// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1993.
// File: SIFT.hxx
// Contents: Simulated Iterated Failure Testing Header
// History: 25-Jan-93 AlexT Created
class CTestCase { protected: inline CTestCase(void) {}
public: virtual BOOL Init(void) = 0; virtual SCODE Prep(LONG iteration) = 0; virtual SCODE Call(LONG iteration) = 0; virtual void EndCall(LONG iteration) = 0; virtual void CallVerify(LONG iteration) = 0; virtual void EndPrep(LONG iteration) = 0; virtual void EndVerify(LONG iteration) = 0; virtual BOOL Next(void) = 0; };
/* Template
BOOL CTestCase::Init(void) {
SCODE CTestCase::Prep(LONG iteration) {
SCODE CTestCase::Call(LONG iteration) {
void CTestCase::EndCall(LONG iteration) {
void CTestCase::CallVerify(LONG iteration) {
void CTestCase::EndPrep(LONG iteration) {
void CTestCase::EndVerify(LONG iteration) {
BOOL CTestCase::Next(void) {
// The following functions are provided by the individual test
int TestCount(void); CTestCase *TestItem(int iTest);
// The following are provided by sift.cxx
void SiftInit(void); void SiftDriver(CTestCase *); void SetFailLimit(LONG limit);
class CModeDf { private: int _it, _ia, _is, _id, _ic; // Docfile mode component indices
DWORD _dwMode;
void CalcMode(void);
public: void Init(void); DWORD GetMode(void) const {return _dwMode;} BOOL Next(void); };
class CModeStg { private: int _it, _ia; // Storage mode component indices
DWORD _dwMode;
void CalcMode(void);
public: void Init(void); DWORD GetMode(void) const {return _dwMode;} BOOL Next(void); };
class CModeStm { private: int _ia; // Stream mode component indices
DWORD _dwMode;
void CalcMode(void);
public: void Init(void); DWORD GetMode(void) const {return _dwMode;} BOOL Next(void); };