// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1994.
// File: dlltable.cxx
// Contents: DLL table management
// History: 16-Mar-94 DrewB Taken from OLE2 16-bit sources
#include <headers.cxx>
#pragma hdrstop
#include <ole2int.h>
#include <taskmap.h>
#include <call32.hxx>
#include <apilist.hxx>
#include "dlltable.h"
// FUTURE: move to some private header file
INTERNAL_(void) ReleaseDemandLoadCO(Etask FAR& etask);
// Keep only hInst. Always do LoadLibrary; if hInst already exist
// do FreeLibrary. This is because GetModuleHandle(pLibName) doesn't
// neccessarily return same value as LoadLibrary(pLibName).
HINSTANCE CDlls::GetLibrary(LPSTR pLibName, BOOL fAutoFree) { UINT i, nFree, nOldErrorMode; HINSTANCE hInst;
#ifndef _MAC
// REVIEW: The SetErrorMode calls turn of the Windows "File not found"
// message box, assuming that the app will respond to the error code.
// The name of the file that was not found will be lost by the time we
// return to the app, however. We may want to reconsider this.
nOldErrorMode = SetErrorMode(SEM_NOOPENFILEERRORBOX); hInst = LoadLibrary(pLibName); SetErrorMode(nOldErrorMode); #ifdef WIN32
if (hInst == NULL) #else
if (hInst < HINSTANCE_ERROR) #endif
return hInst; #else
hInst = WinLoadLibrary(pLibName);
if (hInst == HINSTANCE_ERROR) return hInst; #endif
for (nFree = m_size, i = 0; i < m_size; i++) {
if (m_pDlls[i].refsTotal == 0) { if (nFree > i) nFree = i; continue; }
if (hInst == m_pDlls[i].hInst) { m_pDlls[i].refsTotal++; if (fAutoFree) m_pDlls[i].refsAuto++; FreeLibrary(hInst); return hInst; } }
if (nFree == m_size) { UINT newsize = m_size + 10; void FAR* pMem = NULL; IMalloc FAR* pMalloc;
if (CoGetMalloc(MEMCTX_TASK, &pMalloc) == 0) { pMem = pMalloc->Realloc(m_pDlls, newsize * sizeof(m_pDlls[0])); pMalloc->Release(); }
if (pMem == NULL) { FreeLibrary(hInst); return NULL; // Out of memory
_fmemset(((char FAR*) pMem) + m_size * sizeof(m_pDlls[0]),0, (newsize - m_size) * sizeof(m_pDlls[0])); *((void FAR* FAR*) &m_pDlls) = pMem; m_size = newsize; }
m_pDlls[nFree].hInst = hInst; m_pDlls[nFree].refsTotal = 1; m_pDlls[nFree].refsAuto = fAutoFree != 0; m_pDlls[nFree].lpfnDllCanUnloadNow = (LPFNCANUNLOADNOW)IGetProcAddress(hInst, "DllCanUnloadNow");
#ifdef _DEBUG
// call it now to prevent dlls from using it to indicate they will be
// unloaded.
if (m_pDlls[nFree].lpfnDllCanUnloadNow != NULL) (void)(*m_pDlls[nFree].lpfnDllCanUnloadNow)(); #endif // _DEBUG
return hInst; }
// unload library.
