUserClassID call
// to the server
hresult = m_pAppClientSite->GetContainer(&pOCont); if (hresult == NOERROR) { HdlAssert((_pClientSiteHandler->_pOCont == NULL));
_pClientSiteHandler->_pOCont = pOCont; InSrvRun.dwOperation |= OP_GotContainer;
// Step 3: QI on OleContainer for the OleObject
hresult = pOCont->QueryInterface(IID_IOleObject, (void **)&pOOCont); if (hresult == NOERROR) { InSrvRun.dwOperation |= OP_GotOleObjectOfContainer;
// release OleObject of container
pOOCont->Release(); } }
// Step 6: OI for IOleInPlaceSite
hresult = m_pAppClientSite->QueryInterface(IID_IOleInPlaceSite, (void **)&pOIPS); if (hresult == NOERROR) { // set up OleInPlaceSite on the clientsitehandler
HdlAssert((_pClientSiteHandler != NULL));
// release the old OleInPlaceSite
if (_pClientSiteHandler->_pOIPS) { _pClientSiteHandler->_pOIPS->Release(); }
_pClientSiteHandler->_pOIPS = pOIPS;
// Step 7: IOleInPlaceSite::CanInPlaceActivate
InSrvRun.dwInPlace = pOIPS->CanInPlaceActivate();
// indicate we have OleInPlaceSite
InSrvRun.dwOperation |= OP_GotInPlaceSite; }
// call the ServerHandler
HdlDebugOut((DEB_SERVERHANDLER, "%p In CDefObject::SrvDoVerb calling DoVerb on ServerHandler!\n",this)); hresult = _pSrvHndlr->DoVerb(&InSrvRun, &pOutSrvRun); HdlDebugOut((DEB_SERVERHANDLER, "%p In CDefObject::SrvDoVerb return from DoVerb on ServerHandler!\n",this));
Assert(NULL != _pClientSiteHandler);
if (FAILED(hresult)) { HdlDebugOut((DEB_ERROR, "OO::DoVerb failed !")); goto errRtn; } // Release the active OleClientSite if not used by server
if ( (InSrvRun.dwOperation & OP_GotClientSiteActive) && !(pOutSrvRun->dwOperation & OP_GotClientSiteActive) ) { // release the active clientsite if not used by the server app.
Assert(NULL != _pClientSiteHandler);
_pClientSiteHandler->SetClientSiteDelegate(ID_ClientSiteActive, NULL); }
// Release OleInPlaceSite if not used by server
if ( (InSrvRun.dwOperation & OP_GotInPlaceSite) && !(pOutSrvRun->dwOperation & OP_GotInPlaceSite) ) { _pClientSiteHandler->SetClientSiteDelegate(ID_InPlaceSite,NULL); }
// Release the container if not used by server
if ( (InSrvRun.dwOperation & OP_GotContainer) && !(pOutSrvRun->dwOperation & OP_GotContainer) ) { _pClientSiteHandler->SetClientSiteDelegate(ID_Container,NULL); }
// delete the out parameter
if (pOutSrvRun) { PubMemFree(pOutSrvRun); }
HdlDebugOut((DEB_SERVERHANDLER, "%p OUT CDefObject::SrvDoVerb\n",this)); return hresult; }
// Method: CDefObject::SrvRelease
// Synopsis:
// Arguments: [void] --
// Returns:
// History: 10-19-95 JohannP (Johann Posch) Created
// Notes:
DWORD CDefObject::SrvRelease(void) { VDATEHEAP(); HdlDebugOut((DEB_SERVERHANDLER, "%p _IN CDefObject::SrvRelease\n", this)); Assert((_pSrvHndlr != NULL));
DWORD dwRet = _pSrvHndlr->Release(); #if DBG==1
if (dwRet) { HdlDebugOut((DEB_ERROR, "Last IServerHandler::Release() return %ld\n", dwRet)); } #endif
_pSrvHndlr = NULL;
HdlDebugOut((DEB_SERVERHANDLER, "%p OUT CDefObject::SrvRelease\n", this)); return dwRet; }
// Method: CDefObject::SrvCloseAndRelease
// Synopsis:
// Arguments: [dwFlag] --
// Returns:
// History: 11-17-95 JohannP (Johann Posch) Created
// Notes:
HRESULT CDefObject::SrvCloseAndRelease(DWORD dwFlag) { HRESULT hresult; VDATEHEAP(); HdlDebugOut((DEB_SERVERHANDLER, "%p _IN CDefObject::SrvCloseAndRelease\n", this)); HdlAssert((_pSrvHndlr != NULL));
hresult = _pSrvHndlr->CloseAndRelease(dwFlag);
HdlDebugOut((DEB_SERVERHANDLER, "%p OUT CDefObject::SrvSrvCloseAndRelease hr:%lx\n",this,hresult)); return hresult; }
// Method: CDefObject::InitializeServerHandlerOptions
// Synopsis:
// Arguments: [clsidSrv] --
// Returns:
// History: 11-17-95 JohannP (Johann Posch) Created
// Notes: determines server application specifics which can be used
// to make serverhandler operations more efficient
// Review: (JohannP) we would need a flag in the registery or so
void CDefObject::InitializeServerHandlerOptions(REFCLSID clsidSrv) { VDATEHEAP(); HdlDebugOut((DEB_SERVERHANDLER, "%p _IN CDefObject::InitializeServerHandlerOptions\n",this));
// this method should retrieve server application specific informantion
HdlDebugOut((DEB_SERVERHANDLER, "%p OUT CDefObject::InitializeServerHandlerOptions\n",this)); }