void CDlls::ReleaseLibrary(HINSTANCE hInst) { UINT i;
for (i = 0; i < m_size; i++) {
if (m_pDlls[i].refsTotal == 0) continue;
if (hInst == m_pDlls[i].hInst) {
if (--m_pDlls[i].refsTotal == 0) { Assert(m_pDlls[i].refsAuto == 0); FreeLibrary(m_pDlls[i].hInst); m_pDlls[i].hInst = NULL; m_pDlls[i].lpfnDllCanUnloadNow = NULL; }
return; } } }
void CDlls::FreeAllLibraries(void) { UINT i;
for (i = 0; i < m_size; i++) {
if (m_pDlls[i].refsTotal == 0) continue;
// A dll loaded on behalf of this app hasn't been freed by it
#ifdef _DEBUG
if (m_pDlls[i].refsTotal != m_pDlls[i].refsAuto) { // not all references to this dll are auto load; print message
char pln[_MAX_PATH];
if (GetModuleFileName(m_pDlls[i].hInst,pln,_MAX_PATH) == 0) lstrcpy(pln,"<unknown>"); Puts("WARNING in Uninitialize: Did not free "); Puts(pln); Puts("\r\n"); } #endif
FreeLibrary(m_pDlls[i].hInst); }
CoMemFree(m_pDlls, MEMCTX_TASK); m_size = 0; m_pDlls = NULL; }
// for all dlls, find lpfnDllCanUnloadNow; call it; do it
void CDlls::FreeUnusedLibraries(void) { static BOOL v_fReadUnloadOption = FALSE; static BOOL v_fAllowUnloading = TRUE; UINT i;
for (i = 0; i < m_size; i++) {
if (m_pDlls[i].refsTotal == 0) continue;
if (m_pDlls[i].refsTotal != m_pDlls[i].refsAuto) continue;
// have an auto-free dll (total refs == auto refs)
if (m_pDlls[i].lpfnDllCanUnloadNow == NULL) continue;
if (!v_fReadUnloadOption) { v_fAllowUnloading = GetProfileInt("windows", "AllowOptimalDllUnload", TRUE);
v_fReadUnloadOption = TRUE; }
// we want to actually make the call and then check the flag; that
// way, we ensure that the dlls are exercising their code, but we
// don't take action on it.
if ((*m_pDlls[i].lpfnDllCanUnloadNow)() == NOERROR && v_fAllowUnloading) { FreeLibrary(m_pDlls[i].hInst); m_pDlls[i].refsTotal = NULL; m_pDlls[i].refsAuto = NULL; m_pDlls[i].hInst = NULL; m_pDlls[i].lpfnDllCanUnloadNow = NULL; } } }
static INTERNAL_(BOOL) EnsureDllMap(CDlls FAR* FAR* ppDlls) { HTASK hTask; Etask etask;
if (!LookupEtask(hTask, etask)) return FALSE;
// NOTE - The original code used TASK-allocating operator new
if (etask.m_pDlls == NULL) { if ((etask.m_pDlls = new FAR CDlls) == NULL) return FALSE;
SetEtask(hTask, etask); }
*ppDlls = etask.m_pDlls; return TRUE; }
STDAPI_(HINSTANCE) CoLoadLibrary(LPSTR pLibName, BOOL fAutoFree) { CDlls FAR* pCDlls;
if (!EnsureDllMap(&pCDlls)) return NULL;
return pCDlls->GetLibrary(pLibName, fAutoFree); }
STDAPI_(void) CoFreeLibrary(HINSTANCE hInst) { CDlls FAR* pCDlls;
if (!EnsureDllMap(&pCDlls)) return;
pCDlls->ReleaseLibrary(hInst); }
STDAPI_(void) CoFreeAllLibraries(void) { thkDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "CoFreeAllLibraries\n")); CDlls FAR* pCDlls;
if (!EnsureDllMap(&pCDlls)) return;
// Also thunk the call to 32-bits
CallObjectInWOW(THK_API_METHOD(THK_API_CoFreeAllLibraries), NULL); thkDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "CoFreeAllLibraries exit\n")); }
STDAPI_(void) CoFreeUnusedLibraries(void) { HTASK hTask; Etask etask;
if (!LookupEtask(hTask, etask) || etask.m_pDlls == NULL) return;
#if 0
// Do we need this? We won't be loading any class objects?
ReleaseDemandLoadCO(etask); #endif
// Also thunk the call to 32-bits
CallObjectInWOW(THK_API_METHOD(THK_API_CoFreeUnusedLibraries), NULL); }